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Zusammenfassung Erstmaliger Nachweis der Kristallisationszentren in den Statolithen des Innenohrs 15 Tage alter Mäuseembryonen. Die primären Statokonien sind aus lockerer Grundsubstanz aufgebaut mit elektronendichten Körnchen von 20–60 å, die als erste Kalzitpräzipitate aufgefasst werden.  相似文献   

Résumé On a étudié le poumon au microscope électronique par des méthodes speciales pour ménager les inclusions lamellaries osmiophiliques. On a conclu que la substance tensioactive n'est pas produite par la membrane superficielle des cellules alvéolaires, mais par les inclusions lamellaires des cellules du second type.  相似文献   

Summary The histamine-laden mast cells gastric mucosa in albino rats are shown to degranulate on administration of Betamethasone, but they increase in number in adrenalectomized rats. It is concluded that Betamethasone, and also adrenal glucocorticoids incrase gastric secretion by liberating histamine from mast cells and histamine in turn acts on the gastric glands.  相似文献   

Summary Pylorus ligation in normal albino rats acts like a stressor leading to degranulation of mast cells in gastric mucosa, thereby decreasing their number. This decrease is less pronounced when pylorus ligation is done in adrenalectomized rats. This implies that action of a stressor on gastric function involves the adrenal steroids which liberate the powerful gastric stimulant histamine from gastric mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Retikulozyten von Meerschweinchen, in denen Anämie durch Blutentzug hervorgerufen worden war, wurden in Dünnschnitten elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Dabei wurden dieselben filamentösen Körper mit charakteristischer Mitochondrienstruktur, die auch nach teilweiser Trocknung hämolysierter Ausstriche von Retikulozyten auftreten, gefunden. Diese Filamente formen die durch Vitalfärbung (Janusgrün B) dargestellte innere Struktur der Retikulozyten und besitzen Affinität zu den spezifischen Mitochondrienfarbstoffen. Auf Grund dieser Feststellungen wird die Natur der «substantia granulo-filamentosa» für mitochondrienartig und somit präexistent gehalten.

This study has been aided by a grant from the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Brazil).  相似文献   

The histamine-laden mast cells of gastric mucosa in albino rats are shown to degranulate on administration of Betamethasone, but they increase in number in adrenalectomized rats. It is concluded that Betamethasone, and also adrenal glucocorticoids increase gastric secretion by liberating histamine from mast cells and histamine in turn acts on the gastric glands.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Erstmalig werden ultrastrukturell neuroepitheliale Synapsen vegetativer Nerven an den Hauptzellen von Nebenschilddrüsen (Mensch) nachgewiesen. Eine nervöse Beeinflussung der Parathormonsynthese und -sekretion ist daher möglich.  相似文献   

Pylorus ligation in normal albino rats acts like a stressor leading to degranulation of mast cells in gastric mucosa, thereby decreasing their number. This decrease is less pronounced when pylorus ligation is done in adrenalectomized rats. This implies that action of a stressor on gastric function involves the adrenal steroids which liberate the powerful gastric stimulant histamine from gastric mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

Résumé A l'aide de diverses techniques (rouge de ruthénium, APT, acide périodique-TCH-protéinate d'argent), un revêtement de nature mucopolysaccharidique est mis en évidence à la périphérie des cellules d'Eponges. Le rôle et la signification de cette structure sont analysés.

This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (E.R.A. No. 183, R.C.P. No. 248).  相似文献   

Rats having undergone parietal cell vagotomy (PCV) or PCV with antrectomy were sacrificed and gastric mucosal samples studies by electron microscopy. Degeneration of axons was followed by the appearance of small, neurotubule-rich axons which increased in size and number with increasing postoperative interval. The source of these regenerating fibers is unknown but may have come from the fundus.  相似文献   

Summary Rats having undergone parietal cell vagotomy (PCV) or PCV with antrectomy were sacrificed and gastric mucosal samples studies by electron microscopy. Degeneration of axons was followed by the appearance of small, neurotubule-rich axons which increased in size and number with increasing postoperative interval. The source of these regenerating fibers is unknown but may have come from the fundus.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nella tonaca muscolare interna dell'intestino tenue di ratto si osservano numerosi fasci di fibre nervose; una distinzione tra fibre intramuscolari vere e proprie e fibre perivascolari non è possibile in quanto ogni ordine di fasci ha rapporti intimi con cellule muscolari lisce proprie della tonaca muscolare. L'osservazione di tre tipi di espansioni a vescicole distinte, senza forme di passaggio, fa ritenere verosimile l'esistenza di tre tipi differenti di fibre nervose.  相似文献   

Summary A fluorescence histochemical investigation of the cardiac nerves ofEledone moschata has demonstrated that they contain catecholamines. This suggests that the cephalopod heart is supplied by a double innervation, where cholinergic and aminergic mechanisms work antagonistically. This is similar to the vertebrate cardiac innervation and therefore represents a convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of the intercalated discs of cardiac muscle tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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