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Summary Judging by the physical and chemical properties and bacterial spectra, the antibiotic substance, Enniatin, previously isolated from a strain ofFusarium by the authors, appears to be identical with that which was recently reported byCook et al. derived from another strain and designated by them as Lateritiin-I, although the reported empirical formulæ differ. Numerous physical and chemical characteristics of Enniatin and its degradation products are given, and, further, two relatedFusarium antibiotics, here designated as Enniatin B and C, are briefly described.

Ausgeführt mit einem Beitrag aus den eidg. Arbeitsbeschaffungskrediten.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Murexine, a new choline derivative found in the hypobranchial body ofMurex trunculus, Murex brandaris, andTritonalia erinacea, was isolated as picrate, picrolonate, styphnate, flavianate, and reineckate. Some preliminary characteristics of these salts are given.(2) The murexine content of the median zone of the hypobranchial body ofMurex trunculus is extremely high: murexine picrate equivalents of 45–70 mg per g fresh tissue are commonly observed.(3) Murexine manifests intense nicotinic and curariform actions, but is practically wanting in any muscarinic activity.The central nervous system is strongly affected by the substance: at first stimulation seems to prevail, but later on, with larger doses, a deep depression regularly develops.In decapitated cats and dogs murexine causes a significant rise in blood pressure, which is due, at least partially, to a liberation of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla and from the adrenergic nerve terminals.On the enucleated eye of frogs andOctopoda the substance acts to cause mydriasis and expansion of the iris chromatophora.

V. Erspamer eF. Dordoni, Arch. int. Pharmacodyn.74, 263 (1947).  相似文献   

Summary Adult males ofLytta vesicatoria (Coleopt., Meloidae) synthesize cantharidin, but females do not, although the substance is present in the females too. We developed a method for rearing larvae of this parasitic beetle in the laboratory. It is shown that there exist 7 larval stages and 4 hypermetamorphic forms (triungulinus, second larva,pseudochrysalis and fourth larva). Larvae from the second to the fifth stage (second larva) synthesize cantharidin. Therefore, we conclude that the substance present in the adult female is at least in part synthesized in the larval period. Nothing is known about the biological significance of this biochemical sexual dimorphism.

Coleoptera, Meloidae.  相似文献   

Résumé Après injection d'une solution de NaCl, il y a accumulation du produit de neurosécrétion duMelanoplus sanguinipes. Nous croyons que cette accumulation est peut-Être liée à la rétention d'une substance diurétique par ces insectes.

Contribution No. 345 from the Research Station. The technical assistance of Mrs.Jenise Saucier is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An ultradünnen Schnittpr?paraten von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen (Drosophila melanogaster) und an entsprechenden Quetschpr?paraten (Drosophila virilis) wurde elektronenmikroskopisch festgestellt: Die Chromomeren und Chromonemata bestehen aus Filamenten mit Schraubenwindungen vom ?paran?mischen? Typus. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass die Windungen der beiden Filamente in der entgegengesetzten Richtung ranken.

The substance of this article was present in 1956 at the International Genetics Symposia in Tokyo.  相似文献   

Summary The amphidiploid hybrid ofNicotiana glauca ×N. langsdorffi, producing tumors spontaneously, contains essentially more of the following free amino acids than the inital species: cystine, histamine, oxyproline, alanine, kynurenine, tryptophane, and a non-identified ninhydrine positive substance. It is supposed that the abnormally high content of free amino acids is connected with the spontaneous formation of tumors.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The activity ofArtemia protocerebral median neurosecretory cells is stimulated when animals are grown in media whose tonicity is lower than that of sea weater. The substance liberated by these cells could regulate the tonicity of the internal medium.
Neurosécrétion et régulation hydroélectrolytique chezArtemia salina

Travail réalisé avec l'appui financier du FRFC (programme No 2.9010.75).  相似文献   

Summary Hellebrigenin was converted to Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol and 3-Epi-Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol. This proves the correctness of the assumption ofStoll et al. 3 that the aldehydic group of Scilliglaucosidin is in position C-10.Comparison of a reduction product of Nabogenin, a substance isolated earlier from the bulbs ofBowiea volubilis Harvey, with Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol and 3-Epi-Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol showed its identity with the first named compound. This proves that the so called Nabogenin was a mixture consisting mainly of Scilliglaucosidin.

8. Mitteilung über die Glykoside vonBowiea vocubilis Harvey und 162. Mitteilung über Glykoside und Aglykone.

7. Mitt.:A. Katz, Helv. chim. Acta38, 1565 (1955).

161. Mitt.:H. Kündig-Hegedüs undO. Schindler, Helv. chim. Acta39, 904 (1956).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung AusRauwolfia canescens wurde Deserpidin, C32H38O8N2, isoliert und eine Konstitutionsformel für dieses neue Alkaloid vorgeschlagen.

Communication XV,C. F. Huebner et al., J.A.C.S. (in press).

From lecture given at Columbia University, New York, January 12th, 1955.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Isolierung von vier neuenAspidosperma-Alkaloiden ergabCylindrocarpin (erstes N-Cinnamoyl-dihydroindolderivat) sowieRefractin, Pyrifolin undPyrifolidin (alles N-Acetyl-dihydroindole), die alle vier eine Methoxylgruppe im Dihydroindolsystem besitzen.

Postdoctorate research fellow 1958–1959 (Wayne State University); 1959–1960 (Stanford University).

Paper XXII,J. S. E. Holker, M. Cais, F. A. Hochstein undC. Djerassi, J. org. Chem.24, 314 (1959).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Isolierung und Strukturzuteilung für ein Alkaloid ausColeomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

Coleoptera: Curculionidae.

In cooperation with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762. Received for publication.

Mention of a proprietary product does not necessarily imply endorsement of this product by the USDA.  相似文献   

Summary Acetone and alcohol extracts of the posterior salivary glands ofOctopus vulgaris, Eledone moschata andEledone Aldrovandi contain a principle which strongly reduces the diuresis in hydrated rats.The antidiuretic principle is absent in all otherOctopus tissues as well as in the salivary glands ofOctopus macropus.It shows a high termostability and is strongly adsorbed by animal charcoal at any reaction.The salivary antidiuretic substance is not identical with the posterior pituitary principle nor with the other active substances found in the salivary glands of Octopoda.The injection of salivary extracts satisfactorily reduces polyuria and polydipsia in human diabetes insipidus.

Le presenti ricerche sono state in parte sovvenzionate da un contributo straordinario del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung BeiEntamoeba invadens wurde eine ungleiche zellplasmatische Teilung beobachtet. Ein entsprechender Teilungsmodus gilt auch fürE. ranarum undE. moshkovskii.

This work was done in the Department of Zoology, University of London, King's College, London WC2, England.  相似文献   

Résumé On a montré la présence d'une substance pyrogène qui avait les caractéristiques physiologiques endogènes dans le plasma et dans le sérum sanguin de félin, pris 5 h après l'injection i.v. d'entérotoxine staphylococcique B.

Supported by USPHS Gratn No. AI-05963. A preliminary report is abstracted in Fedn. Proc.25, 433 (1966).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Extrakte vonV. opulus von schwacher Zelltoxizität enthaltenp-Xylylendinitril. Die Isomeren,m- undp-Cyanohydrozimtsäurenitrile, wurden synthetisiert und auf ihre zelltoxischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht:p-Xylylendinitril erweist sich als am stärksten wirksam.

The reported work was supported in part by grants Nos. AM 07147, FR 00354, GM 12755 and GM 33888 from the United States Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health. We are grateful to the management and staff of the Isaac Bernheim Foundation for their helpful assistance with plants.

Inquiries on mass spectra should be directed to F.W.M.; all other inquiries should be directed to C.H.J.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der amerikanische AalAnguilla rostrata (2n=38; 20M+18A) gehört einer anderen Spezies an als der europäischeAnguilla anguilla (2n=38; 32M+6A).

This work was supported in part by a grant No. CA 05138 from the National Cancer Institute, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung AusMaackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim. var.Buergeri (Maxim.) C. K. Schneid wurde ausser dem bekannten Sophorol ein Phenol C16H12O5 isoliert. Auf Grund spektroskopischer Untersuchungen und dem Vergleich mit einem synthetisch hergestellten Derivat (III;R=CH3) wird dem Maackiain die Struktur (I;R=H) eines Chromanocumarans zugeschrieben.

Paper IV. Paper III in this series seeH. Suginome, Tetrahedron Letters No. 19, 16 (1960).

Read before the 14th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, Tokyo (April 1961).  相似文献   

Summary The triple-fixation (simultaneous fixation in a mixture of glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide and post-treatment in aqueous uranylacetate) is especially suitable for the demonstration of membranes and to distinguish different types of vesicles in the oocytes of the soft tickOrnithodorus moubata.

Die Arbeit wurde vom Schweiz. Nationalfonds unterstützt.

Frau S.Latscha-Stoller danke ich für ihre unentbehrliche technische Mitarbeit.  相似文献   

Riassunto Ps. desmolyticum ossida la 3-metilpirocatechina ad acido 2-ossi-6-oxo-2,trans-4,trans-eptadienoico. Vengono descritte le proprietà chimicofisiche che hanno condotto all'identificazione di questo intermedio metabolico.

This work was supported by C.N.R. (Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Crotsparinin, ein neuer Vertreter der Proaporphine, wurde ausCroton sparsiflorus isoliert und seine Struktur aufgeklärt.

Communication No. 1323 from the Central Drug Research Institute.  相似文献   

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