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Laser-driven accelerators, in which particles are accelerated by the electric field of a plasma wave (the wakefield) driven by an intense laser, have demonstrated accelerating electric fields of hundreds of GV m(-1) (refs 1-3). These fields are thousands of times greater than those achievable in conventional radio-frequency accelerators, spurring interest in laser accelerators as compact next-generation sources of energetic electrons and radiation. To date, however, acceleration distances have been severely limited by the lack of a controllable method for extending the propagation distance of the focused laser pulse. The ensuing short acceleration distance results in low-energy beams with 100 per cent electron energy spread, which limits potential applications. Here we demonstrate a laser accelerator that produces electron beams with an energy spread of a few per cent, low emittance and increased energy (more than 10(9) electrons above 80 MeV). Our technique involves the use of a preformed plasma density channel to guide a relativistically intense laser, resulting in a longer propagation distance. The results open the way for compact and tunable high-brightness sources of electrons and radiation.  相似文献   

High-power lasers that fit into a university-scale laboratory can now reach focused intensities of more than 10(19) W cm(-2) at high repetition rates. Such lasers are capable of producing beams of energetic electrons, protons and gamma-rays. Relativistic electrons are generated through the breaking of large-amplitude relativistic plasma waves created in the wake of the laser pulse as it propagates through a plasma, or through a direct interaction between the laser field and the electrons in the plasma. However, the electron beams produced from previous laser-plasma experiments have a large energy spread, limiting their use for potential applications. Here we report high-resolution energy measurements of the electron beams produced from intense laser-plasma interactions, showing that--under particular plasma conditions--it is possible to generate beams of relativistic electrons with low divergence and a small energy spread (less than three per cent). The monoenergetic features were observed in the electron energy spectrum for plasma densities just above a threshold required for breaking of the plasma wave. These features were observed consistently in the electron spectrum, although the energy of the beam was observed to vary from shot to shot. If the issue of energy reproducibility can be addressed, it should be possible to generate ultrashort monoenergetic electron bunches of tunable energy, holding great promise for the future development of 'table-top' particle accelerators.  相似文献   

Miyai E  Sakai K  Okano T  Kunishi W  Ohnishi D  Noda S 《Nature》2006,441(7096):946
Compact lasers that can produce a range of beam patterns are important for progress in several areas, including the improvement of optical tweezers, ultra-high-density optical memory and microfluidics. Here we engineer photonic crystals to generate semiconductor lasers that produce a range of beam patterns while maintaining stable single-mode oscillation. Our results could contribute to the realization of compact lasers that are capable of producing diverse beam patterns on demand.  相似文献   

Strong discrete aurorae on Earth are excited by electrons, which are accelerated along magnetic field lines towards the planet. Surprisingly, electrons accelerated in the opposite direction have been recently observed. The mechanisms and significance of this anti-earthward acceleration are highly uncertain because only earthward acceleration was traditionally considered, and observations remain limited. It is also unclear whether upward acceleration of the electrons is a necessary part of the auroral process or simply a special feature of Earth's complex space environment. Here we report anti-planetward acceleration of electron beams in Saturn's magnetosphere along field lines that statistically map into regions of aurora. The energy spectrum of these beams is qualitatively similar to the ones observed at Earth, and the energy fluxes in the observed beams are comparable with the energies required to excite Saturn's aurora. These beams, along with the observations at Earth and the barely understood electron beams in Jupiter's magnetosphere, demonstrate that anti-planetward acceleration is a universal feature of aurorae. The energy contained in the beams shows that upward acceleration is an essential part of the overall auroral process.  相似文献   

电子加速器X射线发射率的MCNP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为满足现代X射线应用和设计电子加速器的靶结构和束流参数的需要,采用MCNP4B程序对2~20MeV能量范围内的电子束入射不同厚度钨靶的X射线发射率进行了系统的模拟计算和研究.结果表明在电子能量小于10MeV时,MCNP4B的结果与NCRP-51报告一致,但在10MeV以上,它们间的差别增大.该文结果对早期NCRP-51报告的结果有重要的改进,对于现代产生X射线的电子加速器靶的设计具有参数作用.  相似文献   

基于一台能量为9 MeV、平均流强为125μA的高功率电子直线加速器,开展了轫致辐射X射线转换靶设计工作.转换靶为内靶设计,电子束流为非扫描式点源入射.选取钨(W)为转换靶材料,优化设计了靶材的厚度和靶体的冷却结构;并采用有限元方法分稳态和瞬态两种方式分别模拟计算了转换靶的温度分布.结果表明,转换靶局部最高温度约为970℃,平均温度约为430℃,在真空环境中该转换靶可以稳定工作.最后采用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP计算了转换靶产生X射线的剂量分布以及能谱分布,结果表明,在转换靶正前方1m处,X射线的吸收剂量率约40Gy·min-1.  相似文献   

介绍了空间焊接中空间电荷效应对空间电子束聚焦的影响,提出了计算电子枪主透镜区空间电荷密度的流管法和计算机辅助设计方法.通过编程计算表明这种计算方法是可行的,从而为设计空间电子束焊枪的电聚焦系统提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

The strong field-aligned pitch angle distribution of electrons is observed right at the dipolarization front (DF) before the arriving of a high speed flow when the four Cluster satellites are traveling in the magnetotail around 15 R E on July 22, 2001. The increased electron fluxes only last for a short time period at the DF, corresponding to just a few bouncing periods for 1 keV electrons. The field-aligned current contributed by these electrons agrees well with that calculated by the magnetic field observations by four satellites at the front. These electron streams are found in the energy range of 0.2-2 keV, peak around 1 keV. It is suggested that these downward current electrons may be originated near the aurora region by some kinds of potential structure. The occurrence of these electrons implies that the formation of the dipolarization front and the associated field-aligned current play an important role in the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.  相似文献   

加速器停机后的感生放射性是工作人员所受内外照射的首要来源。Monte Carlo模拟计算是进行感生放射性预测分析的重要方法之一。该文应用Monte Carlo软件FLUKA对同方威视技术股份有限公司一台15MV电子加速器的机头屏蔽结构进行了模拟。给出了2个测点的吸收剂量率和周围剂量当量率随冷却时间的变化曲线及其与实验测量结果的对比,并给出了各个区域放射性核素产额随时间的变化。模拟计算与实验测量的结果在量级和衰减趋势上吻合。该文提供了一种通过Monte Carlo模拟预测感生放射性问题的方法,也可应用于其他高能粒子加速器的活化分析。  相似文献   

详细计算了一台10 MeV的电子直线加速器周围某些关键位置的辐射剂量,并对其进行了连续监测以及累积剂量的测量,测量结果充分说明工作环境是安全的.在迷宫出口位置理论值很好地符合测量值,这充分验证了经验公式的合理性.同时发现迷道内剂量衰减趋势与计算模型中使用的距离平方反比规律有所不同,要在迷道长度达到一定值后才能确保经验公式给出的结果是保守的.为了实现对辐射场的连续实时监测,此次测量中使用一种新的数据采集设备Mini-DDL(mini digital data logging).  相似文献   

本文利用蒙特卡罗模拟评估不同能量、不同射野下医用电子直线加速器非均整模式(Flattening Filter Free, FFF)光子束的软化特性.基于本院的Varian Edge加速器的组件参数和测量数据,利用通用蒙卡程序EGSnrc/BEAMnrc构建6 MV均整模式(Flattening Filter, FF)、6 MV FFF和10 MV FFF下的机头模型,使用EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc程序模拟获得5 cm×5 cm和10 cm×10 cm射野下的百分深度剂量(Percentage Dose Depth, PDD)和横向剂量离轴比(Off Axis Ratio, OAR),与测量数据进行比较,确定不同模式的源参数;在此基础上模拟三种光子束模型在上述两种射野射野条件下非均匀模体(水-骨-肺-水)内的PDD,并对其相空间文件进行能谱分析,评估FFF光子束的软化特性.三种光子束模式在非均匀模体内的PDD趋势相似,但在小野时扰动更大,FFF模式相较于FF模式,包含更多的低能光子和更少的机头散射;在低能、小野时,6 MV FFF模式的光子束软化特性带来的剂量影响与6 MV FF模...  相似文献   

开发研究了全天然柿果原汁的生产技术,主要包括生产工艺及技术指标.该工艺对柿果资源开发经济效益显著,预期增值9倍多.  相似文献   

本文以FOXBASE+数据库管理系统为背景,着重介绍了一个随机生成条件表达式的通用功能模块的设计思想与实现方法,该模块的调用可为用户进行灵活多样的条件编加带来极大的方便。  相似文献   

设计了一种用于机器人重现人类书写笔迹的系统,该系统由手写运动信息采集器、手写样本数据处理器、控制命令组装器、机器人控制器和机器人本体组成.首先,利用数字平板采集人类手写运动信息,并记录为时间序列数据.然后系统对手写数据特征进行提取,并生成机器指令用于控制书写机器人.仿真表明:基于真实手写运动信息数据源,机器人能够实现汉字书写笔迹的重现;此外,不同于人类书写具有较大波动性,机器人通过重复调用执行书写指令可确保多次书写的一致性.  相似文献   

网络课程建设是提高高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程的重要组成部分,课程教学录像的摄制与课程建设息息相关。良好的构图设计是摄制好网络课程的先决条件,本文研究了网络课程教学摄录的过程,录制的要求和录制中镜头的运动方式以及后期剪辑等,对摄制好网络课程提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

玉米皮水解液发酵生产饲料酵母的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了玉米皮水解液发酵生产饲料酵母的摇瓶间歇培养和分批补料培养条件 ,进行了10L反应器分批补料培养试验。研究结果表明 :间歇培养的适宜底物浓度为2 %糖浓度和7 %麸皮水 ,摇瓶间歇培养和分批补料培养的酵母浓度分别达到10.9g/L和21.6g/L ,10L反应器分批补料培养的酵母细胞浓度达20.7g/L。  相似文献   

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