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Zusammenfassung Der Effekt von Clomifenhydrogencitrat und von Cyclofenil auf den LH-Gehalt der Hypophyse und den LH-RF-Gehalt des Hypothalamus wurde an kastrierten, weiblichen Ratten untersucht, die mit Östradiol und Progesteron blockiert worden waren. Während die Injektion von Cyclofenil im Dosisbereich von 100 bis 600 g/Tier zu einem Abfall von sowohl LH als auch LH-RF führte, konnte bei Verabreichung von Clomifen nur bei der Gabe von 25 g/Tier eine signifikante Herabsetzung von LH und LH-RF beobachtet werden.  相似文献   

Sulpiride administration to rats releases prolactin and increases DNA replication in the anterior pituitary gland. Clomiphene prevents the stimulation of DNA synthesis produced by sulpiride, but does not affect prolactin release from the gland. These findings suggest that the intracellular prolactin content of the anterior pituitary gland plays a role in the regulation of DNA synthesis through a mechanism mediated by oestrogens.  相似文献   

Summary In the immature rat, CNS stimulants administration to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) primed rats resulted in significant (p<0.01) ovarian and uterine hypertrophy when compared to animals treated with PMSG only. Meanwhile precocious puberty was produced by pentylenetetrazol treatment alone. The results of this experiment may indicate that administration of CNS stimulants has a specific action on the release of endogenous gonadotropin.Supported by NIH grant no. RR 8111.National Institute of Health, MBS Graduate Trainee.  相似文献   

Summary Sulpiride administration to rats releases prolactin and increases DNA replication in the anterior pituitary gland. Clomiphene prevents the stimulation of DNA synthesis produced by sulpiride, but does not affect prolactin release from the gland. These findings suggest that the intracellular prolactin content of the anterior pituitary gland plays a role in the regulation of DNA synthesis through a mechanism mediated by oestrogens.This work was supported by PLAMIRH, by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and by the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (Argentina). We are grateful to Dr P. Scacchi for performing the radioimmunoassay and to Prof. C. J. Gómez for the opportunity to perform this work.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of bromocryptine treatment on the timing of vaginal patency and 1st oestrus in female rats was studied. No significant influence of bromocryptine on these parameters was noted, and it is concluded that suppression of prolactin secretion has no effect on puberty attainment.Acknowledgment. We thank Professor E. Flückiger and Dr H. Friedli, Pharmaceutical Division, Sandoz Ltd, Basle, Switzerland, for the donation of bromocryptine mesylate.  相似文献   

Summary The delay of puberty onset in female rats adrenalectomized before the 25th day of age is due neither to changes in the number of ovarian HCG-receptors nor to an altered hormone affinity of these receptors. It is assumed that glucocorticoids act on an intracellular level, in the ovarian cells, possibly by alterations of cyclic AMP-dependent phosphodiesterase activity.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 46). Purified HCG was a gift of Schering AG, Berlin-West. We thank Mrs Margarete Lindig for assistance and Mrs Ursula Frigewski for secretarial help.  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged administration of nonphysiological amounts of estrogen induced markedly enlarged nucleoli volumes in rat hepatocytes, indicative of increased nucleolar RNA synthesis. Physiological amounts of drug had no apparent morphological effects on the hepatocytes.I thank Dr L. Biempica, Department of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, for the electron microscopy studies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine halbe Stunde nach der i.v. Injektion wurde Testosterone-3H von den Nerven- und Glialzellen innerhalb des Gehirns der weiblichen Ratte und Estradiol-3H innerhalb des Gehirns der männlichen Ratte aufgenommen. Zwei Stunden nach der Injektion war die Aufnahme in hohem Masse nur noch in gewissen Teilen des hypothalamisch-limbischen Systems vorhanden.

This investigation was supported by grants from NASA (No. NsG 496) and the John A. Hartford Foundation to Dr.H.-L. Teuber, and from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to Dr.J. Altman, both of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the work was performed while the author was at M.I.T.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Einlagerung von131I-HCG und131I-Serumalbumin in einige Organe unreifer Rattenweibchen wurde gammaradiometrisch gemessen. Eine signifikant erhöhte Akkumulation der Radioaktivität nach131I-HCG-Verabreichung wurde im Ovarium, dem Uterus, der Hypophyse und der Schilddrüse festgestellt.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nei ratti femmine paratiroidectomizzati si osserva un aumento della permeabilità vasale ed una modificazione della colorazione metacromatica del derma, indipendenti dalla concentrazione del calcio nel sangue. Tali variazioni vengono attribuite a modificazioni strutturali dei mucopolisaccaridi della sostanza fondamentale del connettivo.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei je 32 Ratten im Hungerzustand und mit normaler Fütterung wurden Tagesschwankungen von Na, K, Protein, Harnstoff, Phosphor und Glukose im Serum gefunden. Die Schwankungen spiegeln zweifellos die Aktivität mehrerer endokriner Sekretionen wider, welche wiederum von der Biologischen Uhr8 beeinflusst werden.

This investigation was supported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant No. HE 06975 from the National Heart Institute.  相似文献   

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