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The binding and electron transfer between wild type, E44A, E56A, E44/56A, E44/48/56A/D60A and F35Y variants of cytochrome b5 and cytochrome c were studied. When mixed with cytochrome c, the cytochrome b, E44/48/56A/D60A did not show the typical UV-vis difference spectrum of absorption, indicating that the alteration of the surface electrostatic potential obviously influenced the spectrum. The electron transfer rates of wild type cytochrome bj, its variants and cytochrome c at different temperature and ionic strength exhibited an order of F35Y > wild type > E56A > E44A > E44/48/56A/D60A. The enthalpy and entropy of the reaction did not change obviously, suggesting that the mutation did not significantly disturb the electron transfer conformation. The investigation of electron transfer rate constants at different ionic strength demonstrated that electrostatic interaction obviously affected the electron transfer process. The significant difference of Cyt b, F35Y and E44/48/56A/D60A from the wild type protein further confirmed the great importance of the electrostatic interaction in the protein electron transfer.  相似文献   

纳米氧化铝模板促进细胞色素c的电催化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在草酸溶液中, 通过阳极氧化铝箔制备纳米氧化铝(AAO)模板, 将细胞色素c(Cyt c)固定在纳米AAO模板和4,4-二硫二吡啶(PySSPy)修饰金电极表面, 制得Cytc/Au/AAO/PySSPy薄膜电极. 在pH 6.8的缓冲溶液中, 该电极在0.059 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) 处有一 对准可逆氧化还原峰, 为Cyt c血红素辅基Fe(Ⅲ)/Fe(Ⅱ)电对的特征峰. 在AAO/PySSPy薄膜的微环境中, Cyt c与金电极之间的电子传递加快. 紫外光谱结果表明, Cyt c在AAO薄膜中依然保持其原始构象. 该Cyt c/Au/AAO/PySSPy薄膜电极还可用于过氧化氢的催化还 原.  相似文献   

用纳米火棉胶膜将细胞色素c固定在玻碳电极表面,制备了细胞色素c-火棉胶膜修饰电极.吸附在火棉胶膜上的细胞色素c可以与电极发生直接电子传递.在pH=7.0的0.1mol/LPBS缓冲溶液中可得到一对准可逆的细胞色素c的血红素辅基Fe(Ⅲ)/Fe(Ⅱ)电对氧化还原峰,实验求得细胞色素c异相电子传递速率常数k0为65.4μm/s.进一步考察了扫速、溶液pH值等因素对细胞色素c电子传递的影响,并用电化学阻抗法研究了修饰电极的电化学行为.  相似文献   

An apoptotic cell-free system containing cytosol and nuclei from normally cultured tobacco suspension cells was used to show that a spinach chloroplast preparation can induce apoptosis in nuclei, evidenced by DNA electrophoresis and fluorescence microscopy observations, Further study showed that the chloroplast preparation or its pellet (thylakoid membrane) after hypoosmotic or supersonic treatment still exhibited the apoptosis-inducing activity, but the supernatant had no effect, which indicates that the apoptosisinducing effector in the chloroplast preparation is water-insoluble. The induction of apoptosis by chloroplast preparation could be attenuated by Ac-DEVD-CHO, the specific inhibitor of Caspase-3, implying involvement of a Caspase-3-1ike protease during the process. Furthermore, extensive apoptosis in nuclei was induced by cytochrome b6/f on the thylakoid membrane, indicating that this important cytochrome complex may have an important role in the chloroplast-related apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

When added with cytochrome c, Xenopus laevis egg extract XS-150 can induce exogenous nuclei undergoing apoptosis. Apoptosis specific DNase XAD was activated during this process, and cut chromatin between nucleosome, leading to DNA Ladder in electrophoresis. Our results showed that an inhibitor of XAD, IXAD, exists abundantly in normal egg extract, its molecular weight is about 40 ku. Normally, IXAD exists either in the form of dimmer or in complex with XAD. It was degraded during apoptosis, releasing active XAD. The results of Western assay and cross-inhibition showed that IXAD was likely homologous to DFF45 in structure and function. At the same time, these results also indicated that the pathway in apoptosis was conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

用紫外-可见吸收光谱,荧光光谱和圆二色谱对细胞色素c和脱辅基细胞色素c在不同的φ(乙醇)溶液中的结构进行了表征。结果表明,乙醇对细胞色素c的α-螺旋二级结构影响很小,而对血红素配位的影响十分明显,可导致血红素Fe-Met80配位键断裂,另一方面,乙醇对脱辅基细胞色素c有明显的结构转换诱导作用,在φ(C2H5OH)=0.55(乙醇/水)溶液中,脱辅基细胞色素c的α-螺旋结构含量可以达到全蛋白的89%,研究结果表明:负电荷微环境的诱导对脱辅基细胞色素c的结构转换并不是必要的,改变溶剂与脱辅基细胞色素c之间的疏水和氢键相互作用力也可以诱导脱辅基细胞色素cα-螺旋的形成。  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of plant apoptosis, a cell-free system has been developed using the extracts prepared from tobacco cells that become committed to apoptosis induced by heat shock treatment. Tobacco nuclei have displayed such characteristics of apoptosis as nucleus condensation and formation of apoptotic bodies during incubation in this system. Besides, these morphological changes are accompanied by DNA fragmentation, which is detected by DNA laddering and comet assay. Furthermore, both morphological changes and DNA cleavage are not affected by pepstatin A, leupeptin or EDTA, but are partly inhibited by iodoacetamide. This profile is consistent with Caspases, which are vital to animal apoptosis, suggesting that cysteine-protease like Caspases may be involved in apoptosis in plants.  相似文献   

Mantle pieces ofHyriopisis cumingii was treated by three kinds of solution, These mantle pieces were inserted together with paraffin nucleuses into the connective tissue of three groups ofHyriopisis cumingii. These operated animals were cultured in a pool for a month. Several pearl sacs were put out and immersed by Bouin's solution after every five days. Sections of each animals were made by histological method. Those without treatment were in a control group. Observations of these sections showed that cytochrome c and yolk lecithin have an accelerated roles on pearl sac development and pearl layer secretion. No effects on pearl sac development by polyvinyplyrrolidone (PVP). Zheng Junying:born in May, 1966, Lecturer  相似文献   

在多细胞有机体中,细胞凋亡对调节正常细胞活动和发育起着关键作用.对参与细胞凋亡的蛋白的鉴定及其机制的阐明具有重要意义.FAM 105 A是新发现的促凋亡基因,过表达会导致细胞凋亡.研究了FAM105A促进细胞凋亡的潜在机制,结果表明,在HEK293T细胞中过表达FAM105A会导致caspase-3和caspase-9的剪切/激活,同时伴随着多聚ADP-核糖聚合酶(poly ADP ribose polymerase,PARP)的切割/失活.此外,过表达FAM105A能诱导细胞色素c(Cyt c)从线粒体释放到胞质,促凋亡蛋白Bax的表达水平升高,而抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的表达水平下降.这些结果表明FAM105A诱导的细胞凋亡过程需要caspase依赖性途径和Bcl-2家族共同参与.  相似文献   

Low concentration of dithionite results in the reduction of Cu-Cn binuclear and heine a active sites of the cytochrome c oxidase thin solid film immersed in the acidic phosphate buffer, but Fe-Cu binuclear center keeps in the oxidation state. It manifests as a negative peak at 426 nm and a positive one at -408 nln in the difference spectra induced by dithionite. The former implies decrease of the oxidized form of heme a center, that is, Fea^3 →Fea^2 . And the latter results from the contribution of metal-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) transition in the reduced binuclear Cu-Cu cluster, rather than from that of heine a center. This stronger Soret MLCT band must be helpful to overcoming the difficulty in distinguishing the weaker copper sign from the stronger one of iron when studying copper-iron protein.  相似文献   

细胞色素C在电沉积PAMAM-HA修饰电极上的电化学行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用双电位阶跃法在铂电极上电沉积制备聚酰胺胺一羟基磷灰石复合涂层,研究了细胞色素C在复合涂层修饰的铂电极上的电化学行为,循环伏安测量结果表明,细胞色素C在修饰电极上呈现一对氧化还原电流峰,表现为扩散控制的准可逆的电子转移过程、重点探讨了涂层的厚度对促进细胞色素C电子传递的影响.对电化学交流阻抗谱的测试结果进行了相关的电化学参数的拟合,讨论了该修饰电极促进细胞色素C电子传递可能的机制.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial responses and changes of calcium ions in apoptotic insect SL-1 cells induced by Syngrapha falcifera multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (SfaMNPV) are reported in this paper. By using Rhodamine 123 as a fluorescent labeling probe, flow cytometry analysis and confocal laser scanning microscope observation we observed that the mitochondrial transmembrane potential (△ψm) began to decrease in SL-1 cells at 4 h post infection and △ψm reduced continuously with the extension of virus infection. Western blotting indicated that the Bcl-2 level in the mitochondria gradually declined and was down- regulated. Cells undergoing apoptosis were found to have an elevation of cytochrome c in the cytosol and a corresponding decrease in the mitochondria, which indicated that cytochrome c was released from mitochondria into cytosol. These results suggest that mitochondrion-mediated apoptotic signal transduction pathway exists in apoptotic insect cell induced by SfaMNPV. Cytosolic free calcium ([Ca^2 ]i) concentration rapidly increased after SfaMNPV infection and the elevated calcium was tested to come partly from extracelllular calcium ion influx. Flow cytometry analysis indicated that the apoptosis in SL-1 cells was not influenced by established cytosolic calcium clamped conditions and the EGTA inhibiting calcium influx. Therefore, neither the elevation of cytosolic calcium ion nor extracellular calcium entry was the inducing factor of apoptosis, which hinted that the depletion of ER Ca^2 store contributed to SL-1 cell apoptosis induced by SfaMNPV.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of Spodoptera litura larval hemocytes induced by heavy metal zinc   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
By adding different amount of zinc into the artificial medium of the insect larvae, the zinc-induced apoptosis of the larvae haemocytes of the herbivorous insect Spodoptera litura Fabricius was investigated with flow cytometer. The results showed that the increase of zinc dose in the artificial feed led to the accumulations of zinc in the larval hemolymph and fat body, and more zinc was accumulated in fat body than in hemolymph. The apoptosis of hemocytes was significantly induced at high zinc concentration (1000 mg·kg^-1) in the insect diet, and the apoptosis rate was 63.63%, which was remarkably higher than that at control and lower concentrations (50--500 mg·kg^-1). This suggests that the high dose of zinc in the artificial diet of S. litura larvae could induce the apoptosis of the larval hemocytes of S. litura.  相似文献   

Apoptosis as a mechanism of deleting cells from tissues plays an important role in physiological and varieties of pathological situations, especially cancer conditions. In order to search for tumor cells apoptosis inducers, the inhibition effects on K562 cells of N-phosphoryl dipeptide methyl esters were studied by MTT assays, and (DIPP-L-Leu)2-L-Lys-OCH3 was the compound which had the best activity. From the studies of the typical apoptotic morphologic changes, DNA agarose gel electrophoresis, and flow cytometry analysis, it could be concluded that (DIPP-L-Leu)2-L-Lys-OCH3 could induce apoptosis of K562 cells in a dose-dependent manner, and the IC50 was 22.66 μmol/L according to MTT assays.  相似文献   

葛根黄酮提取物诱导HL-60细胞凋亡调控研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用RT-PCR技术和蛋白质免疫印迹技术,检测caspase-8和caspase-3基因转录和蛋白质翻译水平的变化,以探讨葛根黄酮提取物诱导HL-60细胞凋亡的调控途径。结果表明,50μg/mL葛根总黄酮提取物可以上调caspase-8和caspase-3基因转录和蛋白质翻译水平,且其能力分别强于葛根素和大豆甙元单体;说明葛根黄酮提取物诱导HL-60细胞凋亡可能通过经F as死亡受体和/或线粒体途径共同介导执行,葛根黄酮提取物抑制诱导凋亡能力强于葛根素和大豆甙元单体。  相似文献   

The induction of apoptosis in suspension culture of tobacco cells by heat shock is reported for the first time. Heat treatment (48℃ for 4 h) of tobacco cells led to the appearance of typical hallmarks of apoptosis. It was demonstrated by DNA laddering analysis that the cells treated with heat shock at 48℃ for 4 h had a serious degradation of nuclear DNA into multi-nu-cleosomal sizes, suggesting that heat shock activated endogenous nuclease which led to DNA cleavage at the linkage sites between the nucleosomes, but ladders were very faint for DNA from 2 and 9 h heat-treated cells. The terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) detection also showed that most of these treated cells (48℃ for 4 h) displayed positive reactions, indicating a serious DNA 3'-OH cleavage in their nuclei. Moreover, some other cytological changes in apoptotic cells, such as cell shrinkage, chromatin aggregation, nucleus collapse, have also been observed by 4', 6'-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole (DAPI) staining.  相似文献   

二异丙氧基磷酰化亮赖叉肽甲酯诱导K562细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为寻找能特异性诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的小分子诱导剂,研究了二异丙氧基磷酰化亮赖叉肽甲酯((DIPP-L-Leu)2-L-Lys-OCH3)对K562细胞的促凋亡作用。合成了(DIPP-L-Leu)2-L-Lys-OCH3,通过质谱、磷谱、氢谱和碳谱进行结构鉴定。通过MTT比色实验得到:该样品对K562细胞的半抑制浓度为22.66μmol.L-1。AO荧光染色、DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳和Annexin -FITC/PI双染实验表明:该样品对K562细胞的增殖抑制作用是通过诱导细胞凋亡实现的。Caspase活性分析实验证明该样品是通过线粒体途径启动细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

At fertilization,repectitive transient rises of intracellular calcium concentration occur in all mammals studied so far .It has been shown that calcium rises could be induced when mouse fertilized 1-,2-cell nuclei were trans-planted into unfertilized eggs and that the reconstituted embryo could be activated .Howerver,whecther the capability of inducing calcium rises occurs in all stages of mammalian embryos remains unknown ,In this study ,by using the nuclear transplantation technique and measurement of intracellular calcium rises in living cells,we showed that only the nuclei from mouse fertilized 1-cell and 2-cell embryos ,neither the nuclei from 4-,8-cell and ethanol activated parthe-nogenetic embryos nor 2 or 3 nuclei of electrofused 4-cell stage syncytium ,have calcium -releasing activity when they were transferred into unfertilized mature oocytes,Our results indicate that the calcium-releasing activity in nuclei of 1-,2-cell embryos is produced during fertilization and exists at the special stage of fertilized early embryos.These sug-gested that the capacity of inducting calcium release activity in fertilized early embryos is important for normal embryonic development.  相似文献   

PML核体(PML-NBs)是一种相对稳定的结构,但其数目、大小和位置在细胞压力下可发生显著改变.如热休克及重金属会导致PML-NBs裂解成数目众多的小点.DNA损伤试剂,如Cisplatin和Alkylating试剂也可导致PML-NBs分散成更小的小体,甚至呈现一种弥散的状态.虽然先前的研究试图解释这些压力状态下PML-NBs的表型变化,但其机制仍知之甚少.在最近的研究中,我们用CdCl2处理Hela细胞,发现PML-NBs的稳定结构遭到破坏而弥散在整个细胞核中,有趣的是,部分PML蛋白迁徙到胞浆之中并与泛素蛋白共定位,进而引起PML蛋白的降解,最终使得PML-NBs无法恢复而诱导细胞发生凋亡.本研究为进一步认识PML和PML-NBs的功能提供了证据,也将对化学治疗药物的筛选有所帮助.  相似文献   

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