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The influences of various auxiliary agents on solubility ofthe disperse dye were studied.In the presence of the auxiliary agents during the dyeing of polyester microfi-ber,the dye uptake and migration were measured andeffects of these agentes were discussed.The effect of mix-ture of these agents was also studied in an attempt to im-prove the levelling and depth of polyester super microfi-ber dyeing.  相似文献   

One-bath Dyeing of Polyester/Wool Blend with Disperse Dyes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of auxiliary LAB as vehicle in dyeing polyester/ wool blends with disperse dyes is described. Dye exhaustion and bonding on polyester/wool samples are studied under different experimental conditions - the LAB amount, the temperature and pH value - to achieve optimum conditions. The results are compared with those obtained with and without conventional dyeing auxiliary products. Although dye exhaustion is higher in the presence of commercial carriers, the dye bonded increases markedly in the presence of auxiliary LAB in both fibers. The role played by auxiliary LAB in polyester/wool blend dyeing can provide a new method for this process.  相似文献   

对文题的研究表明,染料阳离子与纤维内部的阴离子经离子交换而结合。染色是放热及熵减小过程。苯甲醇的存在,提高了染色饱和值和染色速度;降低了染色亲合力、染色热及染色熵;消除了环染,其效果随染浴(或纤维)内苯甲醇浓度的升高而加强。用红外光谱法及X-射线衍射法测定了经苯甲醇水溶液处理过的聚合物的结晶性能;用差式扫描量热法、拉伸试验和动态粘弹谱等方法测定了该聚合物的熔融及力学性能。结果表明,苯甲醇渗入了聚合物(纤维)内部,并减弱其非晶区的分子间的相互作用,但不破坏结晶区,同时导致纤维溶胀,链段淌动性加强,因而促进了染色。  相似文献   

文章选用了几种不同结构类型的分散染料对氨纶的染色性能进行研究,探讨了分散染料结构与氨纶染色的上染百分率的关系,系统研究了影响分散染料染氨纶的主要工艺参数(温度、时间、pH值),以及这些工艺参数对氨纶的断裂强力和弹性回复率的影响。研究表明,氨纶纤维用分散染料染色,偶氮苯类和含有-OH,-NH2等极性基团且分子较大的蒽醌类的分散染料,染色性能较好,上染率达80%以上。染色工艺条件为:90~95℃,pH值4~6,染色40~60min。  相似文献   

The dyeing deference between the superfine and the con-ventional polyester fabric is discussed. The major threefactors affecting the level dyeing property of superfinepolyester-initial adsorption rate, desorption rate andinterface migration rate of dyestuffs at 70℃ are studied.The levelness improves considerably with decreased ini-tial adsorption rate, increased desorption rate and inter-face migration rate. And then a mathematical indexbased on them is established. The evaluation to dispersedyes resulting from it corresponds with their perfor-mance during industrial process. As new definitions, ini-tial adsorption rate and desorption rate of dyestuffs arefirstly introduced.  相似文献   

研究了染色时间、pH、常用助剂等对自制叠氮类活性黄染料染涤纶纤维的上染百分率及染色深度的影响,从而确定了叠氮类活性黄染料常压沸染涤纶的最佳染色工艺。结果表明,该染料能在常压沸染条件下染涤纶,而且染色牢度好。  相似文献   

分散染料微胶囊/活性染料涤棉一浴法染色工艺初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用原位聚合法对分散染料进行双层造壁,制得分散染料微胶囊并应用于分散染料微胶囊/活性染料涤棉一浴法染色.通过改变染色条件中的浴比、染色温度、保温时间,研究分散染料微胶囊/活性染料涤棉织物的一浴法染色新工艺,并得出最佳染色工艺条件.  相似文献   

一种天然染料的提取及对涤纶织物的染色工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种天然染料的提取和对涤纶织物的染色工艺,测定了染色织物的染色牢度和抗菌性能.结果表明:该天然染料提取最佳工艺为植物用量90 g/L,提取温度80℃,时间60 min,助剂浓度25 g/L;染色最佳工艺为温度120℃,pH=5,染色45 min;后媒法最佳工艺为45℃,时间为30~60 min,媒染剂3%(o.w.f.).染色涤纶织物有较好的耐洗牢度和摩擦牢度,均可达4~5级,且有一定的抗菌性.  相似文献   

本文研究了分散深蓝HGL(C.I.分散蓝79)染料用木质素磺酸钠Lignosol D-30为分散剂时高温染色过程中的化学稳定性。发现在高温染色过程中存在着部分染料结构中的Br被H原子所取代的副反应其产物能上染涤纶并影响产品色译。选择低还原性分散剂、降低分散剂用量和控制染浴pH值,可保持该染料高温染色的稳定性,获得较好染色效果。  相似文献   

在不同pH染浴中测试了C.I.分散红60及其相关品种(C。I。分散红127、146及191)对涤纶织物的染色性能。结果表明,染浴pH不影响C.I.分散红60、191对涤纶织物染色的提升力。中性、碱性染浴下C。I。分散红146对涤纶织物的染色性能优于酸性染浴。C.I.分散红127在碱性染浴下对涤纶织物染色的提升力小于中性染浴,在酸性条件下能获得最佳提升力。染浴pH对上述染料的而晒、耐升华牢度没有影响  相似文献   

咔唑杂环化合物为偶合组分的新型单偶氮分散染料曾被国内某企业替代分散黄RGFL作过批量拚色;其耐碱、耐还原性较强、色光稳定。本文对2-氯-4-硝基和2,5-二氯苯胺重氮盐与咔唑N-乙基咔唑偶合成的4只染料的常规高温高压和热熔法染色性能、牢度作了研究:它们的吸附等温线类似朗格缪尔型;高温高压法的提升力为20~40g/L;190℃升华牢度为3~4级;3%染色深度棉沾色3~5级、2%时皂洗原样变化3~4级、白布沾色3~5级,干、湿摩擦牢度4~5级;极限温升131~148℃;热熔法染色最佳温度为200~210℃;固色率74~94%,提升力为20~40g/L;3%染色深度棉沾色2~3级;干、湿摩牢度为4~5级。高温高压法染色吸尽率、存在的两法差异及部分牢度尚待改进。  相似文献   

In this paper, the adsorption isotherms of two disperse dyes, C.I. Disperse Red 60 and C.I. Disperse orange 76, on two kinds of PU fibers at 90℃ were measured respectively. It was found that these adsorption isotherms followed a dual model, Nernst and Langmuir. Based on the parameters obtained in studying, the relationship between the chemical structure of dyes and their adsorption behaviors was arialyzed. Through the measurement of washing fastness of dyed sample with two dye concentrations, 1% (o.w. f) and 3% (o. w. f), it was found that the pale shade dyeing possessed better wet-fastness than the dark. This phenomenon confirmed further that the disperse dyes were sorbed on the PU fiber by langmuir sorption and the partition mechanism.  相似文献   

测定了分散染料上染超细纤维合成革基布的上染速率曲线及吸附等温线,研究提升基布染色性能.结果表明,分散染料在超细纤维合成革基布中的吸附和扩散行为是由Langmuir定位吸附和Nemst吸附两种不同方式共同作用完成,吸附等温线符合Langmuir-Nernst二元吸附模型.在一定染料浓度范围内,基布染色性能得以提高.  相似文献   

以一个染色模型模拟分散染料的氨纶染色,在此基础上得到分散染料与氨纶纤维大分子的结合发生在硬链段区表面上的结论。并从上染速率曲线、吸附等温线这两方面对分散染料氨纶染色的染色机理作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

利用X-射线衍射分别鉴定了C.I.分散红225和167的两种晶型及无定形,并定量地测试了这些晶型的热稳定性。结果表明:这些晶型受干热的行为相同,都无晶型转变发生:在水中受热时,仅有C.I.分散红167的α晶型转变成了β晶型。在染色时,发生这种晶型的转变会导致染色匀染性下降。又,染色结果表明:这两个染料在涤纶纤维上的上染量受晶型的影响不大。  相似文献   

In this paper, dyeing processes of silk-like fabric of ultra-fine polyester fiber are studied through orthogonal experiment, dyeing properties (K/S value, L^* value, and C^* value) of the fabric are tested under different dyeing conditions (pH value, time, and bath ratlo), and optimum dyeing conditions are arrived at through analysis.  相似文献   

采用烟酸钠、双氰胺和醋酸钠、双氰胺分别对周色助剂对涤棉织物的分散/活性一浴中性法工艺进行了研究。结果表明,该工艺采用两组助剂的染色效果均较好,但后者的成本低于前者。  相似文献   

利用X-射线衍射、DSC热分析和光学行为的测量,对三个分散染料(C.I.分散红225、167,C.I.分散蓝73)在染色涤纶纤维上的固着状态进行了研究。结果表明:这些染料均不以晶体状态固着在纤维上,所以染色纤维的色光与这些染料晶型的颜色没有关系。  相似文献   

使用新合成的氧化偶氮染料对定向和拉伸的聚乙烯醇薄膜染色,制备了具有较高偏振度和耐高温高温性能的偏振片。探讨了染色工艺对偏振片单片透过率和偏振度的影响,并通过正交试验确定了最佳染色工艺。在此染色条件下制备偏振片在单片透过率为40%左右时,偏振度可达到95%以上。  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the feasibility of supercritieal fluid dyeing (SFD) and more available information for the process development, the experiments of dyeing PET textile with C.I. disperse red 60 (anthraquinone type) and C. I. disperse orange 25 (azo type) in supercritieal CO2 were carried out with a high-pressure dyeing apparatus at temperatures from 80 to 130℃ and pressure up to 31 MPa. The effect of operating conditions on color yield (K/S) was investigated in SFD experiment, and the optimum operating conditions for the above two disperse dyes were obtained as follows: the temperature 120℃, the pressure 25 MPa and the dyeing time 100 min. As compared with SFD, the conventional water dyeing (CWD) was carried out with the same dyes and textile. The results show that the better fastness, levelness and apparent color can be achieved in SFD and the SFD process has many significant advantages over the CWD process.  相似文献   

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