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天然气水合物成矿成藏条件与油气成藏条件虽然存在差异,但亦存在共同之处,即均需要有充足烃源供给及烃源供给系统输送与有利聚集场所的时空耦合配置。为了深入研究天然气水合物与常规油气运聚成藏条件之差异,根据南海北部陆坡深水区构造沉积演化特点及油气地质条件与多年来油气及水合物勘探成果,综合剖析了油气及天然气水合物气源构成特点与流体运聚输导系统特征,同时根据地质地球物理及地球化学分析,初步研究了气源供给运聚通道系统类型与高压低温天然气水合物稳定带的时空耦合配置关系,并结合油气地质及天然气水合物成矿成藏基本地质条件,总结和建立了南海北部陆坡深水区“生物气源自生自储扩散运聚型”、“热解气源断层裂隙输导下生上储运移渗漏型”和“热解气源底辟及气烟囱输导下生上储运移渗漏型”等3种成因类型的天然气水合物成矿成藏模式,以期能为南海北部深水区天然气水合物资源预测及有利勘查目标评价优选等提供决策依据与指导。  相似文献   

根据分子动力学分解理论,建立了天然气水合物热激励法开采数学模型,并在此基础上考虑了逆反应的存在对水合物分解规律和气体在地层中渗流特性的影响.利用有限差分法对压力和温度控制方程进行了数值求解,同时分析了地层压力场和温度场的分布规律、天然气的产量变化特征以及渗透率对它们的影响.计算结果表明,在水合物分解前沿,压力值出现跳跃而温度值达到最低点,天然气的产量随时间呈明显的周期性变化趋势,而且随着时间增长,周期逐渐变长,对渗透率的变化敏感.通过分析比较,计算结果与实验结果吻合很好.  相似文献   

常规二维模型用于研究水合物井筒稳定性时,不能反映地层沉降变形对井筒的影响,为此,考虑渗流场、应力场和井筒内外压力场的多场耦合作用,研究水合物分解引起的储层特征参数在近井界面区域的时变特征;采用流固耦合理论,建立天然气水合物井筒?土壤三维非线性耦合模型,并以南海某水合物井为例,对井筒稳定性影响因素进行分析.研究结果表明:...  相似文献   

确保水合物开采工程安全,是实现南海固态流化开采天然气水合物商业化开采的关键和前提。为研究钻井参数对固态流化开采天然气水合物过程中多相流特性和工程安全的影响,建立了考虑水合物热分解的井筒多相流模型并分析了钻井参数对工程安全的影响,在此基础上,提出了确保固态流化开采天然气水合物工程安全的具体工程参数选择办法。研究结果表明:为确保固态流化开采天然气水合物工程安全,排量应该控制在40-50 L/s之间;如果地温梯度高于0.04℃/m,钻井时应该提前冷却钻井液;钻井液密度应该控制在1.20-1.25 g/cm3之间;为最大化水合物开采效率,钻速应该保持在20m/h左右。研究成果可为中国南海固态流化商业化开采天然气水合物提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

考虑海域天然气水合物试采工艺和井筒结构特点,建立试采井筒中的水合物二次生成预测方法,探究水平井试采井筒中的水合物二次生成风险及防治方法。结果表明:在案例条件下,采气管柱中的水合物二次生成风险较高,主要分布在井深790~1 020 m,且产气量和产水量越小,管柱中的水合物二次生成风险越高;水合物二次生成过冷度越大,井筒中发生流动障碍的风险越高;添加水合物热力学抑制剂可以减缓管柱中的水合物沉积层生长速度,延长水合物流动障碍发生所需的时间;采气管柱底部加热长度50 m且抑制剂质量分数为5%条件下,可满足采气管柱中水合物防治要求;通过增加电潜泵的方法可以有效预防采水管柱中水合物二次生成风险。  相似文献   

 根据分形几何学的原理,利用数盒子法计算了南海北部陆坡断裂的平面分布分维值,并以此探讨了断裂与天然气水合物的关系,结果表明:属被动陆缘的北部陆坡断裂越发育水合物异常越少,而属主动陆缘的台西南则断裂越发育水合物异常就越多。这一结果也反映了:被动陆缘环境的张性断层因缺乏相伴生的褶皱而不利于水合物的发育,并可能作为天然气的泄漏通道而破坏水合物成藏;主动陆缘环境的断裂以挤压逆冲断层为主,并伴生强烈的褶皱,其中断裂是深部烃源向上运移的通道,褶皱则是浅部天然气聚集成藏的圈闭。  相似文献   

天然气水合物:能源与环境科学的前沿问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气水合物是一种由气体分子和水分子在特定压力和温度条件下形成的具有笼形结构的冰状固态物质’‘’。一个单位体积的气水合物分解后可释放出100~300倍于这个体积的气体“-‘’。气水合物发现于19世纪初,很长时间科学家的研究只局限在实验室对其进行结构、稳定性、生成与分解等纯科学方面’“。本世纪30年代,输气管线中发现有气水合物生成,这种物质严重影响了气体的正常输送,因此专家们的注意力转向了预报输气管线中气水化合物的生成和研究如何消除其堵塞管线的方法’‘’。本世纪50~60年代,前苏联学者认为地壳浅层沉积物存在有适合…  相似文献   

冻土带天然气水合物稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对全球气候变暖的现状结合青藏高原冻土带下水合物的特点,运用水合物生成相平衡原理,预测了基于0.04℃/a升温梯度背景下的青藏高原冻土带水合物的稳定性。预测结果显示:温室效应导致的温度变化和冻土层剖面压力条件的变化会直接影响水合物的分布和稳定性,造成冻土带水合物的分解释放出大量CH4强烈温室效应气体,从而对高原环境造成直接的负面影响。  相似文献   

陈媛媛 《科技资讯》2013,(4):123-123
天然气水合物储运技术引起国内外广泛关注,阐述了其国内外研究现状,分析了天然气水合物形成机理和平衡生成条件,并对水合物稳定性进行了试验分析。  相似文献   

俄罗斯海洋大陆架和永久冻土面积广阔,天然气水合物储量巨大,具有重要的能源、经济、政治和军事等战略意义,开展了大量的研究工作,取得诸多成果.本文从理论研究、资源评估和开采利用等几方面介绍了俄罗斯天然气水合物研究进展,以期对我国天然气水合物勘探开发工作起到借鉴和促进作用.  相似文献   

南海表面海温异常对南海季风影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用P-σ混合坐标系区域气候模式模拟了4-7月南海季风的爆发、演变过程,并进行了3组敏感性数值试验,研究南海表面海温异常对南海季风的影响,得到以下结论:(1)南海4月份海温异常对南海季风的爆发日期影响不大,但对季风爆发后的强度有所影响,异常增温造成南海季风增强,异常降温则南海季风减弱。(2)南海季风爆发和强度的变化与南海本身的海温变化情况有密切的关系,尤其是5月份南海海温异常。5月份南海异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,季风增强,南海海温异常降低时,南海季风爆发的时间推迟,季风减弱。(3)南海海温持续异常可以影响南海及中国大陆的高低空环流变化,海温持续异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,显地加强南海季风,并有利于南海季风向北推进,但当海温在6月份进一步持续增温时,则有利于季风维持在较南地区,阻碍季风向北发展;当海温持续异常降低时,南海季风推迟爆发,且明显减弱。  相似文献   

渔业捕捞及商业航运活动的塑料排放是南海深海塑料污染的主要来源。南海深海微塑料污染始于20世纪80年代,具有明显陆源输入的特征,陆架近岸区域微塑料污染严重。陆坡深海峡谷是塑料/微塑料向深海盆地输运的主要通道,近底浊流在输运中发挥了重要作用。综述了南海海底塑料垃圾深潜研究的最新进展,首次提出了深海塑料垃圾生态系统的概念。  相似文献   

Gas hydrates are a significant energy resource and are usually detected by bottom simulating reflection and submarine geochemical anomalies. Authigenic minerals are related to gas hydrates, with carbonates, sulfates and sulfides being important tracing minerals. Authigenic tubular pyrites were collected from offshore southwest Taiwan in the South China Sea, and were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Authigenic tubular pyrite was composed of framboidal pyrite, within which nanosized graphitic carbon of low crystallinity was discovered. The graphitic carbon coexisted with pyrite and had a texture similar to carbon nanotubes and nanocones, indicating that they likely precipitated from carbon supersaturated C-H-O fluid. Pyrite may act as a catalyst for the conversion of CH 4 to C. The discovery of nanosized graphitic carbon in pyrite indicated it was deposited in sediments that were supersaturated with methane fluid. Thus, nanosized graphitic carbon may be another tracing species for submarine gas hydrates. The discovery of nanosized graphitic carbon deposited in a low temperature environment will enlighten our understanding of the laboratory synthesis and industrial production of graphitic carbon.  相似文献   

Seasonal features of the Sverdrup circulation in the South China Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Based on the Sverdrup relation, using climatological wind stress data, the basin scale Sverdrup transport in the South China Sea(SCS) is calculated and the basic seasonal features of the Sverdrup circulation are obtained. A comparison of these calculated features with observations proves that the wind-driven circulation in the SCS is very important for the formation of the SCS upper oceanic circulation in winter, summer and fall. It is shown that the non-uniform sea surface wind is one of the causes to form multi circulation centers in the basin of the SCS. The westward current at 18°N is caused by the local wind, which is stronger in fall and winter. The seasonal variation of circulation in the southern SCS is much more remarkable than that in the north. The wind in spring is helpful to the seasonal reversal of the circulation in the central SCS. The northward transport of the cyclonic circulation reaches the maximum in fall.  相似文献   

神狐深水海域天然气水合物成藏的气源条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条件。研究结果表明:(1)神狐海域浅层400~1 200 m 以内具备良好的适合微生物成因甲烷气体生成条件,生物气生
气水合物稳定域内形成混合型天然气水合物藏。  相似文献   

The geotectonic evolution of the northern South China Sea (SCS) is controlled by the Eurasian, the Pa-cific and the Indian-Australian Plates. With regard to its tectonic evolution, the northern margin composed of faulted terraces and basins and deposited …  相似文献   

The Shenhu area is one of the promise target areas for marine gas hydrate exploration in the northern margin of the South China Sea.Pore water samples were collected from two piston cores (8.75 and 8.52 m) in site HS-A and site HS-B in the Shenhu area,and their major anion and cation contents and trace element contents have been analyzed in this study.Cl- concentrations in pore waters are similar to the seawater value and no systematic change along depth profiles has been found for the Cl- content in both s...  相似文献   

This is a report of the study of the authigenic sulfide minerals and their sulfur isotopes in a sediment core (NH-1) collected on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea, where other geo-physical and geochemical evidence seems to suggest gas hydrate formation in the sediments. The study has led to the findings: (1) the pyrite content in sediments was relatively high and its grain size relatively large compared with that in normal pelagic or hemipelagic sediments; (2) the shallowest depth of the acid volatile sulfide (AVS) content maximum was at 437.5 cm (>2 μmol/g), which was deeper than that of the authigenic pyrite content maximum (at 141.5-380.5 cm); (3) δ 34S of authigenic pyrite was positive (maximum: 15‰) at depth interval of 250-380 cm; (4) the positive δ 34S coincided with pyrite enrichment. Compared with the results obtained from the Black Sea sediments by Jorgen-sen and coworkers, these observations indicated that at the NH-1 site, the depth of the sulfate-methane interface (SMI) would be or once was at about 437.5-547.5 cm and the relatively shallow SMI depth suggested high upward methane fluxes. This was in good agreement with the results obtained from pore water sulfate gradients and core head-space methane concentrations in sediment cores collected in the area. All available evidence suggested that methane gas hydrate formation may exist or may have existed in the underlying sediments.  相似文献   

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