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Muscles from themdx mouse (X-linked genetic disorder similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy) lack dystrophin-associated transsarcolemmal proteins1 and show reduced maintenance metabolic rates2. Here, microcalorimetric comparisons of metabolic stimulation by exogenous substrates in isolated muscles revealed substrate-selective limitation of chemical reaction rates through both glycolytic and TCA-cycle pathways, identical in slow- and fast-twitchmdx muscles. This systemic approach, as opposed to comparisons of single-enzyme activities, sheds new light on the function of dystrophin and associated proteins. The in vivo efficiency of metabolic pathways may depend on stabilization of enzyme complexes by dystrophin-associated elements of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

N Nakahata 《Experientia》1978,34(3):362-363
Glycerinated smooth muscle was contracted almost maximally with 15 mM Mg and 5 mM ATP, while extracted skeletal and cardiac muscles needed Ca ion with 15 mM Mg and 5 mM ATP for producing contraction.  相似文献   

Summary Glycerinated smooth muscle was contracted almost maximally with 15 mM Mg and 5 mM ATP, while extracted skeletal and cardiac muscles needed Ca ion with 15 mM Mg and 5 mM ATP for producing contraction.Acknowledgments. I thank Prof. T. Suzuki and Dr H. Nakanishi for helpful suggestions, and Mr G. Ito for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Proteolytic capacity in mouse cardiac muscle was analyzed 1, 3, and 6 days after exhaustive intermittent or submaximal prolonged running. No significant changes were recorded in the activities of acid or alkaline proteases, -glucuronidase or trypsin inhibitor. Similarly, no changes were found in the rates of acid or neutral autolysis.Supported by grants (Nos 8840/78/77 and 8208/78/78) from the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Finland.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli Autori hanno studiato il metabolismo ossidativo e le frazioni fosforilate dell'omogenato di muscolo e di cuore in cavie normali e in cavie trattate con tossina tetanica. Nel muscolo tetanizzato si produce una forte diminuzione di ATP, insieme con un forte aumento di AMP e con un lieve aumento di ADP. La fosforilazione ossidativa è normale, la succinossidasi, la d-aminoacidossidasi e la citocromossidasi non subiscono modificazioni, la ATPasi dell'omogenato totale e quella mitocondriale non presentano differenze significative dal normale, ma la ATPasi presente nelle miofibrille è fortemente aumentata. Anche il contenuto di acidi ribo- e desossiribonucleinico è diminuito. Gli autori concludono che la diminuzione dell'ATP è dovuta ad una aumentata demolizione piuttosto che ad una diminuita sintesi.  相似文献   

The results showed that the total content of lipids, which could be peroxidized with Fe(2 +)/ascorbate stimulation in vitro, was 45.4% and 53.7% higher than normal in the dystrophic hamster muscle at the age of 1 and 3 months, respectively. Correspondingly, the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation (stimulated by ADP-chelated iron at 37 degrees C) was 38.6-74.3% higher in dystrophic muscles. The increases were not related to necrotic lesions and inflammation observed. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase and catalase were increased in dystrophic muscles but those of superoxide dismutases and glutathione peroxidase were unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary The results showed that the total content of lipids, which could be peroxidized with Fe(2+)/ascorbate stimulation in vitro, was 45.4% and 53.7% higher than normal in the dystrophic hamster muscle at the age of 1 and 3 months, respectively. Correspondingly, the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation (stimulated by ADP-chelated iron at 37°C) was 38.6–74.3% higher in dystrophic muscles. The increases were not related to necrotic lesions and inflammation observed. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase and catalase were increased in dystrophic muscles but those of superoxide dismutases and glutathione peroxidase were unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary In isolated cardiac and skeletal muscle inulin space increased significantly after isometric contractions: no significant change (in myocardium) or a less pronounced increase (in skeletal preparations) was found following isotonic responses. The HTO space was uninfluenced by the contractile activity.This work war partially supported by C.N.R., Italy, through grant No. 74.00266.  相似文献   

Summary Catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were determined in muscles from 12-month-old rats after severe starvation and after subsequent refeeding. Catalase increased in most muscles after starvation and decreased after refeeding, while SOD remained unchanged.This research was supported by the Science and Education Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture under grant No. 5901-0410-8-0014-0 from the Competitive Grants Office. We thank Dr Craig Frisk for advice in the care of the animals.Scientific Journal Series No. 11, 191, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

A Mohsin 《Experientia》1979,35(8):1072-1073
The effects of gamma rays and caffeine on total free amino acids were assessed in unirradiated and irradiated ageing Drosophila. As age advances, there is a rise in the quantity of free amino acids in untreated males and females. Gamma rays and caffeine strongly reduce the level of free amino acids in both the sexes.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'ipertrofia compensatoria dei muscoli soleo e plantare di ratto in seguito a tenotomia del sinergista gastrocnemio non appare mediata dall'innervazione, ma è verosimilmente legata a un effetto diretto della accresciuta tensione meccanica sui muscoli interessati.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of compensatory hypertrophy in skeletal muscles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

F S Mong 《Experientia》1988,44(7):601-603
Soleus (SOL) muscles were grafted into extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle beds (EDL-first-graft). Sixty days later, some mature EDL-first-grafts were regrafted into their own beds (EDL-second-grafts). Fully regenerated muscle fibers and satellite cells were observed in both types of mature grafts. The ratios of satellite cell nuclei per total nuclei (myonuclei and satellite cell nuclei) were 4.81 +/- 0.47% for EDL-2nd graft, 4.26 +/- 0.51% for EDL-1st-graft, 4.30 +/- 0.33% for control SOL, and 3.30 +/- 0.18% for control EDL. It is thought that satellite cells are required for the repeated activity of muscle fiber regeneration. The persistance of satellite cells in EDL-second-grafts suggests that satellite cells are not depleted during the first grafting, making second-grafts possible.  相似文献   

Summary Soleus (SOL) muscles were grafted into extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle beds (EDL-first-graft). Sixty days later, some mature EDL-first-grafts were regrafted into their own beds (EDL-second-grafts). Fully regenerated muscle fibers and satellite cells were observed in both types of mature grafts. The ratios of satellite cell nuclei per total nuclei (myonuclei and satellite cell nuclei) were 4.81±0.47% for EDL-2nd graft, 4.26±0.51% for EDL-1st-graft, 4.30±0.33% for control SOL, and 3.30±0.18% for control EDL. It is thought that satellite cells are required for the repeated activity of muscle fiber regeneration. The persistance of satellite cells in EDL-second-grafts suggests that satellite cells are not depleted during the first grafting, making second-grafts possible.  相似文献   

Résumé Les mesures de résonance paramagnétique électronique effectuées jusqu' à présent sur le muscle n'ont pas tenu compte de la différentiation de ce tissu en muscles blancs et rouges. Nous avons comparé les signaux du muscle blanc, du muscle cardiaque et de divers muscles rouges de carpe. Le muscle blanc présente une très faible intensité; le myocarde et différents muscles rouges donnent des valeurs plus élevées en accord avec leur plus grande teneur en mitochondries. Le muscle rouge de la ligne latérale se distingue toutefois des autres muscles rouges par un signal environ 2×plus intense dû, comme le montrent des examens histologiques, à la présence dans ce cas de mélanocytes situés le long de faisceaux conjonctifs et de capillaires sanguins.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Fähigkeit des Skelettmuskels, in der Ruhe Kreatin-Phosphat (KP) zu restituieren, wird an der Ratte, gesondert an weisser und roter Muskulatur, untersucht. Das Gesamt-Kreatin ist in beiden Muskelarten zwischen jungen, erwachsenen (6–9 Monate) und alten Tieren (25–37 Monate) nicht verschieden. Dagegen ist die Restitution von KP nach gleich langer Ruheperiode bei jungen erwachsenen grösser als bei alten Tieren; in weissen Muskeln 50,1 gegenüber 17,6%, in roten Muskeln 23,6 gegenüber 12,5%.  相似文献   

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