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The financial and economic crisis made visible the level of readiness to changes in the different types of organizations throughout the world and Russia. The variation of social and economic programs implemented by governmental and corporate sectors is widely seen; not all of them work positively for population, especially in the emerging markets countries. In the same time 20 years of the market economy in Russia, for instance, have definitely built a new social and economic system; but has Russia changed fundamentally in the management techniques? The presented paper generalizes some trends of the corporate development in Russia in the context of social responsibility and socio-economic transformation. The author attempts to define the place of Russia on the world map of corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

Among the contemporary and globally adopted management methods, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is the most influential one. Although it was developed in American social and economic environment, it has been widely practiced also in Europe. Experience has demonstrated though that uncritical application of the original American BPR substance to European entrepreneurial practice is as a rule inefficient, often even incompatible with the basic social values. The globally adopted BPR method of company re-engineering is aimed at an increase in competitiveness and must be specified expertly and in view of its substance or adapted to numerous social and economic factors, i.e., requisitely holistically. This article deals with the application of the BPR method in the case of a medium-sized Slovenian company in difficulties. It illustrates the criteria for the selection of a management method of an innovative business change management that is the most efficacious in the Slovenian economy. The BPR project realization is defined from the viewpoint of the given implementation projects and criteria, enabling continual evaluation of the attained results of company reorganization. It presents a good case of informal systemic, i.e., requisitely holistic thinking and action.  相似文献   

发展低碳经济不仅仅是一种经济发展方式的变革,而是涉及到技术创新模式、消费价值观念和生活方式变革的一场复杂的系统工程。创新低碳技术是必要手段、倡导低碳消费文化是关键环节、践行低碳生活方式是根本保证。只有对诸方面统筹把握、系统思考,才有可能推动低碳经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

经济系统是一个由大量自由买卖主体构成的复杂适应系统,可以用基于Agent的计算经济学(Agent-based Computational Economics, ACE)方法进行研究.本文提出了一个自主开发的ACE系统:SIMECO模型.用CRA(Classifiers, Rules, Actions)三层结构对Agent建模可以得到比传统基于简单固定规则的ACE模型更丰富的涌现行为,包括社会分工的自发形成、价格围绕某一固定区间动态波动、流的自发出现并增长.进一步,计算机模拟实验中还形成了由集体大规模Agent自发的交易行为导致的交易网络之上的商品流,它会伴随着系统的进化而不断增强,并使得SIMECO中的大量Agent能更好地适应多变的环境.  相似文献   

Corporations need to improve business processes in order to enhance velocity and service levels while reducing their processing costs and differentiating themselves in the face of competition. The levitation of importance beyond support roles has raised IT investment decisions to high priority in chief executive officers' agendas. Corporate planning groups as well as lines of business are increasingly applying techniques of IT applications portfolio management in a more systematic fashion to improve decision-making and resource-allocation processes.
Recent advances in software engineering and IT service delivery methodologies have achieved the logical separation of business functions from implementation. This separation has made a new breed of innovative IT project possible with a new project risk structure; the adjustment of portfolio management techniques is appropriate. We present an integrated portfolio management model so that the corporation can focus on organic growth through sources at both the department and top management levels. The research gives clear advice as to how top management can seek economic growth by selecting an entrepreneurial strategic posture, implying a strong risk-taking propensity. By integrating a risk-return model and risk-tolerance paradigm to cope with today's risk structure, overall capabilities can improve the decision process and the corporation's performance as well. The application of the integrated technique to a Japanese manufacturing firm is described.  相似文献   

The network economy is a term for today’s global relationship among economic elements characterized by massive connectivity. The central act of the new era is to connect everything to everything in deep web networks at many levels of mutually interdependent relations, where resources and activities are shared, markets are enlarged and costs and risk are reduced. Network systems contain both positive and negative feedback. A variety of feedback processes create complex system behavior. For such a network the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach seems to be very appropriate. The ANP method makes it possible to deal systematically with all kinds of dependence and feedback in the system. Dynamic models try to reflect changes in real or simulated time and take into account that the network model components are constantly evolving. Dynamic models use concepts of state variables, flows, and feedback processes. The Dynamic Network Process (DNP) is an extension of ANP that can deal with time dependent priorities in a networked economy. Petr Fiala is a Professor and the Deputy Head of the Department of Econometrics, University of Economics in Prague, the Czech Republic. He is a graduate of the University of Economics in Prague, Charles University in Prague, and the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY, USA. He holds a PhD from the University in Prague. His current research interests include modeling of production systems, supply chain management, project management, and multicriteria and group decision making. He has been on study and research tours to Germany, Russia, the USA, India and Cuba. He is a member of professional societies for Operations Research and Multiple Criteria Decision Making and is the Vice President of the Czech Society of Operations Research and the Czech Republic representative in EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies). He is the author of books, lecture notes and papers in quantitative models and methods in management and economics.  相似文献   

产品开发过程链建模有利于产品创新知识的搜寻。提出基于广义知识管理的产品创新开发过程链。研究支持产品创新开发的过程链模型及其知识建模方法。过程链模型包括产品描述模型、开发资源模型和开发过程模型。构建产品创新开发过程链的广义知识模型,并采用KBE/Intent语言进行建模。给出断路器机构系统创新开发过程链知识建模实例。应用结果表明产品开发过程链知识建模能有效地集成企业已有的知识资源,实现产品创新开发知识的共享和重用。  相似文献   

可持续性承诺使供应链管理在迎合外部环保诉求上更具挑战性,将循环经济理念融入供应链管理是实现供应链企业经济、社会及环境效益最大化平衡的重要途径.基于制度理论,构建了制度压力、供应链关系管理、可持续供应链设计及循环经济能力之间的概念模型,并以363份来自中国生态工业园企业的问卷为样本进行实证检验.研究发现,制度压力对供应链关系管理和可持续供应链设计均有显著正向影响;可持续供应链管理实践是提升企业循环经济能力的重要手段,且强制压力、规范压力和模仿压力在二者之间起到不同程度的负向调节效应.这一研究结论不仅丰富了可持续供应链管理的研究边界,也为生态工业园企业的绿色生产实践提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

互联网大数据为经济金融以及旅游等行业的准确分析及预测提供了良好的数据基础.随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游需求分析及旅游管理迫切需要实时且准确的数据作为支撑.本文以北京怀柔为例,收集两类互联网大数据进行实证研究.首先通过挖掘互联网搜索数据分析旅游目的地的热度,进而利用主成分分析方法构建搜索指数衡量旅游需求;其次通过利用携程网怀柔游客大数据分析游客的基本特征及游客旅游行为,即游客对旅游产品、景区和酒店的偏好.综合大数据分析结果,为旅游管理实践提出相应的建议.本研究有望为大数据时代下的旅游管理提供新的基于数据的分析视角.  相似文献   

本文建立Rosen-Roback空间均衡模型,将总产出的增长分解为劳动投入、全要素生产率(total factor productivity,TFP)以及工资差异变化的结果,通过模型测算各城市、尤其是超大城市对我国经济的贡献度.利用285个地级及以上城市2002-2015年数据的研究表明,上海、深圳、北京、广州4座超大城市的模型贡献率排名前列、且都大于简单测算贡献率.要素分解测算表明,超大城市对全国经济的正面影响来自TFP提高和劳动投入增长,而工资差距扩大是超大城市带来的负面影响."反事实"研究的结果表明,从2002年到2015年,5座超大城市(京沪津广深)使得全国总产出增长提高了25.33%;如果5座超大城市不对全国的工资差异产生影响,那么我国的总产出还将再提高15.09%.本文研究还发现,长三角和珠三角的区域经济发展更为均衡,而京津冀地区的整体发展不够协调.鉴于之前还没有研究利用我国地级市层面的数据分析过超大城市对我国经济的影响,我们的研究填补了这一空白.根据实证研究的结果,本文提出了两点建议,其一是要进一步缩小全国平均工资与超大城市平均工资的差异,其二是要进一步推进京津冀地区协同发展.  相似文献   

The term ‘Sustainable Development’ is brandished by modern businesses as a marketing ploy used to suggest evidence of ethical conduct, innovative thinking and moral superiority. However, when analysing an organisations’ adoption of sustainable practices, it is often clear—within the UK—that there are few activities that have been undertaken as an ethical stance instead of legal obligation (McCormick in Environmental politics and policy in industrialized countries, MIT, London, 2002). Our hypothesis is that most methodologies and practices for environmental management do not adopt a holistic perspective, causing significant problems in implementation from inadequate structures and communication channels (Espinosa et al. in Eur J Oper Res, 187:636–651, 2008). In particular we consider that most organisations are currently stifled with management hierarchies that prevent informal/social networking, which may be one of the most powerful natural forms for self-organisation. It is proposed that sustainable development requires more efficient communication channels that foster self-organisation and self-regulation as a method for more productive change processes. In this paper, we explain the reasons why meta-systemic principles of self-organisation and distributed network management offer clear criteria to design an environmental management system that operates on the basis of self-controlled individuals and communities.  相似文献   

用相对行标尺量模型分析中国经济结构的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了测度经济结构变动及其主要影响因素,构造了一个基于投入产出技术的相对行标尺量(Relative Rowscaler)模型,它将经济结构的变动分解为技术系数和最终需求结构系数的变动,并应用该模型对中国1981-1995年间经济结构转变情况作出了实证定量分析。主要结论是这一阶段我国经济结构发生了显著变化,主要影响因素是技术系数的变动,但最终需求结构因素的拉动作用日渐增强。  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特山区环境特征与生态系统的恢复和重建   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
喀斯特地区石质荒漠化已成为制约山区生态环境改善和社会经济发展的重要因素之一。分析了贵州喀斯特山区生态环境特点,提出了贵州喀斯特山区生态系统的恢复和重建必须兼顾生态和经济效益,建立一个具有合理结构、功能相互协调、良性循环的斯特山地生态系统。根据环境条件,采取综合措施进行恢复和重建,建立立体生态系统格局,保护和恢复生物多样性,优化生产力布局和产业结构,使环境改善和经济持续同步发展。参6。  相似文献   

传统经济发展模式的组织原则是线性的和非循环的,通过把资源持续不断地变成废物来实现经济增长。基于工业生态系统的循环经济发展模式是“资源—产品—再生资源—再生产品”的物质循环利用反馈式非线性经济过程。循环经济系统内部物资和能量的转化可以持续不断地进行。循环经济兼顾经济效益和生态效益,充分地显示出生态系统理念在经济发展方式中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Social responsibility can be seen as a condition of efficient change management and even as a tool in crisis solving, mainly if associated with innovative social thinking and action. Change/Innovation management is the principal topic of the study, because it is seen as the main way to grow social effectiveness. New management fields are signaled; among them, crisis management and strategic management are accented and concisely presented. A system of effectiveness principles and its internal structure is described and explained. How to innovate is one of questions that our work tries to answer, because a well managed change offers the best formula, both fast and durable, of social problem solving. Can we, finally, design a science of socially responsible change, applied by change/innovation management? Crisis and lack or excess of effectiveness are strongly connected, as showed by our findings. Responsibility-ruled social effectiveness increasing is hence a central theme of the presented study. Economic and global effectiveness without abuse as aspects of social effectiveness are pointed out and a system of criteria for socially responsible social effectiveness evaluating and increasing is sketched.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市农业循环经济模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用农业生态和系统科学理论,研究并阐明了哈尔滨市农业循环经济模式的构建原则、总体构架、模式类型,提出了实施农业生态循环经济模式的对策措施,为农业、农村经济发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

危机事件是国际国内事务中的普遍状态,将危机事件转危为机,"化险为夷",并加以利用,将偶然发生的危机纳入日常管理系统化、必然化、常态化的轨道,是当今各国危机管理创新的内容。通过对苏伊士运河石油危机中美国外交政策的研究,本文探讨了美国政府系统化的危机管理政策,其采取的统筹兼顾的系统思维,适时利用了中东石油危机,实现了美国的中东冷战战略目标。形成了一套危机前判断与预测、危机中观望与决策、危机后恢复与预防管理过程,丰富了石油危机管理决策的理论与实践。  相似文献   

资源禀赋在支持经济增长的同时,会产生"资源诅咒"现象,即资源优势阻碍经济增长.目前研究较少考虑资源税制设计对区域"资源诅咒"的影响,缺乏资源税改革对区域演化作用深入研究.基于历年统计数据,本文研究当前我国区域"资源诅咒"分布情况,并构建动态多区域CGE模型,编制社会核算矩阵(SAM),分别以2%、5%和10%的煤炭资源税率设置模拟场景,分析资源税改革对区域社会经济、产业发展和"资源诅咒"演化的影响,并提出破解我国区域"资源诅咒"对策.研究结果表明:资源税改革可在一定程度上抑制我国区域"资源诅咒"恶化,但会使产品价格发生波动,影响宏观经济发展;同时改革会影响第二产业发展速度,尤其是抑制资源生产和加工产业增长,促进资源在各产业间合理流动,使资源消费和产业结构趋于理性,从而适度控制各区域的能源供给和需求,逐步转变各区域增长方式,协调各区域社会经济发展.  相似文献   

关于节能项目经济评价方法的分析与修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了从20世纪80年代初到目前关于节能项目经济效益的几种主要评估方法,认为这些方法并没有考虑新建节能项目所带来的污染物减排效益,不符合社会环保要求不断提高的趋势.因此在对节能效益的国民经济评价中,补充了减排效益的相关变量,并分别用有无包括减排效益的两种方法分别对某铸造企业的节能技改项目进行国民经济评价.通过对比,发现新的计算方法通过提高对节能项目的经济效益评价,增强了政府支持节能项目的合理性.  相似文献   

We describe the application of Priority Pointing, a generically applicable research procedure, to the question how Ireland can become an innovative knowledge economy. Questioning received orthodoxy, we show that Irish culture should put more value on scientific skills, promote a scientifically literate culture, and reform institutional and structural support systems to develop an innovative knowledge-based economy. In autopoietic terms, we illustrate how structure of the social systems and the history of those systems determine the space and capability for future development and innovation. The Systems Science theory used is Nomology, which claims that three different processes of adjusting, convincing, and committing comprehensively describe how the mind structures decisions. Committing and convincing are subjective and correspond to the processes that build the autopoietic aspects of a society or organization. Consequently, the proposed adjustments that emerge from the research should not challenge what we are as citizens, within our autopoietic societal boundary.  相似文献   

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