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萧殷的小说是对底层百姓蒙受生活煎熬与战争苦难的沉重叙事,对人压迫人的黑暗现实的写实批判。同时,他还借小说的叙事与场景描写,凸显人性的觉醒,流泻出人性的温暖与光泽,以应对人世的冷酷与龌龊。由还原意识内容,过渡到社会人类学视域的思考,是萧殷小说的核心意义所在。  相似文献   

苦难成为底层文学描写的一个焦点,备受底层文学作家的关注。受大众文化的影响作家对苦难的关注变成"比惨比狠"的残酷叙事。这种对苦难的过分渲使底层文学中的底层形象与官方底层叙事和底层读者期待视野中的底层形象存在极大的反差。这使底层文学作品在传播过程中遭遇尴尬情景。对传播视域中底层文学苦难叙事的分析应引起作者的重视,这将关系到底层文学的发展前景和未来走向。  相似文献   

魯敏是一位敏锐和深刻的作家,具有对世界的整体概括想象能力.<惹尘埃>继续她对现实的敏锐和深刻,为我们揭示出我们身体感知到的一个谎言世界,并且把这个世界背后的政治、历史、文化、制度等因素呈现出来."同情性理解"是作品的叙事风格,这种叙事把人性叙事的深刻展现的淋漓尽致,但同时也暴露出作家人性叙事的困境.这也是当下作家共存的问题,所以如何突破对底层的"同情性理解"的人性叙事困境,就成为魯敏也是当下作家共有的课题.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着社会体制的改革和文学自身的发展,文学愈加关注当下社会的弱势群体,当代文学创作中兴起了"底层文学"热。作家们在进行底层叙事时以代言者的身份凸显了底层的苦难。可作者描写底层人物时过分关注他们的生存困境,使底层文学的苦难叙事因距离感和悲剧精神的缺失,在美学品格方面存在严重的缺陷。  相似文献   

乔叶的小说创作,在两个方面体现出与众不同的风格。一是尊重"底层",表现"底层"苦难生活中的人性光芒;二是深入人们内心世界深层,挖掘被遮蔽的隐秘真实。此外,乔叶作为一位生长意识强的作家,近来的作品表现着她对自我创作局限的努力突破。  相似文献   

近年来,当代文学中陆续涌现出一批表现底层人民生活的作品,“底层写作”成为了新的美学激奋点。底层写作切入中国社会弱势群体的生存现状,延续了“五四”以来新文学的现实主义传统,立体地多层面地探寻与挖掘大时代背景下各式人物的生存、生活与生命,又以其关注弱势群体的人性光芒,对生命人生的深刻揭示而日益受到关注。本文在对当前部分底层文学作品作共性分析基础之上,探讨了底层写作对我们时代的必要价值,以及它取得的艺术成就和存在的写作局限。从而更好地总结底层文学写作的得与失,力图拨开底层文学发展中的迷雾,以期使底层文学在新世纪茁壮成长。  相似文献   

"存在主义意识"是方方关注人的生存世界和生命状态及其价值的一个重要视点。《软埋》借助个体生命与他者及世界的关系以及个人在不同环境中的选择,传达出了对社会的关注和人性的关怀。小说中对个体生命的关注和思考,显示出了怀有承担意识的当代作家特有的人道主义情怀,蕴含着对人类生存处境的根本性思考。本文试图从存在主义的视角阐释《软埋》中所传达的对个体生命存在的质询和守望,解读小说在历史叙事中的人性关照和文化反思。  相似文献   

在被称为"写女性心理最好的男作家"的毕飞宇的小说创作中,也有一群平庸无为的男性形象。短篇小说《男人还剩下什么》是他关注男性生存状态的特写,是他创作中的沧海遗珠,以独特的价值展示着他对于男性生存现状的探究。一方面,他通过对男性形象感情世界的挖掘,展现出当下男性感情世界"失语"的状态:爱的能力与人性纯真的丧失,雄性力量的失落;另一方面,他以第一人称的叙事方式和反讽调侃式的个性标识语言,表现男性主体精神。同时,他又在一定上超越了男性立场,让读者感受到男作家的特质以及普世的人文关怀。  相似文献   

关于个人欲望的探讨是李安电影的不变主题,不管是华语片还是西语片,欲望与法则的冲突始终是李安电影的叙事内核.擅长于挖掘人性深层的李安,站在"他者"的角度,为东方传统和西方价值在欲望与法则的挑战下所面临的困境指明了一条出路.  相似文献   

苏童的短篇小说创作在当代文学中堪称经典,而这种经典地位的获得与其在小说创作中对"人性"的深入挖掘与阐释、对小说审美形式的高度自觉是分不开的。对苏童而言,小说是"灵魂的逆光",他将自己的灵魂--"人性"--注入小说空间,使小说具有深广的叙述张力;同时他又擅于在小说中营造诗意的审美氛围,通过意象的选取、童年的回忆姿态、第一人称的叙事角度使小说呈现出诗意焕发、韵味遥深的审美风格。  相似文献   

In the previous papers[1—3], the oscillating reactionusing amino acids as organic substrates was studied. Inorder to obtain information about the kinetic parameters ofoscillating reaction of amino acids in amino acid- BrO3 - ?Mn2 -H2SO4-acetone sy…  相似文献   

根据密封舱改性渣土的三轴压缩实验数据,建立了基于优化方法的Duncan-Chang双曲线本构模型参数反演方法。为了解决参数识别反问题解的不稳定性问题,在Gauss-Newton优化迭代算法的基础上,提出了正则化参数反演方法。实际应用结果表明,所提出的反演方法具有较快的收敛速度和较强的鲁棒性,预测的实验模型变形与实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

In order to study the functions of cytochrome b559 (Cyt b559) in photosystem two (PSII) activity, mutant S24F of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was constructed using site directed mutagenesis, in which Serine24 (Ser24) locating downstream of Histidine23 (His23) in α subunit of Cyt b559 was replaced by Phenylalanine (Phe). Physiological and biochemical analysis showed that mutant S24F could be grown photoautotrophically or photoheterotrophically. However, their growth rate was slower either on HSM or TAP medium than that of the control; Analysis of PSII activity revealed that its oxygen evolution was about 71% of wild type (WT); The Photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) of S24F was reduced 0.23 compared with WT; S24F was more sensitive to strong light irradiance than the wild type; Furthermore, SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting analysis indicated that the expression levels of α subunit of Cyt b559, LHCII and PsbO of S24F were a little less than those of the wild type. Overall, these data suggests that Ser24 plays a significant role in making Cyt b559 structure maintain PSII complex activity of oxygen evolution although it is not directly bound to heme group.  相似文献   

Spinel compounds LiNi0.5Mn1.3Ti0.2O4 (LNMTO) and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) were synthesized by different methods. The particle sizes of LNMTO and LTO are 0.5–2 and 0.5–0.8 μm, respectively. The LNMTO/LTO cell exhibits better electrochemical properties at both a low current rate of 0.2C and a high current rate of 1C. When the specific capacity was determined based on the mass of the LNMTO cathode, the LNMTO/LTO cell delivered 137 mA·h·g−1 at 0.2C and 118.2 mA·h·g−1 at 1C, and the corresponding capacity retentions after 30 cycles are 88.5% and 92.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were successfully fabricated by mechanical alloying. The microstructure, glass-forming ability, and crystallization behavior of amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The isothermal crystallization kinetics was analyzed by the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami equation. In the results, the supercooled liquid region of the amorphous alloy is as high as 81 K, as determined by non-isothermal DSC curves. The activation energy for crystallization is as high as 312.6 kJ·mol?1 obtained by Kissinger and Ozawa analyses. The values of Avrami exponent (n) imply that the crystallization is dominated by interface-controlled three-dimensional growth in the early stage and the end stage and by diffusion-controlled two- or three-dimensional growth in the middle stage. In addition, the amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were sintered under 2 GPa at temperatures of 673 K and 723 K. The results show that the Vickers hardness of the compacted powders is as high as Hv 1215.  相似文献   

Effects of proton irradiation on structure re-laxation of Zr_(41.5)Ti_(14.9)Cu_(12.6)Ni_(10.5)Be_(20.4) bulk metallic glass areinvestigated by means of X-ray diffraction, differential scan-ning calorimetric and electronic resistance measurements.The results show that, at 203 K, the structure ofZr_(41.5)Ti_(14.9)Cu_(12.6)Ni_(10.5)Be_(20.4) bulk metal glass is relaxed obvi-ously by proton irradiation with the energy and the dosebeing of 160 keV and 1.65×10~(16) ions/cm~2, respectively. How-ever, Zr_(41 .5)Ti_(14.9)Cu_(12.6)Ni_(10.5)Be_(20.4) bulk metallic glass becomesmore steady amorphous state under two conditions, one isthat the energy and the dose are 160 keV and 1.1×10~(15)ions/cm~2, respectively. Another is that the energy and thedose are 120 keV and 6.5×10~(15) ions/cm~2, respectively.  相似文献   

We adopted a new method, acid etching process, to fabricate the intrinsic Josephson junctions based on the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 x single crystals. By soaking the crystals into the dilute hydrochloric acid, we fabricated a junction stack successfully, and meantime made the surrounding area insulated. A certain concentration of hydrochloric acid was used to maintain the roughness of the modified layer. The cur-rent-voltage characteristic was achieved through the four terminal measurement. We could control the junctions' number by changing the concentration and the soaking time. We also found that the thick-ness of the stack was equal to the average height of the insulation layer. Such a simple, convenient and controllable fabrication method with a high yield might widen the applications of the intrinsic Joseph-son junctions.  相似文献   

The electro-deoxidation of V2O3 precursors was studied. Experiments were carried out with a two-terminal electrochemical cell, which was comprised of a molten electrolyte of CaCl2 and NaCl with additions of CaO, a cathode of compact V2O3, and a graphite anode under the potential of 3.0 V at 1173 K. The phase constitution and composition as well as the morphology of the samples were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 3 g of V2O3 could be converted to vanadium metal powder within the processing time of 8 h. The kinetic pathway was investigated by analyzing the product phase in samples prepared at different reduction stages. CaO added in the reduction path of V2O3 formed the intermediate product CaV2O4.  相似文献   

A coordination complex was synthesized from NiCl2 and dipeptide glycylglycine(GG). It was characterized by element analysis, NMR and TG methods, and then was determined to be Ni(C4HsN2O3)2Cl2. Using an isoperibolic reaction calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpy of formation of Ni(GG)2Cl2(solid) has been determined to be -(1 674.66±2.02) kJ · mol^-1 at 298.15 K.  相似文献   

Novel poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP)-coated nickel ferrite nanocrystals were prepared by simultaneously pyrolyzing nickel(II) acetylacetonate (Ni(acac)2) and iron(III) acetylacetonate (Fe(acac)3) in N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (NVP). The PVP coating was formed in situ through polymerization of NVP. The crystalline structure of the resultant nickel ferrite was analyzed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction patterns, and powder X-ray diffraction. In addition, the valence state of Ni and the metal contents of Ni and Fe in different valence states were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic absorption and the phenanthroline method. The surface coating layer of PVP and its binding states were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in combination with XPS. Colloidal stability experiments revealed that the nanocrystals could be dispersed well in both phosphate-buffered saline and Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium.  相似文献   

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