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章对棉包涤纶长丝摩擦纱、棉包锦纶高弹丝摩擦纱、棉包锦纶全牵伸丝摩擦纱以及棉包粘胶长丝摩擦纱的平纹织物的性能进行了试验研究,并将它们与纯棉环锭纱和纯棉摩擦纱的平纹织物的性能进行了比较和分析。研究结果表明,锦包涤纶长丝摩擦纱织物和棉包锦纶高弹丝摩擦纱织物在服用、舒适性等方面均优于环锭纱织物。这两种摩擦包芯纱织物作为服用织物将具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

复合纺纱的演变及新方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对复合纺纱的定义、发展历程作了概述,并在此基础上提出复合纱的新定义。介绍了在转杯纺、空心锭付缠纺、改造的环锭纺上的复合纺纱方法,并对各自的特点及存在问题进行了比较。  相似文献   

本文对(纟由)丝纺原料在加工过程中单纤维的机械性能变化进行了探讨,对单纤维断裂强度、断裂伸长率、初始模量、屈服应力和断裂功等一系列机械性能指标及其内在联系进行了测试分析,对今后改进工艺条件和提高(纟由)丝纱线质量提供了有益的参考和依据。  相似文献   

在化纤长丝短纤维化的研究工作中,同板异纤度异收缩丝的制取具有重要意义.在采用普通单螺杆挤出机的纺丝条件下,通过同板异纤度丝条在同一纺丝线上温度场、速度场的变化,分析了并纤度纤维在纺丝线上和拉伸过程中取向结构和结晶结构的变化,及其对沸水收缩率的影响,阐明了同板异纤度异收缩丝的成形机理.在异纤度异收缩丝中,较细的丝条具有较高的取向度和结晶度,结构较稳定,形成了低收缩长丝;而较粗的丝条则相反,形成了高收缩长丝.  相似文献   

本文研究了聚丙烯拉伸丝结构与高弹丝卷曲弹性的关系,发现拉伸丝的取向、结晶度以及结晶型式均与高弹丝的卷曲性能有关,其中尤以晶型更为重要。较低的结晶度、适中的取向和不稳定的酝晶结构是提高卷曲弹性的必要条件。同时,还对加弹前后的纤维结构和性能作了分析比较。  相似文献   

根据制定的1×19多丝大直径PC钢绞线的质量目标和1×7-15.24-1860PC钢绞线的生产经验,通过计算分析设计了生产1×19-28.6-1860PC钢绞线的主要技术参数,并预测了严格按照设计工艺生产的钢丝钢绞线的性能。  相似文献   

At present, we have succeeded in producing silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, and obtained good economic benefits. In this paper, through combining with the recent producing practice, systematically discussing and analysing the technology in the process of producing silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, we develop the new technology which is suited to produce silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, and address several noticable problems. The conclusions have been put into practice and proved to be effective and reliable. It can be consulted by the textile mills.  相似文献   

This paper reports the optimum design of combing roller speed with reference to yielding 6-13 Ne(98.4—45.4 tex) pure ramie noil rotor-spun yarns. The universal rotatable composite design is adopted to get the highly precise regression equations, in which the variables are combing roller speed and yarn linear density considered to be the main technological parameters of combing roller and, the responses are the evaluation indexes concerning spinning stability, fiber length distribution of fibre ring from rotor groove and yarn properties. Based on these regression equations, the contours are plotted to analyse the influences of the parameters on the evaluation indexes; the optimization multicriteria mathematical model is simultaneously established to obtain the optimum parameters with the aid of Object Programming Approach along with Constrained Random Ray Method. Finally, an experiment is carried out to further test the acceptance of the calculated optimum values. It is shown that, for any yarn linear density within 6—13 Ne (98.4—45.4 tex), combing roller speed varying from 5000 to 9150 r/min affects content of extra-long fibre in fibre ring from rotor groove and yarn properties but does not significantly influence spinning stability; 7075 r/min, at which the SAQ-12 type of saw-toothed combing roller runs, is recommended to be the optimum combing roller speed for producing 6—13 Ne (98.4—45.4 tex) pure ramie noil yarns, where a compromise is achieved among the lowest content of extra-long fibre in fibre ring, the best spinning stability and the best yarn properties.  相似文献   

本文讨论转杯纺纱(即气流纺)杯内纱的曲线形态和张力变化,从力学分析的角度来看,在有空气阻力并有足够大的阻捻盘作用下才能使纱形成稳定的正向剥取的曲线形态。如无空气阻力并无阻捻盘存在时,那就将形成反向剥取方式的曲线形态。否则是不能满足力学平衡和功能平衡的要求的。  相似文献   

本文导得纺纱杯内纱条曲线形状和张力的方程;利用这些方程可以比较可靠地求得纺纱杯内的纱条张力,解决杯内纱条张力不易测定的困难。根据这些方程作图,就可从这些图中简捷地求得杯内纱条的重要参数,用来计算纱条张力。另外,本文对正反向剥取形式也进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过考查紬丝纺开清机械的若干工艺参数,对除杂效率和提高吹净绵的质量作了某些探讨,通过比较有系统的试验和数据分析,得出了较优的工艺参数,它对今后提高细丝质量具有一定的参考和使用价值。  相似文献   

在双纱纺纱中,交汇区中的单纱捻度和交汇角对成纱的性能有很大影响,我们将相隔一定距离的两股黑白复丝从前罗拉后方喂入加捻卷绕机构来模拟双纱纺纱过程,并利用高速照相对纺纱过程中的纱线进行动态摄影,分析了一些主要纺纱工艺参数对纺纱过程和纺捻线性能的影响。  相似文献   

本文通过转杯纺在运转条件下加工苎麻纯精梳落麻的磨损试验方法,对表面镀铬及渗硼假捻盘进行了磨损试验。通过观测各假捻盘磨损前后的体积变化以及表面形貌扫描电镜照片,分析了各假捻盘的磨损机理,得出渗硼假捻盘耐磨性优于镀硬铬假捻盘的结论,建议在生产实践过程中对渗硼假捻盘进一步考察应用。  相似文献   

The technique of sirospun process is applied on a modified semi-worsted balloonless spinningframe to investigate the effect of spindle-speed,yarn-twist and strand-spacing on yarn properties.Yarn breaking strength,breaking extension,evenness and imperfection are examined on the basisof CCD experimental design.Yarn hairiness is particularly concerned,being found that all spinningparameters tested have significant effects on hairiness and that the minimum number of hairs oc-curs at the strand-spacing of 14.4 mm.Compared to conventional single spun yarn,experimentshave revealed the greatest advantage of using sirospun process is that all sirospun yarns have muchless hairiness.A new sirospun yarn fault,so called“loop”,has also been examined.The most likely cause forthis yarn fault is the strand-tension unbalance between the two strands when low tension spinningis applied.Further analysis and some initial tests have been carried out in the hope of overcomingthis loop fault which is an important obstacle to the application of balloonless spinning.  相似文献   

不考虑空气阻力时的气圈张力计算已是众所周知,本文则是综合考虑空气阻力等的影响,对气圈张力进行较为全面的分析;并采用摄影与曲线图相结合的方法来求得实际纺纱时的气圈纱线张力值,为具体分析工艺问题与测算纺纱气圈张力提供理论上、方法上的依据。  相似文献   

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