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如今,95%以上化学产品都是通过催化过程制造的,研发出更高效的催化材料成为众多研究者努力的方向.金属-有机框架(MOFs)衍生的金属-有机框架介导结构(MOFMSs)保留了MOFs母体的大多数特性,如高孔隙率、结构可调性和高金属负载率等,为新型固体催化剂的合理设计提供了机会.根据金属节点对MOFs前驱体进行了分类,综述了MOFMSs在多相催化方面的最新进展,提出了MOFMSs未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

近年来随着光学纯化合物需求的不断增大,不对称催化逐渐成为科学研究的前沿领域之一.稀土元素则是由周期表中ⅢB族Sc、Y和镧系元素(La~Lu)的17种元素组成.相比其他过渡金属与各类配体轨道间的作用,稀土金属有其独特之处,因此,近年来手性稀土配合物在不对称催化领域的应用,也逐渐引起人们的重视.根据各类手性配体中所含配位原子的不同,对手性稀土配合物的类型及相关的不对称催化反应作简要综述.  相似文献   

在不对称有机催化反应中,具有光学活性的手性β-氨基醇由于催化效率高和应用范围广而成为广泛使用的手性配体或手性助剂,其本身在药物应用或生物学上也发挥着重要的作用.对近年来手性β-氨基醇的合成方法及其在不对称催化中的应用进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

不对称合成是当前有机化学研究的热点和前沿。催化不对称合成是制备光学活性化合物的有效方法,金属有机化合物作为试剂或催化剂在这一领域得到了广泛的应用。本文简要综述了金属有机化合物在不对称合成中的应用与进展。  相似文献   

综述了近年来Ti(O-i—Pr)4-DET催化体系、手性Salen催化体系、手性酮催化体系和负载手性催化体系等在不对称催化环氧化应用中的研究进展,并对其催化环氧化的特点进行了比较和讨论。Sharpless催化体系具有操作简单、催化剂价廉易得、对映体选择性高的优点;Jacobsen催化剂对双键环氧化有一定通用性,合成相对简单;手性酮催化剂能有效减少重金属污染;负载型催化剂具有催化剂易于回收、产物易于提纯等优点。  相似文献   

研究报告了不同类型的不对称催化反应,介绍了它们在医药、农药、香精、食品添加剂等方面的实际应用。  相似文献   

联吡啶/邻菲咯啉(bpy/phen)类配体被广泛应用于金属配位的均相有机催化反应.将金属修饰的联吡啶/邻菲咯啉(M(bpy)/M(phen))活性中心固定在多孔载体中,可以有效提升催化效果,即拥有了均相催化剂的活性,也兼顾了主体材料的非均质性.文章综述了M(bpy)/M(phen)功能化金属有机框架(MOFs)的最新研究进展,并对以金属锆(Zr)为结点的具有三维拓扑结构的UiO-67型MOFs材料(MOF UiO-67)展开分析.文章详细介绍了这些多孔材料的合成方法,以及它们在热力学催化、光催化和电催化方面的催化性能.  相似文献   

用正交试验法优化手性镍催化二乙基锌对α,β不饱和酮的不对称麦克尔加成反应条件,优化后的不对称麦克尔加成反应的一般条件为:低温(近反应溶剂冰点),常压,非质子非极性溶剂(环己烷).  相似文献   

卟啉类化合物因其独特的物理和化学特性,在肿瘤治疗领域具有广阔的应用前景.但是卟啉类化合物存在水溶解性较差和易于自聚集等缺点,限制了其在肿瘤治疗上的广泛应用.而金属有机框架(MOFs)具有可调节孔径、可功能化修饰,以及生物相容性好等优点.因此,将卟啉作为有机连接体,结合金属簇构建卟啉MOFs材料,不仅可以克服卟啉类化合物固有的缺点,而且还能发挥MOFs的优异特性.文章综述了近年来卟啉MOFs材料的合成方法及其在肿瘤治疗方面的研究进展,同时探讨了其在肿瘤治疗领域的挑战.  相似文献   

在固液两相体系.分别以手性和非手性季铵盐为相转移催化剂,以各种α-溴代脂肪酸薄荷醇酯为手性底物,通过与邻苯二甲酰亚胺钾的Gabriel反应,合成了4种具有光学活性的α-氨基酸,对比了在各种不对称诱导条件下产物的光学纯度.  相似文献   

Ever since Pasteur noticed that tartrate crystals exist in two non-superimposable forms that are mirror images of one another--as are left and right hands--the phenomenon of chirality has intrigued scientists. On the molecular level, chirality often has a profound impact on recognition and interaction events and is thus important to biochemistry and pharmacology. In chemical synthesis, much effort has been directed towards developing asymmetric synthesis strategies that yield product molecules with a significant excess of either the left-handed or right-handed enantiomer. This is usually achieved by making use of chiral auxiliaries or catalysts that influence the course of a reaction, with the enantiomeric excess (ee) of the product linearly related to the ee of the auxiliary or catalyst used. In recent years, however, an increasing number of asymmetric reactions have been documented where this relationship is nonlinear, an effect that can lead to asymmetric amplification. Theoretical models have long suggested that autocatalytic processes can result in kinetically controlled asymmetric amplification, a prediction that has now been verified experimentally and rationalized mechanistically for an autocatalytic alkylation reaction. Here we show an alternative mechanism that gives rise to asymmetric amplification based on the equilibrium solid-liquid phase behaviour of amino acids in solution. This amplification mechanism is robust and can operate in aqueous systems, making it an appealing proposition for explaining one of the most tantalizing examples of asymmetric amplification-the development of high enantiomeric excess in biomolecules from a presumably racemic prebiotic world.  相似文献   

与传统无机多孔材料相比,金属-有机框架(Metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)材料孔径可调,具有更高的孔隙率,更大的比表面积,多样化的结构及功能等特点,因而已经被广泛应用于传感器、催化剂、气体吸附与分离、药物载体及控释等领域中。本文主要综述MOFs材料在生物富集中的应用,根据不同的富集机理,分别对低丰度肽、磷酸化肽和糖肽进行富集研究进展。在预富集过程中,总结了已应用的MOFs材料的种类和所具有的功能及其展现出的富集性能。  相似文献   

Mohr JT  Krout MR  Stoltz BM 《Nature》2008,455(7211):323-332
Biologically active natural products often contain particularly challenging structural features and functionalities in terms of synthesis. Perhaps the greatest difficulties are those caused by issues of stereochemistry. A useful strategy for synthesizing such molecules is to devise methods of bond formation that provide opportunities for using enantioselective catalysis. In using this tactic, the desire for a particular target structure ultimately drives the development of catalytic methods. New enantioselective catalytic methods contribute to a greater fundamental understanding of how bonds can be constructed and lead to valuable synthetic technologies that are useful for a variety of applications.  相似文献   

A catalytic method has been developed, which allows aryl halides to couple with various electron-rich olefins to give 1,1'-substituted olefins. The palladium-catalysed coupling in ionic liquid solvent proceeds with high efficiency and remarkable regioselectivity without the need for any costly or toxic halide scavengers. Parallel to this, an environmentally-appealing method for the asymmetric reduction of ketones has been established, with which a variety of chiral alcohols can be accessed with high enantioselectivity in water with no need for any organic solvents. The same chemistry has been explored for the reduction of aldehydes, which is shown to be fast and highly chemoselective. These methods add new tools to the armoury of synthetic chemists.  相似文献   

A catalytic method has been developed, which allows aryl halides to couple with various electron-rich olefins to give 1,1’-substituted olefins. The palladium-catalysed coupling in ionic liquid solvent proceeds with high efficiency and remarkable regioselectivity without the need for any costly or toxic halide scavengers. Parallel to this, an environmentally-appealing method for the asymmetric reduction of ketones has been established, with which a variety of chiral alcohols can be accessed with high enantioselectivity in water with no need for any organic solvents. The same chemistry has been explored for the reduction of aldehydes, which is shown to be fast and highly chemoselective. These methods add new tools to the armoury of synthetic chemists.  相似文献   

催化法在恶臭治理中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了在臭气治理中应用的催化直接燃烧法、催化氧化法、吸咐催化氧化法、光催化氧化法技术的机理,催化剂的选择和常用的催化反应器.提出催化方法存在的问题并对催化方法的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

金属-有机框架(MOFs)是由含氧或氮的有机配体与过渡金属通过自组装连接而形成的具有周期性网状结构的晶体材料。该类材料因具有尺寸结构可调、高孔隙率、比表面积大、低晶体密度等一系列优点,而受到多个学科研究人员的重视。其中,锌(Zn)基MOFs材料因其优越的生物相容性和易功能化修饰等特点,受到了广泛的关注。文章主要从药物递送和协同抗癌等方面总结了Zn基MOFs材料的生物应用.  相似文献   

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