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Summary The electrical activity induced by stimulation of the cortex, diencephalon and rhinencephalon was studied in the rabbit under the influence of a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide or Diamox. A significant decrease of the excitability was found in the diencephalon.The rapidity and the electivity of this action, as well as the blood pH variations simultaneously registered, suggest a specific inhibition of cerebral carbonic anhydrase by Diamox, although a participation of the metabolic acidosis cannot be fully excluded.  相似文献   

Summary The radiations coming from Blanc Brillant de Luxe' fluorescent stimulate the growth and ramification of protonema ofCeratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. This stimulation is caused by red light (660 nm). Multidirectional lightening is more favorable than unidirectional exposition.  相似文献   

Summary The biochemical effects on bone marrow of a same dose of X rays (700 r) induced by a total body irradiation or a local irradiation are compared. The ribonucleic acid and the desoxyribonucleic acid of bone marrow show a fall during days 2 to 14 after irradiation, followed by complete recovery on day 21. A significant difference is noted during this period between animals exposed to a total or local irradiation system. The changes consecutive to X rays induced by a total irradiation are prominenter and remain longer than in local irradiation. The direct effect of X rays is probably associated with secondary injury of physiological connexions or other substances affected in total body irradiation.

Travail effectué avec le concours matériel de l'Institut National d'Hygiène.  相似文献   

Cet article a pour objet de montrer la nouveauté du traitement varignonien du mouvement des projectiles dans les milieux résistants par rapport au traitement de ce problème présenté entre autres par Newton dans les Principia. Aussi, après avoir analysé cursivement différentes Propositions du Livre II des Principia, nous étudierons plus spécialement, dans les Mémoires présentés par Varignon à l'Académie Royale des Sciences entre 1707 et 1711, la mise en place de l'expression d'une ‘Proposition générale’. Nous montrerons ensuite sur quelques cas particuliers en quel sens on peut dire que l'étude du mouvement des projectiles dans les milieux résistants se réduit alors, pour l'essentiel, à de simples questions d'intégration et de différentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The recent successes in chemotherapy suggest that a solution of the same order should now be possible for cancer. The cause of cancer being still unknown, the therapeutic action aimed at is the creation in the organism of conditions unfavorable for cell multiplication. Certain of the factors essential for cell growth, such as the hydrocarbons, have already been studied in this light. The author has demonstrated the possibility of influencing the high degree of hydration of tumor tissue by the use of substances capable of effecting a homogeneous distribution of the dispersed substances in the aqueous phase. Furthermore, it was proposed to influence the protein repair accompanying cell multiplication by means of substances having an affinity for proteins. This was done to effect a condensation of protein elements before they reach the tumor, thus producing a return to the normal concentration of the free protein fraction, and, at the same time, a decrease in the turn-over of these elements through the tumor. Electrophoretic measurements made with theTiselius apparatus have made it possible to follow protein affinity and to suggest the synthesis of compounds containing quinone and imine groups which may prove valuable in future investigations along these lines.  相似文献   

Summary The authors studied the lesions observed in the rectal and vaginal smears of the rat after a local irradiation of the rectum. They observed that an injection of cysteamine before the irradiation strongly diminishes the ratio of damaged rectal and vaginal cells. A local treatment with cysteamine in the rectum before and during the irradiation diminishes only the ratio of damaged rectal cells.  相似文献   

Summary In the presence of actinomycin D (20–40 µg/ml), the development of the eggs of the sea urchin,Paracentrotus lividus, is slowed from the late morula and stopped at the blastula stage. The development is immediately stopped in the blastula treated with actinomycin D (20–40 µg/ml). The inhibitory effects of actinomycin D are prevented by deoxyribonucleic acid. Actinomycin D does not exert animalizing or vegetalizing effects. However, the enhancing of vegetalizing action of lithium and the weakening of animalizing effects of zinc ions and Evans blue have been observed in the presence of actinomycin D. These observations may reflect some difference in the state of dependence of differentiation of entomesodermic and ectodermic structures towards the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary The potentiating effects of Neostigmine, D.F.P. and 3318 CT (a selective true cholinesterase inhibitor) on acetylcholine (ACh), propionylcholine (PrCh), butyrylcholine (BuCh) and amyltrimethylammonium (AmT), have been studied using the frog's rectus abdominis. Neostigmine increases the actions of the three esters much more than that of AmT. Low concentrations of D.F.P. potentiate maximally BuCh but have practically no effect on ACh, PrCh, and AmT. 3318 CT potentiates AcCh and PrCh but inhibits BuCh and AmT.These results indicate the specificity of the hydrolysis of pharmacologically active doses of BuCh, on the one hand, of AcCh and PrCh, on the other hand, by different enzymes or the frog's rectus.Results obtained with high concentrations of D.F.P. and with association of the different anticholinesterases indicate that a maximal or nearly maximal potentiation of one of these esters is already obtained with the specific inhibitor concerned; the supplementary inhibition of the non-specific enzymes thus appears to have no or only a poor effect.  相似文献   

Summary The total cerebellar proteins RNA and DNA contents from DLT4- and LT3-treated rats was studied at 6 and 35 days of age. The effect of injections of 5 g/j of DLT4 is comparable to that of 25 g of LT3 at birth, followed by 0.5 g every 2 days. On the other hand, injection of 0.5 g of LT3 every 2 days does not induce any significant modification of the total DNA contents in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Summary The males of two species of Palestine,Saga ephippigera Fisch. andS. gracilipes Uvar have respectively 33 and 31 chromosomes in the diploid state.S. pedo Pallas, a parthenogenetic thelytoc species largely distributed in Europe, has 68 chromosomes and probably represents a tetraploid. The cells of the three species have identical dimensions and the polyploidS. pedo is even the smallest in size.  相似文献   

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