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Being the functional basis of neural networks, neuronal signal integration has been currently becoming a hot point of neuroscience research. Active and passive membrane properties of retinal bipolar cells, temporal and spatial distribution of synaptic inputs to these cells are described, and modulation of signal integration characteristics of these cells under different retinal adaptation states is analyzed. In consideration of the functional and morphological properties of retinal bipolar cells, it is suggested that they may be an appropriate model for the study of neuronal signal integration. 相似文献
用双极性膜电渗析法分离混合氨基酸 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为开发新的混合氨基酸分离技术,提出用双极性膜电渗析分离混合氨基酸的方法.在对混合氨基酸溶液中离子成分进行分析的基础上,预测了使用该法的可行性,并通过三室双极性膜电渗析法实验验证了理论计算的结果.对于等电点相差很大的谷氨酸和精氨酸以及等电点相差比较大的谷氨酸和甘氨酸以及精氨酸和甘氨酸两元混合物,可以实现很彻底的分离,得到纯度96%以上的产品,电流密度可以达到5~10 mA·cm-2. 对于等电点相差很小的丝氨酸和脯氨酸,则分离难度较大,电流密度在1 mA·cm-2以下.该法不需使用缓冲溶液,可提高分离过程的效率. 相似文献
以膨胀石墨为导电骨料、炭黑为添加剂、酚醛树脂为黏结剂,采用模压成形工艺制备质子交换膜燃料电池用膨胀石墨/酚醛树脂复合材料双极板.考察树脂含量、成形压力、添加剂用量及添加剂加入方式对复合材料双极板性能的影响.研究结果表明:上述因素对复合材料双极板的性能影响较大,黏结剂的加入量(质量分数)为20%-30%、压力在10~12 MPa较为合适;炭黑对复合材料双极板的性能影响比较复杂,在实验用炭黑范围内,随着炭黑用量的增加,电导率增大较快,抗折强度先增大后减小;在复合材料的混料过程中,将炭黑添加在树脂中,制备的复合材料双极板性能比炭黑添加在膨胀石墨性能好. 相似文献
随着工业生产的快速发展,工业废水的排放量迅猛增加,其中大部分工业废水中都含有硫酸盐,硫酸盐的过量排放会对环境水体造成严重的污染与破坏。本研究以硫酸钠废液为原料,采用双极膜电渗析(BMED)新型工艺,实现含硫酸盐废水的回收再利用,高效、清洁地制取酸、碱。实验主要考查了电流密度、原料液浓度及初始酸碱浓度对膜堆性能的影响,并对两种离子交换膜的性能进行对比。结果表明,实验范围内,氢氧化钠的收率高达84.08%,平均电流效率为54%,能耗为5.29 kW·h/kg;氢氧化钠收率和过程能耗均随电流密度的增大而增加;电流密度恒定时,较高的原料液浓度可使膜堆电阻维持在较低的水平,进而降低能耗;适量加入初始酸碱能够降低能耗,但也会降低电流效率。 相似文献
在前期普通电渗析脱盐实验的基础上,探索了双极膜电渗析法综合处理1,3-丙二醇(PDO)发酵液中有机酸盐的可行性,研究了双极膜电渗析过程中部分操作参数,例如电流密度,溶液流速和酸碱室初始浓度对过程指标的影响,并探讨了PDO损失的原因。结果表明:发酵液中的有机酸盐可用双极膜电渗析有效脱除,同时回收到90%以上的酸和碱,电流效率在50%~70%范围内,分离回收每摩尔盐的平均能耗约135W h左右。 相似文献
由于眼底血管闭塞、噪声和弱边界等原因,主动轮廓模型不能够精确地收缩至视盘的轮廓边缘,由此提出基于边缘交点聚类的轮廓提取方法.由初始轮廓确定一个矩形区域,选取该矩形区域的主对角线、副对角线、垂直中心线和水平中心线,求其与视盘边缘的交点,将所有候选交点进行K-Means聚类分析,取得位于边缘附近的点作为主动轮廓模型的初始轮廓点,进行能量最小化计算,直至轮廓停止收缩.实验证明,经边缘交点聚类初始化后再运用主动轮廓进行视盘边缘提取,轮廓最终会较为精确地收缩于视盘边缘. 相似文献
研究体外培养的人视网膜色素上皮细胞的生长特性及可见光对其影响.用倒置相差显微镜和透射电镜观察人视网膜色素上皮(hRPE)细胞形态和超微结构,用计数法和噻唑蓝(MTT)法绘制生长曲线.从光照时间、光照时有无血清、光照后是否换液、光照后培养时间这4方面考查可见光对hRPE细胞的损伤情况.实验结果表明,体外培养的hRPE细胞为多角形,有极性,细胞器正常,生长旺盛.(8423±359)lx的可见光光照2h就能对hRPE细胞造成显著损伤.光照时间为5h,光照时培养液中含10%胎牛血清,光照后不换培养液,光照后培养时间为24h,此条件下hRPE损伤率为58%.体外培养的hRPE细胞具有正常的形态结构和生长规律.可见光可对hRPE细胞造成损伤,并且损伤程度有时间积累效应.因此,在日常生活中应尽可能避免阳光直射,减少光照时间,以降低视网膜光损伤发生率,保护眼睛. 相似文献
304不锈钢双极板在模拟PEMFC环境中的性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为降低质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的生产成本,选择成本低廉、强度高、化学稳定性好的不锈钢材料替代传统的石墨双极板.以304不锈钢为研究对象,采用电化学方法测定其在模拟PEMFC环境下的极化曲线和对应于PEMFC工作电位下的恒电流极化曲线,用伏安法测量304不锈钢表面氧化膜/钝化膜与碳纸之间的接触电阻.结果表明,在模拟PEMFC环境中,304不锈钢钝化电流密度低于16μA/cm2,电流没有出现明显的波动;304不锈钢在模拟PEMFC环境中表面生成的钝化膜的接触电阻大于空气中形成的氧化膜的接触电阻. 相似文献
应用于金属基双极板的石墨烯基涂层引起人们广泛的兴趣。综述了目前金属基双极板面临的问题,总结了已经报道的关于制备石墨烯基涂层的方法(化学气相沉积法、电沉积法、喷涂法、自组装方法)以及这些方法的优缺点。石墨烯优良的阻隔性能可以充当金属基双极板的钝化膜,对石墨烯进行改性或者对金属基双极板进行表面处理可以有效地改善石墨烯涂层与金属基双极板的相容性。导电聚合物可以有效地改善石墨烯涂层与金属基之相容性,并且能够填补石墨烯片层间的缝隙,提高涂层的致密度。导电聚合物能够以石墨烯为模板进行生长,降低涂层的表面粗糙度。最后提出对石墨烯改性以增强其与金属基双极板的相容性,以及发挥其与导电聚合物协同效应是未来的研究方向之一。 相似文献
视神经损伤后视网膜细胞凋亡的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:探讨凋亡在视神经撞击和挤压的损伤导致视网膜视网膜神经节细胞死亡中的作用。方法:应用活细菌悬液荧光染色法和流式细胞仪PI染色法检测损伤后多膜神经元凋亡的形态和数据。结果:荧光染色法见视野内有散在细胞出现核染色质凝聚现象(不规则核块),流式细胞仪DNA直方图见正常对照组有直而高的G0/G1峰和低平的G2峰,在G0/G1之前有一细胞群体大约占细胞总数的1.63%,损伤组在G0/G1之前有一低小的亚 相似文献
简述了质子交换膜燃料电池的工作原理;质子交换膜燃料电池是最具商业前景的电动汽车用绿色能源,在航天领域、潜艇、电动车、电站等领域具有广泛的应用前途. 相似文献
Under certain experimental conditions, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) express neuronal phenotypes and neuronal markers, which suggests that they could be used to treat various neurological diseases. In the present study, MSCs were isolated from adult rat bone marrow, cultivated, and evaluated for neurotrophin expression profiles, as well as the potential to differentiate into functional neuronal-like cells in vitro. MSCs from passage 5 were pre-induced with DMEM/F12 medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 10 ng/mL bFGF (fibroblast growth factor-2). Subsequently, a chemical inductor containing Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO), Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and forskolin were used to induce neural expression of MSCs. Expression patterns of nestin, NF-200, and GFAP at time points before and after induction were detected by immunofluorescence. Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expressions in MSCs were evaluated by RT-PCR. The whole-cell patch clamp technique was utilized to elucidate the electrical behavior of MSC before and after 24-h differentiation induction. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that MSCs expressed nestin (57.1% ± 6.9%), but not NF-200 or GFAP. Following neural induction, the cells exhibited a neuronal-like appearance. Nestin and NF-200 expression was positive in the neuronal-like cells, but GFAP expression was negative. After 6-, 12- and 24-h induction, the ratio of nestin-positive cells was 96.5% ± 1.9%, 88.1% ± 5.4%, and 33.5% ± 5.4%. NF-200 positive cells were 90.1% ± 2.9%, 97.5% ± 1.3%, and 98.1% ± 1.6%, respectively. However, prior to induction, MSCs already expressed NGF and BDNF. With a stimulus impulse of 40 mV, the density of the transient outward K current was (9.95 ± 4.85) pA/pF (n = 9) and (328.50 ± 30.62) pA/pF (n = 9) before and after induction, and the density of transient calcium ion currents was (−0.059 ± 0.027) pA/pF (n = 7) and (−6.66 ± 0.50) pA/pF (n = 7), respectively. Transient outward potassium currents and calcium ions currents gradually increased following induction. In addition, MSCs isolated from bone marrow exhibited characteristics of neuronal progenitor cells and expressed neurotrophins. These cells exhibited the capacity to differentiate into functional neuronal-like cells in vitro. These results suggested that MSCs express high levels of nestin and could be utilized for therapeutic strategies to treat nervous system diseases. 相似文献
ZongLiang Chang 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(8):1121-1127
Pathogens can find their ways to most sites in the host. Pathogen sensors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), must be equally and broadly distributed on immune cells to combat them through innate and adaptive immunity. Most classes of TLRs are found in innate immune cells to obtain an immediate response against pathogens, but recent studies indicate that a number of TLRs are wildly expressed in T and B cells, suggesting TLRs also directly regulate adaptive immune responses. Due to the rapid increase of new information on the multiple roles of TLRs, in this paper we aim to review several main properties of TLRs and their direct role in T and B cells. This review consists of 6 parts: (i) Characteristics of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and signaling; (ii) signalling pathways of TLRs; (iii) TLR expressions on human leukocytes; (iv) TLR expressions and functions in the Thl, CD4^+CD45RO^+ memory T cells and regulatory/suppressor T as well as B cell populations; (v) therapeutic potential of TLR agonists; (Vi) discussion and perspective. The latest findings and potential therapeutic applications are discussed. There is growing evidence supporting the concept that TLR activation contributes not only to innate immunity but also to adaptive immunity, including direct regulation of both T and B lymphocytes by TLRs. 相似文献
Effect of nerve regeneration factor on differentiation of PC12 cells and its signaling pathway 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The effects of nerve regeneration factor (NRF) on neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and its signaling pathway are investigated by morphological observation and immunofluorescent cytochemical method, and the activity of ERK1/2 in NRF-treated PC12 cells in absence of serum is also studied by immuno-coprecipitation and Western blot analysis. The MEK1/2-specific inhibitor U0126, the broad-spectrum protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor G?6983 and tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) inhibitor genistein were used to determine the roles of the activation of ERK1/2 by NRF and the involvement of certain kinds of PKC or TPK receptor in this activation process. The results show that U0126 and G?6983 inhibit the activation of ERK1/2 by NRF to different extents, while genistein has no effect on it, demonstrating that NRF remarkably induces neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells through activating ERK1/2 in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. 相似文献
研究了基波磁势自平衡串并联混合有源电力滤波器.其串联在系统和谐波负载之间的零磁通变流器可自动实现对基波呈现低阻抗,对谐波呈现高阻抗,并可实时方便地检测出剩余谐波电流流过变流器时产生的谐波电压降.通过逆变器产生一个与检测到的谐波电压成正比的谐波电压源,并通过耦合变压器与无源滤波器串联之后再并联接入电网,从而更好地减少流入系统的谐波电流.实验结果证明了结论的正确性. 相似文献
真核细胞(Eukaryotes),如盘基网柄菌细胞(Dictyo stelium)和白细胞(Leukocyte)等,受到前方传来的外信号刺激后,胞内物质发生两种方向相反的运动:胞质中与质膜结合的磷酸激酶PI3K及其在质膜上的生成物磷脂酰肌醇-3,4,5-三磷酸PI(3,4,5)P3以向前扩散的方式积聚到前沿;而胞质中与质膜结合的磷酸酶PTEN及其在质膜上的生成物磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-双磷酸PI(4,5)P2以向后扩散的方式积聚到质膜的后边.通过这种"双向积聚",细胞形成头部和尾部,并在前沿生出伪足,完成初始极化.本文根据已知的实验,分析了"双向积聚"的分子机制,建立了相应的数学模型,通过数值模拟加以分析.以胞内被激活的小G蛋白(Rac)为触发信号,其梯度与外信号场的梯度一致;PI3K和PTEN作为调控因子,PI(3,4,5)P3和PI(4,5)P2作为标识细胞极化的信号分子,它们的浓度变化由一组耦合的非稳态二维反应-扩散方程描述.该反应-扩散体系源项中包含:PI(3,4,5)P3对PI3K,PI(4,5)P2对PTEN的识别和结合过程,是由蒙特-卡诺(Monte-Carlo)法处理;质膜结合态PI3K和PTEN对PI(3,4,5)P3和PI(4,5)P2施加的酶催化作用,由Michaelis-Menten动力学过程描述.反应-扩散方程组采用格子Boltzmann方法进行数值求解.数值试验显示,产生"双向积聚"的关键是受外信号梯度刺激后的胞内信号分子相互激发或抑制所形成的正反馈或负反馈回路:给细胞质膜头部一个较高的Rac激活率,Rac→PI3K?PI(3,4,5)P3将形成短程正反馈回路(亦即"局部激励"),引起PI3K和PI(3,4,5)P3快速在细胞头部积聚;头部PI(3,4,5)P3增多,限制了PTEN与PI(4,5)P2结合,使得PI(3,4,5)P3?PTEN→PI(4,5)P2形成长程负反馈回路(亦即"全局抑制");引起PTEN和PI(4,5)P2慢慢在细胞尾部积聚.同时发现,PI3K和PTEN含量对细胞极化有明显的影响,并存在使细胞正确极化的最佳值. 相似文献
给一丽藻细胞以化学刺激,经过一段延时,发现与之相邻的细胞的膜电位出现了自持重复兴奋发放.这一现象,可能是阳离子通过细胞节的扩散而引起的. 相似文献
Ni–Cr enrichment on stainless steel SS316L resulting from chemical activation enabled the deposition of carbon by spraying a stable suspension of carbon nanoparticles; trace Ag was deposited in situ to prepare a thin continuous Ag-doped carbon film on a porous carbon-coated SS316L substrate. The corrosion resistance of this film in 0.5 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution containing 5 ppm F- at 80℃ was investigated using polarization tests. The results showed that the surface treatment of the SS316L strongly affected the adhesion of the carbon coating to the stainless steel. Compared to the bare SS316L, the Ag-doped carbon-coated SS316L bipolar plate was remarkably more stable in both the anode and cathode environments of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and the interface contact resistance between the specimen and Toray 060 carbon paper was reduced from 333.0 mΩ·cm2 to 21.6 mΩ·cm2 at a compaction pressure of 1.2 MPa. 相似文献
董少光 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》2007,25(4):1-5
通过器件模拟对n-In1-xGaxN/p-Si异质结的光伏特性进行了研究,并与c-Si同质结薄膜电池的性能作了比较。研究表明:在AM1.5的光照条件下,n-IGN/p-Si异质结在最佳的电池设计、最佳的材料和最佳的操作参数条件下获得的电池效率达到了27%。电池效率受到薄膜质量的强烈影响,从电子亲和势、多数载流子的迁移率、少数载流子的寿命、薄膜厚度以及掺杂水平的变化可以得到说明。 相似文献
为了缩短质子交换膜燃料电池启动过程中氢气/空气界面存在的时间并限制电堆启动电压,通过实验研究直接启动、启动前氢气吹扫时间以及启动辅助负载对质子交换膜燃料电池性能影响的差异性,在此基础上提出一种电堆启动时氢气吹扫阳极和启动辅助负载相结合的燃料系统启动控制策略。实验验证了该启动控制策略不仅能限制燃料电池启动时的高电压以及缩短燃料电池启动过程中电堆阳极侧氢气/空气界面的存在时间,还有利于提高单电池的电压均衡性,是一种有效的质子交换膜燃料电池启动控制策略。 相似文献