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In modern times,many students think English grammar is complex and boring,they learn it just for getting higher scores in English examination.Also most of the English teachers use the traditional teaching method to teach the students and let them control the grammar points rigidly,which makes the students feel the grammar is more difficult and complex.Chinese teachers and students tend to put emphasis on explicit curriculum.Teacher’s teaching methods and how the students to study grammar and other factors all restrict the development of hidden curriculum.In fact it can be mastered easily if we combine it with the exploration of hidden curriculum.By this way they can become fond of it little by little and they can find that their ability is greatly improved,they can benefit a lot in every aspect at last.Here I will state it in details about how to explore the hidden curriculum through English grammar teaching.  相似文献   

The rapid advancements in hardware, software, and computer networks have facilitated the shift of the computing paradigm from mainframe to cloud computing, in which users can get their desired services anytime, anywhere, and by any means. However, cloud computing also presents many challenges, one of which is the difficulty in allowing users to freely obtain desired services, such as heterogeneous OSes and applications, via different light-weight devices. We have proposed a new paradigm by spatio-temporally extending the von Neumann architecture, called transparent computing, to centrally store and manage the commodity programs including OS codes, while streaming them to be run in non-state clients. This leads to a service-centric computing environment, in which users can select the desired services on demand, without concern for these services’ administration, such as their installation, maintenance, management, and upgrade. In this paper, we introduce a novel concept, namely Meta OS, to support such program streaming through a distributed 4VP + platform. Based on this platform, a pilot system has been implemented, which supports Windows and Linux environments. We verify the effectiveness of the platform through both real deployments and testbed experiments. The evaluation results suggest that the 4VP + platform is a feasible and promising solution for the future computing infrastructure for cloud services.  相似文献   

With the development of network and the World Wide Web (WWW), the Internet has been growing and changing dramatically. More and more on-line database systems and different kinds of services are available for astronomy research. How to help users find their way through the jungle of information services becomes an important challenge. Although astronomers have been aware of the importance of interoperability and introduced the concept of Virtual Observatory as a uniform environment for future astronomical on-line resources and services, transparent access to heterogeneous on-line information is still difficult. SkyMouse is a lightweight interface for distributed astronomical on-line resources and services, which is designed and developed by us, i.e., Chinese Virtual Observatory project. Taking advantage of screen word-capturing technology, different kinds of information systems can be queried through simple mouse actions, and results are returned in a uniform web page. SkyMouse is an easy to use application, aiming to show basic information or to create a comprehensive overview of a specific astronomical object. In this paper current status of on-line resources and services access is reviewed; system architecture, features and functions of SkyMouse are described; challenges for intelligent interface for on-line astronomical resources and services are discussed.  相似文献   

Growing numbers of users and many access policies that involve many different resource attributes in service-oriented environments cause various problems in protecting resource. This paper analyzes the relationships of resource attributes to user attributes based on access policies for Web services, and proposes a general attribute based role-based access control(GARBAC) model. The model introduces the notions of single attribute expression, composite attribute expression, and composition permission, defines a set of elements and relations among its elements and makes a set of rules, assigns roles to user by inputing user's attributes values. The model is a general access control model, can support more granularity resource information and rich access control policies, also can be used to wider application for services. The paper also describes how to use the GARBAC model in Web services environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, the design of a virtual experiment system based on Flex and XML is described. The system adopts three-layer architecture and it is composed of four modules. Flex is used to design user interface, and XML is used as data format between layers or modules. Data services are used to store or retrieve the information of experiment components or experiment scenes. Principles for the design of simulation engine and simulation scheduler are discussed. The design of the simulation engine for "Digital Logic" course is described in detail. The system has been implemented in the experiment teaching of Digital Logic. Teaching results and the feedback from students demonstrate that the virtual experiment system can improve the effects of experiment teaching and arouse the learning interests of students.  相似文献   

刘荣朝 《科技信息》2012,(10):180-181
In an information society,the English knowledge in capacity for college students has gradually been improved and its range is alsoenlarged.If teachers overlook summing up the knowledge which the students have gained and improving their skills in English,it will behard for students to learn English well.In educational circles people often say"teaching method isn’t fixed ",but it is of the same view togive students some basic regularity,let students have enough abilities and make knowledge which the students have gained assimilate and sys-tematize etc.Facing medical college students’tasks are arduous and the students often seem at a loss.In English lessons,it is necessary forteachers to help students find out some basic laws,give students enough skills and methods,let students sum up and classify knowledge whichis scattered,disorderly,bit by bit and even fragmented.  相似文献   

【目的】分析面向制造业的版式工业文档管理系统的功能结构,探讨将该管理系统与云计算相结合构建一个按需提供服务的云平台方法。【方法】根据成熟的面向制造业的版式工业文档管理系统功能需求,从中剥离出可以和云计算相结合的功能需求,使其服务化,再根据这些服务,采用成熟的服务器虚拟化技术构建一个符合实际需求的云平台。【结果】文档管理系统功能服务化以后,用户可以根据需要定制其中的一个或多个服务,实现按需提供服务的要求。通过服务器虚拟化技术使得服务可以透明地服务于各个用户。用户无需关心与自身业务无关的设备管理。【结论】构建面向制造业的版式工业文档管理的云平台,能够多方面满足用户需求,降低用户使用成本,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

基于SOA的数字城市管理业务系统的研究与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对数字城市各应用子系统之间易形成信息孤岛的问题,研究了面向服务架构(SOA)、Web服务及SOA多层体系架构的设计方法;探讨了在数字城市业务集成的应用中用Web服务来实现SOA的方法;并利用这些方法开发了基于SOA的户外广告管理系统.系统只需要提供Web服务接口,将相关功能封装在接口中,并通过注册中心注册,这些功能便可以被其他用户查找和调用,实现自身业务的集成,充分体现了SOA架构在数字城市管理业务集成中的巨大优势.  相似文献   

在集成Web服务的网格计算环境中,为提高安全等级及预防威胁,基于用户任务计算过程中的参与者角色划分,提出了一种新的威胁分类方法和相应的威胁模型.在面向服务的架构中,构建了协同利用基本的安全服务和工具提供多层次防御威胁的安全模型.威胁分析既可作为正确设计安全服务的基础,又可进一步用于正确操作过程的开发.  相似文献   

研究了复杂集成服务型机械产品的模块化结构建模过程、原理与方法。建模方法主要包括以下两方面:首先,基于系统学原理(采用微观与宏观结构相结合的原理)和质量功能配置原理,实现了模块化设计与微观结构建模;然后,基于物理结构-网络拓扑映射原理,将集成服务产品结构抽象为社区结构网络,分析复杂集成服务产品的社区网络特性,实现模块化结构宏观建模。以上研究有助于揭示集成服务型机械产品内部关联规律和整体特性,从科学层面指导产品设计、质量控制和服务增值。  相似文献   

王华刚  何苗  符茜  施国正  封加庆 《科技信息》2010,(29):I0189-I0189,I0207
独立学院现有的学生评价体系已不能适应应用型人才培养的需要,构建一种人性化、多元化、科学化,有利于学生成长成才,且具有发展性和服务性的评价体系势在必行,本文对国内外现行高等院校的学生综合素质测评体系的研究成果进行梳理,分析其不足之处,并且借鉴其优秀成果,探究符合时代发展需要和民办院校人才成长规律的学生综合素质测评体系的原则、内容和方法。  相似文献   

传统的基于协同过滤推荐、内容推荐等技术在资源服务推荐中虽然得到了广泛地应用,但这些方法针对矩阵稀疏、冷启动等问题,在一定程度上还是未能有效地解决,以致推荐效果不是很理想。根据用户社交网络中关系,把用户之间的相似关系和信任因关系作为构建服务推荐目标用户列表的计算因子,从而对网络资源服务向目标用户做出有效而精确地推荐。通过实验分析,这种方法在面向社交网络平台上的资源服务推荐有着明显的优越性。  相似文献   

基于SOA架构商务信息平台构建技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面向服务的架构能使电子政务对环境变化和用户需求迅速作出反应,变得更具灵活性,并使服务得到最大限度的重用.文章根据面向服务的架构设计理念,设计了面向服务架构的商务信息管理平台,并对其中的关键技术进行了系统的分析和研究.运行实践表明,系统达到了设计要求,运行稳定.  相似文献   

基于构件的开发方法是比较成熟的软件复用技术,但它不适合中小型软件企业采用,敏捷开发过程可以应对需求的变化和不明确的需求,可以帮助企业快速响应市场赢得竞争,但它不是面向复用的,缺乏明确的面向复用的策略,而两者具有很好的互补性,因此,本文提出一种把两者结合起来适合于中小型软件企业的开发方法。  相似文献   

基于TMS320LF240x实验开发系统的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以TI公司的TMS320LF2407A为核心设计实验开发系统,供本科生、研究生及从事数字信号处理的技术人员应用.给出了系统的总体设计思路与扩展空间连接方案,并给出了接口器件的选择与系统实现方法.基于此平台,用户可进行多种DSP实验教学和产品开发等方面的研究.  相似文献   

建设服务型政府是党的十七大做出的重要战略部署,党的十八大也提出了要建设职能科学、结构优化、廉洁高效、人民满意的服务型政府.在服务型政府构建的过程中,如何提升政府公共服务能力是西藏实现跨越式发展和长治久安的重要问题,而其中的关键点与难点集结于县级政府.构建西藏县级政府公共服务能力评价体系,是推进西藏服务型政府建设和贯彻落实中央第五次西藏工作座谈会精神的客观要求,需要结合西藏县级政府的公共服务内容,建立县级政府公共服务能力的评价模型,明晰政府公共服务能力的指标体系.  相似文献   

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