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The most common approach to combining forecasts at different levels of aggregation has been to sum (or average) the more disaggregated forecast, and take a weighted average of the aggregate forecasts. This paper develops a simple method for obtaining minimum variance pooled forecasts at the disaggregated level. The major advantage that this method has over the common approach is that it provides pooled forecasts at both the aggregated and disaggregated level. As will be shown, the resulting aggregate pooled forecast is identical to the forecast which would be obtained by simply pooling two forecasts at the aggregate level, while the disaggregated forecast maintains the aggregation identity required by the problem.  相似文献   

It has been shown in recent economic and statistical studies that composite forecasts may produce more accurate forecasts than individual ones. The purpose of this study is to develop composite forecasting models that may produce forecasts superior to the individual forecast implicit in forward exchange rates. In an efficient market one would expect to find little improvement with the composite models relative to the forward exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of disaggregation on forecast accuracy for nonstationary time series using dynamic factor models. We compare the forecasts obtained directly from the aggregated series based on its univariate model with the aggregation of the forecasts obtained for each component of the aggregate. Within this framework (first obtain the forecasts for the component series and then aggregate the forecasts), we try two different approaches: (i) generate forecasts from the multivariate dynamic factor model and (ii) generate the forecasts from univariate models for each component of the aggregate. In this regard, we provide analytical conditions for the equality of forecasts. The results are applied to quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) data of several European countries of the euro area and to their aggregated GDP. This will be compared to the prediction obtained directly from modeling and forecasting the aggregate GDP of these European countries. In particular, we would like to check whether long‐run relationships between the levels of the components are useful for improving the forecasting accuracy of the aggregate growth rate. We will make forecasts at the country level and then pool them to obtain the forecast of the aggregate. The empirical analysis suggests that forecasts built by aggregating the country‐specific models are more accurate than forecasts constructed using the aggregated data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper an investigation is made of the properties and use of two aggregate measures of forecast bias and accuracy. These are metrics used in business to calculate aggregate forecasting performance for a family (group) of products. We find that the aggregate measures are not particularly informative if some of the one‐step‐ahead forecasts are biased. This is likely to be the case in practice if frequently employed forecasting methods are used to generate a large number of individual forecasts. In the paper, examples are constructed to illustrate some potential problems in the use of the metrics. We propose a simple graphical display of forecast bias and accuracy to supplement the information yielded by the accuracy measures. This support includes relevant boxplots of measures of individual forecasting success. This tool is simple but helpful as the graphic display has the potential to indicate forecast deterioration that can be masked by one or both of the aggregate metrics. The procedures are illustrated with data representing sales of food items. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In attempting to improve forecasting, many facets of the forecasting process may be addressed including techniques, psychological factors, and organizational factors. This research examines whether a robust psychological bias (anchoring and adjustment) can be observed in a set of organizationally-produced forecasts. Rather than a simple consistent bias, biases were found to vary across organizations and items being forecast. Such bias patterns suggest that organizational factors may be important in determining the biases found in organizationally-produced forecasts.  相似文献   

The contribution of product and industry knowledge to the accuracy of sales forecasting was investigated by examining the company forecasts of a leading manufacturer and marketer of consumable products. The company forecasts of 18 products produced by a meeting of marketing, sales, and production personnel were compared with those generated by the same company personnel when denied specific product knowledge and with the forecasts of selected judgemental and statistical time series methods. Results indicated that product knowledge contributed significantly to forecast accuracy and that the forecast accuracy of company personnel who possessed industry forecasting knowledge (but not product knowledge) was not significantly different from the time series based methods. Furthermore, the company forecasts were more accurate than averages of the judgemental and statistical time series forecasts. These results point to the importance of specific product information to forecast accuracy and accordingly call into question the continuing strong emphasis on improving extrapolation techniques without consideration of the inclusion of non-time series knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the disaggregation of consumer sentiment data into its sub‐components improves the real‐time capacity to forecast GDP and consumption. A Bayesian error correction approach augmented with the consumer sentiment index and permutations of the consumer sentiment sub‐indices is used to evaluate forecasting power. The forecasts are benchmarked against both composite forecasts and forecasts from standard error correction models. Using Australian data, we find that consumer sentiment data increase the accuracy of GDP and consumption forecasts, with certain components of consumer sentiment consistently providing better forecasts than aggregate consumer sentiment data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study the interaction of forecasting method (econometric versus exponential smoothing) and two situational factors are evaluated for their effects upon accuracy. Data from two independent sets of ex ante quarterly forecasts for 19 classes of mail were used to test hypotheses. Counter to expectations, the findings revealed that forecasting method did not interact with the forecast time horizon (short versus long term). However, as hypothesized, forecasting method interacted significantly with product/market definition (First Class versus other mail), an indicator of buyer sensitivity to marketing/environmental changes. Results are discussed in the context of future research on forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

The judgemental revision of sales forecasts is an issue which is receiving increasing attention in the forecasting literature. This paper compares the performance of forecasts after revision by managers with that of the forecasts which were accepted by them without revision. The data set consists of sales forecasting data from an industrial company, spanning six quarterly periods and relating to some 900 individual products. The findings show that, in general, the improvements made by managers bring the forecast errors of revised forecasts more into line with non-revised forecasts, but the change is often marginal, and the best result is equivalence between revised and non-revised forecasts.  相似文献   

A number of papers in recent years have investigated the problems of forecasting contemporaneously aggregated time series and of combining alternative forecasts of a time series. This paper considers the integration of both approaches within the example of assessing the forecasting performance of models for two of the U.K. monetary aggregates, £M3 and MO. It is found that forecasts from a time series model for aggregate £M3 are superior to aggregated forecasts from individual models fitted to either the components or counterparts of £M3 and that an even better forecast is obtained by forming a linear combination of the three alternatives. For MO, however, aggregated forecasts from its components prove superior to either the forecast from the aggregate itself or from a linear combination of the two.  相似文献   

An important tool in time series analysis is that of combining information in an optimal way. Here we establish a basic combining rule of linear predictors and show that such problems as forecast updating, missing value estimation, restricted forecasting with binding constraints, analysis of outliers and temporal disaggregation can be viewed as problems of optimal linear combination of restrictions and forecasts. A compatibility test statistic is also provided as a companion tool to check that the linear restrictions are compatible with the forecasts generated from the historical data. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses forecast combination methods to forecast output growth in a seven‐country quarterly economic data set covering 1959–1999, with up to 73 predictors per country. Although the forecasts based on individual predictors are unstable over time and across countries, and on average perform worse than an autoregressive benchmark, the combination forecasts often improve upon autoregressive forecasts. Despite the unstable performance of the constituent forecasts, the most successful combination forecasts, like the mean, are the least sensitive to the recent performance of the individual forecasts. While consistent with other evidence on the success of simple combination forecasts, this finding is difficult to explain using the theory of combination forecasting in a stationary environment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ability to improve out-of-sample forecasting performance by combining forecasts is well established in the literature. This paper advances this literature in the area of multivariate volatility forecasts by developing two combination weighting schemes that exploit volatility persistence to emphasise certain losses within the combination estimation period. A comprehensive empirical analysis of the out-of-sample forecast performance across varying dimensions, loss functions, sub-samples and forecast horizons show that new approaches significantly outperform their counterparts in terms of statistical accuracy. Within the financial applications considered, significant benefits from combination forecasts relative to the individual candidate models are observed. Although the more sophisticated combination approaches consistently rank higher relative to the equally weighted approach, their performance is statistically indistinguishable given the relatively low power of these loss functions. Finally, within the applications, further analysis highlights how combination forecasts dramatically reduce the variability in the parameter of interest, namely the portfolio weight or beta.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the consensus of individual exchange rate forecasts performs no better than many commonly used forecasting models in predicting future exchange rates. Studies on equity and bond markets have explored the effects of dispersion in forecasts on the predictive power of forecasts; however, no earlier paper has investigated such effects in the context of the foreign exchange market. This study explores the role of consensus forecast dispersion as a factor leading to bias and anchoring in exchange rate forecasts. Our analysis of five currency pairs reveals that consensus forecasts mostly appear to be unbiased predictors of exchange rates in the long run, but most are unable to pass tests for short‐run unbiasedness. In three of the five currencies examined it appears that forecasters should take greater account of reported forecast dispersion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, analysts' cash flow forecasts have become widely available through financial information services. Cash flow information enables practitioners to better understand the real operating performance and financial stability of a company, particularly when earnings information is noisy and of low quality. However, research suggests that analysts' cash flow forecasts are less accurate and more dispersed than earnings forecasts. We thus investigate factors influencing cash flow forecast accuracy and build a practical model to distinguish more accurate from less accurate cash flow forecasters, using past cash flow forecast accuracy and analyst characteristics. We find significant power in our cash flow forecast accuracy prediction models. We also find that analysts develop cash flow‐specific forecasting expertise and knowhow, which are distinct from those that analysts acquire from forecasting earnings. In particular, cash flow‐specific information is more useful in identifying accurate cash flow forecasters than earnings‐specific information.Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with expanding the decision support capabilities of computerized forecasting systems. The expansion allows for the systematic combination of multiple forecasts and the explicit consideration of multiple objectives in the forecast selection process. The methodology used is multiple objective linear programming. Selecting an individual forecast based upon a single objective may not make the best use of available information for a variety of reasons. Combined forecasts may provide a better fit with respect to a single objective than any individual forecast. Even if an individual forecast does provide a good fit with respect to a single objective, a combined forecast may provide a better fit with respect to multiple objectives. An example is used to illustrate the expanded decision support system, its outputs and their properties.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the background research into domestic and industrial water use that was conducted over a period of 3 years and the use that was subsequently made of the detailed information in establishing a revised 20 year forecast of the demand for potable water supplies in the Severn–Trent Water Authority area in England. The major difficulty in forecasting water demand is its multiplicity of uses, each with a different potential rate of growth in demand; a further complication is the growth in water recycling in industry. The water industry is one of the most capital intensive industries in the UK and because of the large capital sums involved in reservoir development and the long lead times for construction, the reliability of forecasts is a sensitive area. The component method described in this paper replaces the traditional extrapolatory approach and is believed to produce more meaningful forecasts.  相似文献   

Forecasting for inventory items with lumpy demand is difficult because of infrequent nonzero demands with high variability. This article developed two methods to forecast lumpy demand: an optimally weighted moving average method and an intelligent pattern‐seeking method. We compare them with a number of well‐referenced methods typically applied over the last 30 years in forecasting intermittent or lumpy demand. The comparison is conducted over about 200,000 forecasts (using 1‐day‐ahead and 5‐day‐ahead review periods) for 24 series of actual product demands across four different error measures. One of the most important findings of our study is that the two non‐traditional methods perform better overall than the traditional methods. We summarize results and discuss managerial implications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volatility forecasting remains an active area of research with no current consensus as to the model that provides the most accurate forecasts, though Hansen and Lunde (2005) have argued that in the context of daily exchange rate returns nothing can beat a GARCH(1,1) model. This paper extends that line of research by utilizing intra‐day data and obtaining daily volatility forecasts from a range of models based upon the higher‐frequency data. The volatility forecasts are appraised using four different measures of ‘true’ volatility and further evaluated using regression tests of predictive power, forecast encompassing and forecast combination. Our results show that the daily GARCH(1,1) model is largely inferior to all other models, whereas the intra‐day unadjusted‐data GARCH(1,1) model generally provides superior forecasts compared to all other models. Hence, while it appears that a daily GARCH(1,1) model can be beaten in obtaining accurate daily volatility forecasts, an intra‐day GARCH(1,1) model cannot be. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While much research related to forecasting return volatility does so in a univariate setting, this paper includes proxies for information flows to forecast intra‐day volatility for the IBEX 35 futures market. The belief is that volume or the number of transactions conveys important information about the market that may be useful in forecasting. Our results suggest that augmenting a variety of GARCH‐type models with these proxies lead to improved forecasts across a range of intra‐day frequencies. Furthermore, our results present an interesting picture whereby the PARCH model generally performs well at the highest frequencies and shorter forecasting horizons, whereas the component model performs well at lower frequencies and longer forecast horizons. Both models attempt to capture long memory; the PARCH model allows for exponential decay in the autocorrelation function, while the component model captures trend volatility, which dominates over a longer horizon. These characteristics are likely to explain the success of each model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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