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林世裕 《江苏大学学报(自然科学版)》1987,(3)
本文介绍在内星轮型与外星轮型滚柱式超越离合器中压紧弹簧的作用,选择弹簧压力Ps时应满足的基本条件,并推导出弹簧压力Ps的各种计算公式。本文将这些计算公式与数值示例列成表格加以分析比较。由于滚柱与座圈、星轮以及弹簧顶销之间的滑动摩擦力对于所需弹簧压力Ps的影响相当大,因此本文最后指出,在文献[6~8]中所常用的忽略摩擦力作用的弹簧压力近似计算公式误差较大,不宜采用。 相似文献
燕永林 《新疆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2005,24(2):95-97
运用运动生物力学理论,对标枪最后用力影响因素进行分析。结果表明,要提高标枪成绩,重点应放在右腿及时地发力,左腿有力的制动,这可直接影响动量传递效果。 相似文献
公共图书馆的资源整合需求、服务提升需求、空间优化需求以及用户期待需求是政府购买公共图书馆服务的赋能主体,而商业营利思维的侵蚀、政府公共责任的阙如、社会力量的无序参与及公众的边缘化参与等因素会制约其赋能效果.借助互联网平台推行资源利用、结合总分馆体系助力服务改善、坚持公益性导向驱动空间改造以及提高读者参与度维持用户期待,有利于增强政府购买公共图书馆服务的需求赋能. 相似文献
Membrane biophysics. Surface conduction of protons 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M J Selwyn 《Nature》1986,322(6081):685-686
部分子的分布函数和碎裂函数是研究和分析高能物理实验的重要基础.对质子的价夸克分布函数q(x)和价夸克碎裂为质子的碎裂函数D(x)的关系进行了分析,发现D(x)=(1/6)q(x)可以很好地将它们联系起来.因此,可以通过比较成熟的质子的部分子分布函数来构建部分子碎裂为质子的碎裂函数.利用此关系,建立了一组新的碎裂函数的参数式,计算了相应的微分散射截面并与实验进行了比较.此工作可以确定价夸克碎裂为质子的碎裂函数,以减少拟合部分子碎裂函数时的不确定性. 相似文献
Clustered DNA damage is considered as a critical type of lesions induced by ionizing radiation, which can be converted into the fatal or strong mutagenic complex double strand breaks (DSBs) during damage processing in the cells. The new data show that high energy protons produce more potentially lethal DSBs than low LET radiation. In this study, plasmid DNA were used to in-vestigate and re-evaluate the biological effects induced by the protons with the LET of ~3.6 keV/μm at the molecular level in vitro, including single strand breaks (SSBs), DSBs, isolated and clustered base damages. The results of complex DNA damage detections indicated that protons at the given LET value induce about 1.6 fold more non-DSB clustered DNA damages than the prompt DSB. The DNA damage yields by protons were greater than that by γ-rays, specifically by 6 fold for the isolated type of DNA damage and 14 fold for the clustered damage. Furthermore, the spectrum of damages was also demonstrated to be depended on the radiation quality, with protons producing more DSBs relative to clusters than do γ-rays. 相似文献
Schwoerer H Pfotenhauer S Jäckel O Amthor KU Liesfeld B Ziegler W Sauerbrey R Ledingham KW Esirkepov T 《Nature》2006,439(7075):445-448
Particle acceleration based on high intensity laser systems (a process known as laser-plasma acceleration) has achieved high quality particle beams that compare favourably with conventional acceleration techniques in terms of emittance, brightness and pulse duration. A long-term difficulty associated with laser-plasma acceleration--the very broad, exponential energy spectrum of the emitted particles--has been overcome recently for electron beams. Here we report analogous results for ions, specifically the production of quasi-monoenergetic proton beams using laser-plasma accelerators. Reliable and reproducible laser-accelerated ion beams were achieved by intense laser irradiation of solid microstructured targets. This proof-of-principle experiment serves to illuminate the role of laser-generated plasmas as feasible particle sources. Scalability studies show that, owing to their compact size and reasonable cost, such table-top laser systems with high repetition rates could contribute to the development of new generations of particle injectors that may be suitable for medical proton therapy. 相似文献
An important source of thermal H(+) and/or D(+) has been overlooked in the ionosphere of Venus which supports the choice of H(+) and/or D(+) as the dominant light ion at high altitudes. 相似文献
Solid hydrogen, a simple system consisting only of protons and electrons, exhibits a variety of structural phase transitions at high pressures. Experimental studies based on static compression up to about 230 GPa revealed three relevant phases of solid molecular hydrogen: phase I (high-temperature, low-pressure phase), phase II (low-temperature phase) and phase III (high-pressure phase). Spectroscopic data suggest that symmetry breaking, possibly related to orientational ordering, accompanies the transition into phases II and III. The boundaries dividing the three phases exhibit a strong isotope effect, indicating that the quantum-mechanical properties of hydrogen nuclei are important. Here we report the quantum distributions of protons in the three phases of solid hydrogen, obtained by a first-principles path-integral molecular dynamics method. We show that quantum fluctuations of protons effectively hinder molecular rotation--that is, a quantum localization occurs. The obtained crystal structures have entirely different symmetries from those predicted by the conventional simulations which treat protons classically. 相似文献
P-D背散射截面及质子在固体中的多次散射 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
报道了由质子束轰击Mo厚衬底上的氯化钛薄膜的背散射谱得出的P-D背散射的截面数据.由于P-D散射谱是叠加在P-Mo背散射谱上的,所以通过对服从卢瑟福截面公式的P-Mo背散射谱进行理论拟合而间接得出P-D背散射产额.讨论了质子在固体中的多次散射对P-Mo散射谱高度的影响,这种影响是不能忽视的,它使实验谱和不考虑多次散射效应而得出的理论谱有很大差异.并根据实验数据总结出了多次散射造成谱的升高对散射能量、散射深度、及散射角度的依赖关系. 相似文献
Memory in enzyme membranes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Modulation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in skeletal muscle by intracellular protons 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
N W Davies 《Nature》1990,343(6256):375-377
Since their discovery in cardiac muscle, ATP-sensitive K+(KATP) channels have been identified in pancreatic beta-cells, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and central neurons. The activity of KATP channels is inhibited by the presence of cytosolic ATP. Their wide distribution indicates that they could have important physiological roles that may vary between tissues. In muscle cells the role of K+ channels is to control membrane excitability and the duration of the action potential. In anoxic cardiac ventricular muscle KATP channels are believed to be responsible for shortening the action potential, and it has been proposed that a fall in ATP concentration during metabolic exhaustion increases the activity of KATP channels in skeletal muscle, which may reduce excitability. But the intracellular concentration of ATP in muscle is buffered by creatine phosphate to 5-10 mM, and changes little, even during sustained activity. This concentration is much higher than the intracellular ATP concentration required to half block the KATP-channel current in either cardiac muscle (0.1 mM) or skeletal muscle (0.14 mM), indicating that the open-state probability of KATP channels is normally very low in intact muscle. So it is likely that some additional means of regulating the activity of KATP channels exists, such as the binding of nucleotides other than ATP. Here I present evidence that a decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) markedly reduces the inhibitory effect of ATP on these channels in excised patches from frog skeletal muscle. Because sustained muscular activity can decrease pHi by almost 1 unit in the range at which KATP channels are most sensitive to pHi, it is likely that the activity of these channels in skeletal muscle is regulated by intracellular protons under physiological conditions. 相似文献
M Wikstr?m 《Nature》1984,308(5959):558-560
The stoichiometry and mechanism of redox-linked proton translocation by the mitochondrial respiratory chain is a major issue of debate in membrane bioenergetics. The function of cytochrome oxidase is a focal point of disagreement. In 1977 it was suggested that the terminal component of the respiratory chain, cytochrome oxidase, functions as a redox-linked proton pump. That and subsequent studies were based mainly on measurements of proton ejection from mitochondria or from vesicles reconstituted with isolated cytochrome oxidase, or on measurements of translocation of electrical charge equivalents across mitochondrial and vesicle membranes. This proton-translocating function of cytochrome oxidase is confirmed here by a quantitative determination of proton uptake from the inside (matrix) of intact mitochondria. 相似文献