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《说文解字》有关部首字的解释,可归纳为以下几个方面:1.从认识论的角度解释部首字;2.从词概念的角度解释部首字;3.从字形结构方面解释部首字;4.从事理的角度解释部首字;5.从词义的功能角度解释部首字;6.从词所表示的事物隶属关系角度解释部首字;7.从词汇所描摩事物的状态角度解释部首字;8.从词义的差异角度解释部首字;9.从方言的角度解释部首字。《说文》对部首字的解释,对我们今天的辞书撰写,有着一定的启发和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

从韭菜叶片组织分离的韭菜凝集素具有凝集细胞的作用。在测试的红细胞中能凝集小鼠、豚鼠、兔的红细胞,其中对兔的红细胞凝集活性最高。韭菜凝集素还能凝集小鼠S_(180)肉瘤细胞、大鼠W_(258)肿瘤细胞,人的Hela肿瘤细胞和MGC_(80-3)胃癌细胞、小鼠和大鼠的骨髓细胞以及牛精子细胞,而不凝集小鼠艾氏肿瘤细胞、小鼠和大鼠的脾脏淋巴细胞。韭菜凝集素的血凝活性可被D—甘露糖、D—半乳糖和D—松二糖所抑制。  相似文献   

目的通过对甲状腺冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块免疫组织化学染色效果进行对照观察.发现冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块对免疫组织化学染包效果的差异,为选择冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块做免疫组织化学提供理论实践依据。方法3冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块分别切片用EnVision法做TTF-1,CK19,Gal—3,HBME—1.TPO,TG免疫组织化学染色。结果对TTF—1.CK19.Gal-3,HBME-1,TPO,TG免疫组织化学染色结果的背景.定位进行分析.冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块免疫组织化学染色各项指标阳性率完全一致。结论冰对蜡块与冰剩蜡块分别做免疫组织化学染色结果无明显差别.在没有冰剩蜡块或冰剩蜡块不符合要求时选择冰对蜡块做免坡组化.结果对诊断无影响。  相似文献   

植物病原线虫短体属种类的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道了广西的小麦、玉米、甘薯、大豆、甘蔗、香蕉、菠萝和柚子等作物根部的短体属病原线虫9种,分别记述它们的种名、形态测量数据、形态特征、标本采集地、地理分布、重要寄主植物和致病性并附形态特征图。  相似文献   

当前,我国再审改革应遵循如下基本思路:从“客观真实”到“法律真实”,从“有错必纠”到“有错慎纠”,从“不告也理”到“不告不理”,从“公正至上”到“兼顾效率”,从“第三者插足”到“有限监督”,从“再审无限”到“再审有限”,从“主从论”到“并重论”。  相似文献   

选择Y染色体特异的性别决定基因(Sry)作为新的细胞遗传标志,采用PCR技术对小鼠骨髓细胞重建造血的性能和造血重建小鼠骨髓中成纤维细胞的起源进行研究.将正常雄鼠骨髓细胞输注给经致死剂量射线照射的受体雌性小鼠,PCR技术检测结果表明,在活存小鼠的骨髓、脾脏、胸腺和淋巴结中均具有供体起源的细胞.而正常雄鼠或5-氟尿嘧啶处理的雄鼠骨髓细胞输注给受体雌性小鼠后,造血重建小鼠骨髓中的成纤维细胞则为受体起源.由此可见,小鼠骨髓中的成纤维细胞与造血细胞具有不同的起源.  相似文献   

闵杰 《韶关学院学报》2007,28(11):77-79
广义“读者”与狭义“读者”之间,存在着渐次清晰的历史演进走向:由对自然之物(天地万物,星辰宇宙,乃至人自身)的阅读,到对人为之物的阅读;由政治性、宗教性的阅读,转向审美性的阅读;由被动的接受到主动的选择;由群体性的行为到个体性的行为;由精英阶层向普通民众的普及过程。  相似文献   

作者从芸苔(Brassica campestris)中用RT-PCR方法获得了EPSPs基因的cDNA.与其他物种中的EPSPs基因进行了比对和分析发现:芸苔EPSPs基因的cDNA与欧洲油菜的同源性最高,为93%,与水稻同源性最低,仅为64%.将芸苔EPSPs的ORF片段插入到GTK融合表达载体中,为EPSPs的原核表达奠定了基础。  相似文献   

芝麻的茎端具有明显的原套、原体结构和细胞组织学的分区界线。这种结构特点在双间隔期的晚期表现得最为突出。茎端的高度和宽度随着叶龄的增加而略有加大,但高、宽比则基本上无变化、茎的原表皮由原套的最外层细胞分化发育而来,皮层母细胞由周缘区的较外侧及原套的内层细胞分化发育而来,髓母主要由肋状分生组织区的细胞产生,但也有少部分来源于周缘区的内侧细胞。原形成层在顶端分生组织之下叶原基起源的地方发生。在某一原形成层束内,最早分化的是原生韧皮部,其次是原生木质部,后生木质部分化最晚。  相似文献   

从宋元话本到清代的白话公案小说,判官形象的发展和演变分为两个阶段:由宋元到明,判官形象由否定逐渐转向肯定;由边缘向中心靠近;由人上升为神。由明到晚清,判官形象由肯定逐渐转向否定;由中心向边缘外移;由神又下降为人。判官形象发生变化有社会环境、民众心理和创作主体这三个方面的原因。  相似文献   

Liu  ZhiFei  Li  XiaJing  Colin  Christophe  Ge  HuangMin 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(35):4058-4068
High-resolution clay mineralogical analysis of Core MD05-2904 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) covering the period since the Last Glacial Maximum shows that illite (29%–48%), smectite (14%–45%), chlorite (17%–28%), and minor kaolinite (6%–14%) comprise the clay mineral assemblage, and that time series variation does not present glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Provenance analysis indicates three end-member sources: almost all smectite derives from Luzon, all kaolinite is sourced from the Pearl River, and illite and chlorite originate from both the Pearl River and Taiwan. By comparing clay mineral compositions in surface sediments from the three major source areas and of the SCS, we reconstructed a time series of clay mineral contribution from the major provenances to the northern slope of the SCS using the linear separation method for illite crystallinity. There were three stages of provenance change. (1) During 24.1–17.5 ka BP, contributions from Taiwan and Luzon were similar (30%–40%), while that from the Pearl River was only 25%. (2) During 17.5–14.0 ka BP, the contribution from Luzon decreased rapidly to 20%–25%, while that from Taiwan increased to 35% from an average of 25% at 18 ka BP, and that from the Pearl River increased largely to 40%. (3) During the Holocene, differences in contributions from the three major provenances increased: the contribution from Luzon increased slightly and then remained at 27%–35%, that from Taiwan increased rapidly and then remained at 55%–60%, and that from the Pearl River decreased to 15%. The change in clay mineral contributions from different provenances is influenced mainly by clay mineral production, monsoon rainfall denudation, oceanic current transport, and sea-level change.  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加快,异化的趋势在字幕翻译中越来越明显。文章从字幕翻译的定义和特点以及信息理论三个层面着手,并引用了好莱坞影片和流行的电视剧作为例证,来论证这一趋势。  相似文献   

元初诗文评论家刘将孙的《如心室画记》一文很明显地反映他文艺观念上的师心倾向。他的“如心说”一定程度上继承并绾合了前人“师法内心”和“师法自然”二义,丰富了中国古代“师心说”的内涵,并且他将这样一种观念贯穿于他整个的文学批评中。刘将孙的师心倾向既受父辈的影响,也有对他们的超越。他的师心言论使他迥异时俗.这也是元初庐陵文风屡受批评的一个主要原因。  相似文献   

Monoclonal mice generated by nuclear transfer from mature B and T donor cells   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Hochedlinger K  Jaenisch R 《Nature》2002,415(6875):1035-1038
Cloning from somatic cells is inefficient, with most clones dying during gestation. Cloning from embryonic stem (ES) cells is much more effective, suggesting that the nucleus of an embryonic cell is easier to reprogram. It is thus possible that most surviving clones are, in fact, derived from the nuclei of rare somatic stem cells present in adult tissues, rather than from the nuclei of differentiated cells, as has been assumed. Here we report the generation of monoclonal mice by nuclear transfer from mature lymphocytes. In a modified two-step cloning procedure, we established ES cells from cloned blastocysts and injected them into tetraploid blastocysts to generate mice. In this approach, the embryo is derived from the ES cells and the extra-embryonic tissues from the tetraploid host. Animals cloned from a B-cell nucleus were viable and carried fully rearranged immunoglobulin alleles in all tissues. Similarly, a mouse cloned from a T-cell nucleus carried rearranged T-cell-receptor genes in all tissues. This is an unequivocal demonstration that a terminally differentiated cell can be reprogrammed to produce an adult cloned animal.  相似文献   

刘恪由可知语言进入潜语言,由形式语言进入非形式语言,对极限状态、瞬间状态、潜在状态的语言进行探究;他创造了小说语言美学的另类表达方式:从借言阐述到了悟于心,从大量佐证到自我举证,从综合涵摄到审美直觉,从元素分析到技巧分析,从理性的推导到感性的奔放,从规整的方阵到诗意的弥散;他对现代小说语言所作的详实研究和独到发现,奠定了他在中国小说史特别是语言形式美学史上的坚实地位。  相似文献   

油菜内生真菌的分离鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本试验通过对健康油菜组织表面消毒、内生真菌的分离培养和鉴定,获得以下结果共获得内生真菌45种, 其中子囊菌1种,半知菌43种(丝孢纲40种,腔孢纲3种),担子菌1种,分离物中37个种分属于20个不同属,8个种归属待定.从分离几率来看,没有明显优势的种类存在,在叶部分出率最高的是Alternaria alternata, 分离几率仅为7.04%.不同油菜器官的内生真菌种类有一定的差异,从叶部分离出25种,根部分离出12种、花器11种、茎12种、幼苗2种.以上结果显示油菜内生真菌复杂、具有丰富的种类多样性.  相似文献   

The Jurassic period is an important stage in early mammalian evolution, as it saw the first diversification of this group, leading to the stem lineages of monotremes and modern therian mammals. However, the fossil record of Jurassic mammals is extremely poor, particularly in the southern continents. Jurassic mammals from Gondwanaland are so far only known from Tanzania and Madagascar, and from trackway evidence from Argentina. Here we report a Jurassic mammal represented by a dentary, which is the first, to our knowledge, from South America. The tiny fossil from the Middle to Late Jurassic of Patagonia is a representative of the recently termed Australosphenida, a group of mammals from Gondwanaland that evolved tribosphenic molars convergently to the Northern Hemisphere Tribosphenida, and probably gave rise to the monotremes. Together with other mammalian evidence from the Southern Hemisphere, the discovery of this new mammal indicates that the Australosphenida had diversified and were widespread in Gondwanaland well before the end of the Jurassic, and that mammalian faunas from the Southern Hemisphere already showed a marked distinction from their northern counterparts by the Middle to Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

为了推进可持续发展,必须对人的思维方式进行生态化的变革,使其由传统的、高代价的、不可持续的思维方式向科学的、低代价的、可持续的思维方式转变。这种转变具体表现为:从物本论的思维理念向人本论的思维理念转变、从单一自大型思维向多元平等型思维转变、从力量张扬型思维向行为约束型思维转变、从极端利己型思维向互利双赢型思维转变、从改造征服型思维向保护建设型思维转变。  相似文献   

Recently, we reported the detection by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of a 56,000 (56K)-molecular weight polypeptide that was present in cultured skin fibroblasts from normal males but was not detectable in fibroblasts from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients. Since then we have established that the 56K polypeptide is not present in skin fibroblasts from normal females, DMD carrier females, or in normal male fibroblasts obtained from sources other than the Repository for Mutant Human Cell Strains, Montreal. Further inquiry has led to the discovery that all the normal male fibroblast cultures obtained from the Montreal repository had been established from preputial skin. Fibroblast cultures from DMD patients, DMD carriers, as well as other normal individuals, had been derived from non-genital skin biopsies. Thus, the absence of the 56K polypeptide is not specific for DMD, but rather is related to the site of skin biopsy.  相似文献   

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