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肥胖的机制与科学减肥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肥胖问题是严重影响人类生活的现代疾病.其病因极为复杂,涉及遗传、生理、生活方式等多种因素.肥胖可以导致众多的并发病症.控制肥胖的手段有多种选择,运动与合理的饮食是最安全、可行的方法.合理的运动可以有效地控制、调整身体成分,达到健康减肥的目的.综述了肥胖的机制及科学减肥的方法.  相似文献   

研究了控制步长M≥1时动态矩阵控制(dynamic matrix controller,DMC)的柔化因子和控制增量权重之间的关系,分析了增益对二者取值的影响,并通过仿真实验进行了验证.这一研究为控制增量权重的取值提供了一个量化的指导.  相似文献   

婴幼儿扶触的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种科学育婴的新方法,婴幼儿扶触已经受到医护界、社会和家庭的广泛注视.本文对近十年来关于婴幼儿扶触的研究作一综述,主要集中在体格发育、神经精神行为发育及相关疾病的辅助治疗方面,并获得肯定结论.  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法惯量权重控制方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一类随机全局优化技术,算法简单、容易实现而功能强大,目前已成为国际进化计算界研究的热点.粒子群算法的性能受到参数惯量权重ω的影响,大量研究表明,较小的ω具有较好的局部搜索能力,可提高求解精度;较大的ω具有较好的全局搜索能力,在一定程度上可以避免陷入局部最优.很多研究者提出了多种动态调整惯量权重...  相似文献   

着重针对应用于饲料生产工艺的称重配料系统的控制策略进行研究,特别是对空中落差的研究,推出了实现该控制策略的高性能称重配料控制器,并进行切实可行的软硬件设计,以真正实现称重配料系统的高性能。  相似文献   

Central nervous system control of food intake and body weight   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Morton GJ  Cummings DE  Baskin DG  Barsh GS  Schwartz MW 《Nature》2006,443(7109):289-295
The capacity to adjust food intake in response to changing energy requirements is essential for survival. Recent progress has provided an insight into the molecular, cellular and behavioural mechanisms that link changes of body fat stores to adaptive adjustments of feeding behaviour. The physiological importance of this homeostatic control system is highlighted by the severe obesity that results from dysfunction of any of several of its key components. This new information provides a biological context within which to consider the global obesity epidemic and identifies numerous potential avenues for therapeutic intervention and future research.  相似文献   

介绍了MK95卷烟机PID重量控制系统的结构,对其控制原理进行了分析:重量信号的检测、控制过程、削减盘电机速度控制、数字PID控制算法的实现、PID参数选择.同时还论述了系统定标及校正问题.通过对现场采集数据分析,采用PLC控制器的PID控制算法实现的烟支重量控制系统,硬件设计简单,可在线调整参数,系统响应速度快,控制准确可靠,完全可替代原模拟重量控制系统.  相似文献   

婴幼儿肌肉注射法及探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要论述婴幼儿肌肉注射时应注意的若干问题,井针对婴幼儿的生理特点,介绍其心理疗法。  相似文献   

为进一步优化面向行人的汽车自动紧急制动系统(AEB-P)控制算法,提出了一种综合考虑驾驶舒适性和行人损伤风险的AEB-P分层控制策略。针对C-NCAP的AEB-P评价标准,设计了考虑制动时驾驶员舒适感的制动安全距离模型;通过引入模糊规则综合考虑行人损伤风险和场景工况得到权重系数调整策略,并基于此设计自适应权重系数MPC上层控制器,采用 PID 下层控制器对自车实际减速度进行修正;建立车辆纵向动力学模型并通过CarSim与Matlab/Simulink搭建测试场景和控制算法,通过硬件在环实验对本文方法和固定TTC阈值算法进行对比。结果表明,所提控制算法能够在93.75%的测试工况中有效避撞,而固定TTC阈值算法避障成功率仅有43.75%。相较于传统控制策略,该方法能使自车和前方行人保持较稳定的最小间距,鲁棒性更好,可为AEB-P控制理论提供参考依据。  相似文献   

海德格尔的诗学在后期出现了明显的转向。从对“此在”的基础本体论的分析,转向对语言诗化本质(真理)的找寻;再转向对存在的理想状态———“诗意的栖居”的追求;最后转向到对神、神性等“非本真”存在的默认。海德格尔诗学对失踪已久的真理的孜孜找寻,以及对“人,诗意的栖居”之审美理想的执著追求,为我们当前诗学的发展,提供了些许未能引起足够重视的启迪。  相似文献   

海德格尔的诗学在后期出现了明显的转向.从对"此在"的基础本体论的分析,转向对语言诗化本质(真理)的找寻;再转向对存在的理想状态--"诗意的栖居"的追求;最后转向到对神、神性等"非本真"存在的默认.海德格尔诗学对失踪已久的真理的孜孜找寻,以及对"人,诗意的栖居"之审美理想的执著追求,为我们当前诗学的发展,提供了些许未能引起足够重视的启迪.  相似文献   

张良  何山 《科学技术与工程》2023,23(27):11655-11663
针对大型风机在高风速区由风剪切效应引起的输出功率波动和叶轮不平衡载荷,从功率和载荷两个维度出发,以NREL公司的5MW陆基风机为对象,提出一种基于权系数法的功率和载荷双目标协同的独立变桨控制策略。首先,以遗传算法优化的PID作为主控制器,通过风轮转速反馈得到统一变桨距角;其次,根据方位角反馈得到各桨叶的动态权系数,以此调整各桨叶的桨距角;最后,将叶根挥舞力矩反馈给模糊PID控制器得到载荷影响下的桨距角微调量,并对桨距角进行修正。通过FAST和Matlab/Simulink平台联合仿真,将所提控制策略与统一变桨距控制和独立变桨PI控制对比分析。结果表明,所提控制策略能有效地将输出功率稳定在额定功率附近,并且对于降低风轮不平衡载荷具有显著效果。  相似文献   

Gill BC  Lyons TW  Young SA  Kump LR  Knoll AH  Saltzman MR 《Nature》2011,469(7328):80-83
Widespread anoxia in the ocean is frequently invoked as a primary driver of mass extinction as well as a long-term inhibitor of evolutionary radiation on early Earth. In recent biogeochemical studies it has been hypothesized that oxygen deficiency was widespread in subsurface water masses of later Cambrian oceans, possibly influencing evolutionary events during this time. Physical evidence of widespread anoxia in Cambrian oceans has remained elusive and thus its potential relationship to the palaeontological record remains largely unexplored. Here we present sulphur isotope records from six globally distributed stratigraphic sections of later Cambrian marine rocks (about 499 million years old). We find a positive sulphur isotope excursion in phase with the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE), a large and rapid excursion in the marine carbon isotope record, which is thought to be indicative of a global carbon cycle perturbation. Numerical box modelling of the paired carbon sulphur isotope data indicates that these isotope shifts reflect transient increases in the burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulphur in sediments deposited under large-scale anoxic and sulphidic (euxinic) conditions. Independently, molybdenum abundances in a coeval black shale point convincingly to the transient spread of anoxia. These results identify the SPICE interval as the best characterized ocean anoxic event in the pre-Mesozoic ocean and an extreme example of oxygen deficiency in the later Cambrian ocean. Thus, a redox structure similar to those in Proterozoic oceans may have persisted or returned in the oceans of the early Phanerozoic eon. Indeed, the environmental challenges presented by widespread anoxia may have been a prevalent if not dominant influence on animal evolution in Cambrian oceans.  相似文献   

从分析高速旋转压片机填充工位结构着手,分析影响片重的各种因素,利用数学期望概念,推导出片重的数学公式.研究片重与各影响因素的数学关系,找出决定片重误差的主要因素.提出补偿中模孔深度的相当量概念,各种误差单独出现时,求出各个误差补偿的相当量.各个误差交互出现时,求出中模孔深度误差的数学公式.分析各种误差的性质,利用片重和...  相似文献   

无线传感器网络由大量能量有限的微型传感器节点组成,因此,如何在保证无线传感网络中节点通讯区域覆盖质量和连通性质量的同时,又能延长无线传感网络的生命周期至关重要,为了解决这一问题,引入了区域划分对传感器网络节能效率影响的数学模型,提出一种基于节点权值划分的功率控制算法(A power control algorithm basillg on wcight measurement of nodes,简称NWMP).并详细论述了该算法的设计思想及步骤,最后,通过与其它功拉算法的模拟仿真对比分析和性能评估,证明该算法能提高无线网络的网络吞吐量和延长网络的寿命,图5,参10.  相似文献   

J C Cohen  M Murphey-Corb 《Nature》1983,301(5896):129-132
The infection of cultured human cells with baboon endogenous virus (BEV) frequently leads to an association of viral DNA with a specific genetic locus (termed BEVI, for baboon endogenous virus infection) on chromosome 6. Restriction endonuclease digestion of DNA from BEV-infected human cells and their derived somatic cell clones frequently revealed a common cellular DNA sequence in the proximity of one of the junctions between cellular DNA and the integrated virus. We propose that a short cellular DNA sequence, repeated on chromosome 6 and separated by unique DNA sequences, presents a high-affinity target for the integration of BEV in human cells.  相似文献   

在灾害发生的不同阶段,应急物流管理活动的目标具有差异性,灾害发生前期,应急物流管理以时间性为主,弱经济性;而灾害发生中后期,应急物流管理需考虑经济性。应急物流中心选址是应急物流管理的关键环节之一,在回顾国内外学者对应急物流中心选址问题研究现状的基础上,总结了现有研究的不足之处。基于灾害中后期应急物流管理活动中时限性与经济性的双重目标,构建了应急物流中心的多目标选址模型,模型求解过程中,采用主要目标法将多目标函数转换成单目标函数,并利用Lingo软件求出选址优化结果。  相似文献   

Medicinal strategies in the treatment of obesity   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Bray GA  Tartaglia LA 《Nature》2000,404(6778):672-677
When prevention fails, medicinal treatment of obesity may become a necessity. Any strategic medicinal development must recognize that obesity is a chronic, stigmatized and costly disease that is increasing in prevalence. Because obesity can rarely be cured, treatment strategies are effective only as long as they are used, and combined therapy may be more effective than monotherapy. For a drug to have significant impact on body weight it must ultimately reduce energy intake, increase energy expenditure, or both. Currently approved drugs for long-term treatment of obesity include sibutramine, which inhibits food intake, and orlistat, which blocks fat digestion.  相似文献   

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