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The complete amino-acid sequence of the cyclic GMP-gated channel from bovine retinal rod photoreceptors, deduced by cloning and sequencing its complementary DNA, shows that the protein contains several putative transmembrane segments, followed by a region that is similar to the cyclic GMP-binding domains of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase. Expression of the complementary DNA produces cyclic GMP-gated channel activity in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Structure of retinal photoreceptor membranes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A E Blaurock  M H Wilkins 《Nature》1972,236(5345):313-314

Structure of frog photoreceptor membranes   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A E Blaurock  M H Wilkins 《Nature》1969,223(5209):906-909

M Kahlert  D R Pepperberg  K P Hofmann 《Nature》1990,345(6275):537-539
Bleaching of rhodopsin markedly desensitizes the vertebrate visual system during a subsequent period of dark adaptation. Previous studies have indicated an origin of bleaching desensitization in the visual pigment itself, but have not identified the mechanism of action. A candidate for the site at which densensitization is initially expressed is the activation of transducin (formation of T*) on the rod disk membranes; this reaction directly involves rhodopsin in its photoactivated (R*) form and mediates initial amplification of the visual signal (reviewed in refs 7-9). We have analysed the effect of bleaching on the sensitivity of a flash-induced light-scattering signal known to monitor the disk-based amplifier, and which has been established as specifically monitoring transducin activation. We have recorded this signal from functioning retinal rods in situ ('ATR' signal) and find that bleaches inducing a pronounced, sustained loss in rod electrophysiological sensitivity do not alter the sensitivity of the ATR response after correction for reduced quantum catch. Our results indicate that the biochemical gain of the R*----T* transduction stage remains unchanged in the presence of bleached pigment and implicate a subsequent reaction as the first to show a sustained, bleaching-dependent gain reduction.  相似文献   

研究了生物酶对未漂硫酸盐针叶木浆酶促打浆后打浆度和纸浆物理性能的影响,确定了酶促打浆的最佳工艺条件,探讨了BIO-RE100半纤维素酶在最佳打浆工艺下对打浆功耗的影响.研究结果表明,生物酶处理最佳工艺条件是:温度为40℃、酶用量为1000g/t、pH值为6、时间为60min.在此最佳条件下使用生物酶预处理浆料,打浆功耗可以降低33%,纸浆物理性能有所提高.扫描电镜分析结果表明,纤维表面剥蚀程度较大,细纤维化程度有所提高,纸浆纤维切断较少.  相似文献   

通过水热合成方法,研究了邻苯二酚作为螯合剂对氧化锌(ZnO)一维棒状材料结构及其光致发光的作用.实验发现,通过调节邻苯二酚的浓度,可以显著改变ZnO一维棒状材料的形貌特征与长径比.结合XRD测试发现随着邻苯二酚的加入,ZnO一维棒状材料的晶化程度显著提高.随着邻苯二酚加入量增大,ZnO晶体沿(100)面方向呈现择优生长的趋势,当邻苯二酚加入量为1 g/L时,ZnO晶体晶化程度最高.另外,光致发光光谱测试发现,ZnO一维棒状材料在紫外以及可见光波段均存在显著的光致发光增强.结合ZnO一维棒状材料的形貌及物相分析,揭示了螯合剂引入后造成的ZnO材料表面缺陷量与晶化程度对光致发光增强的影响.本工作不仅揭示了邻苯二酚在ZnO材料生长中的螯合作用,同时通过邻苯二酚加入量的调控进一步提高了ZnO的光致发光性能.  相似文献   

为实现雷达结构型面精度的主动控制,提出了一种新型的鱼腹式索杆雷达结构,并建立了索力与型面位移间的映射关系.通过理论推导与有限元模型分析,明确了二维索杆结构中索力与位移的对应关系,并引入撑杆伸缩的主动调控方法,提出了基于监测索力和驱动撑杆的雷达结构主动控制系统,分析了平面鱼腹式梁和空间鱼腹式索杆雷达结构算例.结果表明,基...  相似文献   

Heterotrophic plasticity and resilience in bleached corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grottoli AG  Rodrigues LJ  Palardy JE 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1186-1189
Mass coral bleaching events caused by elevated seawater temperatures have resulted in extensive coral mortality throughout the tropics over the past few decades. With continued global warming, bleaching events are predicted to increase in frequency and severity, causing up to 60% coral mortality globally within the next few decades. Although some corals are able to recover and to survive bleaching, the mechanisms underlying such resilience are poorly understood. Here we show that the coral host has a significant role in recovery and resilience. Bleached and recovering Montipora capitata (branching) corals met more than 100% of their daily metabolic energy requirements by markedly increasing their feeding rates and CHAR (per cent contribution of heterotrophically acquired carbon to daily animal respiration), whereas Porites compressa (branching) and Porites lobata (mounding) corals did not. These findings suggest that coral species with high-CHAR capability during bleaching and recovery, irrespective of morphology, will be more resilient to bleaching events over the long term, could become the dominant coral species on reefs, and may help to safeguard affected reefs from potential local and global extinction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method that is capable of predicting pore structure of coal-based microfiltration carbon membranes. The tubular carbon membranes are prepared from coal samples with different particle size and distribution by using the extrusion method. According to the relationship between properties of coal samples (particle size and distribution) and pore structure parameters of coal-based carbon membranes, the experiential equations of average pore size and porosity are concluded, and the change la...  相似文献   

聚醚砜膜亚层结构形成的影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用湿法相转化工艺制备聚醚砜 (PES)超滤膜 ,探讨了沉淀时间、溶解度参数对膜亚层结构形成的的影响 .溶剂 -非溶剂组合是膜亚层孔结构形成中的关键因素 .沉淀时间越短 ,越容易得到具有大空腔结构的亚层 ;沉淀时间越长 ,越容易得到具有海绵状亚层 .铸膜液中较高PES浓度在一定程度上抑制亚层中大空腔的产生 .  相似文献   

U B Kaupp  P P Schnetkamp  W Junge 《Nature》1980,286(5773):638-640
The hypothesis of Yoshikami and Hagins that calcium ions act as diffusible transmitter molecules between the photochemistry of rhodopsin and the subsequent electrical events at the outer plasma membrane of rods initiated many investigations on light-stimulated calcium release in vertebrate photoreceptor cells (see refs 2, 3). Although it not seems firmly established that light has some effect on the redistribution of calcium in various disk preparations, reconstituted systems and intact rod outer segments, the physiological significance remained unclear. We previously reported a rapid, light-triggered calcium release from binding sites at the disk membrane in the presence of calcium ionophore A23187 (refs 3, 8). However, there is no evidence for rapid calcium release into the cytosol in the absence of ionophore. On fragmentation of intact rod outer segments, calcium release due to a light-requlated change of calcium binding appeared almost completely abolished. We describe here experiments with sonicated rod outer segments in which the previously observed loss of the calcium release capacity has been prevented. Calcium release in sonicated disks in the presence of A23187 kinetically follows the metarhodopsin I/metarhodopsin II transition (tau 1/2 = 10 ms, activation energy EA = 34 kcal mol-1), suggesting that calcium release is triggered by this photochemical transition.  相似文献   

分析了芯层不同位置的杆件缺失时,点阵夹芯梁固有频率的变化情况.分别使夹芯梁沿着长度方向缺失一个、两个、四个单胞所含的杆件,然后在缺失杆件数量不变的情况下改变缺失杆件的位置,进而利用有限元软件计算结构的固有频率.研究显示,三种情况下梁的固有频率变化规律较为相似,随着缺失杆件与固支端距离的增加,第一阶固有频率呈现先减小后增...  相似文献   

非溶剂添加剂对聚醚砜超滤膜结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以聚醚砜 (PES)铸膜液体系及超滤膜为研究对象 ,研究了 2种无机添加剂氯化锂和磷酸对铸膜液性质和超滤膜结构的影响 .结果表明 ,磷酸或氯化锂的加入对皮层形态和断面结构都有明显影响 .在膜形成过程中 ,皮层的形成对水与DMAc之间的扩散造成阻力 .氯化锂和磷酸的存在 ,在一定程度上抑制了聚醚砜超滤膜亚层中大空腔的形成 ,有利于尺寸较小的指状孔的形成  相似文献   

以生物医用聚氨酯为基质,添加超细壳聚糖粉体,通过湿法相转变法制备壳聚糖微粉/生物医用聚氨酯共混多孔膜;考察不同溶剂对铸膜液热力学性质及其共混膜结构和性能的影响.从热力学角度和动力学扩散过程探讨不同膜结构的形成.研究结果表明:以DMAc,DMF和DO为溶剂时,制膜体系的凝胶值从大到小分别为DO体系、DMAc体系和DMF体系;3种溶剂体系所制备的膜上、下表面面积以及断面孔径从大至小均为DMAc,DMF和DO,膜的溶胀度和透湿性从大至小为DMAc,DMF和DO.  相似文献   

A633D钢层状撕裂倾向试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对新钢种A633D,采用Z向拉伸试验方法得出的断面收缩率评定的钢材的层状撕裂敏感性,并通过扫描电镜分析断口得出:板厚为80mm的A633D钢层状撕裂倾向较严重,用于焊接结构时,应对其层状撕裂倾向给予足够重视并制定必要的防范措施。  相似文献   

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