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吴江盛泽.地处江苏的最南端.与浙江嘉兴接壤。盛泽自古以“日出万匹,衣被天下”闻名海内外。现年化纤生产能力150万吨、真丝绸及化纤绸40余亿米。其丝绸产量占全国的1/10、真丝出口量占全国的1/6。为中国丝绸纺织重镇。  相似文献   

2002年6月。时任江苏省省委书记回良玉来到盛泽考察,在深入了解了盛泽以丝绸纺织为主体的民营经济蓬勃发展的情况后说,盛泽的丝绸纺织产业是盛泽的骄傲。吴江的骄傲,苏州的骄傲。更是江苏的骄傲。  相似文献   

作为一家专业生产蚕丝被的企业,苏州“山水丝绸”在全国首家通过国家棉纺织产品质量监督检验中心检验,并在绸乡吴江蚕丝被生产企业中第一家取得进出口经营权,产品畅销美、意、日、韩、法等国家,成为苏州市传统优势产品蚕丝被进军国际市场的佼佼者.  相似文献   

南充地区位于四川省东部,居嘉陵江中游紧邻经济发达的重庆市。该区自古称曰“丝绸之乡”。丝绸工业是南充地区最重要的部门之一。1984年丝绸工业产值1.8亿元,其税利占全地区税利总额的46.8%。丝绸产品有绫、罗、绸、缎、经、纱、纺绉等12大类,240个品种,2000多个花色。南充是四川省最大的蚕桑丝绸生产基地,1987年在全省所占比重是:蚕茧产量47.2万担,居全省首位,占25%,生丝产量2700吨,占24%,丝织品产量4500万米,占50%,出口生丝1000多吨,占22.7%,出口丝织品1300万米,占70%;创汇5000万美元,占全省丝绸出口创汇的50%。南充是全国15个丝绸出口基地之一。所以加快发展南充丝绸业具有十分重要的经济意义。  相似文献   

5月中旬,由吴江市纺织商会牵头组织的吴江地区28家民营纺织骨干企业联手向意大利意达集团采购的2850台舒美特喷气织机,现开始陆续到位。这些设备的引进无疑将进一步提升吴江地区丝绸纺织产业的创新能力和市场竞争力。这一堪称“世界纺机设备交易额最高记录”的订单,总交易额达8亿元人民币。这是继2002年年初,吴江盛泽地区30家民企联合采购3500台(交易额7亿元人民币)“丰田”织机之后吴江纺织界的又一大手笔。两次联合采购国际一流的纺织机械设备,彰显了吴江纺织民企渴求创新的强烈意识和迫切愿望,展示了丝绸之府吴江丝绸纺织经济的精彩魅力。两次联合采购,从一个方面勾勒出吴江丝绸纺织产业板块竞争力不断跃升的发展轨迹。[编者按]  相似文献   

吴江市"高档丝绸系列产品"1992年12月被国家科委批准为"八五"期间第一批国家星火计划区城性支柱产业,这对这个市丝绸行业是一个有力促进,也是一个重要机遇。通过丝绸星火密集区的建设,大大提高了这个市丝绸行业的整体水平,实现了新的飞跃。到1993年底,吴江市工业企业2542个,其中乡镇和村办企业2338个,400余家丝绸生产企业中,乡镇企业有380多家,占80%以上。乡镇企业拥有丝织机12800台,占77.1%,职工人数50300人,占71%;生产的白厂丝、丝绸、印染各类丝绸、加工各类丝绸服装均占70-80%;1993年产值达104.85亿元,占整个丝绸行业产值的81.6%,其中有年产值突破15.33亿元,名列全国十大乡镇企业前列的吴江印染总厂,有号称全国"仿真丝大王"的吴江工艺织造厂,有年产丝绸服装335万件套的东方制衣集团公司等丝绸产业集团。对吴江市农村经济的发展,农村劳动力的转移等起到明显示范作用。为了进一步发挥产业优势,加快科技进步,努力建设好国家级丝绸星火密集区,吴江市做了大量艰苦的工作。(一)瞄准国际做好"八五"规划的编制和实施工作:根据国家、省科委的要求,1993年2月吴江市在"吴  相似文献   

以丝绸享誉中外,并有“丝绸之府”美称的江苏吴江市,地外长江三角洲腹地,位居苏、沪、杭“金三角”之间,深受太湖流域传统丝绸经济和丝绸文化的历史哺育。近年来,全市五大支柱产业之一的丝绸轻纺行业,紧紧抓住了我国改革开放的有利机遇坚持以市场为导向,大力推行科技进步,自觉调整经济结构和转换经营机制,使吴江丝绸在全国丝绸轻纺业走趋低靡的宏观背景下,依然雄风不减再上台价,创造出震古烁今的辉煌  相似文献   

真丝绸是我国传统名产,系国家仅次于石油的主要出口商品,深受国内外消费者的欢迎,声誉极高。我省则是全国主要的丝绸生产基地,生丝产量占全国的三分之一,绸缎产量占全国的五分之一。绸缎出口所创外汇占全省外汇收入的百分之二十九。真丝绸具有透气性好,穿着舒适,手感  相似文献   

吴江是全国较早实施“科教兴市”的城市之一。多年来,吴江依靠科技进步,有力地推动了地方经济的快速发展。目前,全市已形成纺织丝绸、光电缆、通信电子三大支柱产业,培育出了永鼎集团、亨通集团、双塔集团等一批国家重点高新技术企业。近年来,全市高新技术产业继续保持高速增长的态势,全市高新技术企业群、产品群初步形成,已拥有国家级高新技术企业5家,省高新技术企业32家,省级民营科技企业137家,共有100多项产品被认定为省市高新技术产品。高新技术产业份额不断攀升,仅去年上半年,全市高新技术产业产值已达157.02亿元。  相似文献   

一、公司概况安徽鸿润(集团)股份有限公司是以羽绒及其系列制品为主导的外向型企业,是国家级农业产业化龙头企业、国家级科技创新型星火龙头企业、省861行动计划重点企业,省农业产业化集团之一。公司现已成为全国最大的羽绒被生产和出口基地、公司主导产品羽绒被的生产出口量占全国总量的24%,连续六年位居全国第一位。  相似文献   

先用硝酸银溶液整理真丝织物,再用在位还原法在丝织物上生成银颗粒,赋予织物优良的抗菌性能.考察了不同消解介质对织物上银含量测定的影响,测定了整理后织物的白度、耐洗牢度及抗菌效果.实验结果表明:用HNO3/H2O2/HCL介质消解真丝,可以得到稳定的测定结果;使用质量浓度为2~8 mg/L的整理液整理时,织物白度受到的影响小,抗菌能力优异,织物上银的耐洗牢度强.  相似文献   

甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯接枝改性真丝织物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)为单体,过硫酸钾为引发剂.对真丝织物进行接枝改性处理。探讨了不同处理条件对接枝效果及其真丝织物性能的影响。研究表明.选用合适的工艺参数对蚕丝织物进行接枝处理,在保持真丝绸原有风格的同时.可获得较好的改性效果。  相似文献   

The relationship between the graft yield and the effect of hexafiuorobutyl methacrylate graft treatment on the structural changes of the silk fibers was studied on the basis of the results of scanning electron micrograph photographs (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), Raman spectrum, wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns (WAXD), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) and amion acid analysis. The results showed that the crystalline regions of grafted fibers were hardly affected and the fiber fission occurred on the cross sections of grafted fibers. The surface of fibers was covered with a high polymer film. The Raman spectrum showed there was little change in the conformation of grafted fibers which mainly remained β-sheet conformation. The IR of the grafted silk fibers showed new absorption of bands occurred which belonged to the stretching-vibrationabsorption-peak bands of Vo-o and VC-F of aliphatic ester species. The CF3-, -CF2- and -CFH- grafted silk macromodecul were verified in the NMR spectrum. The amion acid analysis indicated fluoride monomers were inclined to graft with TYR, ARG and CLU silk fibers.  相似文献   

The fiber properties of modacrylic fibers with silk protein and spinning technology for blended knitting yarns are studied. By testing the fiber properties, fiber spinn-ability is analysed. Modacrylic fibers with silk protein are brittle and have poor cohesion, so the key to process modacrylic fibers with silk protein lies in forming lap and sliver. During opening and carding, low speed is used to decrease fiber damage and the proper static resistant oil is applied to eliminate lapping fibers. Besides, the temperature and relative humidity have to be strictly controlled. The applications of modacrylic fibers with silk protein are also put forward.  相似文献   

丝用九个含有不同活性基团和活性基个数的活性染料染色,着色丝上非共价结合的染料被萃取净后,用pH值从1.89至10.65五个不同缓冲溶液于70℃进行水解,吸附在丝上的水解染料再次被萃取净。水解的染料用光谱法、色谱法和重量法予以证明,水解速度用光谱法加以测定。结果表明,含双活性基团的活性染料能与两肽链交链,并且具有较高的键的稳定性.  相似文献   

Silk fibers have been grafted with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and characteristics of the grafted silk fibers were analyzed in relation to the graft yield on the basis of the tensile properties, dyeing behaviour, durability during laundering and solubility of the specimen in NaOH solution. The amount of the acid dye absorbed by the fibers decreased with increasing graft yield, while the value of rating for washing fastness on silk fibers was almost unchanged by the graft treatment The breaking loads of the fiber were almost unchanged whereas rigidity of the fibers increased after graft treatment. Graft treatment enhanced silk fiber durability during laundering and in NaOH solution.  相似文献   

To improve the toughness of silk fibroin( SF) films,poly( ethylene glycol-glycerin)( PEGG) was synthesized with ethylene glycol and epichlorohydrin. The SF / PEGG blend films were prepared by casting aqueous solution and their structures were characterized. The PEGG was in liquid state at room temperature so it will not be a single phrase at blend film. It crosslinked with SF and made it insolubility in water. The results of X-ray diffraction( XRD) indicated that the crystallinity of the SF in the blend films decreased with the content of PEGG increasing. The tensile strength and elongation at break of blend films were measured using an instron tensile tester. The results showed that the tensile strength and elongation at break of blend films were high enough for application.After the blend films were stored at room temperature for 100 d,the crystallinity, the tensile strength and elongation at wet state increased. The blend films are superior to SF films in providing excellent flexibility and mechanical properties in both dry and wet states. Based on the fact that SF has good biocompatibility,the SF /PEGG blend film will offer new options in many different biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Chien K  Chien L 《Nature》2004,428(6979):208-209

The optimum technique for silk finishing with a silicone -containing epoxide A is as follows: The silk fabrics is twodipped - two - nipped in a finishing liquid with 6 % (w/w) of the silicone - containing epoxide A, and 0.3 % ofcatalyst with a pick- up of 100% ± 2%, then drying at60℃ for 3.5 min, finally steaming at 110℃ for 7 min.After crease resistant finishing with the silicone-contain-ing epoxide A, silk can greatly improve both the dry andwet resiliencies. The finished fabrics can endure 20 timeshome laundry and still have good wrinkle resistant prop-erties, while other physical properties such as breaking  相似文献   

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