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用一台常规的真空镀膜机改建为化学气相沉积 (CVD)系统 ,并用以制备金刚石薄膜 .采用SEM、XRD、Raman测试表明 ,金刚石薄膜质量较好 .  相似文献   

应用傅立叶变换红外光谱研究白血病骨髓血红细胞   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了急性粒细胞白血病(AML)和慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)患者的骨髓血红细胞的红外光谱差异性:与CML红细胞相比,AML红细胞酰胺Ⅰ带较宽;1540cm-1与1 084cm-1吸收峰面积之间的比值较低,范围较窄。该结果提示AML和CML骨髓血红细胞系中有核红细胞的数量分布不同,同时提示骨髓红细胞的成熟可能与白血病细胞的增殖有关。骨髓血细胞的红外光谱的差异性对白血病的分析和评价具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The growth of {100}-oriented CVD diamond film under two modifications of J-B-H model at low substrate temperatures was simulated by using a revised KMC method at atomic scale. The results were compared both in Cl-containing systems and in C-H system as follows: (1) Substrate temperature can produce an important effect both on film deposition rate and on surface roughness; (2) Aomic Cl takes an active role for the growth of diamond film at low temperatures; (3) {100}-oriented diamond film cannot deposit under single carbon insertion mechanism, which disagrees with the predictions before; (4) The explanation of the exact role of atomic Cl is not provided in the simulation results.  相似文献   

Hydrogen distribution and content in diamond films deposited by DC arcjet under gas recycling mode was evaluated by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA). The films were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectrometry. The NRA results show that the hydrogen content in diamond films was approximately 0.6% (substrate temperature 770℃), and strongly depended on the substrate temperature. It was that the hydrogen content increased with the increase of the substrate temperature. The possibility of hydrogen trapping in the films was also discussed.  相似文献   

为了建立一种滇产绿茶、红茶及普洱熟茶的红外光谱鉴定方法,通过采集三类茶的红外光谱及二维相关红外光谱并进行三级红外光谱(傅里叶变换红外光谱结合二阶导数红外光谱及二维相关红外光谱)解析.红外光谱对比分析表明:1 644、1 517、1 451、1 237及1 040 cm-1是三类茶的共有特征峰,它们的吸收强度从绿茶、红茶到普洱熟茶依次减弱;二阶导数谱中,三类茶间的吸收峰位置、强度差异更加明显;与草酸钙的二阶导数谱对比分析发现,三类茶的草酸钙相对含量为:绿茶<红茶<普洱熟茶.二维相关红外光谱显示了三类茶的最强自动峰分别为1 635、1 563及1 639 cm-1,通过三级红外光谱分析可实现三类滇产茶的鉴定.  相似文献   

用傅里叶变换红外光谱的透射光谱研究了溶液聚合的四种模型嵌段聚氨酯,在不同温度退火处理后,NH谱带、羰基谱带、醚键谱带等变化情况.从退火对羰基谱带的影响可看出,这些嵌段聚氨酯样品在200℃以下退火,可使氢键增强,而在200℃以上退火,则聚合物发生热降解.  相似文献   

该文较详细地描述了傅里叶变换红光谱在大气污染分析中的应用,通过近年来发展起来的几种长程吸收方法,证实了傅里叶变换红外光谱法在痕量气体(10^-4-10^-7%数量级)分析中的优越性及发展前景。  相似文献   

运用OMNI 采样器-傅里叶变换红外光谱测定法获取了8科80种(包括种下单位)草本被子植物种子的红外光谱,统计了在3 100~900 cm-1波数范围内的峰值,以此为基础进行了聚类分析.结果表明:(1)80种草本植物的种子可以分成两类,第1类由禾本科、莎草科、蓼科和苋科植物的种子组成;第2类由菊科、大戟科、十字花科和伞形科植物的种子组成;(2)聚类图上,只有十字花科植物的种子能较好地与其他科的相区别;(3)在11组同属不同种植物中,有8组植物与亲缘关系不同的其他属的植物混在一起;在7组同种不同亚种或品种植物中,仅有1组植物被聚合在一起.由此得出如下结论,基于FTIR对植物进行分类或亲缘关系研究,应用上有局限性.在具体应用时,应该同时测定亲缘关系较远的其它植物作为排序或者聚类的对照,考察该方法在应用上的有效性.同时,在用于植物鉴别时要注意实验的重复性和数据间的统计学差异显著性分析.  相似文献   

为了实现利用FTIR光谱仪进行野外地物光谱发射率的测量,针对D&P公司生产的Model-101型便携式FTIR光谱仪,讨论了仪器的定标原理,给出了样品的光谱辐射计算公式.采用低发射率反射板测量环境辐射,从而可以方便、快捷地计算出样品的发射率,并给出了相应的修正方法.样品实测结果表明,修正后的光谱发射率曲线与标准光谱发射率曲线具有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

IntroductionGenetic manipulation of bacteria has become apowerful tool for elucidating fundamentalbiological mechanisms.While many techniques areavailable to introduce foreign DNA into severalbacterial species[1 ] ,some bacteria,such asStreptococcus spp.,have proven to be resistant totransformation with mostprotocols thathave beendescribed.In addition,there are large differencesin the transform ability among various strains ofStreptococcusspp. Streptococci have been divided into six majorph…  相似文献   

羽毛纤维对Cu2+的吸附机理探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电子顺磁共振(EPR),对吸附CuSO4溶液中Cu2+后的羽毛纤维进行检测;同时,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和广角X衍射(XRD)对吸附Cu2+前后的羽毛纤维进行检测,以探讨羽毛纤维吸附Cu2+的机理,研究结果表明:β折叠结晶结构上的胱氨酸可能与Cu(Ⅱ)形成配位结构.吸附Cu2+后,羽毛蛋白中出现更多的α螺旋构型,而β折叠构型相应减少.  相似文献   

PLGA微球中蛋白质和聚合物的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以复乳法制备rhCu,Zn—SOD的乳酸羟乙酸共聚物(PLGA)微球,载药过程中观察到乳状液的聚集、包陷,使载体和药物共包埋形成药物微球。DSC和FTIR结果显示,大部分rhCu,Zn—SOD包埋入了微球内部,内部的SOD与聚合物存在一定的相互作用,使微球的红外光谱有位移,少量SOD以疏水吸附形式存在于微球表面。  相似文献   

Laminar premixed stoichiometric methane/hydrogen/oxygen/argon flames were investigated with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionizaUon and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry techniques. The methane/hydrogen fuel blends with hydrogen volumetric fraction of 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% were studied. All observed flame species, including stable intermediates and radicals in the flames, were detected by measuring photoionization mass spectra and photoionization efficiency (PIE) spectra. Mole fraction profiles of major species and intermediates were derived by scanning burner at some selected photon energies near ionization thresholds. The influence of hydrogen addition on mole fraction of major species and intermediates was analyzed. The results show that the major species mole fraction of CO, CO2 and CH4 decreases with the increase of hydrogen fraction. The mole fraction of intermediates measured in this experiment decreases remarkably with the increase of hydrogen fraction. This would be due to the increase of H and OH radicals by hydrogen addition and the high diffusivity and activity of H radical promoting the chemical reaction. In addition, the increase of H/C ratio with the increase of hydrogen fraction also leads to the decrease of the mole fraction of carbon-related intermediates and contributes to the decrease of unburned and incomplete combustion products.  相似文献   

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