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Invertible DNA determines host specificity of bacteriophage mu   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
The function of the invertible G region of bacteriophage Mu is apparently to confer different host specificities on Mu. Two products of genes S and U, situated in the G region are not needed for the infectivity of Mu G(-) particles. In the Mu G(-) phage the S gene product and the 21-K polypeptide, presumably the product of gene U, are missing. Instead, two other polypeptides with different molecular weights are observed.  相似文献   

Kofoed EM  Vance RE 《Nature》2011,477(7366):592-595
Inflammasomes are a family of cytosolic multiprotein complexes that initiate innate immune responses to pathogenic microbes by activating the caspase 1 protease. Although genetic data support a critical role for inflammasomes in immune defence and inflammatory diseases, the molecular basis by which individual inflammasomes respond to specific stimuli remains poorly understood. The inflammasome that contains the NLRC4 (NLR family, CARD domain containing 4) protein was previously shown to be activated in response to two distinct bacterial proteins, flagellin and PrgJ, a conserved component of pathogen-associated type III secretion systems. However, direct binding between NLRC4 and flagellin or PrgJ has never been demonstrated. A homologue of NLRC4, NAIP5 (NLR family, apoptosis inhibitory protein 5), has been implicated in activation of NLRC4 (refs 7-11), but is widely assumed to have only an auxiliary role, as NAIP5 is often dispensable for NLRC4 activation. However, Naip5 is a member of a small multigene family, raising the possibility of redundancy and functional specialization among Naip genes. Here we show in mice that different NAIP paralogues determine the specificity of the NLRC4 inflammasome for distinct bacterial ligands. In particular, we found that activation of endogenous NLRC4 by bacterial PrgJ requires NAIP2, a previously uncharacterized member of the NAIP gene family, whereas NAIP5 and NAIP6 activate NLRC4 specifically in response to bacterial flagellin. We dissected the biochemical mechanism underlying the requirement for NAIP proteins by use of a reconstituted NLRC4 inflammasome system. We found that NAIP proteins control ligand-dependent oligomerization of NLRC4 and that the NAIP2-NLRC4 complex physically associates with PrgJ but not flagellin, whereas NAIP5-NLRC4 associates with flagellin but not PrgJ. Our results identify NAIPs as immune sensor proteins and provide biochemical evidence for a simple receptor-ligand model for activation of the NAIP-NLRC4 inflammasomes.  相似文献   

从青藏高原传统牦牛酸奶中筛选出一株乳酸菌,排除酸和过氧化氢的干扰后,对金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureu)和大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)有明显的抑制作用.经形态学、生理生化特征及16S rDNA序列同源性分析等手段鉴定该菌株为乳明串珠菌(Leuconostoc lactis).用蛋白酶处理该菌株的发酵上清液后, 抑菌活性丧失; 发酵上清液具有较好的热稳定性(经121 ℃处理20 min仍有较强抑菌活性)和pH稳定性 (在pH 3.0~10.0之间保持活性), 因此初步认为该菌株产生的抑菌物质属于类细菌素.研究发现该菌株在培养8 h后出现抑菌活性,在20 h时抑菌活性达到最大并一直到发酵结束.  相似文献   

In Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, the nodABC and nodFEL operons are involved in the production of lipo-oligosaccharide signals which mediate host specificity. The structure of these metabolites and those produced in nod mutants links the nodE and nodL genes to specific chemical features of the signal molecules. A nodE-determined, highly unsaturated fatty acid and a nodL-determined O-acetyl substituent are essential for the ability of the signals to induce nodule meristems on the host plant Vicia sativa.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of N6-methyladenylyl-uridine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

在理论计算基础上,结合转轮实测与实践经验,确定了叶片出水边切割量,铲除了叶片前半部分的鼓包,使HL160-WJ-84型水力发电机组在65m额定水头下最大有功功率增加25%.经调节保证计算,为改造后的机组重选了关机时间Tf.为解决原机型非接触式密封装置在大负荷工况下主轴漏水喷入水导轴承问题,设计了新型平板橡胶接触式密封装置.  相似文献   

Thin films of hydrazine molybdenum (MoO4N4H6), a new inorganic azo dye, were synthesized and deposited on a commercial glass substrate using the chemical bath deposition technique. Subsequently, the optical transmission, reflectivity, absorption, refractive index, and dielectric constant of hydrazine molybdenum were investigated using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. In addition, the film structure was analyzed by mid-infrared spectroscopy. The spectra of the films were found to be in line with those in the literature. The surface properties of all films were examined using a computer-controlled digital scanning electron microscope with a secondary electron detector. The areas of application and the technological advantages of this material were also considered.  相似文献   

Class-V myosin proceeds along actin filaments with large ( approximately 36 nm) steps. Myosin-V has two heads, each of which consists of a motor domain and a long (23 nm) neck domain. In accordance with the widely accepted lever-arm model, it was suggested that myosin-V steps to successive (36 nm) target zones along the actin helical repeat by tilting its long neck (lever-arm). To test this hypothesis, we measured the mechanical properties of single molecules of myosin-V truncation mutants with neck domains only one-sixth of the native length. Our results show that the processivity and step distance along actin are both similar to those of full-length myosin-V. Thus, the long neck domain is not essential for either the large steps or processivity of myosin-V. These results challenge the lever-arm model. We propose that the motor domain and/or the actomyosin interface enable myosin-V to produce large processive steps during translocation along actin.  相似文献   

在经典分类学中,社鼠和针毛鼠分类地位一直不是很明确,外形及头骨的形态差异微小,有关社鼠亚种的分类问题争论较多.基于在四川采集的标本,通过单因素方差分析和多变量分析,发现社鼠与针毛鼠主要在体长、腭后长及上颊齿等量度区别较明显;利用多变量分析和多因变量方差分析对社鼠的3个亚种处理,结果显示:社鼠亚种问的鉴别特征主要在于颧板宽、听泡长、下齿列等.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.It is a critical element for creating and sustaining life.The nitrogen atom is the fundamental ingredient fo...  相似文献   

测定了32Mn-7Cr-0.6Mo-0.3N奥氏体钢77K温度下的力学性能、组织稳定性,并研究了其低温变形和断裂行为。结果表明:该钢具有很好的低温强度和韧性以及高的组织稳定性。由于氮原子的影响以及在低温变形过程中产生的滑移带、形变孪晶、位错间的相互作用,导致该钢具有较高的加工硬化率和高的均匀延伸率。该钢于77K发断口为韧窝占主导并混有少量准解理小刻面的韧性断裂特征。  相似文献   

Nb对快淬Nd10Fe84B6合金微观组织和磁性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了添加Nb对快淬Nd10Fe84B6合金磁性能、微观组织和晶化温度的影响.结果表明:添加Nb可以提高快淬态合金中非晶相的热稳定性,减小最佳退火温度和晶化起始温度之间的温度差,抑制热处理时α-Fe和Nd2Fe14B晶粒的预先析出和长大,有效细化了晶粒,提高磁性能.快淬Nd10Fe83Nb1B6合金经过715℃热处理10 min,磁性能达到Br=0.90 T,iHc=750 kA/m,(BH)max=120 kJ/m3,较之Nd10Fe84B6合金,内禀矫顽力提高了25%,最大磁能积提高了14%.  相似文献   

6N01和7N01铝合金是高铁列车车体上大量使用的2种重要的轻量化结构材料.本文利用EBSD、光学显微镜、维氏硬度测试和加速腐蚀实验研究了典型6N01-7N01铝合金T型焊接接头的微观组织、硬度分布和腐蚀特性.结果表明:焊缝、熔合区和热影响区的晶粒组织特征存在显著差异.焊缝组织为等轴晶,熔合区组织为等轴晶和柱状晶.靠近焊缝处的6N01合金存在部分晶粒异常长大现象,而7N01合金仅发生了回复和部分再结晶.6N01合金一侧的热影响区会出现硬度比焊缝更低的硬度谷,即软化区,这是由析出相受焊接热的影响发生明显的粗化导致的.经腐蚀实验后,焊缝的硬度显著降低,焊缝和热影响区为焊接接头腐蚀最严重的区域.  相似文献   

本文详尽讨论了级数∑nanSnαSn-1β(α,β0)的敛散性.式中Sn=∑nk=1ak(ak0)→+∞(n→∞)从中得到一些有价值的结果.N.H.Abel定理则是文中命题2(当β=0,α=1+ρ,ρ>0时)之特例.  相似文献   

纯镍N6平面热压缩变形行为及加工图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机对纯镍N6在变形温度800~1100℃,应变速率5~40 s-1,应变量70%条件下进行了高温塑性变形压缩试验,分析纯镍N6高温高应变速率热变形行为,得到了材料在不同变形参数条件下的组织变化规律及流变应力变化曲线,利用动态材料模型绘制出了纯镍N6在不同应变条件下的热加工图。通过对组织及热加工图的分析研究,得出变形温度为1000~1100℃,应变速率为5~7 s-1或20~40 s-1以及变形温度为800~900℃,应变速率为5~10 s-1为纯镍N6材料高温高应变速率热变形的两个合理变形参数区间,在参数区间内N6组织均匀;而流变失稳区变形参数条件下得到的组织比较紊乱,晶粒大小不一。纯镍N6热变形后的晶粒尺寸随变形温度升高及应变速率减小而增大。  相似文献   

该文用~(15)N示踪原子对DPT上不同类型的胺基氮原子分别进行标记。有~(15)N标记的DPT在硝解剂中生成的硝解碎片分子与脲或硝基脲进行曼尼希缩合反应生成2,4,6-三硝基-2,4,6-三氮杂环己酮产物,用质谱分析法鉴定反应物和产物中~(15)N原子的分布及丰度。研究结果表明:DPT上两种不同的胺基氮原子所在的硝解碎片分子的反应性是很不相同的。三亚甲基胺基氮原子100%地进入产物分子的4位,而硝基胺基氮原子100%地不进入产物分子。  相似文献   

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