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Yanega GM  Rubega MA 《Nature》2004,428(6983):615
The upper jaws of birds, unlike those in many tetrapods, move relative to the skull and are often flexible along their length, whereas the lower jaw (mandible) is usually a rigid structure formed by the fusion of several bones, flexing only where it meets the skull. Here we describe a previously unnoticed mandibular bending movement in hummingbirds, in which the distal half of the mandible is actively flexed downwards and the gape widens to catch flying insects. The hummingbird is thought to have developed a long narrow bill as it specialized in feeding on floral nectar, but the bird's need to supplement its diet with insects must have contributed to the surprising flexibility of its jaw.  相似文献   

BIRD AF 《Nature》1954,174(4425):362

G D Hirst  T O Neild 《Nature》1980,283(5749):767-768
We have recorded the responses of arteriolar smooth muscle cells to iontophoretically applied noradrenaline. Records of both muscle movement and muscle membrane potential were made. We found that two distinct types of response could be detected, depending on the position of the noradrenaline micropipette. One type of response consisted of a localised constriction near the noradrenaline source: this effect could be abolished by the alpha-antagonist phentolamine and was not associated with a change in arteriolar membrane potential. The other type of response was a depolarisation similar to the excitatory junction potentials (e.j.ps) produced by sumpathetic nerve stimulation. These observations suggest that there are two populations of receptors for noradrenaline on arterioles, and could explain the paradoxical failure of alpha-antagonists to block neuromuscular transmission at some sutonomic end organs such as the vas deferens, arteries and arterioles.  相似文献   

B R Migeon  K Jelalian 《Nature》1977,269(5625):242-243

Beta alanine and cuticle maturation in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Hodgetts  A Choi 《Nature》1974,252(5485):710-711

Freitas R  Zhang G  Cohn MJ 《Nature》2006,442(7106):1033-1037
The origin of paired appendages was a major evolutionary innovation for vertebrates, marking the first step towards fin- (and later limb-) driven locomotion. The earliest vertebrate fossils lack paired fins but have well-developed median fins, suggesting that the mechanisms of fin development were assembled first in the midline. Here we show that shark median fin development involves the same genetic programs that operate in paired appendages. Using molecular markers for different cell types, we show that median fins arise predominantly from somitic (paraxial) mesoderm, whereas paired appendages develop from lateral plate mesoderm. Expression of Hoxd and Tbx18 genes, which specify paired limb positions, also delineates the positions of median fins. Proximodistal development of median fins occurs beneath an apical ectodermal ridge, the structure that controls outgrowth of paired appendages. Each median fin bud then acquires an anteroposteriorly-nested pattern of Hoxd expression similar to that which establishes skeletal polarity in limbs. Thus, despite their different embryonic origins, paired and median fins utilize a common suite of developmental mechanisms. We extended our analysis to lampreys, which diverged from the lineage leading to gnathostomes before the origin of paired appendages, and show that their median fins also develop from somites and express orthologous Hox and Tbx genes. Together these results suggest that the molecular mechanisms for fin development originated in somitic mesoderm of early vertebrates, and that the origin of paired appendages was associated with re-deployment of these mechanisms to lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

对水库诱发地震的两种机理,静水压作用和岩石孔隙压作用进行了模拟对比研究和实例研究.结果显示,在相同构造应力状态下,水库蓄水后由静水压作用诱发地震所需的蓄水深度比孔隙压作用诱发地震所需的蓄水深度要大得多.对于库区岩层含有隐伏断层的情况,由于水的渗透作用增强,产生诱发水库地震对孔隙压作用显得更为敏感.蓄水后孔隙水压力增加是水库诱发地震的主要因素.  相似文献   

Evidence for two distinct c-src loci on human chromosomes 1 and 20   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of proto-oncogenes have recently been localized to the chromosomal segments that are the breakpoints in the specific rearrangements noted in human malignant diseases. Moreover, rearranged forms of several proto-oncogenes have been identified in malignant cells; in several instances, the proto-oncogene has undergone an alteration as a result of a nonrandom chromosomal rearrangement. One proto-oncogene that has yet to be associated with human neoplastic disease is c-src, the cellular homologue of the transforming sequence of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). By somatic cell hybridization, c-src has been mapped to chromosome 20, but its precise location was not determined. We have now mapped this gene by using in situ hybridization of the cloned human c-src probe to human mitotic chromosomes. We report here that the human genome contains two loci with strong homology to the coding regions of this oncogene, at 1p34-p36 and 20q12-q13. It is noteworthy that these chromosomal regions are frequently involved in the structural rearrangements observed in haematological malignant diseases.  相似文献   

J A Breeuwer  J H Werren 《Nature》1990,346(6284):558-560
Microorganisms have been implicated in causing cytoplasmic incompatibility in a variety of insect species, including mosquitoes, fruitflies, beetles and wasps. The effect is typically unidirectional: incompatible crosses produce no progeny or sterile males, whereas the reciprocal crosses produce normal progeny. The parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis is one of the few species in which the cytogenetic mechanism of incompatibility is known. In this species the paternal chromosome set forms a tangled mass in a fertilized egg and is eventually lost. Here we report that cytoplasmic microorganisms are associated with complete bidirectional incompatibility between N. vitripennis and a closely related sympatric species, N. giraulti. Microorganisms can be seen in the eggs of both species. Hybrid offspring are normally not produced in crosses between the two species, but do occur after elimination of the microorganisms by antibiotic treatment. A cytogenetic and genetic study shows that bidirectional interspecific incompatibility is due to improper condensation of the paternal chromosomes. Microorganism-mediated reproductive isolation is of interest because it could provide a rapid mode of speciation. The mechanism of incompatibility in Nasonia is also of interest as a potential tool for studying chromosome imprinting and chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

C P Gibbs  B Y Reimann  E Schultz  A Kaufmann  R Haas  T F Meyer 《Nature》1989,338(6217):651-652
Phase and antigenic variation of pilin expression in Neisseria gonorrhoeae result from recombination events in which variant sequences from one of the silent loci (pilS) are transferred to the expression locus (pilE). Such rearrangements were originally thought to be gene conversions, but findings showing that phase variation is partially inhibited by DNase I, that piliated (P+) cells are highly competent for DNA uptake and that gonococci readily undergo autolysis in culture, led to the suggestion that pilin variation occurs through transformation by exogenous DNA. We have developed a simple method for the selection of non-piliated (P-) cells and have evaluated naturally occurring P+ to P- transitions. Two primary pathways of pilin variation can be distinguished--transformation-mediated recombination, which is influenced by culture conditions and inhibited by DNase I, and intragenomic reciprocal recombination, which is unaffected by DNase I. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both piliated and revertible P- cells are competent for DNA uptake, an essential prerequisite of the first pathway.  相似文献   

自由度问题是一个已经持续了150年的热点问题。本文目的在于说明如何用简单方便的公式计算那些高度复杂机构的自由度。本文集中分析了一些公认的比较难的现代并联机构和古典“反常”机构。运用以前所知的公式并不能解出这些机构的自由度。  相似文献   

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