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With the method of trend analysis of sediment grain size, the sediment transport trend of the fine-grained sediments area in the central South Yellow Sea was studied. The results demonstrated that there is a sedimentation center around the point of 123.4°E, 35.1°N, and the sediments outside the center are transported to it. The patterns of sediment transportation and deposition in the Yellow Sea should be controlled by cyclonic circulation (including the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass) and cold water gyre. The study also showed that the method of trend analysis of sediment grain size has prospective utilization in the fine-grained sediment deposited area on large-scale continental shelf.  相似文献   

The n-alkanes are extracted from NMLC-1 core that was drilled in the Nam Co, central Tibet. They are measured by using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for componential and quantitative analyses. According to the constructed depth-age model, the component and concentration of n-alkanes, together with total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and carbonate are used to elu- cidate palaeoenvironmental changes of Nam Co during the past 8.4 ka. The results indicate that Holo- cene environment performs three stages in the lake area. In the stage of 8.4―6.7 kaB.P., it was warmer while precipitation slightly increased. This stage was ended by an obvious cold/dry event. During 6.7― 5.8 kaB.P., temperature increased rapidly and reached its maximum values at about 6.0 kaB.P. The environments were warm/wet optimum for the blooming of terrestrial plants and submerged aquatic plants. After that, temperature decreased continuously and showed the lowest values at about 3.0 kaB.P. From 2.9 kaB.P. to the present, temperature rose again but alternated with cold and warm. The lake area tended to be dry after 1.4 kaB.P. During 600―400 aB.P., the environmental feature was the reflection of "Little Ice Age".  相似文献   

The n-alkanes are extracted from NMLC-1 core that was drilled in the Nam Co, central Tibet. They are measured by using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for componential and quantitative analyses. According to the constructed depth-age model, the component and concentration of n-alkanes, together with total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and carbonate are used to elucidate palaeoenvironmental changes of Nam Co during the past 8.4 ka. The results indicate that Holocene environment performs three stages in the lake area. In the stage of 8.4-6.7 kaB.P., it was warmer while precipitation slightly increased. This stage was ended by an obvious cold/dry event. During 6.7-5.8 kaB.P., temperature increased rapidly and reached its maximum values at about 6.0 kaB.P. The environments were warm/wet optimum for the blooming of terrestrial plants and submerged aquatic plants. After that, temperature decreased continuously and showed the lowest values at about 3.0 kaB.P. From 2.9 kaB.P, to the present, temperature rose again but alternated with cold and warm. The lake area tended to be dry after 1.4 kaB.P. During 600-400 aB.P., the environmental feature was the reflection of "Little Ice Age".  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify a series of n-alkanes in the sediments of a typical glacially eroded lake in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.By comparing the distribution patterns of n-alkanes in lake sediments,surface soils and cow manure,it was shown that n-C 27-n-C 33 alkanes in the soil ecosystem of Ximen Co are derived from vascular plant species and that the distribution pattern of n-C 27-n-C 33 alkanes remains unchanged during the feeding and digestion processes of herbivores.The relative percentage of C 27,C 29 and C 31 n-alkanes decreased from the bottom to the top of the sediment core showing a trend of degradation of higher plants in the Ximen Co lake region during the formation of the 44 cm core.210 Pb dating,combined with pre-existing AMS 14 C dating results showed that the depositional core reflects climatic and environmental variations since about 900 years before present.The n-alkane indexes (ACL 27-33,P aq,P wax) are comparable with regional temperature variation,especially recording the Little Ice Age event (LIA).This study highlights that n-alkanes are valid proxies for paleo-climate and paleo-environment reconstruction,despite the same distribution patterns in n-alkane molecular fossils derived from a typical glacially eroded lake.  相似文献   

激光衍射粒度仪在连云港软土颗粒分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用马尔文(Malvern)公司生产的Mastersizer Micro(MAF5000)激光衍射粒度仪测定江苏连云港地区软土的粒度分布,对样品质量浓度、泵速、超声波强度与时间、分散剂选取等控制参数进行了优化设计,确定合适的控制参数,便于对相同类型的软土测量确定标准操作规程.将合适条件下测得的软土粒度分布与传统方法得到的结果进行了对比分析,结果表明,激光粒度仪测量的粒径分布范围较广,采集的数据点比传统方法要密,测量的精度要高于传统方法,因此可以用激光法代替传统方法,以快速准确地测得软土的粒度分布.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩粒度概率累积曲线特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在岩心观察的基础上,利用主要取心井的粒度分析资料,对柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩主要沉积环境的粒度概率曲线进行了研究。研究表明,该地区发育的沉积相有扇三角洲、冲积平原、三角洲、湖泊、湖底扇,每一种沉积相又分为几种沉积亚相类型;该地区碎屑岩的粒度概率累积曲线特征主要包括:“上拱弧形”式、一段式、两段式、三段式、多段式、复杂两段式和复杂三段式、“低斜多段”式、“高斜多跳-悬”式和“高斜多跳-悬夹过渡”式、“高斜多跳”式、“宽缓上拱”式等,每种沉积亚相类型对应其独特的粒度概率累积曲线特征。该研究成果可为新探区的沉积环境判断提供参考。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩粒度概率累积曲线特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在岩心观察的基础上,利用主要取心井的粒度分析资料,对柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩主要沉积环境的粒度概率曲线进行了研究。研究表明,该地区发育的沉积相有扇三角洲、冲积平原、三角洲、湖泊、湖底扇,每一种沉积相又分为几种沉积亚相类型;该地区碎屑岩的粒度概率累积曲线特征主要包括:“上拱弧形”式、一段式、两段式、三段式、多段式、复杂两段式和复杂三段式、“低斜多段”式、“高斜多跳一悬”式和“高斜多跳一悬夹过渡”式、“高斜多跳”式、“宽缓上拱”式等,每种沉积亚相类型对应其独特的粒度概率累积曲线特征。该研究成果可为新探区的沉积环境判断提供参考。  相似文献   

大布苏湖全新世沉积岩芯的粒度特征与湖面波动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大布苏湖为构造断陷的封闭湖盆,现代沉积环境的研究表明,自湖岸到湖心,其平均粒径2依次递减,钻孔岩 的粒度分析和年代测定揭示,全新世以来,大布苏湖有两次高湖面和两次低湖面时期晚全新世以来,湖面波动式下降,湖水浓缩而演变为我国东部地区罕见的盐湖。  相似文献   

巢湖CH-1孔沉积物磁性、粒度特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对巢湖湖心长1.5m的CH-1孔沉积物磁性参数和粒度组成进行测量,探讨了巢湖的沉积环境变迁.结果表明:CH-1孔沉积物以中粉砂和细粉砂为主,其次为黏土.该孔中黏土粒级对磁性矿物贡献最大.自底部向上,该孔分为4段:第1段,沉积物向上粒度变细,亚铁磁性矿物含量减少,亚铁磁性矿物颗粒变细;第2段,沉积物向上粒度变粗,亚铁磁性矿物含量减少,磁性矿物颗粒变细;第3段,沉积物向上粒度变细,亚铁磁性矿物含量增多,磁性矿物颗粒变粗;第4段,沉积物向上粒度变粗,亚铁磁性矿物含量增多,磁性矿物颗粒变粗.上述结果显示:巢湖湖面在整个沉积历史时期呈现上升和下降的交替变化,反映了气候变化对巢湖沉积的影响.  相似文献   

Whether climatic changes in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere since the last glaciation have effects on the Tibetan Plateau monsoon, and the variation characteristics of the Plateau monsoon itself are still not solved but of great significance. The 22-m high-resolution Ioess-paleosol sequence in the Hezuo Basin on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the Plateau winter monsoon experienced a millennial variation similar to high latitude Northern Hemisphere, with cold events clearly correlated with Heinrich events but less for the warm events (Dansgarrd-Oeschger events). It may indicate that the climate system at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere had played an important role in both the Plateau monsoon and the high-level westerlies. On 10^4 year scale, there are two distinct anomalous changes, which are not found in the records from high latitude northern hemisphere, revealed by the loess grain size in the Hezuo Basin. One is that there was a considerable grain size increase at -36 kaBP, suggesting an abrupt enhancement of the Plateau winter monsoon at that time; the other is that, during 43--36 kaBP, the grain size decreased distinctly, indicating a notable weakening of the Plateau winter monsoon around that period. Both of the two anomalies suggest that the Tibetan climate may have been controlled by some other factors, besides the high latitude climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

通过单人系统取样,用筛析法对云南大理盆地隐仙溪河道沉积物进行了粒度分析。结果表明,河流上游以砾石沉积为主,平均质量分数(含量)达57.92%以上,砾石粒径以10~50cm为主,在砂质沉积物中以粗砂为主,其含量达28 35%,中细砂含量只有13.76%;河流中游虽然也以砾石沉积为主,但砾石粒径明显变小,以5~10cm为主;河流下游则以砂质沉积物为主,其中中砂、细砂和粉砂总含量高达77.64%,尤其是细砂和粉砂含量显著升高,分别达到27.96%和32.26%,而粗砂和砾石含量明显降低。不同河段沉积物粒度及其含量的变化主要受水动力条件、地形坡度和搬运距离控制,但搬运距离与沉积物粒度之间不存在简单的线性对应关系。  相似文献   

Zhu  LiPing  Xie  ManPing  Wu  YanHong 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(13):1294-1303
By using remote sensing and GIS technologies, spatial analysis and statistic analysis, we calculated the water area and volume variations of the Nam Co Lake from 1971-2004, and discussed their influence factors from the viewpoints of climatic change and water balance. Data source in this study includes bathymetric data of the lake, aerial surveyed topographic maps of 1970, remote sensing images of 1991 and 2004 in the lake catchment, meteorological data from 17 stations within 1971-2004 in the adjacent area...  相似文献   

Magnesium(Mg) alloys, as the lightest metal engineering materials, have broad application prospects.However, the strength and ductility of traditional Mg alloys are still relativity low and difficult to improve simultaneously.Refining grain size via the deformation process based on the grain boundary strengthening and the transition of deformation mechanisms is one of the feasible strategies to prepare Mg alloys with high strength and high ductility.In this review, the effects of grain size on the strength and ductility of Mg alloys are summarized, and fine-grained Mg alloys with high strength and high ductility developed by various severe plastic deformation technologies and improved traditional deformation technologies are introduced.Although some achievements have been made, the effects of grain size on various Mg alloys are rarely discussed systematically and some key mechanisms are unclear or lack direct microscopic evidence.This review can be used as a reference for further development of high-performance fine-grained Mg alloys.  相似文献   

Short cores of about 80-cm retrieved from three main basins of th e deepwater areas in Qinghai Lake,the largest inland enclosed lake in China, were studied. Sta-ble isotopes of authigenlc carbonates, grain-size, carbonate and organic matter content at 5-year resolution are used to reconstruct the climatic history over the last 800 years in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Chronology was established according to 210^pb dating and 137^Cs methods and the core corrdation. It is found that cores from different deep basins of the lake can be well correlated. The sedimentary rate is highest in the western basin of the lake and lowest in the east.In the southern basin of the lake where the short core Qing-6is located, the recent average sedimentation rate is 0.1004cm/yr. Variations in effective precipitation recorded by the oxygen isotopes and grain size data durine the last 800 years are consistent with the glacial accumulation record form the Dunde and Guliya ice cores. A dry climate lasted for 300 years from 1200 AD to 1500 AD, followed by a wet period from 1500 to 1560 AD. The two dry periods, 1560 to 1650 AD and 1780 to 1850 AD, were the results of southwest monsoon weakening. The effective precipitation generally increased since 1650 AD due to the strengthening of the Asian South-west Monsoon, resulting in a wet period until the 1950s. Ex-cept the early stage, the Little Ice Age on the Plateau is characterized b y increased effective moisture. Organic mat-ter content, with nearly 200-year cycles, shows similar trend with the atmospheric delta earbon-14 before the 1850s, indi-eating that the bioproductivity responds to solar activity.  相似文献   

Grain size analysis was undertaken for the 2-cm interval sub-samples of eight short cores collected along the Zhoushan-Jinshanwei transect in Hangzhou Bay, using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser particle size analyzer. The result indicates that there are different vertical distribution patterns of mean grain size for the short cores. In the study area, the thickness of the seabed moving layer on an annual temporal scale is much larger than that of the deposited layer,i.e. the sedimentary environment is highly dynamic. As a result, the vertical distributions of mean grain size within the short cores represent different types of sedimentary records formed in the same environment, rather than signals of long-term environmental evolution. The seabed sediment consists mainly of silts in the study area, and the vertically-averaged value of mean grain size has a tendency of convergence when the thickness over which the mean value is derived increases. Such patterns indicate that the grain size composition of the deposit is controlled mainly by the source of material supply; nevertheless, to some degree hydraulic sorting is effective, which has resulted in the differences in distribution patterns along the transect between the grainsize values of the surficial sediment and the vertically-averaged values. For long-term sediment transport modeling for an environment associated with strong tidal action and silty sediment, it may be more appropriate to use the vertically-averaged grain size than the value for thesurficial sediment, as the model input.  相似文献   

工艺条件对电积法制备铜粉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不溶阳极电积法制备铜粉,研究了Cu2+质量浓度、硫酸质量浓度、电流密度、电解液温度和刮粉周期对电积过程和铜粉中位粒径的影响.结果表明:优化工艺为Cu2+质量浓度15 g.L-1、硫酸质量浓度140 g.L-1条件下,控制电流密度为1 800 A.m-2、温度为35℃、刮粉周期为30min、循环流量为14 L.h-1以及极距为4.5 cm,可得到高品质的铜粉,其粒度呈正态分布,微观形貌呈树枝状;增加铜离子质量浓度、硫酸质量浓度和电解液温度有利于降低槽电压;增加Cu2+质量浓度、电解液温度和刮粉周期有利于提高电流效率;大电流密度、高硫酸质量浓度和低Cu2+质量浓度有利于得到粉末粒度小的铜粉.  相似文献   

以球形Ni(OH)2为核心原料,Al(NO3)3·9HzO、Co(NO3)2·6H2O和LiNO3为包裹原料,采用融盐包裹法在空气中煅烧合成了单相固溶体LiNi0.7Co0.2Al0.1O2。用XRD研究了合成产物的物相和结构,用SEM研究了合成产物的形貌,用电池性能测试仪研究了合成产物的电化学性能。实验结果表明,合成产物具有α-NaFeO2型层状有序结构、球状形貌和良好的电化学性能。  相似文献   

本文通过MATLAB编程语言对会昌盆地上白垩统周田组样品进行灰度化、二值化、自适应中值滤波、彩色标注等图像处理方式,准确测量出其粒度参数。结果显示:(1)MATLAB直接计算法与图解法所求得平均粒径分别为4.008φ和3.103φ;标准偏差分别为0.8φ和0.803φ;偏度分别为-0.195φ和-0.041φ;峰度分别为0.911φ和0.916φ。两种计算方式中标准偏差和峰度误差较小,可以互相替代,而标准偏差和偏度误差程度较大,不可互相替代。(2)MATLAB直接计算方法与镜下岩矿鉴定均显示周田组整体磨圆度较差,碎屑颗粒呈棱角状-次棱角状,通过沉积环境判别公式反映周田组形成于河流相沉积环境中,与地质背景及显微观测结果一致。(3)通过MATLAB编程语言,能够精准识别碎屑岩中颗粒轮廓及统计各项参数,对沉积物粒度研究提供了极大的便利,避免了人为主观因素干扰,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

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