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本文记述兰州窑街煤田中侏罗统窑街组中发现的一种根茎蕨化石,并定名为窑街根茎蕨(新种)Rhizomoperis yaojieensis sp.nov.根据共生化石,笔者推测这种根茎蕨是属于 Coniopteris 的根状茎.  相似文献   

对采自于辽宁省东港市大鹿岛的美叶藻属海藻的外部形态、内部结构进行了详细观察,并对rbcL基因序列进行了分析.结果表明:(1)藻体直立、膜质、叉状或掌状分枝,边缘全缘偶有微波状,基部生有圆柱状的直立短柄;(2)果胞枝由2~5个细胞组成,无分枝,受精后产孢丝形成卵形囊果,果孢子囊团被不育丝分隔,产孢丝单侧突出;(3)rbcL基因序列分析表明样本LNU20091105、LNU20091106与美叶藻属内其他种间的碱基差异为5.1%~7.6%(27~66bp),为属内种间差异.在系统树中这2个样本也聚集为美叶藻属内一个单独的进化枝.据此我们认为该海藻是美叶藻属一个新种,命名为扇形美叶藻(Callophyllis flabelliforma H.W.Wang sp.nov.).  相似文献   

描述了采自中国新疆喀什地区钳蝎科1中国新纪录属(拉兹蝎属Razianus Farzanpay,1987)及1新种(新疆拉兹蝎,新种Razianus xinjianganus sp. nov.).新种的模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

1995年4月30日在位于长江流域的鄱阳湖滨都昌县南峰乡的黄颡鱼体内采获一种绦虫.经鉴定为一新种:南峰珊带绦虫Coralotaeniananfengensisspnov.珊带绦虫属(Coralotaenia)为亚洲新记录.黄颡鱼为本属新宿主  相似文献   

发表产于中国云南的翼核果属一新种——政德翼核果(Ventilago zhengdei G.S.Fan)。  相似文献   

A new dragonfly of family Meganeuridae Shenzhousia qilianshanensis gen. et sp. nov., discovered from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in North China, is described in the present paper. It has an estimated wingspan of about 450-500mm and may be the largest fossil insect in Late Carboniferous Namurian Stage discovered by far. The new species is referred to Meganeuridae because of the presence of the characteristic oblique vein between anterior branch of radius (RA) and posterior branch of radius (RP) near the base of RP2. It differs from other genera within the family in the following characteristics: Precostal area short and not extending to the midwing; posterior branch of subcostal vein short, merging into costal vein near the level of originating point of IR2; RP forking earlier than anterior branch of media basally; RP1+2 and RP3+4 parallel and close to each other for a long distance, and then diverge gradually surpass midwing.  相似文献   

记述湖北省斑腿蝗科蝗虫一新属一新种,即鄂秃蝗属Epodisma gen.nov.和应山鄂秃蝗Epodisma yingshanensis sp.nov..模式标本保存于信阳师范学院生命科学学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

描记采于云南省南盘江水系野鲮亚科-新属新种.新属下唇有5个圆珠状结构呈一串念珠状与中国产野鲮亚科20余个属均不同,命名五珠鲮属Fivepearlus gen.nov..新种命名云南五珠鲮Fivepearlus yunnanensis sp.nov..  相似文献   

A new dragonfly of family Meganeuridae Shenzhousia qilianshanensis gen. et sp. nov., discovered from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in North China, is described in the present paper. It has an estimated wingspan of about 450?500 mm and may be the largest fossil insect in Late Carboniferous Namurian Stage discovered by far. The new species is referred to Meganeuridae because of the presence of the characteristic oblique vein between anterior branch of radius (RA) and posterior branch of radius (RP) near the base of RP2. It differs from other genera within the family in the following characteristics: Precostal area short and not extending to the midwing; posterior branch of subcostal vein short, merging into costal vein near the level of originating point of IR2; RP forking earlier than anterior branch of media basally; RP1+2 and RP3+4 parallel and close to each other for a long distance, and then diverge gradually surpass midwing.  相似文献   

记述了寄生于黑鲷Sparus macrocephalus(Basilewsky)与紫红笛鲷Lutjanus argentimaculatus(Forskai)鳃上的海盘虫属一新种及寄生于勒氏笛鲷Lutjanus russelli(Bleek,1849)鳃上的螺管海盘虫Haliotrema spirotubiforum Zhang,2001,长阴宽海盘虫Euryhaliotrema chrysotaeniae (Young,1968)Kritsky&.Boeger,2002。瘤钩海盘虫,新种Haliotrema tukerhamatus sp.nov.的两对中央大钩钩尖基部有一瘤状突起;背中央大钩和背联结片的形状均相似于Haliotrema longihamus Zhukov,1976,但新种背腹中央大钩形状相同,均没有内外突的分化;腹联结片前缘凹入,中部后缘有一显著的向后凸起,而已知种背腹中央大钩形状相异,腹中央大钩内外突分化明显,腹联结片平直;新种交接管近端多次弯曲,远端环绕一圈,而已知种交接管仅在中部环绕一圈。  相似文献   

报道贵州省织金洞弱蛛科蜘蛛一新属、新种:黔弱蛛属Qianleptoneta gen.nov.,五刺黔弱蛛Qianleptoneta quinquespinata sp.nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。文中测量单位为mm。  相似文献   

报道贵州省织金洞弱蛛科蜘蛛一新属、新种:黔弱蛛属Qianleptoneta gen.nov.,五刺黔弱蛛Qianlep-toneta quinquespinata sp.nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。文中测量单位为mm。  相似文献   

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