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In this paper, the essence of design thinking and systems thinking is reviewed, analyzed, and synthesized. Although there are many valuable schools of systems thinking, I focus on both Banathy's and Senge's since there are design spirit embedded in their systems thinking. I attempt to grasp the spirit of Banathy's systems models and the essence of Senge's systems thinking, incorporating them into my design inquiry. I propose adopting an enlightened, transformative design approach in order to enhance the revolution of the public's inner and outer systems through collaborative design engagement. It is expected that by utilizing the transformative design approach, the public or user–designers could gain the necessary skills to envision their own learning, assume responsibility for designing their own learning environments, and systematically reflect upon their habitual thinking and actions. Ultimately, the user-designers would be able to transform their model-driven or theory-driven approaches to systems application into a cultural approach to the cultivation of systems thinking and design thinking. Indeed, design thinking, as well as contemporary systems thinking are two powerful wings to make us fly in the capacious learning world of the 21st century.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how project-based learning can be used from a critical systems perspective in data warehousing education. Data warehousing is a discipline in information technology focusing on providing data-driven decision support systems for strategic decision making. In this study we used action research from a critical (emancipative) perspective to reflect on our current instructional design of the data warehousing module before redesigning it to better serve the needs of the involved and affected. We used critical systems heuristics and project-based learning as frameworks of understanding to guide our intervention. Project-based learning is a learning/teaching approach aimed at organising the learning experience in terms of a project. We used written interpretive interviews in the diagnosis and evaluation of success phases of our action research cycle. Our reflection is according to the action research model of Checkland reflecting on our success in the area of application (data warehousing instruction) as well as our methodology (action research from a critical social theory perspective) and our framework of ideas (project-based learning and critical social heuristics).  相似文献   

This paper is an inquiry into practice for the purpose of reflection and theory proposal. We discuss the way in which we, as facilitators of action research/learning groups in diverse contexts, confront the challenge of assisting people to work and learn together in authentically collaborative ways. We each describe our very different respective practice examples (Eileen's based on productive and defensive routines; Judith's on sociodramatic exploration) and then collectively discern some substantial similarities in the way that we work. We have likened these similarities to the midwifery process, i.e., "colaboring" or facilitating the birth of whole and healthy group process in which honest and bilateral interactions of action and reflection occur. Finally, we present a meta-reflective account of the way that we have confronted the challenges of working together to write this article. We present this account as a model of a series of five deepening levels of challenge in collaborative learning. These levels reflect the challenge associated with a growth in awareness of both our own process of working together, and that of every other group with which we work.  相似文献   

Improving ethics and governance in policing is often considered an institutional function that police agencies do as ??expert?? institutions. Participation by other stakeholders may be welcome so long as police are able to control the processes and mechanisms of participation. This paper, based on research done with the Philippine National Police, argues that collaborative inquiry could be an effective critical systemic approach to participation by the wider society in police reform. This could enable both police and non-police stakeholders to work together towards mutual understanding and cooperation as equals towards better policing. This participatory approach is not meant to replace the institutional mechanisms that the police use for their own reform effort, but it is supposed to complement them. The research on which this paper is based was an attempt to design a model for collaborative inquiry at the local municipal level of policing in the Philippines, since the municipality is the lowest operational level for the Philippines?? police service. The results of that study suggest that it is possible to establish such a mechanism and make it work, in effect establishing a Close Knit Knowledge Organisation at the lowest level of operational policing.  相似文献   

This paper gives a practical account of a recent 18-month long action inquiry project, in which the author facilitated (and co-inquired with) a mixed group of police managers with the intention of improving our own leadership practices. Six phases of the inquiry are identified—doing the groundwork, getting the group together, creating a safe environment, sustaining the inquiry, accounting for the learning, and bridging the gaps. It is argued that such forms of collaborative inquiry are particularly well suited to addressing the uniquely complex phenomenon of leadership, and some tangible benefits for members of the project and for the organization as a whole are identified. Particular attention is paid to the politics and practicalities of doing collaborative inquiry in an overtly hierarchical organization, concluding that action inquiry must be crafted to its particular circumstances and context to realize its considerable potential to help us improve both individual practice and organizational performance.  相似文献   

Critical systems thinking (CST) and community based participatory research (CBPR) are distinct approaches to inquiry which share a primary commitment to holism and human emancipation, as well as common grounding in critical theory and emancipatory and pragmatic philosophy. This paper explores their intersections and complements on a historical, philosophical, and theoretical level, and then proposes a hybrid approach achieved by applying CBPR’s principles and considerations for operationalizing emancipatory practice to traditional systems thinking frameworks and practices. This hybrid approach is illustrated in practice with examples drawn from of the implementation of the learning organization model in an action research setting with the Autistic community. Our experience of being able to actively attend to, and continuously equalize, power relations within an organizational framework that otherwise has great potential for reinforcing power inequity suggests CBPR’s principles and considerations for operationalizing emancipatory practice could be useful in CST settings, and CST’s vocabulary, methods, and clarity around systems thinking concepts could be valuable to CBPR practitioners.  相似文献   

This is a contribution to an inquiry into the historical meaning of Professor Checkland's soft systems thinking. Heidegger's picture of the present postmodern (or high-modern) epoch provides a context for unfolding that historical meaning. The discussion is focused on the possibility that Checkland's thinking could represent one of the "brief cracks" in the solid neo-instrumental way of appearing (whatever-is-the-case) that characterizes our present epoch.  相似文献   

The research reported here was undertaken in a blended learning environment where contact tuition is “blended” with computer-supported (online) learning. The context is a developing country (South Africa). After completion of two full cycles of an action inquiry the planning for the third cycle was undertaken according to an existing process planning model which was originally developed for the design and planning of team-based action learning and action research (ALAR) projects. The illustration of the application of the model focuses on the aspect of student collaboration in a blended learning environment and shows how the original process planning model was adapted and applied during the re-planning phase of the project. The final deliverable is a set of action plans for future collaborative learning that could strengthen student-centred learning experiences in a context which still bears the scars of an unfortunate segregated past.  相似文献   

Participation has become an imperative in international development. In particular, participatory approaches to development research are believed to support empowerment through collective development of knowledge and action. Yet there are broad interpretations of participation, ranging from passive participation and information exchange to empowered participation through self-mobilisation. As such, development researchers may claim to use a participatory approach without yielding power and agency to citizens involved in the research. This is a reflexive article about a development researcher’s experience in applying a participatory worldview through co-operative inquiry, a research approach that attempts to engage emancipatory forms of participation. The article begins with a critical analysis of literature regarding participation, the participatory paradigm and participation in the co-operative inquiry. The author then analyses her personal experiences, challenges and strategies as initiating researcher to actualise empowering forms of participation in three co-operative inquiries. The article emphasises that researchers must “let go” of their power, control and personal agenda to support empowering participation.  相似文献   

Practicing action research in workplaces is a choice of letting oneself be closely involved in other peoples’ integrity as working men and women. The encounter between the researcher and the social group in the contract organization is the vital and sometimes only instrument for generating new learning and lasting change, thus it is critical for engaged action researchers to continuously be self-reflective on our praxis and appearance in this encounter. Within the action research literature, this encounter is discussed in relatively broad terms emphasizing preferred roles, values and strategies for organizing collaborative learning processes. Relatively little is reported, however, on the unpleasant sides of this interaction between the researcher and the collaborative group. In line with Greenwood and Levin’s (1998) argument for the action researcher as a friendly outsider who confronts in a supportive way, most researchers practicing action research have experienced how difficult it is to be as confronting as it takes if dysfunctional social routines are to be changed. In this article, I report on my own practice from an action research project, where I gradually developed my skills and confidence in acting more confronting as to bring forward new collaborating working routines among metal workers. I discuss three different forms of confrontation to be of critical necessity. By daring to act more confrontational, I also realized that it made me feel better about myself as a professional engaged researcher as I could reveal my true meanings and perspectives to the workers. I conclude by suggesting that in order for an engaged researcher to be able to develop her role as a confronting practitioner it is important to work closely in a team with fellow researchers, as well as to have the personal capacity to be self-reflexive and self-therapeutic.  相似文献   

Reflection in Practice Management (PM) favoured the integrated approach where learners had to critically reflect on the study material, assessments and tasks throughout the year and to integrate their experiences in a meaningful manner that would demonstrate their development and learning over the year. Reflection in the form of portfolios focused on personal development and individual learning rather than on achieving a general set of course outcomes. But assessment of these portfolios revealed no real evidence of reflection or critical thinking. This study suggested that learners be assessed orally so that their reflections could come alive and so that the educator could learn from the assessment to restructure or re-curriculate where necessary. This study found that although the orals were not a preferred form of assessment, they contributed successfully to informing the written critical and reflective thinking in the portfolios. Using an action research approach, enabled us to not only address a fundamental problem that the educators and learners were battling with—how to encourage and indeed teach learners to think critically and to reflect, but it also showed the educators how to solve problems or seek solutions to didactic problems in their own classrooms. The recommendations in this paper may therefore inform courses other than PM that use reflective practice, critical thinking or portfolio assessments.  相似文献   

资源受限项目调度中缓冲区的设定方法   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
基于资源受限项目调度(RCPS)的理论与方法,设计了一种项目计划中非关键链上工作缓冲区的设定方法.该方法综合考虑了工作在资源约束下的自由时间和根据根方差法计算的输入缓冲区的尺寸,分别针对每项非关键链上的工作设置时间缓冲区,既起到了保护关键链工作按计划执行的作用,又降低了项目净成本,同时避免了简单关键链管理方法因缓冲区设置而产生的工作间资源冲突.文中通过对资源受限项目调度问题(RCPSP)的标准问题库PSPLIB中典型案例的求解过程对算法的应用过程进行了描述.  相似文献   

The field of Instructional Systems Design (ISD) provides models from which instructional changes can be designed and implemented. In ISD programs, students develop skills in the application of this process and apply these skills in a variety of settings. Although our models also provide a framework from which program change can proceed, few examples exist of the application of ISD to the design of an educational system (Squire, 1999). In this paper we describe the application of Opportunity Initiated Systems Design, apractitioner-based ISD model, in light of our own formative evaluation and program revision of the Instructional Design and Technology program at the University of Iowa. In this case study, we found that the communication of shared definitions was critical and that the probabilistic nature of the model was not a limitation but rather a prompt for further opportunities.  相似文献   

As complex and rapidly changing organisational contexts present a significant challenge for the management and organisational development of professionals, this paper explores a particular journey of one facilitator/co-inquirer (participant) in a collaborative inquiry (CI) intervention driving culture change within the UK's Civil Service. Through such experience it is argued that CI represents an intensive and effective inquiry based change strategy involving collaborative interaction between the co-inquiring facilitator and client. The philosophical history and richness of CI is explored as a prelude to outlining the learning and development of the co-inquirers involved in this project and the observed impact of CI on the organisation. Of note is that over an extended period of time, the facilitator assumes the two roles of inquirer and subject of inquiry, and through such a dual responsibility, gains a deeper understanding of the challenges they face and the nature of the solutions that would require further attention. It is concluded that co-inquirers effectively contribute both to scientific knowledge and the solving of real life practical problems. This document may not be copied in any form, in whole or in part, without the express permission of one of the authors.  相似文献   

协作虚拟样机与协同设计方法   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
协作虚拟样机技术是在分布式环境下,多领域专家协作建立和应用虚拟样机的方法和技术,本文分析了协作虚拟样机与协同设计的关系,提出了基于协作虚拟样机的协同设计方法,该方法可全面而灵活地支持协同设计,在产品实际设计、制造和使用之前,对其功能、性能进行充分仿真与验证。文中还讨论了协作虚拟样机建模方法和异构仿真方法,并给出了基于协作虚拟样机的协同设计环境的总体结构。  相似文献   

One of the key challenges for implementing RFID systems in supply chain management is the difficulty in economic justification.Such difficulty is further amplified by its public participation nature as multiple self-interest beneficiaries may receive diverse paybacks,and their incentives to join the system are difficult to align.This paper aims to address these problems by a collaborative design from two aspects.First,we propose to introduce a centralized planning mechanism in the chain to facilitate the participation,so that the cost of the overall system can be minimized.Second,we propose to analyze the multi-facet economic return from multi-purpose applications to achieve the full potential of RFID systems.To illustrate our approach,its application for inventory inaccuracy and product recall in RFID system is presented.  相似文献   

Contemporary systems activity can be divided into that stressing feasible and practical short-term measures, and that which is more ideal-aware, focussed on mid-longer term futures, and typically involving on-going community or social systems design. The paper highlights the key differences in approach, but then invites closer collaboration in the cause of the possible contribution that systems thinking could make for a longer term future, with Y3K (Year 3000) as a metaphor for this. This analysis, which derives from work undertaken at Asilomar 1995 and Fuschl conversations in 2000 and 2002, finds that contemporary social system design, which is driven by western culture and is action-oriented, needs adaptation before it could contribute to greater future global harmony. A truly comprehensive systems design process must accommodate a wide range of possible parameters in terms of culture, and appreciation of time and progress. An emerging paradigm as basis for thinking and engaging in social systems design work of the future is offered, which also has relevance to general systems practice.  相似文献   

We probably have simplified matters too much. We tend to talk about systems thinking and practice as if we knew what they are. The fashionable call for “holistic” or “systems” thinking in ecological issues provides a major example. This much is certain: the quest for comprehensiveness, although it represents an epistemologically necessary idea, is not realizable. If we assume that it is realizable, the critical idea underlying the quest will be perverted into its opposite, i.e., into a false pretension to superior knowledge and understanding—a danger of which the environmental movement does not always appear to be sufficiently aware. My question, therefore, is this: How can we deal critically with the fact that our thinking, and hence our knowledge, designs, and actions, cannot possibly be comprehensive, in the sense that we never “comprehend” all that ought to be understood before we pass to judgment and action? What consequences does this fact imply for a critical systems approach to ecological concerns and, ultimately, for our concepts of rationality in general?  相似文献   

协同过滤算法和二进制粒子群算法是目前学习资源推荐领域研究热点.然而,协同过滤算法推荐的学习资源过于随机化,不能满足学习者进行整体知识建构的要求.而基于二进制粒子群算法构建的资源推荐模型,以推荐所有学习者完整的学习资源为目标,且模型数据较难预测,不符合在线智能化学习的趋势.针对以上问题,提出了基于多维特征差异的个性化学习资源推荐算法:首先根据学习者和学习资源多维特征差异建立学习资源推荐模型,并考虑了学习偏好;其次引入协同过滤技术对模型数据进行预测;最后针对推荐模型的多目标优化特征,将协同过滤算法和二进制粒子群算法结合,提出了对惯性权重和种群多样性进行动态协同调整的自适应二进制粒子群算法,实现了个性化学习资源推荐.实验证明,该算法具有较好的准确性,能够满足个性化学习资源推荐的需要.  相似文献   

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