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~~Theoretical study of Structural and analytical potential energy functions of GaN[1]D.L.Luo,D.Q.Meng,Z.H.Zhu,Acta Phys.Sin.52[2003]2438. [2]H.Y.Wang,Z.H.Zhu,Chin.Phys.12[2003]154. [3]P.Waltereit,O.Brandt,A.Trampert,H.T.Grahn,J.Menniger,M.Ramsteiner,M.Reiche,K.H.Ploog,Nature406[2000]865. [4]Z.H.Zhu,H.G.Yu,Molecular structure and molecular potential function,Science Press,Beijing1997.…  相似文献   

综述了国内外自由生活海洋线虫分类学的研究情况,对南黄海自由生活线虫进行了调查取样和分类学研究,共鉴定出自由生活海洋线虫223种或分类实体,隶属于145个属,32科,4目,其中建立了2个新属,发现并描述了18个新种.列出了南黄海海洋线虫的种名录,并对其中的2个新属Abelbolla gen.nov.,Paramphimonhystrella gen.nov.和18个新种Abelbolla boucheri sp.nov. ,Abelbolla huanghaiensis sp. nov. ,Abelbolla warwicki sp. nov. ,Belbolla huanghaiensis sp. nov. , Belbolla stenocephalum sp. nov. , Belbolla warwicki sp. nov. , Curvolaimus filiformis sp. nov. ,Trichotheristus articularus sp. nov. ,Oncholaimus multisetosus sp. nov. ,Sabatieria stenocephalus sp. nov. , Setosabatieria coomansi sp. nov. , Paramicrolaimus boucheri sp. nov. , Terschellingia major sp. nov. ,Halalaimus longiamphidus sp. nov. ,Leptolaimodes decorus sp. nov. , Paramphimonhystrella elegans sp. nov. ,Paramphimonhystrella minor sp. nov. 和 Paramphimonhystrella sinica sp. nov. 进行了描述。  相似文献   

1.敦煌小叶杨(新变种)Populus simonii Carr.var.dunhuangensis H.L.Yang et C.F.Fang,var.nov.西北师范学院学报 1982,(2):128,nom.nud.A varietate typica differt foliis angustayis longisque,elliptico-lanceolatisvei lato-lanceo-latis,5~8 cm.longis,1.5~2. 5 cm.latis,rhachidibus pubescentibus.Gansu:Dunhuang(敦煌),Prope Megaoku(莫高窟),habitat ad margines agrorum,15.Ⅵ.1979.H.L.Yang et al.No.79512(Typus in Herb.Inst.Desert.Res.Acad.Sin.con-servatur.)Haec varitas nova P.simonii var.liaotungensi(Wang et Skv.)Wang et Tung affinis,a  相似文献   

百球藨草 Scirpus rosthornii Diels in Engl.Bot.Jahrb.29:228.1901;C.B.Clarke in Journ.Linn.Soc.Bot.36∶253.1903;中国植物志11∶13,图版4∶5-8.1961;中国高等植物图鉴5∶213,7255.1980.—S.chinensis Diels in Engl.Bot.Jahrb.29∶228.1901.non Munro—S.ternatensis C.B.Clarke in Journ.Linn.Soc.Bot.36∶254.1903.partim,non Reinw. 根状茎短,具须根。杆粗壮,高50—1000厘米,坚硬,三稜形,有节,节间长,具  相似文献   

2010年6月~7月,在新疆库车大、小龙池设6个样点,所采集的藻类标本经过鉴定,发现有新疆未记录的鼓藻类植物15种,隶属于4属,包括7种8变种,分别是Closterium acerosumvar.acerosum,C.acerosumvar.angolense,C.attenuatum,C.ehrenbergii var.malinvernianum,C.ehren-bergii var.pseudopodolium,C.incurvum,C.lanceolatumvar.lanceolatum,C.nasutum,C.praelon-gum,C.pseudolunula var.major,C.sigmoideum,C.strigosum var.strigosum,Pleurotaeniumtruncatum,Cosmarium undulatum var.minutum和Euastrum bidentatum等,并描述了其形态学特征.  相似文献   

10众志成城Unionisstrength.鞠躬尽瘁Togivethelastmeasureofdevotion.一寸光阴一寸金Timeismoney.谋事在人,成事在天ManproposesandGoddisposes.声东击西Tolookonewayandrowanother.滴水穿石Constantdrippingwearsawaythestone.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆Youmustreapwhatyouhavesown.适者生存Thesurvivalofthefittest.成语天地Mylittlefriends,areyouready?let'ssingthesong.Head,shoulders,kneesandtoes,kneesandtoes.Head,shoulders,kneesandtoes,kneesandtoes.Eyesandearsandmouthandnose.Head,shoulders,kneesandtoes,kneesandtoes.(repe…  相似文献   

InEnglish,therearethefollowingpuntuations:endpunctuation,commas,colons,semicolons,dashes,paretheses,hyphens,apostrphes,quotationmarks,ellipses,slashes,etc.Usingthemcorrectlyinwritingisveryimportant,theycanhelpyouexpressyourideascorrectlyandeffectively.InthefollowinglinesI'dliketodiscusstheiruse.I'EndPunctuationA.WhentoUsePerieds:.)l.ToendasentenceunleSsitisaqUestionoranexclaInaion.TheyAnvedatthestationtwentyInintesbeforethetrainwasdue.Lynnwonderswhetherhewillcom.2.InInanabbreviahonsB.C…  相似文献   

1999~2004年,对全国27个省市的果蝇进行调查的结果表明:中国黑腹果蝇种组由10个种亚组组成,共67种.其中包括6个新种(D.sp.likeelegans,D.sp.likeauraria,D.sp.liketrapezifrons1,D.sp.liketrapezifrons2,D.sp.liketakahashii,D.chayusp nov);4个新记录种(D.giriensis,D.ogumai,D.ohnishii,D.pseudobaimaii);6个广布种(D.auraria,D.kikkawai,D.melanogaster,D.simulans,D.suzukii和D.takahashii).分布于全国33个省市,垂直分布的海拔高度在3 000 m以下.  相似文献   

Allium alabasicum (D.S.Wen et Sh.Chen)Y.Z.Zhao,sp.nov.fig.1.——A.polyrhizum Turcz.ex Regelvar.alabasicum D.S.Wen et Sh.Chen,in sched.Species affinis A.mongolico Regel,sed planta pumila,circ.10cm alta;foliis filiformibus,perspicuelongioribus quam scapis;umbella laxa,pauciflora,saepe 4~5 flora;tepalis 3~3.5mm longis;filamentislongitudine tepala fere aequanribus;filamentis internis basi circ.1/4 dilatatis trianguli-ovatis;ovariis basinectariis operculatis concavis differt.Bulbus multus,spisse cespitosus,teres,tunicis exterioribus fuscis,in fibras dehiscentibus.Foliasemitertia vel teretia,filiformia,6~10cm longa,circ.0.3mm crasa,perspicue longiora quam scapi.  相似文献   

1 .光叶猴樟 新变种CinnamomumbodinieriLevl.var.glabrumC .F.Ji,var.nov.———C .bodinieriauctnonLevl.:H .W .Li,Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.3 1 :1 75~1 76,1 982 .propartequoaddiscr.Avar.bodinieriLevl.affinis,sedramulis,pedunculatis,peducellis,perianthiitubisetperianthiilobisextusglaberisdiffert.Shanx…  相似文献   

Zircon grains of magmatic origin from tuffite layers in the Xiamaling Formation at Zhaojiashan Village, Xuanhua area, Hebei Province, were used for zircon dating with a Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP Ⅱ), which gives a weighted mean ^207Pb/^206Pb age of 1366±9 Ma. It shows a very similar age (1368±12 Ma) as the zircon dating from the Xiamaling Formation in Western Hill, Beijing. This age proposes that the Xiamaling Formation in the North China plate should be of Mesoproterozoic, instead of Neoproterozoic based on K-Ar, Ar-Ar dating. The new zircon age also indicates the development of macrofossils algae from the Mesoproterozoic age.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd isotope systematics of ores and fluorites places precise time constraints on REE mineralization of the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit in Yunnan Province which occur in the Proterozoic Kunyan group. The ore-related fluorites contain high abundant REE, and show a strong enrichment of LREE and a positive Eu anomaly, which is in marked contrast to post-ore fluorites that are HREE enriched. The Sm-Nd isochron ages of the ores and fluorites are 1539±40 Ma and 1617±100 Ma, respectively, and calculated εNd(t) are -4.6 and -3.2. Accurate age determinations of the mineralization demonstrate that the REE mineralization took place during early Mesoproterozoic. Together with other geological evidence from the ore deposit, the primary REE-bearing ore-forming fluids are suggested to have been derived from the Enriched Mantle, and the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE ore deposit is of volcanic exhalation- hydrothermal sedimentary origin. This study also imply that the sudden large-scale REE mineralization in the Mesoproterozoic epoch may have been induced by alkaline-rich anorogenic magmatism which occurred at marginal rifts of the continent in the Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

通过心理声学实验研究了用前方一对±45°、±60°、±75°、±90°虚拟扬声器重放不相关噪声信号,以及前方一对虚拟扬声器和真实中置扬声器同时重放不相关噪声信号时,听觉声源宽度(ASW)的扩展和均匀度.结果表明:仅用一对虚拟扬声器重放时,对中心频率为250Hz~1 kHz的倍频程噪声,ASW最宽可以扩展到±70°左右,对粉红噪声ASW最宽可以扩展到±50°左右;当一对虚拟扬声器的张角较宽时,声像扩展不均匀,出现中间空、两边强的现象;当采用虚拟扬声器和真实的中置扬声器同时重放时,中置扬声器相对于虚拟扬声器的重放声压级对ASW的宽度和均匀度都有较大的影响;通过调节中置扬声器的重放声压级可以使ASW均匀扩展到比较宽的位置.进一步的理论计算和实验测量表明:只有在IACC0(双耳信号互相关函数在t=0时的取值)0的情况下,ASW和IACC(双耳信号互相关系数的最大值)之间才具有线性负相关性;而对所有类型的重放信号,ASW和IACC0之间都具有线性负相关性.  相似文献   

The architecture and growth history of Precambrian crustal basements in the Central Tianshan Block play a key role in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Orogenic Belt.In this study,we present precise LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating and LAMC-ICPMS zircon Hf isotopic data for two granitic gneisses from Alatage area in the Central Tianshan Block.The magmatic zircons from both samples yield similar protolith ages of 945±6 and 942±6 Ma,indicating that the early Neoproterozoic magmatism is prevailed in the Alatage area.These zircons have crustal Hf model ages of1.82–2.22 and 1.70–2.03 Ga,respectively,which are significantly older than their crystallization ages.It indicates that their parental magmas were derived from the reworking of ancient crust.However,we suggest that these Paleoproterozoic Hf model ages might result from mixing of continental materials with different ages in the Neoproterozoic crust.The inherited(detrital)zircon cores not only yield a wide age range of ca.989–1617 Ma,but also exhibit large Hf-isotope variations with Hf model ages of1.54–2.30 Ga.In particular,some 1.4–1.6 Ga zircons show high initial176Hf/177Hf ratios,consistent with those of depleted mantle,which indicates that the Mesoproterozoic event involved both reworking of older crust and generation of juvenile crust.The Central Tianshan Block has different Precambrian crustal growth history from the Tarim Craton.Therefore,it would not be a fragment of the Precambrian basement of the Tarim Craton.  相似文献   

The importance of organic compounds as significant constituents of atmospheric aerosols, and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), as well as players influencing the tropospheric oxidation and atmospheric energy budget, have been increasingly recognized. Low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids (LMW-DCAs) are significant identified portions of atmospheric condensed matter including aerosols, fog and clouds. Besides the photochemical transformation of DCA, the implication of organic matter in ice nucleation processes has been considered. In this study, we investigated the freezing temperature of pure and mixed (C2-C6) DCA solutions in ultra-pure water and tap water solution droplets using a freezing nucleus counter at different pH, and in different water ionic conditions. The mean freezing temperature of different mixture of LMW-DCA in ultra-pure and tap water solution droplets ranged from -24.1±2.8 to -21.3±3.9℃ and -10.2±2.2 to -9.5±2.2℃, respectively. The mean freezing temperature of the control (ultra-pure and tap) water droplets (-22.6±3.5℃, 11.2±2.4℃) was also measured. The results, and their implications in atmospheric chemistry and physics of the atmosphere will be discussed.  相似文献   

To reveal the deformation process of the middle Yangtze fold belt, we conducted a paleomagnetic study on Middle Triassic limestones and Middle to Late Jurassic sandstones from Wanzhou, Chongqing. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization were used to isolate the multi-component re-manent magnetizations. The Jurassic samples were overprinted by recent geomagnetic field, while three magnetization components were isolated from the Middle Triassic samples. A low temperature component (LTC) was isolated at temperatures below 200℃, an intermediate temperature component (ITC) at 200―360℃ and a high temperature component (HTC) at 400―460℃. The LTC is distributed around the present-day Earth magnetic field, probably a viscous component. Stepwise unfolding indi-cates that the maximum precision parameters of ITC and HTC components are achieved at 33±8% and 50±27% (with 95% confidence) unfolding, respectively. The best-clustered ITC mean direction, Dec = 11.2°, Inc = 45.2° (α95 = 4.5°, N = 34), corresponding to a paleopole at 79.3°N, 219.5°E (dp = 3.6°, dm = 5.7°), is consistent with the Cretaceous reference direction of the South China Block (SCB). The best-clustered HTC mean direction (taking 70% unfolding), Dec = 24.2°, Inc =49.0° (α95 = 3.6°, N = 23), corresponding to a paleopole at 69.2°N, 195.5°E (dp =3.1°, dm = 4.8°), suggests a clockwise rotation of 12.8°±3.5°. These synfolding remagnetization components clearly reveal that a clockwise rotation happened at the middle stage of folding, thus supporting that at least part of the variation in fold axis strikes is due to orocline rotation. Combined with published data, our analysis indicates that the Wan-zhou-Xiangxi segment of the middle Yangtze fold belt experienced oroclinal bending. Furthermore, a published post-folding component isolated from the Middle Triassic Puqi Formation suggests a 27.5°±5.8° clockwise rotation, confirming that at least 50% of the observed clockwise rotations in the eastern middle Yangtze fold belt can be attributed to oroclinal bending. The remagnetization data and geological evidence observed in the middle Yangtze fold belt suggest that collision between SCB and North China Block (NCB) probably lasted till the early period of Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Al_(86)Ni_6Y_(4.5)Co_2La_(1.5) amorphous powders were synthesized by mechanical alloying for 200 h. Subsequent consolidation was performed via spark plasma sintering in the temperature range of 250 ℃ to 500 ℃ at the pressure of 500 MPa. The role of viscous flow on densification was investigated by studying the viscosity change of the amorphous phase at different consolidation temperatures. The decrease in viscosity at higher sintering temperatures resulted in better particle bonding and densification of consolidated samples. The formation of only FCC Al was observed in the consolidated samples at sintering temperatures ≤ 300 ℃ and the intermetallic phases formed at temperatures ≥ 400 ℃. The mechanical properties of the bulk samples were measured by Vickers microhardness and nanoindentation tests. The testing results showed that the average values of microhardness, nanohardness and elastic modulus of the sample consolidated at 500 ℃ were 3.06 ± 0.14 GPa,4.85 ± 1.14 GPa and 89.53 ± 9.25 GPa, respectively. The increase in hardness and elastic modulus of the higher temperature consolidated samples is attributed to the improvement in particle bonding, densification and distribution of various hard intermetallic phases in the amorphous matrix.  相似文献   

Human serum apotransferrin is the major iron-tran- sport protein in blood. The protein binds iron as Fe3+ at two similar, but not identical, high-affinity binding sites. Although iron bound to human serum apotransferrin is less then 0.1% (~3 mg) of the total body iron, dynamically it is the most important iron pool with the highest rate of turnover. The turnover of transferrin iron is in the order of 30 mg per day and, normally, about 80% of this iron are transported to the bone marrow for hem…  相似文献   

 在青藏高原首次发现当雄错第四纪晚期叠层石群,其发现对于阐明高原第四纪晚期古环境演化有重要意义。通过对当雄错第四纪晚期发育的3层叠层石的地球化学特征以及14C年龄研究发现:叠层石发育最佳温度20~30℃,当温度低于12~15℃时,蓝藻停止生长。目前,当雄错湖水年均温度为4.8℃,可知当时水温高于现代10℃;这3层叠层石的14C年龄分别与同布林(Bölling)和阿路罗德(Allevöd)两次暖期事件,及10.5 ka~9 kaBP全新世早期转暖期一致,并且叠层石中δ18O均值在-7.23~-6.6之间,δ13C均值在4.75~5.65之间,两者均较高,可知当雄错当时气温较高。该时段3个暖期的发现,对详细建立划分青藏高原第四纪晚期气候-年代学标尺有重要价值。  相似文献   

利用锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得大宁岩体形成年龄为441.1±3.0 Ma,其包体年龄为439.5±3.6 Ma,初洞岩体形成年龄为423.5~434.2 Ma。结果表明,大宁岩体及其包体几乎同期形成,而初洞岩体是后期的侵入体。Lu-Hf同位素研究结果表明,大宁岩体及其暗色包体与初洞岩体具有相似的Hf同位素组成,在εHf(t)-年龄图上落在1440~1960 Ma的老地壳区间,表明三者的岩浆源区均是早元古代到中元古代地壳,暗色包体是岩浆早期分离结晶的产物,而初洞岩体是岩浆结晶分异晚期的产物。  相似文献   

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