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Coesite is an indicator mineral of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism. Since coesite was reported in the Habutengsu Valley, we have also found it in eclogite and schist from the Atantayi Valley in the southwestern Tianshan, China. Petrographic and micro-Raman analyses were carried out for the Atantayi metamorphic rocks and coesite was recognized in the predominant rock types, i.e. schist and eclogite, from three sections. The coesite-bearing schist consists mainly of garnet, Na-Ca amphibole, quartz, white mica and albite; the coesite-bearing eclogite is mainly composed of omphacite, garnet, glaucophane and zoisite. The coesite occurs as various mineral inclusions within porphyroblastic garnet. Findings of coesite in eclogite and associated schist indicate not only the regional in situ formation of the Atantayi ultra-high-pressure eclogite, but also the large areal extent of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism in southwestern Tianshan, extending up to 10 km north-south and 60-80 km east-west.  相似文献   

Four rock assemblages in correspondence with two different tectonic settings have been recognized in the NEE-SWW extending HP-UHP metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, northwest China. Eclogite assemblage EC1 is geochemically akin to alkaline within-plate oceanic island basalt (OIB). EC2 shows affinity to enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (EMORB). Rare earth element (REE) and other immobile trace element characteristics of blueschist assemblage BS1 resemble those of normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (NMORB). These three assemblages are likely formed on a seamount setting, and the prevalent presence of carbonate minerals and omphacite quartzite stripes/gobbets suggests ancient pelagic sediments including marls are probably developed upon the basaltic seamount. Whereas the geochemical characteristics of BS2 assemblage are of volcanic arc basalt-type. The seamount with the pelagic sediments on it is brought into the subduction zone, and volcanic arc basalts formed on the active continental margin and trench sediments are eroded and enwrapped in the subducting mass, they are altogether subjected to high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism and subsequent exhumation towards surface. The HP-UHP metamorphic belt is thus interpreted as a subduction-accretionary complex formed by tectonic juxtaposition and imbrication of seamount, seafloor, trench and volcanic arc sequences during oceanic crust subduction.  相似文献   

The geological characteristics of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belts formed by deep subduction of oceanic crust are summarized in this paper. Oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is characterized by its protolithlc assemblage of typical oceanic crust, the peak metamorphic temperature 〈600℃, P-T path undergoing blueschist facies during prograde and retrograde metamorphic evolution, reepectively, with low geothermal gradient of cold subduction. The further study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is very significant for constructing metamorphic reaction series of cold subduction zone, for understanding how aqueous fluids were transported into deep mantle and for classifying the types of UHP metamorphism in cold subduction zone. The uplift and exhumation mechanism of oceanic UHP metamorphic rocks is one of the most challenging problems in the study of UHP metamorphism, which is very important for understanding the geodynamic mechanism of solid Earth. As a traveler eubducted into the mantle depth end then uplifted to the surface, oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts witness the bulk process from the subduction to exhumation and is an ideal target to study the geochemical behavior end cycling of elements in subduction zones. The tectonic evolution of one convergent orogenic belt can be usually divided into two stages of oceanic subduction and followed continental subduction and collision, and the two best-established examples of orogenic belts are Alpa and Himalaya. Therefore, the study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is the frontier of the current plate tectonic theory. As two case studies, the current status and existing problems of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts in Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam, NW China, are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

西南天山金锑成矿带成矿远景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国新疆西南天山是中亚南天山金和有色金属成矿带的东延部分,成矿潜力巨大.分析了区域成矿背景,总结了金、锑成矿规律,划分了6个成矿带和15个金、锑成矿区,对4个重点成矿区的成矿远景进行了分析.指出萨瓦亚尔顿河上游、乌兰赛尔-萨恨托亥、乌什北山、哈尔克成矿带的西北部、查汗萨拉、卡拉脚古牙应作为首批重点研究和找矿靶区.提出穆龙套型金矿应作为主攻类型,对于锑矿应重视碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩接触部位的破碎带,并注意锑与其他金属的共生规律.  相似文献   

The basic granulite, which is considered to be the MORE based on geochemistry and isotopic characteristics[1], has been discovered recently as the enclaves in the Yingjiang island-arc magmatic suite on the border of Burma and west Yunnan, east of Myitkyina suture in the eastern Burma. The laser micro-area 40Ar-39Ar technique is used to date the age of garnet and cliopyroxene that is the result of the early metamorphic event. The isochron outcome is -74.4 Ma which is induced to be the age of the suduction event of the Myitkyina oceanic crust on the basis of the Cenozoic lithosphere tectonic evolution, tectonic thermal events and the age of deformation and metamorphism. The discovery of the high-grade or high-pressure metamophic rocks in the island-arc magmatic suite by the way of studying its P-T-t paths can provide a good way to study the age and process of oceanic crust subduction, slab break-off, metamorphic terrain exhumation and the evolution of paleoocean basin.  相似文献   

祁程  何欣昕  艾虎  杨明  汪来 《科学技术与工程》2022,22(35):15494-15505
北天山七角井南部地区位于北天山造山带博格达-哈尔里克裂谷南缘,是准噶尔-巴尔喀什火山岩型铀成矿带的重要组成部分。铀矿化主要赋存于受北东向构造控制的晚二叠世石英斑岩裂隙带中,或者石英斑岩外接触带砂岩、凝灰质砂岩中,以及断裂构造破碎蚀变带中,因此,厘定石英斑岩空间展布特征对扩大深部矿化规模具有重要意义。选择音频大地电磁测量与地面高精度磁测相结合的物探方法,对该地区的石英斑岩进行探测,采用Rubust阻抗估算技术、二维有限元差分法的电磁数值模拟技术、非线性共轭梯度法的电磁反演技术、2.5D地磁异常反演技术等进行综合研究,结合地质背景,大致查明了石英斑岩深部发育情况。研究结果表明:晚二叠世石英斑岩沿北东向断裂构造破碎带呈裂隙式侵入,呈狭长线性带状分布,自西向东,石英斑岩深部规模呈下窄上宽→下宽上窄变化的形态。受北西向构造挤压抬升作用影响较大,石英斑岩被抬升并剥蚀,西部岩体破碎更强烈。结合钻孔验证情况,分析推断铀成矿有利区有2片,为下一步铀矿勘查工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(15):1345-1351
The Ar-Ar dating of phengite and omphacite in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite of Bixiling and Hengchong in the South Dabie Terrain shows that the content range of excess argon is as high as (0.4–1.3)×108 mol · g1. The genesis of the excess argon is discussed. The Ar-Ar age spectra of omphacite could not support the opinion that the UHP metamorphism occurred in Caledon epoch and pre-Caledon epoch.  相似文献   

The Ar-Ar dating of phengite and omphacite in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite of Bixiling and Hengchong in the South Dabie Terrain shows that the content range of excess argon is as high as (0.4-1.3)×10-8 mol.>g-1. The genesis of the excess argon is discussed. The Ar-Ar age spectra of omphacite could not support the opinion that the UHP metamorphism occurred in Caledon epoch and pre-Caledon epoch.  相似文献   

参照目前的石炭纪和二叠纪地层划分方案,笔者将云南澜沧老厂矿区石炭系与滇西凤庆平掌剖面石炭系进行对比,认为老厂矿区只存在相当于平掌组下段的地层;根据在矿区原中上石炭统"C2 3"碳酸盐岩中所采到的化石面貌显示,该套碳酸盐岩应该属于早二叠世紫松期的沉积,即为下二叠统鱼塘寨组的上段,因而矿区平掌组上段的地层及上石炭统缺失.并重新厘定了老厂矿区的地层层序.  相似文献   

Backscattered electron images, in situ Hf isotopes, U-Pb ages and trace elements of zircons in a banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt have been studied. The results show that the banded granulite is a sample derived from the early lower crust of the North China craton. It is difficult to explain the petrogenesis of the xenolith with a single process. Abundant information on several processes, however, is contained in the granulite. These processes in-clude the addition of mantle material, crustal remelting, metamorphic differentiation and the delamination of early lower crust. About 80% of zircons studied yield ages of 1842 ±40 Ma, except few ages of 3097-2824 Ma and 2489-2447 Ma. The zircons with ages older than 2447 Ma have high εHf (up to +18.3) and high Hf model age (2.5-2.6 Ga), indicating that the primitive materials of the granulite were derived mainly from a depleted mantle source in late Archean. Most εhf of the zircons with early Proterozoic U-Pb age vary around zero, but two have  相似文献   

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