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正爷爷的菜园不大,种的蔬菜可不少。有穿着紫袍的茄子,它们戴着绿帽子,像是参加晚会的贵妇人一样。玉米的长势最好,一株株像小士兵一样,昂首挺胸地站在田边,神气十足。要是有不认识的人靠近它,它会举起红缨枪,瞄准入侵者。西红柿挂满枝头,像一盏盏红灯笼,照亮了整个菜园。豇豆最文静,像亭亭玉立的少女,一阵风吹来,摆动纤细的身体,翩翩起舞,很是好看。辣椒最威风,它们有的穿着碧绿的外套,有的穿着大红袍,很是耀眼,生怕别人看不到它们美丽的衣裳。朝天椒虽然不太显眼,但可爱炫耀自己了,像骄傲的公主。  相似文献   

你路过了你的风景,也行使了你应该行使的里程,不要心有不甘,不要挂档倒退,把该记住的记住,该剔除的剔除。三月,注定是属于女人的,草长莺飞,季节变迁,城市里弥漫着对女人的关注和赞美。2010年1月,我获得了成都市2009年度第三届职业丽人提名奖,3月,又获得了2010年十大魅力女川商。同时,又因为工作的原因,获得了总公司记大功的奖励。  相似文献   

解放思想 高移目标 推动学校事业科学发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在学校事业发展的新阶段,必须解放思想,高移目标,不断提升人才培养工作水平,不断提升富民强校水平,努力实现办学层次的新提升和办学空间的新拓展。要以科学发展观为指导,坚持稳中求进,坚持好字优先,坚持改革创新,坚持以人为本,夯实基础,彰显特色,增创新的发展优势。要上下团结一心,协调一致,形成合力,共同担负起促进学校事业又好又快发展的重任。  相似文献   

徐梅  廖家强 《大自然》2013,(5):68-71,2
走进阿拉斯加,仿佛走进了气势恢弘的天然画廊。不同的季节,不同的时辰,这里呈现着不同的景色,有的色彩斑斓,如同浓彩重墨的油画;有的古朴俊秀,犹如水墨丹青的国画;有的刚劲有力,形如对比强烈的版画;有的清新雅致,恰似灵动飘逸的水彩画。无论黄昏还是黎明,无论是晴空万里还是烟雨朦胧,阿拉斯加的每个角落都有一种美丽,让你怦然心动,让你流连忘返,让你想把它放进自己的梦里,千年不醒。  相似文献   

一般来说,知道他,主要是通过两个故事以及这么一个成语——运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。至于他是如何运筹又是如何决胜的,一般人就不会问了,无非权谋计算而已。他的第一个故事是,作为韩国的贵公子,为了替他的韩国报仇,他悉以家财,求得力士,制一百多斤的铁锥,埋伏在那博浪沙,冒险刺杀秦始皇,可惜那  相似文献   

涂瀚宇 《少儿科技》2008,(Z1):37-37
春天,母爱犹如和煦的微风,拂过稚嫩的花瓣;夏天,母爱犹如冰冻的冷饮,凉爽炽热的身体;秋天,母爱犹如金黄的落叶,点亮前进的道路;冬天,母爱犹如顽强的种子,等待生  相似文献   

5周年,15周年,50周年……每一次直销企业的周年庆典,都向我们展示着直销企业的一次质变,象征着直销行业的一次成长。走过嗷嗷待哺的年月,走过激情燃烧的岁月,周年庆典的这些数字,都预示着直销企业已步入成熟稳重的中青年时代,开始在中国市场中散发出独特的魅力。周年庆典是实力的展示,是自我的激励,是成长的荣耀,同时也是一个平台:借着一幕幕的精彩表演,甚至是员工自己编排的节目,  相似文献   

玉澍偶地名,使人发生一样美感,为什么呢?我国的文人描写女人的漂亮,多喜欢用个玉字,所谓「亭亭玉立,所谓「燕度佳人,美者颜如玉」,都说不了「玉字,所以玉树纵里面的一个玉字,已很容易使人以为它是一个风景美丽的地方,虽不敢奢望如杭州的西湖,至少也如山东的青岛吧,其实单一个玉字,不能尽其妙处,它是玉树呀,玉的树是多么实真的东西呵,所以玉树二字不特  相似文献   

“熙熙攘攘,皆为利来,皆为利往”,如此概括中国古代繁荣景象的一组词语,用在这里或许不太合适,但这恰恰成了互联网“泄漏门”利益链条中呈现出来的一个鲜活的画面.这画面很“热闹”,却让所有的网民倍感“揪心”. 看看我们的手机、翻翻我们的邮箱,每天海量的垃圾信息,充斥着我们的眼球.这还不算,更有甚者,接到莫名电话的骚扰,推销奶粉的,卖尿片的、卖治疗仪的、卖房的、投资的、开发票的等等,一度扰乱了一天平静的生活.  相似文献   

抬头看看你周围的物体,圆的、方的,短的、长的,远的、近的……物体都是立体的,这就是立体感。当你闭上一只眼睛,或者用手挡住一只眼睛,很难分清物体的远近距离和形状,立体感消失了(如果是熟悉的场景,也许你能分辨出物体的空间感觉,但那不是眼睛看到的,而是大脑"看"到的,主要是  相似文献   

Limited single-spacecraft observations of Jupiter's magnetopause have been used to infer that the boundary moves inward or outward in response to variations in the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. At Earth, multiple-spacecraft observations have been implemented to understand the physics of how this motion occurs, because they can provide a snapshot of a transient event in progress. Here we present a set of nearly simultaneous two-point measurements of the jovian magnetopause at a time when the jovian magnetopause was in a state of transition from a relatively larger to a relatively smaller size in response to an increase in solar-wind pressure. The response of Jupiter's magnetopause is very similar to that of the Earth, confirming that the understanding built on studies of the Earth's magnetosphere is valid. The data also reveal evidence for a well-developed boundary layer just inside the magnetopause.  相似文献   

本文讨论一种识别物体的方法。三维空间中的物体表面可以由部分球面、柱面和平面来近似,并且这些面是能够被识别的。处理方法是通过分割图象成为区域(Region)且并行处理这些区域来实现。文内叙述一种技术。这种技术应用具有激光扫描器的摄象机系统获取图象。测量三维物体相应表面点的座标。然后用相应区域中的三点决定一个参考平面,进而计算区域中的特征点到参考平面的距离。这些多距离特征可被用来识别相应区域中的物体表面是球面、柱面还是平面。这些面的方向,可用具有两个斜角的表面法线方向来描述。这种技术在自动装配线上和工业监视检验中是很有用的。可用其找出另件在三维空间中的位置和方向,计算检验另件表面形状外形尺寸等等。  相似文献   

Noise in eukaryotic gene expression   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
Blake WJ  KAErn M  Cantor CR  Collins JJ 《Nature》2003,422(6932):633-637

Two tobacco DNA-binding proteins with homology to the nuclear factor CREB   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
F Katagiri  E Lam  N H Chua 《Nature》1989,340(6236):727-730
The 35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) contains a tandem repeat of the sequence TGACG in the region -83 to -63. This 21-base pair (bp) sequence, called as-1, is involved in root expression of the 35S promoter. When inserted in a promoter of a gene expressed specifically in photosynthetic tissues, as-1 confers high level expression in roots. We have described a factor, ASF-1, that binds specifically to as-1 in vitro. There is a good correlation between ASF-1 binding affinity to as-1 related sequences in vitro and the function of these sequences in vivo. These results strongly suggest that ASF-1 is responsible for the function of as-1. Here we report the isolation of tobacco complementary DNA clones encoding two TGACG-sequence-specific binding-proteins (TGA1a and TGA1b). Sequence analysis of the cDNA clones shows that both proteins contain a basic region that shows high homology to a stretch of basic amino acids in the nuclear factors CREB, GCN4, and c-Jun to a 'leucine-zipper' region. On the basis of binding specificity we propose TGA1a to be a good candidate for ASF-1.  相似文献   

在三维模型的应用中,将模型文件存储在数据库中是一种很好的管理方式.一般显示模型的做法是把数据库中的模型存储在临时文件中,再从这个文件中读取数据.文章提出了一种避免临时文件的显示方式,即将数据库中的模型暂存在内存中的一块区域,然后从内存中读取数据的显示方式.在这种方式下,内存中的数据以字节为单位赋值给用于显示的数据结构....  相似文献   

Tseng CH  Gobell JL  Sperling G 《Nature》2004,428(6983):657-660
Visual attention enables an observer to select specific visual information for processing. In an ambiguous motion task in which a coloured grating can be perceived as moving in either of two opposite directions depending on the relative salience of two colours in the display, attending to one of the colours influences the direction in which the grating appears to move. Here, we use this secondary effect of attention in a motion task to measure the effect of attending to a specific colour in a search task. Observers performed a search task in which they searched for a target letter in a 4 x 4 coloured matrix. Each of the 16 squares within a matrix was assigned one of four colours, and observers knew that the target letter would appear on only one of these colours throughout the experiment. Observers performed the ambiguous motion task before and after the search task. Attending to a particular colour for a brief period in the search task profoundly influenced the perceived direction of motion. This effect lasted for up to one month and in some cases had to be reversed by practising searches for the complementary colour, indicating a much longer-persisting effect of attention than has been observed previously.  相似文献   

Nonlinear grassland responses to past and future atmospheric CO(2)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Carbon sequestration in soil organic matter may moderate increases in atmospheric CO(2) concentrations (C(a)) as C(a) increases to more than 500 micromol mol(-1) this century from interglacial levels of less than 200 micromol mol(-1) (refs 1 6). However, such carbon storage depends on feedbacks between plant responses to C(a) and nutrient availability. Here we present evidence that soil carbon storage and nitrogen cycling in a grassland ecosystem are much more responsive to increases in past C(a) than to those forecast for the coming century. Along a continuous gradient of 200 to 550 micromol mol(-1) (refs 9, 10), increased C(a) promoted higher photosynthetic rates and altered plant tissue chemistry. Soil carbon was lost at subambient C(a), but was unchanged at elevated C(a) where losses of old soil carbon offset increases in new carbon. Along the experimental gradient in C(a) there was a nonlinear, threefold decrease in nitrogen availability. The differences in sensitivity of carbon storage to historical and future C(a) and increased nutrient limitation suggest that the passive sequestration of carbon in soils may have been important historically, but the ability of soils to continue as sinks is limited.  相似文献   

为了实现航天器仪器安装板的振动控制,建立了采用Kagome夹心板制作的仪器安装板的有限元模型,并选用一种圆柱形黏弹性阻尼器,通过Biot模型建立了该阻尼器的有限元模型;计算了各阶模态中Kagome平面桁架的模态应变能在结构总模态应变能中所占的比例,将其作为模态可控度,再结合给定载荷情况下的模态位移来确定需要控制的模态,由此提出了一种利用模态应变能比来控制多模态振动的阻尼器布置方案.特征值分析及时域响应数值模拟表明,该阻尼器布置方案只需使用很少数量的阻尼器,便可以显著增加较宽频带内所有模态的阻尼比,而且对于其他模态的振动也有一定的抑制作用.  相似文献   

P Gros  Y B Ben Neriah  J M Croop  D E Housman 《Nature》1986,323(6090):728-731

K Kaila  J Voipio 《Nature》1987,330(6144):163-165
Synaptic inhibition mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is known to involve opening of receptor-gated chloride channels. Recent evidence indicates that these channels also show a significant permeability to the physiologically important bicarbonate anion. In all the excitable cells studied to date, the intracellular pH (pHi) is higher than would be predicted from a passive distribution of H+ ions, and consequently there is an outwardly directed electrochemical driving force for HCO3-. In the presence of CO2/HCO3- therefore, activation of GABA-gated channels could give rise to a significant efflux of bicarbonate, leading to a fall in postsynaptic pHi. We have examined the influence of GABA on pHi in crayfish skeletal muscle and we find that in the presence of CO2, GABA induces a dramatic fall in pHi which is coupled to an alkalosis at the extracellular surface. This fall in pHi and the extracellular alkalosis are attributable to a GABA-activated, picrotoxin-sensitive HCO3--conductance. In view of the sensitivity of ion channels and intracellular ion concentrations to changes in pHi, a GABA-induced postsynaptic acidosis could prove to be important in the modulation of inhibitory transmission.  相似文献   

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