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Résumé Les macrophages péritonéaux de certains rats normaux provoquent in vitro l'adhérence des hématies de mouton, proprieté qui dépend de l'élevage et non de la race ou de l'âge. Un anticorps cytophile (absent chez les rats à macrophages inactifs pour ces hématies) est seulement présent dans les liquides de lavage péritonéaux, tandis que dans les sérums les anticorps (agglutinines complètes ou incomplètes, hémolysines, anticorps cytophiles) sont absents.  相似文献   

Pattern recognition receptors are somatically encoded and participate in the innate immune responses of a host to microbes. It is increasingly acknowledged that these receptors play a central role both in beneficial and pathogenic interactions with microbes. In particular, these receptors participate actively in shaping the gut environment to establish a fruitful life-long relationship between a host and its microbiota. Commensal bacteria engage Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) to induce specific responses by intestinal epithelial cells such as production of antimicrobial products or of a functional mucus layer. Furthermore, a complex crosstalk between intestinal epithelial cells and the immune system is initiated leading to a mature gut-associated lymphoid tissue to secrete IgA. Impairment in NLR and TLR functionality in epithelial cells is strongly associated with chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, cancer, and with control of the commensal microbiota creating a more favorable environment for the emergence of new infections.  相似文献   

Résumé Des rats appartenant à plusieurs souches ont été immunisés par injection i.p. de 2×108 globules rouges de mouton. La mesure du titre des haemolysines réalisée 6 jours plus tard montre des différences quantitatives selon les souches. Une réponse importante n'a pu être décelée que pour 3 d'entre elles (August, OFA et Wistar R).  相似文献   

At sites of inflammation and tumor growth, the local concentration of extracellular adenosine rapidly increases and plays a role in controlling the immune responses of nearby cells. Adenosine deaminases ADA1 and ADA2 (ADAs) decrease the level of adenosine by converting it to inosine, which serves as a negative feedback mechanism. Mutations in the genes encoding ADAs lead to impaired immune function, which suggests a crucial role for ADAs in immune system regulation. It is not clear why humans and other mammals possess two enzymes with adenosine deaminase activity. Here, we found that ADA2 binds to neutrophils, monocytes, NK cells and B cells that do not express CD26, a receptor for ADA1. Moreover, the analysis of CD4+ T-cell subset revealed that ADA2 specifically binds to regulatory T cells expressing CD39 and lacking the receptor for ADA1. Also, it was found that ADA1 binds to CD16? monocytes, while CD16+ monocytes preferably bind ADA2. A study of the blood samples from ADA2-deficient patients showed a dramatic reduction in the number of lymphocyte subsets and an increased concentration of TNF-α in plasma. Our results suggest the existence of a new mechanism, where the activation and survival of immune cells is regulated through the activities of ADA2 or ADA1 anchored to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Resumen Se inmunizaron ratones BALB con glóbulos rojos de ratas de una línea endocriada. A estos ratones se les extrajo el ARN del bazo y se inyectó a otro grupo de animales de la misma cepa. Además, se inyectó el ARN proveniente de bazo de ratón normal a un segundo grupo de animales. Cinco días después de la inyección del ARN normal e inmune, ambos grupos, y un tercero, testigo, recibieron una inyección de glóbulos rojos de rata.  相似文献   

Résumé On a décelé des antigènes à la surface des larves deBreinlia sergenti par la réaction d'adhérence immune. Ils n'ont pas été décelés sur les adultes ni sur les microfilaires, avec un sérum de lapin anti-larves. L'antisérum a réagi avec les larves deDirofilaria immitis etBrugia pahangi, mais non pas avec les larves deBrugia malayi.  相似文献   

Summary Removal of the submaxillary gland (SMG) from male but not female mice caused a suppressed immune response to sheep red blood cells. Administration of a SMG saline extract from male mice to SMG-ectomized males restored the suppressed response to control levels. This suggests that the male mouse SMG contains a factor(s), possibly of an endocrine nature, capable of influencing cells involved in an immune response.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si è studiato se l'incubazione di emazie normali con una soluzione di GSSG addizionato di una piccola quantità di GSH fosse in grado di provocare in loro la lesione simil-EPN (emoglobinuria parossistica notturna). Si è osservato che questa in effetti si produce, probabilmente attraverso un meccanismo di scambio disolfurico tra i legami-S-S-della membrana eritrocitaria e quelli del GSSG, catalizzato da gruppi GS-.  相似文献   

Podocalyxin (PODXL) is a mucin protein of the CD34 family expressed in kidney glomerular podocytes, vascular endothelium, progenitor bone marrow and tumor cells. It is assumed that PODXL plays an anti-adherent role in kidney podocytes. CHO cells stably expressing human PODXL (CHO-PODXL) or human tumor cells (Tera-1) inherently expressing PODXL showed increased adherence to platelets. The adherence of cells was inhibited (70%) by blockers of platelet P-selectin, prevented by the soluble ectodomain of human PODXL (PODXL-Δ) or by the arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGDS) peptide and partially impeded by inhibition of integrin αVβ3/αVβ5, suggesting a coordinated action of P-selectin and integrins. Colocalization of platelet P-selectin and PODXL expressed on CHO cells was demonstrated by confocal immunofluorescence. No adherence to platelets was observed when PODXL was expressed in glycomutant CHO cells deficient in sialic acid. Received 14 August 2007; received after revision 12 September 2007; accepted 13 September 2007  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mäuse wurden gegen Schaferythrozyten immunisiert und die Immunreaktion im Plaque-Test von Jerne gemessen. Erhalten die Tiere unmittelbar vor der Antigeninjektion Thorotrast, so kommt es zur statistisch hochsignifikanten Hemmung der Antikörper bildenden Zellen.  相似文献   

Summary A chemical conjugate of anti-mouse lymphocyte globulin and abrin, is about twice as effective as a similar conjugate made with normal immunoglobulin and abrin, in suppressing the ability of the mouse to respond immunologically to an injection of sheep red blood cells.Acknowledgment. We thank Dr Stuart, Society of Herbalists, London, and Prof. G.C. Clark, Dept. of Botany, University of Ghana, for gifts ofAbrus precatorius seeds, and Mrs L. Bushby for help in the preparation of the horse anti-mouse lymphocyte globulin. D.C.E. is an external member of the staff of the Wellcome Foundation Ltd.  相似文献   

NOD-like receptors (NLRs) comprise a family of cytosolic proteins that have been implicated as ancient cellular sentinels mediating protective immune responses elicited by intracellular pathogens or endogenous danger signals. Genetic variants in NLR genes have been associated with complex chronic inflammatory barrier diseases (e.g. Crohn disease, bronchial asthma). In this review, we focus on the molecular pathophysiology of NLRs in the context of chronic inflammatory diseases and pinpoint recent advances in the evolutionary understanding of NLR biology. We propose that the field of NLRs may serve as a prototype for how a comprehensive understanding of an element of the immunological barrier will eventually lead to the development of targeted diagnostic, therapeutic and/or preventive strategies. Received 29 October 2007; received after revision 10 December 2007; accepted 19 December 2007  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Hämoglobin und Erythrozyten von prä- und postnatal untersuchten Inzuchtmäusen verhalten sich, was verschiedene physikalisch-chemische Analysen betrifft, ähnlich. Die Existenz eines fötalen Hämoglobins konnte nicht bewiesen werden.

This investigation was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, P.H.S. C-4691.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung DBA/2 Mäuse wurden nach Injektionen mit SL2 Zellen mit allogenen, immunen und hyperimmunen Exsudat-Zellen aus dem Peritonealraum behandelt. Diese Behandlung ergab eine Eliminierung von 2×106 SL2 Zellen.  相似文献   

Summary The aniline hydroxylation in human red cells was studied and the hydroxylating activity was much accelerated in the presence of methylene blue.  相似文献   

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