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The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily encompasses a large group of structurally related polypeptides that are capable of regulating cell growth and differentiation in a wide range of embryonic and adult tissues. Growth/differentiation factor-1 (Gdf-1, encoded by Gdf1) is a TGF-beta family member of unknown function that was originally isolated from an early mouse embryo cDNA library and is expressed specifically in the nervous systemin late-stage embryos and adult mice. Here we show that at early stages of mouse development, Gdfl is expressed initially throughout the embryo proper and then most prominently in the primitive node, ventral neural tube, and intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm. To examine its biological function, we generated a mouse line carrying a targeted mutation in Gdf1. Gdf1-/- mice exhibited a spectrum of defects related to left-right axis formation, including visceral situs inversus, right pulmonary isomerism and a range of cardiac anomalies. In most Gdf1-/- embryos, the expression of Ebaf (formerly lefty-1) in the left side of the floor plate and Leftb (formerly lefty-2), nodal and Pitx2 in the left lateral plate mesoderm was absent, suggesting that Gdf1 acts upstream of these genes either directly or indirectly to activate their expression. Our findings suggest that Gdf1 acts early in the pathway of gene activation that leads to the establishment of left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   

Mosaic variegated aneuploidy is a rare recessive condition characterized by growth retardation, microcephaly, childhood cancer and constitutional mosaicism for chromosomal gains and losses. In five families with mosaic variegated aneuploidy, including two with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, we identified truncating and missense mutations of BUB1B, which encodes BUBR1, a key protein in the mitotic spindle checkpoint. These data are the first to relate germline mutations in a spindle checkpoint gene with a human disorder and strongly support a causal link between aneuploidy and cancer development.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is poorly understood. Whole-genome and exome sequencing followed by innovative tumorgraft analyses (to accurately determine mutant allele ratios) identified several putative two-hit tumor suppressor genes, including BAP1. The BAP1 protein, a nuclear deubiquitinase, is inactivated in 15% of clear cell RCCs. BAP1 cofractionates with and binds to HCF-1 in tumorgrafts. Mutations disrupting the HCF-1 binding motif impair BAP1-mediated suppression of cell proliferation but not deubiquitination of monoubiquitinated histone 2A lysine 119 (H2AK119ub1). BAP1 loss sensitizes RCC cells in vitro to genotoxic stress. Notably, mutations in BAP1 and PBRM1 anticorrelate in tumors (P = 3 × 10(-5)), and combined loss of BAP1 and PBRM1 in a few RCCs was associated with rhabdoid features (q = 0.0007). BAP1 and PBRM1 regulate seemingly different gene expression programs, and BAP1 loss was associated with high tumor grade (q = 0.0005). Our results establish the foundation for an integrated pathological and molecular genetic classification of RCC, paving the way for subtype-specific treatments exploiting genetic vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes (T1D; or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM) is an autoimmune disease with both genetic and environmental components. In addition to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex, the single major genetic contributor of susceptibility, an unknown number of other unidentified genes are required to mediate disease. Although many loci conferring susceptibility to T1D have been mapped, their identification has proven problematic due to the complex nature of this disease. Our strategy for finding T1D susceptibility genes has been to test for human homologues of loci implicated in diabetes-prone NOD (non-obese diabetic) mice, together with application of biologically relevant stratification methods. We report here a new susceptibility locus, IDDM18, located near the interleukin-12 (IL-12)p40 gene, IL12B. Significant bias in transmission of IL12B alleles was observed in affected sibpairs and was confirmed in an independent cohort of simplex families. A single base change in the 3' UTR showed strong linkage disequilibrium with the T1D susceptibility locus. The IL12B 3' UTR alleles showed different levels of expression in cell lines. Variation in IL-12p40 production may influence T-cell responses crucial for either mediating or protecting against this and other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

microRNAs (miRNAs) function as genetic rheostats to control gene output. Based on their role as modulators, it has been postulated that miRNAs canalize development and provide genetic robustness. Here, we uncover a previously unidentified regulatory layer of chemokine signaling by miRNAs that confers genetic robustness on primordial germ cell (PGC) migration. In zebrafish, PGCs are guided to the gonad by the ligand Sdf1a, which is regulated by the sequestration receptor Cxcr7b. We find that miR-430 regulates sdf1a and cxcr7 mRNAs. Using target protectors, we demonstrate that miR-430-mediated regulation of endogenous sdf1a (also known as cxcl12a) and cxcr7b (i) facilitates dynamic expression of sdf1a by clearing its mRNA from previous expression domains, (ii) modulates the levels of the decoy receptor Cxcr7b to avoid excessive depletion of Sdf1a and (iii) buffers against variation in gene dosage of chemokine signaling components to ensure accurate PGC migration. Our results indicate that losing miRNA-mediated regulation can expose otherwise buffered genetic lesions leading to developmental defects.  相似文献   

Control of endodermal endocrine development by Hes-1   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Development of endocrine cells in the endoderm involves Atonal and Achaete/Scute-related basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins. These proteins also serve as neuronal determination and differentiation factors, and are antagonized by the Notch pathway partly acting through Hairy and Enhancer-of-split (HES)-type proteins. Here we show that mice deficient in Hes1 (encoding Hes-1) display severe pancreatic hypoplasia caused by depletion of pancreatic epithelial precursors due to accelerated differentiation of post-mitotic endocrine cells expressing glucagon. Moreover, upregulation of several bHLH components is associated with precocious and excessive differentiation of multiple endocrine cell types in the developing stomach and gut, showing that Hes-1 operates as a general negative regulator of endodermal endocrine differentiation.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by expansion of a glutamine tract in ataxin-1 (ATXN1). SCA1 pathogenesis studies support a model in which the expanded glutamine tract causes toxicity by modulating the normal activities of ATXN1. To explore native interactions that modify the toxicity of ATXN1, we generated a targeted duplication of the mouse ataxin-1-like (Atxn1l, also known as Boat) locus, a highly conserved paralog of SCA1, and tested the role of this protein in SCA1 pathology. Using a knock-in mouse model of SCA1 that recapitulates the selective neurodegeneration seen in affected individuals, we found that elevated Atxn1l levels suppress neuropathology by displacing mutant Atxn1 from its native complex with Capicua (CIC). Our results provide genetic evidence that the selective neuropathology of SCA1 arises from modulation of a core functional activity of ATXN1, and they underscore the importance of studying the paralogs of genes mutated in neurodegenerative diseases to gain insight into mechanisms of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Reversibility of acute B-cell leukaemia induced by BCR-ABL1   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Cancer is thought to arise from multiple genetic events that establish irreversible malignancy. A different mechanism might be present in certain leukaemias initiated by a chromosomal translocation. We have taken a new approach to determine if ablation of the genetic abnormality is sufficient for reversion by generating a conditional transgenic model of BCR-ABL1 (also known as BCR-ABL)-induced leukaemia. This oncogene is the result of a reciprocal translocation and is associated with different forms of leukaemia. The most common form, p210 BCR-ABL1, is found in more than 90% of patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) and in up to 15% of adult patients with de novoacute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Efforts to establish a useful transgenic model have been hampered by embryonic lethality when the oncogene is expressed during embryogenesis, by reduced penetrance or by extremely long latency periods. One model uses the 'knock-in' approach to induce leukaemia by p190 BCR-ABL1(ref. 10). Given the limitations of models with p210, we used a different experimental approach. Lethal leukaemia developed within an acceptable time frame in all animals, and complete remission was achieved by suppression of BCR-ABL1expression, even after multiple rounds of induction and reversion. Our results demonstrate that BCR-ABL1is required for both induction and maintenance of leukaemia.  相似文献   

Here we perform whole-exome sequencing of samples from 105 individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most frequent leukemia in adults in Western countries. We found 1,246 somatic mutations potentially affecting gene function and identified 78 genes with predicted functional alterations in more than one tumor sample. Among these genes, SF3B1, encoding a subunit of the spliceosomal U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP), is somatically mutated in 9.7% of affected individuals. Further analysis in 279 individuals with CLL showed that SF3B1 mutations were associated with faster disease progression and poor overall survival. This work provides the first comprehensive catalog of somatic mutations in CLL with relevant clinical correlates and defines a large set of new genes that may drive the development of this common form of leukemia. The results reinforce the idea that targeting several well-known genetic pathways, including mRNA splicing, could be useful in the treatment of CLL and other malignancies.  相似文献   

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