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根据绝热通道技术及暗态的演化机制,提出多个囚禁离子量子比特的纠缠Dicke态制备方案.该方案实现了处于激发状态的离子数连续可调,可完成任意对称Dicke态的制备.离子阱系统处于暗态,且能按照量子绝热演化进行,对试验参数的涨落不敏感.离子阱系统具有良好的屏蔽性,使离子几乎不受外界环境的影响,对离子比特的量子操作有更高的保真度.  相似文献   

用相干激光脉冲耦合单激发态和多个亚稳态和基态的多能级的Λ型系统中,引入了一个两能级的转动群来简化多能级系统,转动后就只有一个末态与激发态相互作用.这样多能级系统就简化为一个简单的四能级系统,在四能级系统中可以制备出任意的初态和末态的叠加态.当所有的斯托克斯脉冲都相等时就得到一个等量的叠加态.最后用数值计算验证分析结果正确.  相似文献   

提出一种运用"受激拉曼绝热通道"技术制备在多个中间态的∧系统中多个末态相干叠加的方案.如果保证泵浦脉冲和斯托克斯脉冲的顺序与普通STIRAP技术中的一致,则通过控制斯托克斯脉冲和泵浦脉冲强度可实现多能级系统的任意叠加态.同时这种方法我们给出了用氖原子进行实验验证的方案.  相似文献   

提出一种运用“受激拉曼绝热通道”技术制备在多个中间态的Λ系统中多个末态相干叠加的方案.如果保证泵浦脉冲和斯托克斯脉冲的顺序与普通STIRAP技术中的一致,则通过控制斯托克斯脉冲和泵浦脉冲强度可实现多能级系统的任意叠加态.同时这种方法我们给出了用氖原子进行实验验证的方案.  相似文献   

我们提出了一种方案通过受激拉曼绝热通道技术实现在中间态是单态的Λ系统的多末态的叠加。让斯托克斯激光和泵浦激光保持STIRAP的顺序,只要控制斯托克斯激光和泵浦激光的强度就可以实现多能及系统的任意末态的叠加。  相似文献   

对含源非线性介观电路进行量子力学处理.研究表明:由于电源和非线性双向二极管的影响,使得在非线性介观电路可以由初始的真空态演化为相干态的叠加态,从而提出了在非线性介观电路可以制备相干态的叠加态方法.  相似文献   

采用含时多态展开方法,对频率啁啾的激光场中的里德堡钾原子的布居数相干迁移特性进行了计算研究.结果表明:在合适的激光参数下,可以实现布居数在两个量子态之间的完全迁移和量子态的囚禁.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于腔QED系统实现无退相干子空间中任意两比特纠缠逻辑门的理论方案,结合已有的单量子比特的逻辑操作,就可以完成任意的量子计算.两个相同的原子囚禁在单模光学腔中,并受到外加激光场的驱动,在腔场初态处于真空态的情况下,大的腔场衰减相当于对腔场进行频繁测量,而使之保持在真空态,这种效应就是腔场衰减协助的量子Zeno效应,它通过生成腔场的无退相干子空间而有效地抑制了腔场衰减的影响.另一方面,利用受激Raman绝热过程来克服原子自发辐射的影响,所以方案可以获得很高保真度的纠缠逻辑门.  相似文献   

将两全同原子囚禁于用光纤连接的两个光腔中,经绝热演化可以制备腔模的高维纠缠态.该方案利用受激拉曼绝热技术,只需恰当地控制原子与腔场的耦合参数,就可以有效地抑制原子的自发辐射以及光纤损耗等消相干因素的影响.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于腔QED系统实现无退相干子空间中任意两比特纠缠逻辑门的理论方案,结合已有的单量子比特的逻辑操作,就可以完成任意的量子计算.两个相同的原子囚禁在单模光学腔中,并受到外加激光场的驱动,在腔场初态处于真空态的情况下,大的腔场衰减相当于对腔场进行频繁测量,而使之保持在真空态,这种效应就是腔场衰减协助的量子Zeno效应,它通过生成腔场的无退相干子空间而有效地抑制了腔场衰减的影响.另一方面,利用受激Raman绝热过程来克服原子自发辐射的影响,所以方案可以获得很高保真度的纠缠逻辑门.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics allows for many-particle wavefunctions that cannot be factorized into a product of single-particle wavefunctions, even when the constituent particles are entirely distinct. Such 'entangled' states explicitly demonstrate the non-local character of quantum theory, having potential applications in high-precision spectroscopy, quantum communication, cryptography and computation. In general, the more particles that can be entangled, the more clearly nonclassical effects are exhibited--and the more useful the states are for quantum applications. Here we implement a recently proposed entanglement technique to generate entangled states of two and four trapped ions. Coupling between the ions is provided through their collective motional degrees of freedom, but actual motional excitation is minimized. Entanglement is achieved using a single laser pulse, and the method can in principle be applied to any number of ions.  相似文献   

The harmonic oscillator is one of the simplest physical systems but also one of the most fundamental. It is ubiquitous in nature, often serving as an approximation for a more complicated system or as a building block in larger models. Realizations of harmonic oscillators in the quantum regime include electromagnetic fields in a cavity and the mechanical modes of a trapped atom or macroscopic solid. Quantized interaction between two motional modes of an individual trapped ion has been achieved by coupling through optical fields, and entangled motion of two ions in separate locations has been accomplished indirectly through their internal states. However, direct controllable coupling between quantized mechanical oscillators held in separate locations has not been realized previously. Here we implement such coupling through the mutual Coulomb interaction of two ions held in trapping potentials separated by 40?μm (similar work is reported in a related paper). By tuning the confining wells into resonance, energy is exchanged between the ions at the quantum level, establishing that direct coherent motional coupling is possible for separately trapped ions. The system demonstrates a building block for quantum information processing and quantum simulation. More broadly, this work is a natural precursor to experiments in hybrid quantum systems, such as coupling a trapped ion to a quantized macroscopic mechanical or electrical oscillator.  相似文献   

利用大失谐的原子-腔场相互作用和Bell态测量,提出了一个量子隐形传态方案。在这个方案中,两个具有相同振幅和相对位相的压缩真空态的任意相干叠加态被传送。为了实现这个方案,一个最大纠缠压缩真空态被用来作为量子信道。这个量子隐形传态方案成功的几率是0.5。  相似文献   

利用光子扣除算符构成的相干光子超叠加操作作用于2个模压缩真空态,引入一类非高斯量子态——高阶相干光子扣除超叠加单模压缩真空态.通过导出该量子态的正规乘积形式,推导了该量子态的归一化系数,与Legendre多项式密切相关.利用相干态的超完备关系和平移算符的正规乘积,导出了态的特征函数的相干态表示,进而解析导出了利用该量子态作为纠缠源实现相干态隐形传输的保真度.研究结果表明:当压缩参数相等时,保真度可获得最大值,对于奇数阶操作,保真度比无叠价操作情况更差,而对于偶数阶情况,在一定的压缩参数范围内,保真度优于无纠缠情况,且保真度可优于经典的最大保真度1/2,同时保真度可以随m的增加而改善.  相似文献   

The advent of laser cooling techniques revolutionized the study of many atomic-scale systems, fuelling progress towards quantum computing with trapped ions and generating new states of matter with Bose-Einstein condensates. Analogous cooling techniques can provide a general and flexible method of preparing macroscopic objects in their motional ground state. Cavity optomechanical or electromechanical systems achieve sideband cooling through the strong interaction between light and motion. However, entering the quantum regime--in which a system has less than a single quantum of motion--has been difficult because sideband cooling has not sufficiently overwhelmed the coupling of low-frequency mechanical systems to their hot environments. Here we demonstrate sideband cooling of an approximately 10-MHz micromechanical oscillator to the quantum ground state. This achievement required a large electromechanical interaction, which was obtained by embedding a micromechanical membrane into a superconducting microwave resonant circuit. To verify the cooling of the membrane motion to a phonon occupation of 0.34?±?0.05 phonons, we perform a near-Heisenberg-limited position measurement within (5.1?±?0.4)h/2π, where h is Planck's constant. Furthermore, our device exhibits strong coupling, allowing coherent exchange of microwave photons and mechanical phonons. Simultaneously achieving strong coupling, ground state preparation and efficient measurement sets the stage for rapid advances in the control and detection of non-classical states of motion, possibly even testing quantum theory itself in the unexplored region of larger size and mass. Because mechanical oscillators can couple to light of any frequency, they could also serve as a unique intermediary for transferring quantum information between microwave and optical domains.  相似文献   

提出一种利用经典场驱动单个二能级原子与一双模腔场相互作用制备腔场的纠缠相干态的方案。通过对原子的激光操纵 ,包括Stark效应和Rabi频率的交替控制 ,使原子与双模腔场相互作用后演化为纠缠态 ,再对原子进行选态测量即可获得所要制备的量子态。  相似文献   

Universal logic gates for two quantum bits (qubits) form an essential ingredient of quantum computation. Dynamical gates have been proposed in the context of trapped ions; however, geometric phase gates (which change only the phase of the physical qubits) offer potential practical advantages because they have higher intrinsic resistance to certain small errors and might enable faster gate implementation. Here we demonstrate a universal geometric pi-phase gate between two beryllium ion-qubits, based on coherent displacements induced by an optical dipole force. The displacements depend on the internal atomic states; the motional state of the ions is unimportant provided that they remain in the regime in which the force can be considered constant over the extent of each ion's wave packet. By combining the gate with single-qubit rotations, we have prepared ions in an entangled Bell state with 97% fidelity-about six times better than in a previous experiment demonstrating a universal gate between two ion-qubits. The particular properties of the gate make it attractive for a multiplexed trap architecture that would enable scaling to large numbers of ion-qubits.  相似文献   

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