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By establishing the ionospheric eclipse factor (IEF) λ of the ionospheric pierce point (IPP) and its ionospheric influence factor (IFF) λ, and combining λ, λ with t of IPP, a new method of modeling high-precision ionospheric delay using GPS data-ionospheric eclipse factor method (IEFM)-is presented in this paper. The IEFM can effectively select the proper ionospheric models to model the total electron content (TEC) with different changes corresponding to annual, seasonal and diurnal variations. Initial experimental results show that the correction precision of ionospheric delay modeled by the IEFM seems to be close to that of using L3 GPS observations to directly correct the corresponding ionospheric delay.  相似文献   

This paper studies the ionospheric effects associated with the solar eclipse of October 24th, 1995 by means of Computerized Ionospheric Tomography (CIT). Since the reconstructed profiles from experimental CIT are sporadically located in time, a time domain interpolation method based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique is proposed and applied to extract the ionospheric effects. The effects can be extracted by comparison analysis between the interpolated CIT profiles of the eclipse days and that of the reference day that are time-aligned. A series of figs have been obtained showing the attenuation of photonization effect at low altitudes and the weakening of plasma's transportation process at high altitudes, etc. The photonization effect recovered to normal level soon after the last contact. The maximum electron density diminishing is observed about 2 h after the eclipse maximum and the effects seem vanished in the hours followed. Analysis on vertical TEC's latitudinal-temporal variation gives  相似文献   

Models and methods for precise determination of ionospheric delay using GPS   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The basic principles and methods for precisely determining ionospheric delays in GPS observations are introduced and discussed. Various methods and models for fitting ionospheric delays based on GPS are compared and analyzed, and applications of the methods and models to the research and engineering are summarized.  相似文献   

Models and methods for precise determination of ionospheric delay using GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The basic principles and methods for precisely determining ionospheric delays in GPS observations are introduced and discussed. Various methods and models for fitting ionospheric delays based on GPS are compared and analyzed, and applications of the methods and models to the research and engineering are summarized.  相似文献   

Foracertainionosphericregion,duetomanyfactorsespeciallytheinvisiblesolarradiation,thechangelawofthetotalelectroncontent(TEC)isdifferentindaytimeandnighttime.ThecorrespondingmathematicalexpressionsofTECshouldalsobedifferent.Therefore,whenusingGPStomodelpreciseionosphericdelay,oneofthecriticalfactorsistoexactlydistinguishtheionosphericdaytimeandnighttimeandreasonablydescribetheTECchangecharacteristicsofthedifferentperiodsattheionosphericpiercepoint(IPP).Inthepast,inthefieldsofGPSresearcha…  相似文献   

日月食的观测对太阳物理学、天文学及其它相关学科的研究有重要意义.然而准确的日月食预报却离不开日月食限的计算.本文研究了日月食计算方法,力求简单易懂,以便于课堂教学和进行科普教育.  相似文献   

阐述了日月食观测在研究太阳大气结构、太阳活动,寻找近日彗星和水内行星,检验广义相对论理论以及校正历史中年日次序诸多方面的价值.  相似文献   

古代巴比伦塞琉古王朝时期食分算法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨古代巴比伦塞琉古王朝时期(312B.C.-64B.C.)食分算法的合理性。方法 将古代巴比伦的食分算法与现代天意义下的食分算法进行比较。结果 给出了古代巴比伦的食分算法的几何解释;证明了古代巴比伦对食分的定义和现代天学关于食分的定义等价;证明了古代巴比伦的食分算法和北魏张龙祥《正光历》(522A.D.)推月食食分的算法形异实同;在巴比伦的食分算法模型下,求出了日月食限,分析了食分和食限所达到的精度。结论 古代巴比伦食分算法的数学模型是合理的,在此理论支持下所计算出的食分和食限是比较精确的。  相似文献   

针对Cornell模型在同一闪烁条件下,数据更新周期越长,估计和模型输入的幅度闪烁指数S4的偏差越大,并随着电离层闪烁的增强而增强的问题,提出基于Cornell模型的自适应S4的电离层闪烁模型即AS4-Cornell模型。模型以S4的偏差作为BP(back propagation)神经网络比例积分微分(proportional integral derivative, PID)算法的反馈,自动调整输入的复高斯白噪声的区段权值,使最终产生的闪烁信号满足模型输入的闪烁指数S4的指标。结果表明:仿真时,AS4-Cornell模型的幅度和相位闪烁序列概率分布均符合电离层闪烁理论,估算得到的电离层幅度指数S4与模型输入S4指数的最大偏差为0.001;全球定位系统(global positioning system, GPS)电离层闪烁模拟器测试时,AS4-Cornell模型估算得到的电离层幅度指数S4与模型输入S4指数的最大偏差为0.09;相比Cornell模型,AS4-Cornell模型产生的电离层闪烁信号更能够很好地反映模型输入的电离层闪烁指数S4的强度。  相似文献   

The total electron content (TEC) data during the total eclipse of March 9, 1997 were collected, which were observed by means of nine GPS receivers located at the eastern Asia. The responses of total TEC to the eclipse were analyzed. The results show that: 1) the eclipse led to apparent decrement in TEC that lasted for six to eight hours; 2) the maximum decrement occurred after the middle of the eclipse with time-delays varying from twenty minutes to about three hours; 3) the maximum absolute deviations of TEC on the eclipse day do not show a simple and consistent relationship to the maximum solar obscuration. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49684002) Biography: CHEN An-hua (1976-), female, Master candidate. Research interests: studying ionosphere by GPS beacons.  相似文献   

In this paper, we calculate the ionospheric global electron content (GEC) from the GPS TEC data along the geographic longitude 120°E during the period of 1996-2004, and investigate the relationship between GEC and 10.7 cm solar radio flux F10.7 and its seasonal dependence with partial correlation analysis. Our results show that GEC is closely correlated with solar activity index F10.7 and is also related with annual and semiannual variations. An empirical GEC model driven by those factors is then to examine the influences of different solar activity proxies for the model input. The results suggest that GEC mainly depends on solar activity and the seasonal variations; the latter is also modulated by solar activity. Furthermore, the magnitude of semiannual variation is a little greater than that of annual variation. Our empirical GEC model is proved to be better than the model proposed by Afraimovich et al.  相似文献   

A generalized trigonometric series function (GTSF) model, with an adjustable number of parameters, is proposed and analyzed to study ionosphere by using GPS, especially to provide ionospheric delay correction for single frequency GPS users. The preliminary results show that, in comparison with the trigonometric series function (TSF) model and the polynomial (POLY) model, the GTSF model can more precisely describe the ionospheric variation and more efficiently provide the ionospheric correction when GPS data are used to investigate or extract the earth's ionospheric total electron content. It is also shown that the GTSF model can further improve the precision and accuracy of modeling local ionospheric delays.  相似文献   

Differential Area for Differential Stations (DADS), a new method of establishing grid ionospheric model, is presented. The preliminary results show that it is possible to establish a real time large range high precision grid ionospheric model (GIM) using the DADS and the GPS data of the Chinese crust movement observation network (CCMON).  相似文献   

同GNSS(全球导航卫星系统,Global Navigation Satellite System)获取电离层TEC(总电子含量,Total Electron Content)数据相比,传统的电离层垂测、斜测等短波段数据具有特征参数丰富、高度分辨率高、历史数据多等优点。为利用电离层垂测和斜测数据,研究地下核爆引起的电离层扰动。本文利用2016年1月6日朝鲜地下核试验当天的斜测、垂测数据分析电离层扰动现象。结果表明,本次地下核爆造成的行波电离层扰动为小尺度电离层扰动,传播速度在150.3-158.7(m·s-1)之间。同时核爆发生后半小时在距离爆点421.4 km处,观测到foF2较月中值增加了0.7 MHz,较1月5日、1月7日在2:00 UTC(协调世界时,Coordinated Universal Time)的foF2(F2层临界频率,critical frequency of the F2 layer)增加了0.5 MHz,极有可能是地下核爆通过岩石圈-大气圈-电离层圈耦合机制造成电离层电子浓度增加。本文分析结果与其他文献资料非常吻合。由此可见,基于短波段电离层探测方式感知电离层扰动从而实现地下核爆炸事件的监测,是一种有效的核爆电离层效应监测手段,可与其他直接监测手段相印证,提高核爆事件监测能力。  相似文献   

以黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组海相页岩和南华北地区下二叠统太原-山西组海陆过渡相页岩为研究对象,分析页岩有机地化、储层、吸附气量特征,进而研究页岩吸附气量影响因素及其差异性。研究结果表明:页岩有机碳含量大于2%,两者均为优质的烃源岩;但有机碳含量相差甚大。牛蹄塘组页岩矿物组成主要为石英,其次为黏土矿物,而太原-山西组页岩以富集黏土矿物为特征。牛蹄塘组页岩比表面积和吸附气量大于太原-山西组页岩;而总孔体积和平均孔径均小于后者。页岩岩石组成与吸附气量之间的关系如下:牛蹄塘组页岩TOC与吸附气量呈正相关关系且TOC是吸附气量的主要影响因素;而太原-山西组页岩TOC与吸附气量之间关系不明显。牛蹄塘组页岩石英与吸附气量呈正相关性,其原因是石英为生物成因,伴随有机质富集;而太原-山西组页岩石英与吸附气量具有负相关性,其原因为TOC和黏土矿物随石英的增加而减少,且TOC、黏土矿物与吸附气量呈正相关关系。牛蹄塘组页岩伊利石和太原-山西组页岩黏土矿物均与吸附气量具有正相关性,原因为黏土矿物吸附有机质且黏土矿物中各组分发育大量孔隙。  相似文献   

Based on a large data base from 69 ionosonde stations distributed worldwide a comparative study is made on the global behavior of ionospheric responses to three great magnetic storms occurring nearly at low and high activity phase of the 22nd solar cycle. Depending on the season of storn occurrence, the global morphology of the ionospheric response to major magnetic storm is very different. For the February 1986 storm, hemispheric asymmetry of storm effects is remarkable, and positive storm effects are dominant in the winter hemisphere. Instead, for the two magnetic storms taking place near equinox in 1989, longlasting decreases in Nm were observed in both hemispheres Large-scale TIDs propagating equatorward were seen during the main phases of the October 1989 magnetic storm at evening-night sector. On the other hand, short-lasting positive storm effects appearing as wave-like disturbances in Nm were observed during the primary main phase of the 1986 storm in winter hemisphere. They seem to originate near the equatorial region and travel polarward. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Science Foundation of State Education Commitee of China Xu Jisheng: born in Nov. 1946, Professor  相似文献   

The geomagnetic fields, which play important roles in the ionospheric dynamo, can greatly affect the global distribution of ionospheric electric fields, currents and other ionospheric electrodynamics phenomena. In the study of ionospheric electrodynamics phenomena, such as the longitudinal variations of ionospheric electric fields, the non-dipolar component of the geomagnetic fields must be taken into account. In this paper, we deduce a theoretical electric field model for ionospheric dynamo at mid- and low-latitude which adopt a modified magnetic apex coordinates system. In the new electric field model, the geomagnetic fields can be calculated from either the IGRF model or the dipole field model, and the neutral winds and conductivities are calculated based on empirical models. Then the dynamo equation for the electric potential is finally solved in terms of the line-by-line iteration method, and the ionospheric electric fields and currents are derived from the calculated potential. Our model can reproduce the main features of the ionospheric electrodynamics processes, so it will be a useful tool for the investigation of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统的发展日益成熟,开发基于北斗的星基增强系统已刻不容缓,而电离层误差是影响星基增强系统定位精度的重要误差源。利用中国大陆构造环境监测网络的10个GNSS参考站在2016年3月20日的观测数据,验证了基于北斗导航系统的星基增强系统格网电离层修正算法在中国地区部分站点的修正精度,与Klobuchar模型修正法进行了对比,并检验了格网电离层垂直延迟的修正误差GIVE。结果表明,格网电离层修正算法的修正精度普遍优于Klobuchar模型修正法;修正误差也在正常范围内,进一步说明格网电离层延迟算法在中国地区的应用是可行的。  相似文献   

分布式Hash表(distributed Hash table,DHT)是结构化对等网络的核心技术。实际P2P应用中,DHT网络规模已经达到上千万节点,但是其安全问题仍然很多。eclipse攻击是DHT网络中典型的安全威胁之一。本文介绍了DHT网络中eclipse攻击常见的攻击方法,总结归纳了近年来攻击检测和防御技术的研究工作进展,从适用场景、依赖条件和性能等方面对这些工作进行了对比分析,最后对未来的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的用数学公式将《明天历》的日食算法表达出来,并指出其天文学意义。方法文献分析与数学建模。结果《明天历》先求得合朔时交点离开冬至点的距离以及太阳到冬至点的距离,两者的差值就是"去交度分";常数中的"朔差"是一个朔望月中交点退行的距离;它以恒星年而不以回归年入算以及用太阳的去交分代替月亮的去交分都是其去交度分算法的不足之处。《明天历》的食甚时刻仅是对经朔时刻加入日月不均匀运动有关的修正,没有进行时差的修正。其他算法与主流算法基本相同。结论《明天历》的日食算法在宋代是比较特殊的,这些特殊之处大部分是正确的、合理的,但某些算法中仍存在不足。  相似文献   

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