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在甘肃景泰地区典型剖面(红水堡和黑山剖面)早石炭世地层中,发现由珊瑚、腕足类、苔藓虫和海百合茎组成的小个体动物群,其中各门类化石个体普遍较小,通常只能用毫米级尺度来度量.经研究发现这一动物群既非灾害性死亡群体,也非水流分选堆积物,而是由于其生存环境异于寻常导致生长停滞所形成的特殊动物群.“巴彦浩特地区石炭纪生态地层学研究”项目的研究结果提供了沉积环境信息,丰富了找矿资料,对找矿实践具有一定意义.  相似文献   

广东乐昌第四纪大熊猫-剑齿象动物群计有5目15属16种,主要属种有大熊猫洞穴亚种、东方剑齿象、中国犀、中国黑熊、水鹿和水牛等,这些都是南方大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的典型分子,与曲江马坝动物群、封开黄岩洞动物群比较接近,时代为中更新世末期或晚更新世早期.动物群反映的当时的生态环境除了森林比较茂密外,水草也比较丰富,气候温凉而不很干燥.该动物群是广东粤北地区继曲江马坝动物群、罗坑动物群以及灵溪暗岩动物群之后又一重要发现,对研究华南地区第四纪动物群的分布、变迁以及当时的古气候和古环境等具有一定意义.  相似文献   

重庆合川三汇坝晚更新世哺乳动物群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对三汇坝牛尾洞发现的19种哺乳动物化石应用数理统计分析、铀系和含氟量测年分析、孢粉分析进行了研究.论证了它们是一个晚更新世时生活于亚热带暖热湿润气候中的乔木林-灌木林-湿草地动物群.通过它与四川盆地第四纪的几个典型动物群相比较,证明其性质仍是我国南方广义“大熊猫-剑齿象动物群”之一员.其特点鲜明,是该动物群演化发展过程中的一环,介于歌乐山与资阳两动物群之间.  相似文献   

赵店动物是作者近年来的一个新发现,本文对赵店动物群的化石类型,沉积特征、生态环境和地层时代等进行了初步研究,提出这一动物群生态于中更新世晚期(相当于大洋氧同位素阶段6)。赵店动物群的发现对研究这一时期生物演化及环境变化具有重要价值。  相似文献   

贵州台江八郎凯里组剖面中下部中、下寒武统界线之下厚达15米左右的粉砂质泥岩、页岩中存在着一个类似凯里动物群的台江动物群,由8个门类39个属组成,核心为蠕形动物,三叶虫数量很多。形成于内陆棚浅海环境。时代为早寒武世末期,介于著名的早寒武世早期澄江动物群和中寒武世早期凯里动物群之间,对于早期后生动物的演化研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

李建军 《大自然》2013,(5):54-57
和政动物群是指我国甘肃省和政地区发现的新生代古生物化石所代表的动物群。和政县位于兰州市南偏西约100千米处,行政上属于甘肃省临夏回族自治州。在地质学和古生物学上常常把发现在同一地方、同一时代的各种古生物化石组合统称为一个动物群,并经常以发现地或其代表动物命名。比如,著名的热河动物群就是发现于辽宁西部及华北地区白垩纪早期的一个古动物群,其中包括中华龙鸟等带羽毛的恐龙、孔子鸟等中生代鸟类以及哺乳动物和两栖动物等。后来,科学家在该地区的相同地层中还发现了大量植物化石,包括被人们称为第一朵花的"辽宁古果"等被子植物化石,于是科学家将热河动物群更名为热河生物群,即包括动物群和植物群的生物群。另外,三叠纪晚期的关岭生物群和中新世的山旺动物群等也是如此命名的。  相似文献   

本文在分析动物群地域分异因素基础上,按空间尺度大小和分异因素的差异将陆地动物群划分为大陆性、区域性、地方性三种尺度分异规律,地带性经度省性、地带段性、地区性、垂直带性、系列性、微域性七种类型的分异规律。  相似文献   

首次通过对浙江象山爵溪镇下沙、大岙和岱山大长涂岛小沙河3个中全新世海滩岩剖面进行以动物群分析为基础,应用δ^18O和^14C等手段相结合的综合研究,初步分析了浙江沿海中全新世的古气候、古环境。  相似文献   

盘县动物群研究进展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
盘县动物群是以保存完整、精美、属种丰富的海生爬行动物化石为特色,伴生海生 无脊椎动物化石的一套完整的珍稀古生物群落。盘县动物群产于中三叠统关岭组上段,属于 牙形石Nicoraella kockeli带,时代为中三叠世安尼期的Pelsonian亚期,早于著名的 意大利—瑞士交界处Monte San Giorgio地区的Grenzbitumenzone动物群(安尼阶—拉丁阶界线 附近),是目前世界上中三叠世最老的海生爬行类动物群。它的发现和研究填补了海生爬行动 物演化的早期链条,增强了人们对海生爬行动物各类群的起源、演化、系统发育、古生物地 理以及动物群特异埋藏理论的认识。近期研究表明,盘县动物群中的海生爬行动物:(1) 具有较高的分异度,已报道5属5种,拥有了目前发现的最古老的混鱼龙科分子、鸥龙属分子、 较老的幻龙属分子和真正适应水生生活的原龙类以及诸多未描述的类群;(2) 动物群多由 适应近岸浅水环境的类群组成,在面貌上呈现出强烈的西特提斯生物亲近性;(3) 动物群属 特异埋藏,赋存层分布有4~5层凝灰岩,化学特征分析显示存在7次火山间歇性喷发活动,火 山活动导致的生态环境急剧恶化可能是动物群集群绝灭的直接诱因。  相似文献   

寒武纪开始于5.7亿年前,结束于5.1亿年前,是地质年代古生代的第一个纪。寒武纪之前的地层的动物化石较少,而在寒武纪的地层中,发现了种类繁多的动物化石,有的古生物学家甚至认为动物各门的祖先在这个时期都已出现,称为“寒武纪物种大爆发”。最具代表性的寒武纪动物群是1909年在加拿大发现的布尔吉斯页岩动物群。1984年在云南澄江发现的寒武纪动物群  相似文献   

贵阳乌当地区湄潭组下段化石丰富,笔石、腕足类最为常见.腕足类计有10属10种,分属于4目5超科6科,具明显的多样性,其中Sinorthis数量最多,乌当湄潭组下段的腕足动物组合属于Sinorthis动物群.该段地层腕足动物的研究提供了黔中地区早奥陶世腕足动物辐射演化的新信息,也为整个奥陶纪生物辐射演化的研究积累了资料.  相似文献   

The Xiaoyang section, located in Zhenba County of Shaanxi Province, is important both for documenting the biodiversity of the Qiongzhusian Stage (Lower Cambrian) and for analyzing lithofacies-biofacies links in carbonate depositing environments on the Yangtze Platform.The skeletal fossils from the Xihaoping Member, including linguloid valves, cambroclavid and chancelloriid sclerites, genal and occipital spines of polymerid trilobites, and tubular fossils, are described here as the Eoobolus-Cambroclavus fauna, which mainly occurred in peritidal environments.The fossils from the argillaceous limestones of the lower Shuijingtuo Formation, containing lingulate brachiopods, eodiscoid trilobites, bivalved arthropods, microdictyoniid sclerites and siliceous sponge spicules, are regarded as the Palaeobolus-Hupeidiscus-Kunmingella fauna, which presumably lived in subtidal or deeper water environments.The faunal diversity in the Xihaoping Member is lower than that in the lower Shuijingtuo Formation.The investigations of the skeletal fossil assemblages from carbonate lithofacies in southern Shaanxi will significantly contribute to a detailed documentation of the biodiversity during the Qiongzhusian interval on the Yangtze Platform and add new knowledge on the Cambrian bioradiation.  相似文献   

Large amounts of vermicular fossils and a minor amount of sponge animal fossils have been found in the Early Cambrian Xidashan Formation in the region of Quruqtagh, Xinjiang. Vermicular fossils are generally more than 50 mm long and 0.3?1.4 mm wide; their wrinkled lamellae are microfine with 3?10 pieces within the length of every each millimeter. The fossils are considered to be Sabellidites cambriensis Sokolov (1965). The Xidashan Formation is the highest stratum in which Sabellidites occur, as has been so far reported.  相似文献   

本文首次报道并描述了江西信丰县铁石口地区的二叠—三叠纪的牙形石动物群;根据牙形石和菊石、双壳类、腕足类,将“铁石口系”划分为三部分:下部(层1~10)、中部(层11~20)、上部(层21~23),它们分别相当于Griesbachian阶、Nammalian阶、Spathian阶。层2~8中发现了二叠纪型和三叠纪化石伴生的混生动物群。三叠系与二叠系之间可暂时以层1厚约3cm的黄白色粘土岩为界线,二系为整合关系。  相似文献   

The Tianyuan Cave is the only human fossil-bearing site containing rich mammalian fossils found in the last decades near Zhoukoudian. Up to now more than 34 specimens of the human body have been recovered, and the mammalian fossils can be put into 29 species. Cervids dominate the fauna, and carnivores are very rare. Based on the primary examination, the human fossils can be attributed to the species Homo sapiens. All the mammalian fossils, except one between tooth of Crocuta belong to the species that still exist today. But some of them are the first records in fossil form north of the Yellow River, such as Arctonyx and Capricornis. Based on the mammalian fauna study, it seems that the Tianyuan Cave can be correlated with the Upper Cave.Sixty-three percent of the species of the mammalian fauna from the Tianyuan Cave are also present in the Upper Cave.The characters of the deposits also share some similarities between the Tianyuan Cave and the Upper Cave; both of them are mainly composed of breccia without cement. The dating using the U-series method on deer tooth samples indicates that the geological age of the new site is around 25 thousand years B.P. This is the first discovery of human sites outside the core area of the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian,which throws new light onto this world famous site complex.  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,收集和整理各地区的鳅鮀亚科鱼类标本,据查,关于该亚科鱼类咽骨咽齿的研究,迄今未见有报导,特作此文。材料和方法咽骨自新鲜标本摘取后,盛水加热,除净附着的肌肉和结缔组织,若咽骨取自液浸标本时,则盛于0.5~1%的氢氧化钠溶液中加热,直至把附着的组织去净为止。咽骨咽齿的形态  相似文献   

对中国三叠纪海生爬行动物化石及其产出层位、产地进行了较为系统的分析研究和总结,划分出4个相关的海生爬行动物群:早三叠世南漳海生爬行动物群、中三叠世兴义海生爬行动物群、晚三叠世关岭海生爬行动物群、晚三叠世定日海生爬行动物群.进一步的研究表明,中国三叠纪海生爬行动物化石数量比较丰富,种类多样;特别是贵州关岭地区三叠纪海生化石数量多、保存完整,基本上为原地埋藏,实属国内外同期地层之罕见.中国三叠纪海生爬行动物化石地史分布从早三叠世奥伦尼克期到晚三叠世诺利期都有分布;地理分布主要分布于古东特提斯海域,具有明显的区域性.  相似文献   

Sutton MD  Briggs DE  Siveter DJ  Siveter DJ 《Nature》2005,436(7053):1013-1015
'Articulated' rhynchonelliformean brachiopods are abundant shelly fossils, but the direct fossil record of their soft parts was hitherto confined to a single pyritized trace possibly representing a lophophore. Anatomical knowledge of extinct rhynchonelliformeans relies heavily on analogies to extant species; these analogies are untested for stem-group clades. The Silurian Herefordshire (UK) Konservat-Lagerst?tte (about 425 Myr bp) yields exceptionally preserved three-dimensional fossils that provide unrivalled insights into the palaeobiology of a variety of invertebrates. The fossils are preserved as calcitic void in-fills in carbonate concretions within a volcaniclastic horizon, and are reconstructed digitally. Here we describe a stem-group rhynchonelliformean specimen from this deposit; it most probably belongs in the order Orthida. A robust ridged pedicle with distal rootlets is preserved, together with a lophophore and other soft-tissue structures. The pedicle morphology is novel, urging caution in inferring stem-group rhynchonelliformean anatomy from that of crown-group species. Smaller brachiopods are attached to the specimen; these include a probable atrypide, with pedicle and marginal setae preserved.  相似文献   

The search for the earliest fossil evidence of the human lineage has been concentrated in East Africa. Here we report the discovery of six hominid specimens from Chad, central Africa, 2,500 km from the East African Rift Valley. The fossils include a nearly complete cranium and fragmentary lower jaws. The associated fauna suggest the fossils are between 6 and 7 million years old. The fossils display a unique mosaic of primitive and derived characters, and constitute a new genus and species of hominid. The distance from the Rift Valley, and the great antiquity of the fossils, suggest that the earliest members of the hominid clade were more widely distributed than has been thought, and that the divergence between the human and chimpanzee lineages was earlier than indicated by most molecular studies.  相似文献   

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