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The emphasis of the paper is the theme of the works: “fair, kind, and true is all my argument”, for the theme is the spirit of the Sonnets. Only when one understands the theme, can one fully realize the literary and artistic value of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets. The perfect unity of “fair, kind and true” is the ideal state of Shakespeare‘s life. The sonnets which reinforce the theme are really “the rarest pearls of Elizabethan poetry”.  相似文献   

刘彩虹  韦红茹 《科技信息》2007,(26):148-149
Shakespeare,the colossus in English literature,writes thirty-seven world-famous plays as well as one hundred and fifty-four universally appreciatedsonnets during English Renaissance period.His sonnets are the crystallization of his deep thought and his perfect art.Sonnets127-154 are addressed to a dark-skinnedwoman.This woman is not a fashionable beauty,but she is very attractive.Also she is dissolute in nature and experienced in loving affairs.The sonnets are focused on the entanglement between the poet and her.His point of view towards the woman is contradictory:he praises his deeply loving girl,and at the same time he blames her disloyalty.  相似文献   

朱正玲 《科技信息》2009,(6):114-115
Jane Austen was a writer in the age of rationality, which surely leaves its imprint upon her works Pride and Prejudice. The "pride" and "prejudice" of the heroes and heroines in the novel manifest the fact that they are rationaUy-controUed. Such rationality, however, high- lights the unusual power of emotionality when the characters finally get married after experiencing complicated love This kind of first-back- grounding-emotionality-and-then-foregrounding it plot development in the works displays Austen's profound knowledge of life and her progressive thought surpassing her times. It also represents the characteristics of "the exterior rationalism and the interior romanticism" in her works.  相似文献   

陈凡 《科技信息》2012,(28):196-197
Graham Greene is one of the most important English writers in the 20th century.In Greene’s novels,readers easily find a literary world which is a dark land filled with violence,guilt,corruption and other forms of evil."The Destructors"also reflects this theme.Being interested in the story and the teenagers’growing-up,the author starts this paper-An Analysis of the theme and the characters in"The Destructors".First of all,this paper discusses the reasons that cause the gang to make destructions.The children are so violent;it has its intangible needs.It gives a new view to think about the children’s heart and makes us to recognize what the war left to people,especially to the children.And then,based on the analysis of the theme and characters,this paper discusses that the characters and their actions project the theme to a great extent,and that the teenagers’psychology and actions are greatly determined by their surroundings,which should be reconsidered by instructors.The moral and character education should gain a good deal of enlightenment from it.  相似文献   

本文将通过对《傲慢与偏见》中例句的分析, 重点探讨照应衔接手段的英汉转换及其差异, 及在翻译实践中的一些规律, 力图从不同的角度丰富翻译理论及实践。  相似文献   

The Great Gatsby is considered as F.Scott Fitzgerald's most important book.This paper will concentrate on the symbolic meaning of Gatsby's tragedy-the end of the mythical American dream.Gatsby's personal experience approximates the whole of the American dream.This paper gives a detailed analysis on the formation of his dream,his great efforts in realizing his dream and his disillusionment.  相似文献   

魏洁 《科技信息》2008,(31):273-273
This paper mainly discusses the openness and assimilation of the words system from the viewpoint of loan words between English and Chinese.Both the history of loan words and the ways of borrowing words in English and Chinese have shown us the strong abilities of languages.  相似文献   

In the thirteenth century the Mongols created a vast, transcontinental empire that intensified cultural, art, craftwork, garment and commercial contact throughout Eurasia. Hats were so indispensable parts of formal Mongol dress that were seen as a symbol of Mongol traditional garment. Roughly Mongolian men's headgear can be divided into two groups, which are Li and Mao. In addition, Mongolian women's Gu-gu-gwan, a kind of bonnet, was the head-dress for the empress, concubines of the emperor, and wife of high ranking ministers. This study, based on the analysis of image resources and existing evidence, discusses the hats of Yuan period in the context of its group, origin, decoration and cultural influences.  相似文献   

20世纪40年代,国民政府曾派遣海军军官赴英美参战、实习.这一计划的实施(包括稍后国民政府大规模从英、美获得赠舰和租舰)的实际意义不仅是为国民政府战后重建海军准备了基本力量,而且也为消除民国海军内部的派系藩篙,建立全国统一的海军起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

本文从词汇和语法两个层面介绍莎士比亚作品中若干创新手法,阐述在对待词语试验性、词类活用性及句法变异性等语言现象时应该从修辞和语义的视角去观察和探讨。  相似文献   

人们对于《我的空中楼阁》一文的主题大多从两个方面进行阐释,认为该文一方面表现了作者对独立的、安静的生活的向往和崇尚自然的感情,另一方面又表现了作者对现代文明或现代生活的批判,以及作者诗意地栖居的理想。这种社会学主题阐释与文本的实际不相符合。  相似文献   

句子中不同成分在语言交际过程中发挥的作用不同。位于句首的成分在交际过程中充当论述的起点,这类起点成分称为主位,把其它部分称为述位。同时,主位又有多个类别,可能具有标记性或非标记性。绝大多数语篇都是由两个或两个以上的句子构成的。这时候,前后句子的主位和主位,述位和述位,主位和述位之间就会发生某种联系和变化,这种联系和变化就叫推进。  相似文献   

美国黑人女性作家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿是“哈莱阿姆文艺复兴”时期非常重要的作家之一。其作品《摩西,山之人》大多情况下被认为是一部仿写《旧约·出埃及记》的宗教故事。这样的观点,忽略了《摩西,山之人》中隐含的多重主题。  相似文献   

节日相对集中的时空特性,丰富的风俗文化,饱满的消费热情,都是广告运作难遇而可求的宝贵资源.节日广告与非节日广告的不同就是充分利用这些宝贵资源,因此它是一种典型的借势传播是比较特别的一种广告类型.它走着节日风俗文化的策略路线,有自己特定的“主题筐”和上线宣传与下线销售相结合的实效原则.  相似文献   

从系统功能语言学角度出发,并结合语篇分析理论,本文探讨语篇的主位、主位结构类型及主位推进模式与语篇构建、解读的关系。同时,本文还指出:在外语教学中,教师应努力引导学生多加注意语篇的主位推进框架,以便提高学生的语篇构建与解读的能力。  相似文献   

在专业、集约化生产越来越发达的条件下,人的全面发展如何可能?马克思“人的全面发展”理论的深层旨趣不仅仅是指能力的发展,更是追求社会的和谐。针对资本主义早期发展阶段劳动异化的状况,马克思主义经典作家强调变革旧的生产关系,促进人的发展。在现代化向纵深发展的当今时代,人的和谐发展则成为“人的全面发展”理论的主题。  相似文献   

系统功能语法从一个较宽泛的社会背景下考察语言使用的功能。主位类型的合理选择可以成功地实现各种不同的交际目标。信息主位的恰当使用能促进以传递信息为主要目的的功用型语篇交际目标的实现.交互主位的选择促进语篇交互性的实现。运用主位系统理论指导英语学习者写作功用型语篇是一种行之有效的教学方法.掌握和运用功用型语篇写作特征可使英语学习者成为劳动力市场上受人欢迎的、有竞争力的英语人才。  相似文献   

音乐分析是本世纪以来在欧美音乐研究中从曲式学等作曲理论逐渐分离出来的一门交缘性学科,音乐主题分析是音乐分析的一项重要组成部分。在进行主题分析时应理解主题的常见类型,把握主题的整体特征,学会运用从调性、旋律形态、节奏等方面对主题进行恰当的分析,从而对作曲家所创作的音乐作品的主导思想做出正确的理解与把握。主题分析的方法是否得当将影响着听众对音乐作品的理解,研究音乐主题的分析方法具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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