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本文探讨了国产转杯纺纱器的转杯速度与成纱质量的关系,采用经过优化的转杯、隔离盘和假捻盘进行纺纱。试验结果表明,随着转杯速度的提高,成纱质量基本上呈下降趋势。但在杯速为50000 r/min 左右时,成纱质量的几项主要指标最佳。这对于合理设计转杯速度具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

详细分析了转杯内纱线的受力情况,得出了求解纱线曲线形状和纱线张力的有效方法,求得纱段离开假捻盘表面进入出纱管时的分离点轨迹方程,并且指出:在纱线一周回转运动中,由于分离点不同,导致其切向角不同,进而影响到纱线曲线形状和纱线张力也跟着有所变化,但变化一般不大,故可把纱线运动看作为近似稳定来进行力学分析。  相似文献   

通过对纱条在假捻盘上的运动和受力分析,对转杯纺杯内的捻度分布进行研究,并得到了杯内捻度分布的一般规律.  相似文献   

研究了3种特性不同的腈纶纤维的分梳性能及其成纱质量.实验表明,不同特性的腈纶纤维的分梳性能是不同的.随分梳辊速度的提高,纤维拉伸特性下降、长度减短;纺杯内的积尘量与纤维损伤的程度有着直接的关系;转杯纱的质量与纤维的分梳性能有着密切的联系.  相似文献   

本文选择FA601A型机纺纱器的输送管道为研究对象,设计五个新输送管道,通过纺纱对比试验,根据各方案成纱的“乌氏”质量指标及成纱结构质量指标,采用聚类分析方法,比较科学地得出6号管道的成纱质量最佳,反映在纺58.3 tex的成纱结构中,不规则纤维占54.0%,打卷纤维只占10%。其主要原因是6号管道符合以下设计原则:(1)提高输送管道进口段气流速度,使纤维脱离锯齿的过程中,增强头端弯钩的伸直度,同时有利于纤维的轴向流动;(2)减少输送管道出口气流方向与滑移面交点切线的夹角,可减少不规则纤维;(3)减少输送管道剥离区空间,可减弱该区涡流的产生,从而改善纤维形态。由此可见,输送管道结构对成纱质量有显著影响,而纤维形态是影响成纱质量的重要因素。  相似文献   

选取30种纯棉普梳熟条,分别生产58.3tex和18.22tex转杯纱,再用多种数学方法分析熟条HVI测试性能与转杯纱强力之间的关系。结论对实际生产中的配棉、熟条生产工艺的优化以及成纱质量控制都有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

转杯纺自由纱段形态对其捻度分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对自由纱段的运动及受力分析,对自由纱段形态以及纺纱工艺参数对自由纱段捻度分布的影响进行了研究。研究表明:因自由纱段在杯内成弯曲形状,从而使得自由纱段捻度自假捻盘入口处向剥离点处不断减少,真至剥离点处纱条捻度甚至降到只有设计捻度的40%-80%。为了保证凝聚槽内一定的捻度传递长度,则须适当提高设计捻度,这就揭示了转杯纱设计捻度高于环锭纱的一个主要原因。高速细支时的剥离点纱条捻度相对于低速粗支而言要高,说明只要一些纺纱工艺参数如转杯直径、转杯速度、假捻盘规格等配合得当,转杯纺也可高速稳定地纺制细支纱。  相似文献   

考察了分梳辊针布规格及其速度配置与转杯纱质量的关系,为工厂分梳辊针布的合理选择、转杯纱低捻工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了转杯纺棉氨复合纱的纺纱原理,并在经过改装的转杯纺纱机上,选用两种规格的氨纶丝,通过调整氨纶丝的牵伸倍数纺制不同外观和性能的转杯纺棉氨复合纱。经纱线外观和性能的测试分析,表明氨纶丝牵伸倍数对转杯纺棉氨复合纱的外观和性能有一定的影响。  相似文献   

介绍Richcel纤维的基本技术性能,对Richcel纤维转杯纺纱工艺特征和纺纱性能进行了分析,并通过Richcel纤维与棉混纺,确立了Richcel纤维与棉纤维混纺转杯纱的工艺流程和主要工艺参数,使设计的Rich-cel纤维转杯纱达到了较理想的质量要求.为规模生产Richcel纤维转杯纱积累了经验.  相似文献   

The lower strength of friction spun yarns has became a key problem that hinder the develop-ment of friction spinning,especially in high speeds and fine yarns.In this paper a project aimed atincreasing the strength of friction spun yarns by using a false twist process has been made.In re-ported experiment false twist was inserted into the yarn which has been formed on a friction spin-ning machine,so that it made the yarn untwist at first,then regain the twist.In the meantime draftwas applied to generate more tension than that which had been experienced during yarn formationon the friction spinning machine.It made the yarn reforming and the loosely bound fibres in thefriction spun yarn formed due to extremely low tension on the friction spinning machine becametighter.Results indicate that with the proper draft,tension and false twist the tenacity of processedyarn will increase more than 10%.This project is an attempt to discover whether improvements can be made and whether it isworth pursuing research into modifications of yarn structure.The results imply that if the yarntension can be raised during yarn formation on the friction spinning machine or a chance is offeredto the yarn to reform after the yarn formation the yarn tenacity will be increased obviously.  相似文献   

本文讨论气流纱的拉伸特性。Hearle曾对具有理想结构纱线的拉伸特性进行过比较完整的研究工作。本文则根据气流纱独特的成纱结构,对Hearle理论在气流纱中的应用作了一定的修正,并在此基础上对气流纱的拉伸特性作了分析计算。计算结果与实测结果基本相符。最后还从气流纱的应力-应变关系式中,就影响气流纱强力、初始模量以及断裂功等等力学特性的一些主要工艺参数进行了分析讨论。得出合理选用阻捻盘、很好控制捻度传递长度;合理设计与选用分梳及输棉机构,在不断改善单纤维供应的同时,尽量减少纤维损伤,提高纤维有效长度;适当提高纺纱张力,增加纤维转移等等都是改善气流纱强力等力学特性、提高成纱质量的有效途径。对工业用气流纱,还可通过合理设计凝棉槽,以提高气流纱紧密度的途径来提高气流纱强力。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the tensile behaviour of rotor spun yarns. Having regard to the spe-cial construction of rotor spun yarn, some modifications for Hearle's theory have been made inorder to apply Hearle' s theory to rotor spun yarn. The paper then goes into calculating thetensile curve and investigating the effect of main parameters and spinning conditions on thetensile behaviour of rotor spun yarn. It was found that the following facts are noteworthy forimproving the mechanical properties of rotor spun yarn: (1) Selecting suitable navel so as tocontrol the P. T. E. length within a reasonable range. (2) Improving the design of single fibresupply device to decrease the amount of spoiled fibre and hence increase the effective fibrelength. (3) Increasing spinning yarn tension without yarn break to enhance the fibre migrationratio. (4) For the rotor spun yarn of industrial use, it is the way to increase the yarn strengththat the rotor groove should be designed with the groove angle beneficial to decrease the yarnspecific volume.  相似文献   

本文对转杯纺加工兔棉混纺针织纱,选取兔棉混纺比、捻盘直径、成纱捻系数等三因子,进行优化设计与纺纱试验.根据试验数据,通过运算,建立试验因子与确定成纱质量指标间的回归方程。再通过计算机对各回归方程绘制两维等高线图,从图可以看出,兔棉混纺比、假捻盘直径、捻系数对成纱质量均有显著影响、同时,对试验所得数据,进行优化处理,建立数学模型,并通过计算机运算求解,结果得出:在转杯低速(35200r/min)时,纺62.5tex混纺纱,最佳工艺参数为捻系数394~399;假捻盘直径25~27mm,兔/棉混比35/65~45/55.  相似文献   

本文研究了在管道纺纱机上不添加构件而进行包芯纱的纺制。分析了其包芯纱的成纱机理。观察了实际成纱的横截面,证实了棉纤维能够均匀地、完全地包覆在芯丝的周围。也对不同性质的芯丝所纺包芯纱的结构作了观察,并对不同成纱的性质随速度增加而变化的规律作了研究。  相似文献   

At present, we have succeeded in producing silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, and obtained good economic benefits. In this paper, through combining with the recent producing practice, systematically discussing and analysing the technology in the process of producing silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, we develop the new technology which is suited to produce silk noil yarn by rotor spinning, and address several noticable problems. The conclusions have been put into practice and proved to be effective and reliable. It can be consulted by the textile mills.  相似文献   

本文讨论转杯纺纱(即气流纺)杯内纱的曲线形态和张力变化,从力学分析的角度来看,在有空气阻力并有足够大的阻捻盘作用下才能使纱形成稳定的正向剥取的曲线形态。如无空气阻力并无阻捻盘存在时,那就将形成反向剥取方式的曲线形态。否则是不能满足力学平衡和功能平衡的要求的。  相似文献   

This paper reports the optimum design of combing roller speed with reference to yielding 6-13 Ne(98.4—45.4 tex) pure ramie noil rotor-spun yarns. The universal rotatable composite design is adopted to get the highly precise regression equations, in which the variables are combing roller speed and yarn linear density considered to be the main technological parameters of combing roller and, the responses are the evaluation indexes concerning spinning stability, fiber length distribution of fibre ring from rotor groove and yarn properties. Based on these regression equations, the contours are plotted to analyse the influences of the parameters on the evaluation indexes; the optimization multicriteria mathematical model is simultaneously established to obtain the optimum parameters with the aid of Object Programming Approach along with Constrained Random Ray Method. Finally, an experiment is carried out to further test the acceptance of the calculated optimum values. It is shown that, for any yarn linear density within 6—13 Ne (98.4—45.4 tex), combing roller speed varying from 5000 to 9150 r/min affects content of extra-long fibre in fibre ring from rotor groove and yarn properties but does not significantly influence spinning stability; 7075 r/min, at which the SAQ-12 type of saw-toothed combing roller runs, is recommended to be the optimum combing roller speed for producing 6—13 Ne (98.4—45.4 tex) pure ramie noil yarns, where a compromise is achieved among the lowest content of extra-long fibre in fibre ring, the best spinning stability and the best yarn properties.  相似文献   

超喂率是影响空气变形纱(以下简称空变纱)及其织物结构性能的一个重要参数。本文就超喂率对空变纱的形态结构、光泽、强伸度、摩擦等性能以及对空变纱织物性能的影响进行了较全面的实验研究,给出了实测数据,并通过分析而引出了重要结论。  相似文献   

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