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Lushan M S7.0 earthquake: A blind reserve-fault event   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the epicenter of the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake there are several imbricate active reverse faults lying from northwest to southeast, namely the Gengda-Longdong, Yanjing-Wulong, Shuangshi-Dachuan and Dayi faults. Emergency field investigations have indicated that no apparent earthquake surface rupture zones were located along these active faults or their adjacent areas. Only brittle compressive ruptures in the cement-covered pavements can be seen in Shuangshi, Taiping, Longxing and Longmen Townships, and these ruptures show that a local crustal shortening occurred in the region during the earthquake. Combining spatial distribution of the relocated aftershocks and focal mechanism solutions, it is inferred that the Lushan earthquake is classified as a typical blind reverse-fault earthquake, and it is advised that the relevant departments should pay great attention to other historically un-ruptured segments along the Longmenshan thrust belt and throughout its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

Following the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake on 20 April 2013, a topic of much concern is whether events of M S7 or greater could occur again on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. In providing evidence to answer this question, this work analyzes the tectonic relationship between the Lushan event and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and the rupture history of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, through field investigations of active tectonics and paleoearthquake research, and our preliminary conclusions are as follows. The activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone is much different to that of its central section, and the late Quaternary activity has propagated forward to the basin in the east. The seismogenic structure of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is the central-fore-range fault system, whereas that of the 2013 Lushan event is attributed to the fore-range-range-front fault system, rather than the central fault. The southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone becomes wider towards the south with an increasing number of secondary faults, of which the individual faults exhibit much weaker surface activity. Therefore, this section is not as capable of generating a major earthquake as is the central segment. It is most likely that the 2013 earthquake fills the seismic gap around Lushan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone.  相似文献   

The mainshock of April 20, 2013 Sichuan Lushan M S7.0 earthquake was relocated using a 3-D velocity model. Double difference algorithm was applied to relocate aftershock sequences of Lushan earthquake. The locations of 2405 aftershocks were determined. The location errors in E-W, N-S and U-D direction were 0.30, 0.29 and 0.59 km on average, respectively. The location of the mainshock is 102.983°E, 30.291°N and the focal depth is 17.6 km. The relocation results show that the aftershocks spread approximately 35 km in length and 16 km in width. The dominant distribution of the focal depth ranges from 10 to 20 km. A few earthquakes occurred in the shallow crust. Focal depth profiles show fault planes dip to the northwest, manifested itself as a listric thrust fault. The dip angle is steep in the shallow crust and gentle in the deep crust. Although the epicenters of aftershocks distributed mainly along both sides of the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault, the seismogenic fault may be a blind thrust fault on the eastern side of the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault. Earthquake relocation results reveal that there is a southeastward tilt aftershock belt intersecting with the seismogenic fault with y-shape. We speculate it is a back thrust fault that often appears in a thrust fault system. Lushan earthquake triggered the seismic activity of the back thrust fault.  相似文献   

In the epicenter of the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake there are several imbricate active reverse faults lying from northwest to southeast,namely the Gengda-Longdong,Yanjing-Wulong,Shuangshi-Dachuan and Dayi faults.Emergency field investigations have indicated that no apparent earthquake surface rupture zones were located along these active faults or their adjacent areas.Only brittle compressive ruptures in the cement-covered pavements can be seen in Shuangshi,Taiping,Longxing and Longmen Townships,and these ruptures show that a local crustal shortening occurred in the region during the earthquake.Combining spatial distribution of the relocated aftershocks and focal mechanism solutions,it is inferred that the Lushan earthquake is classified as a typical blind reverse-fault earthquake,and it is advised that the relevant departments should pay great attention to other historically un-ruptured segments along the Longmenshan thrust belt and throughout its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric measurements were carried out along two profiles across the middle and southwestern sections of the Longmenshan fault zone (LMSf) from 2009 to 2011, after the 2008 Wenchuan M W7.9 earthquake. The former profile crosses the Wenchuan event epicenter and the latter one crosses 2013 Lushan M S7.0 event epicenter. The data were analyzed using advanced processing techniques, including phase tensor and two-dimensional inversion methods, in order to obtain reliable 2-D profiles of the electrical structure in the vicinity of the two earthquakes. A comparison of the two profiles indicates both similarities and differences in the deep crustal structure of the LMSf. West of the southwestern section, a crustal high conductivity layer (HCL) is present at about 10 km depth below the Songpan-Garzê block; this is about 10 km shallower than that under the middle section of the LMSf. A high resistivity body (HRB) is observed beneath the southwestern section, extending from the near surface to the top of upper mantle. It has a smaller size than the HRB observed below the middle section. In the middle section, there is a local area of decreased resistivity within the HRB but there is absence of this area. The 2013 Lushan earthquake occurred close to the eastern boundary of HRB and the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault, of which the seismogenic context has both common and different features in comparison with the 2008 Wenchuan event. On a large scale, the 2013 Lushan earthquake is associated with the HCL and deformation in the crust including HCL of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. In order to assess seismic risk, it is important to consider both the stress state and the detailed crustal structure in different parts of the LMSf.  相似文献   

The source rupture process of the M S7.0 Lushan earthquake was here evaluated using 40 long-period P waveforms with even azimuth coverage of stations. Results reveal that the rupture process of the Lushan M S7.0 event to be simpler than that of the Wenchuan earthquake and also showed significant differences between the two rupture processes. The whole rupture process lasted 36 s and most of the moment was released within the first 13 s. The total released moment is 1.9×1019N m with M W=6.8. Rupture propagated upwards and bilaterally to both sides from the initial point, resulting in a large slip region of 40 km×30 km, with the maximum slip of 1.8 m, located above the initial point. No surface displacement was estimated around the epicenter, but displacement was observed about 20 km NE and SW directions of the epicenter. Both showed slips of less than 40 cm. The rupture suddenly stopped at 20 km NE of the initial point. This was consistent with the aftershock activity. This phenomenon indicates the existence of significant variation of the medium or tectonic structure, which may prevent the propagation of the rupture and aftershock activity. The earthquake risk of the left segment of Qianshan fault is worthy of attention.  相似文献   

This paper presents the coseismic displacement and preseismic deformation fields of the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake that occurred on April 20, 2013. The results are based on GPS observations along the Longmenshan fault and within its vicinity. The coseismic displacement and preseismic GPS results indicate that in the strain release of this earthquake, the thrust rupture is dominant and the laevorotation movement is secondary. Furthermore, we infer that any possible the rupture does not reach the earth’s surface, and the seismogenic fault is most likely one fault to the east of the Guanxian-Anxian fault. Some detailed results are obtainable. (1) The southern segment of the Longmenshan fault is locked preceding the Lushan earthquake. After the Wenchuan earthquake, the strain accumulation rate in the southeast direction accelerates in the epicenter of the Lushan earthquake, and the angle between the principal compressional strain and the seismogenic fault indicates that a sinistral deformation background in the direction of the seismogenic fault precedes the Lushan earthquake. Therefore, it is evident that the Wenchuan M S8.0 earthquake accelerated the pregnancy of the Lushan earthquake. (2) The coseismic displacements reflected by GPS data are mainly located in a region that is 230 km (NW direction) × 100 km (SW direction), and coseismic displacements larger than 10 mm lie predominantly in a 100-km region (NW direction). (3) On a large scale, the coseismic displacement shows thrust characteristics, but the associated values are remarkably small in the near field (within 70 km) of the earthquake fault. Meanwhile, the thrust movement in this 70-km region does not correspond with the attenuation characteristics of the strain release, indicating that the rupture of this earthquake does not reach the earth’s surface. (4) The laevorotation movements are remarkable in the 50-km region, which is located in the hanging wall that is close to the earthquake fault, and the corresponding values in this case correlate with the attenuation characteristics of the strain release.  相似文献   

By using precise leveling data observed between 1985 and 2010 across the south section of the Longmenshan fault zone, and eliminating the coseismic displacements caused by the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake, the interseismic vertical deformation field was obtained. The result shows that the Lushan region, located between the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault (front range of the Long- menshan fault) and the Xinkaidian fault (south section of the Dayi fault), is situated in the intersection zone of positive and negative vertical deformation gradient zones, indicating that this zone was locked within 25 years before the Lushan earthquake. Based on leveling data across the rupture zone surveyed between 2010 and 2013, and by eliminating the vertical deformation within 3 years before the earthquake, the coseismic vertical displacement was derived. The coseismic vertical displacement for the benchmark DD35, which is closest to the epicenter, is up to 198.4 mm (with respect to MY165A). The coseismic dis- placement field revealed that the northwest region (hanging wall) moved upwards in comparison with the southeastern region (foot wall), suggesting that the seismogenic fault mainly underwent thrust faulting. By comparing the coseismic and interseismic vertical deformation fields, it was found that the mechanisms of this earthquake are consistent with the elastic rebound theory; the elastic strain energy (displacement deficit) accumulated before the Lu- shan earthquake was released during this quake.  相似文献   

A gravity network with 302 observation points has been established in the western Sichuan Foreland Basin (SFB) to explore Bouguer gravity anomalies (BGAs). Our observational results reveal that the BGAs are negative as a whole, with a maximum value of -220 mGal (10^-5m s^-2) at the northwest region of the study area. The real Moho depths beneath the SFB revealed by BGA data change smoothly from 39.5 km in the southeast to 43.7 km in the northwest of the monitoring region. However, the isostatic ones deduced from Airy isostatic model and topographical data vary approximately 39.5-42.0 km. The maximum differences of 2.7 km between the real and isostatic Moho depths are found near the seismic gap between the M8.0 Wenchuan and M7.0 Lushan earthquakes, where the crust is in the greatest isostatic imbalance of the monitoring region. Analysis of the isostatic state indicates that the deep dynamic environment near the seismic gap between these two earthquakes indicates an M ≥ 7.0 earthquake in the future. This study indicates that we can use isostasy as a potential approach to study the dynamic process of crustal material movement and to analyze regional potential seismic risks.  相似文献   

“4·20”芦山地震的构造破裂与发震断层   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对"4.20"芦山地震构造破裂及变形特征的分析研究,阐明触发M=7.0级强烈地震的构造因素是NE向大川-双石断裂的逆断兼右旋走滑错动,断层面最大逆断-右旋滑动量达到1.51m。震中位置应在地震断裂通过的双石-太平区段而非震害严重的龙门乡。造成龙门乡震害异常的主要因素是该盆地较厚的第四系强烈的场地效应及建筑物结构强度不足。此次地震是龙门山断裂带地壳构造应力调整、地壳岩体应力-形变过程进入累进性发展阶段的必然结果。地壳破裂扩展方向具有向龙门山中央断裂发展的趋势。  相似文献   

张铁宝  路茜  刘放  辛华 《科学技术与工程》2014,14(5):183-186,210
采用月距平方法对连续的MODIS/Terra卫星遥感红外资料进行了分析,大面积大幅度升温异常提取结果显示,在四川芦山7.0级地震和甘肃岷县-漳县6.6级地震前2个月左右,红外出现升温变化,升温面积在40万平方公里以上。两次强震前经常性升温区域的分布受2级地块控制明显,与地块的运动背景比较显示,两次强震前经常性升温区域与地块的运动背景存在关联。  相似文献   

 2013年4月20日,四川雅安市芦山县发生Ms 7.0级强烈地震,造成重大的人员伤亡和经济损失。地震造成的区域库仑应力变化、对周围断层的影响及后续地震带发展趋势是应该关注的问题。利用USGS震源机制解,根据地震静态触发原理,基于弹性位错理论和分层地壳模型,计算得出芦山地震引起同震库仑应力变化从断层的1.0MPa量级减小到200km外的0.1kPa,研究认为在地震之后大部分区域的应力得到释放,鲜水河断裂道孚—康定段和玉龙希断裂南段危险性增加。  相似文献   

地震导致山体结构失衡,物质松动,在降雨条件下,滑坡等次生地质灾害极易发生。以"4.20"芦山地震区为研究对象,基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统技术(GIS),以坡度、起伏度、土地类型、断层的距离、地震动的峰值加速度为评价因子,采用Logistic回归方法构建评价模型评估了研究区滑坡易发性,并通过受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)检验模型的效果。通过对421个滑坡灾害点的回归分析得出断层的距离、地震动的峰值加速度对滑坡的发生贡献最大,研究区域46.63%的地区滑坡极易发生。ROC曲线的线下面积(AUC)为0.772,验证结果显示评价结果与实际情况吻合。  相似文献   

“4·20”芦山地震次声波研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年4月20日北京时间8点2分,放置于成都的数字化次声监测仪实时探测并完整记录了四川省雅安市芦山7.0级地震及以后多次3级余震的地震次声波全波形数据。通过时间-频率分布分析方法STFT(短时傅立叶变换)对所有特征次声事件信号进行分析处理发现,芦山地震次声波具有显著的特征:(1)具有3~4Hz的特征频率;(2)主震次声波卓越频率为3.2Hz,时频谱峰值能量强度达到220,维持时间长达230s;(3)该次地震的多次余震震级(Ms)与其对应次声波经STFT分析后的峰值强度值(Amax)具有良好的相关关系:Ms=0.60105lgAmax+2.06383,其相关性系数超过0.84。次声波或将为地震、滑坡等由岩石破裂引起的地质灾害的探测和早期预警提供一种新的手段和方法。  相似文献   

After the 20 April 2013 Lushan MS6.6 earthquake occurred,investigation and identification of the seismogenic fault for this event have become a focused and debatable issue.This work prepared an initial landslide inventory map related to the Lushan earthquake based on field investigations and visual interpretation of high-resolution aerial photographs and provided evidence for solving the issue aforementioned.The analysis of three landslide-density profiles perpendicular to strike direction of the probable seismogenic fault shows that many landslides occurred on the footwall of the Shuangshi–Dachuan fault(SDF),without sudden change of landslide density near the fault.Very few landslides were detected near the Dayi fault(DF)and also no change of landslide density there.While obvious sudden change of landslide density appeared about 1–2 km from the northwest to the western Shangli fault(WSF),and the landslide density on the hanging wall of the fault is obviously higher than that of on the footwall.Therefore,we infer that the seismogenic fault for the Lushan earthquake is neither the SDF nor the DF,rather probably the WSF located between these two faults,which is an evident linear trace on the earth surface.Meanwhile,the coseismic slip did not propagate upward to the ground,implying the Lushan earthquake was spawned by a blind-thrust-fault beneath the WSF.  相似文献   

地下管线跨越断层地震反应拟静力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于跨越活动断层埋地管线地震反应问题,根据实际管线埋设情况,采用有限元实体简化模型,并在管段有效计算长度范围内设置弹性支座,对管土体系施加等效位移荷载,利用拟静力方法对断层运动引起的管线地震反应进行了计算,通过分析,考察了断层位错量,跨越角度,贯通裂缝宽度和径厚比等因素对管线地震反应结果的影响,得出了管线地震反应的一般运动规律,同时认为适当地设置弹性支座有利于管线有效抵抗断层运动造成的破坏作用.  相似文献   

Fialko Y 《Nature》2006,441(7096):968-971
The San Andreas fault in California is a mature continental transform fault that accommodates a significant fraction of motion between the North American and Pacific plates. The two most recent great earthquakes on this fault ruptured its northern and central sections in 1906 and 1857, respectively. The southern section of the fault, however, has not produced a great earthquake in historic times (for at least 250 years). Assuming the average slip rate of a few centimetres per year, typical of the rest of the San Andreas fault, the minimum amount of slip deficit accrued on the southern section is of the order of 7-10 metres, comparable to the maximum co-seismic offset ever documented on the fault. Here I present high-resolution measurements of interseismic deformation across the southern San Andreas fault system using a well-populated catalogue of space-borne synthetic aperture radar data. The data reveal a nearly equal partitioning of deformation between the southern San Andreas and San Jacinto faults, with a pronounced asymmetry in strain accumulation with respect to the geologically mapped fault traces. The observed strain rates confirm that the southern section of the San Andreas fault may be approaching the end of the interseismic phase of the earthquake cycle.  相似文献   

得到了M 族分布的若干性质,讨论了M 族与D族的联系;得到了S族分布的一个性质.  相似文献   

为研究高速公路线路地震断层破坏效应及边坡震害稳定性,首先对工程研究区域历史上所发生地震的空间分布做出定性分析,提出沿线地震断层模型,并分析其运动学特征。在此基础上,选取震害区具有代表性的路堑边坡基于ABAQUS有限元程序对其地震响应进行计算,程序输出的位移场用来分析坡顶位移变化,输出的加速度用来计算加速度分布系数。将动力有限元输出的应力场代入MATLAB编写的遗传算法程序,计算边坡安全系数时程曲线,并智能搜索临界滑动面,得到安全系数随着地震波加速度的变化规律及滑动面包络图的安全系数范围。  相似文献   

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