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This paper discusses a distributed design for clustering based on the K-means algorithm in a switching multi-agent network, for the case when data are decentralized stored and unavailable to all agents. The authors propose a consensus-based algorithm in distributed case, that is, the double-clock consensus-based K-means algorithm (DCKA). With mild connectivity conditions, the authors show convergence of DCKA to guarantee a distributed solution to the clustering problem, even though the network topology is time-varying. Moreover, the authors provide experimental results on various clustering datasets to illustrate the effectiveness of the fully distributed algorithm DCKA, whose performance may be better than that of the centralized K-means algorithm.  相似文献   

针对具有本质非线性动态的多智能体网络,研究分布式包容控制问题.假设只有部分个体已知领航者信息,依据相对位置和速度信息设计分布式控制律.基于代数图论、矩阵理论和Lyapunov稳定性分析方法,得出非线性网络实现渐近包容控制的充分条件.当跟随者之间有向强连通且每个跟随者都至少存在一个领航者与其通信,可选取合适的控制增益使得跟随者渐近收敛到由多个领航者所围成的静态凸包中.仿真实例验证了理论分析的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中多移动代理分组优化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In contrary to the single mobile agent system,the grouping methodology for source nodes is the key issue in multi-agent itinerary planning for wireless sensor networks.A novel approach was proposed based on hop-oriented minimum spanning tree.The scheme achieves flexible trade-off control between energy cost and task duration by dynamically selecting edge weights in the total connected graph.Extensive simulations have shown that the approach outperforms the existing works.  相似文献   

以分布式调度三级Clos网络为重点,对定长信元和变长分组两种交换方式性能和实现成本进行了对比分析;通过对网络第一级负载分配原则的理论分析,给出了变长分组交换方式下网络稳定性的条件,利用仿真分析对比了两种交换方式的时延特性.给出了分布式调度三级Clos网络中交换机制的选择原则.  相似文献   

To improve the energy efficiency and load-balance in large-scale multi-agent systems, a large-scale distributed cluster algorithm is proposed. At first, a parameter describing the spatial distribution of agents is designed to assess the information spreading capability of an agent. Besides, a competition resolution mechanism is proposed to tackle the competition problem in large-scale multiagent systems. Thus, the proposed algorithm can balance the load, adjust the system network locally and dynamically, reduce system energy consumption. Finally, simulations are presented to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the distributed convex optimization problem over a multi-agent system with Markovian switching communication networks. The objective function is the sum of each agent's local nonsmooth objective function, which cannot be known by other agents. The communication network is assumed to switch over a set of weight-balanced directed graphs with a Markovian property. The authors propose a consensus sub-gradient algorithm with two time-scale step-sizes to handle the Markovian switching topologies and the absence of global gradient information. With proper selection of step-sizes, the authors prove the almost sure convergence of all agents' local estimates to the same optimal solution when the union graph of the Markovian network' states is strongly connected and the Markovian chain is irreducible. The convergence rate analysis is also given for specific cases.Simulations are given to demonstrate the results.  相似文献   

分布式约束优化问题在多Agent系统中应用十分广泛,它已经作为多Agent分布式推理的一项关键技术,既能够最优化一组分布约束,又能够在一定程度上保护Agent的信息,同时提高解决问题的效率。首先介绍分布式约束优化问题的背景及其算法的发展,对现有解决问题的一些完全算法和不完全算法作出了具体论述,通过从效率、质量、隐私等方面这些算法进行比较和分析,然后介绍在分布式约束优化问题在具体领域中的应用,最后论述分布式约束优化算法目前存在的问题及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

刘宗香  谢维信 《系统仿真学报》2008,20(21):5907-5910,5916
有效的传感器放置能改善网络覆盖、减小网络中的通讯量,是传感器组网过程中必须解决的关键问题.研究和分析了不同网格结构的性能,建立了用于传感器放置的地形模型,提出了-种基于矢量地图数据的传感器放置算法.算法以优化传感器数目为目标,将传感器放置在能带来最大有效变化的网格节点上.仿真实际表明,与现有传感器放置算法相比,算法具有更高的效率.  相似文献   

ARoutingAlgorithmforDistributedOptimalDoubleLoopComputerNetworksLiLayuan(DepartmentofElectricalEngineeringandComputerScience....  相似文献   

一种无线传感器网络分布式加权容错检测算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对无线传感器网络的容错事件区域检测问题,提出一种分布式加权容错检测算法。考虑"邻域的邻域"的容错范围,首先利用邻域节点与其周围节点的信息交换,对邻域节点的状态值进行估计,然后采用加权容错方法对邻域节点的估计状态值进行加权综合,完成对中心节点的错误检测。仿真结果表明,该算法在传感器网络初始错误率达到20%的情况下,仍能够检测和纠正90%以上的错误。相比其他算法,该算法具有较高的错误检测精度,极大改善了事件发生区域边界节点的纠错问题,且算法运行时整个网络所消耗的能量适中。  相似文献   

为解决具有一般非线性形式和不确定参数的多智能体系统的协调控制问题,设计了非线性分布式反馈控制器,使得多智能体系统鲁棒渐近跟踪参考信号或者鲁棒渐近抑制干扰。在所考虑的多智能体系统中,将动态领导者或者环境干扰看作是产生参考信号或者干扰信号的外部系统。最后,给出一个仿真算例,验证所得结果的有效性。  相似文献   

多智能体系统的分布式预测控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多智能体系统的跟踪及编队控制问题,研究其分布式预测控制器的设计方法。考虑时变通讯拓扑情况,在优化问题中附加一项辅助约束,保证了优化问题的递归可行性及多智能体系统的闭环指数稳定性。在每个采样时刻,各智能体根据通讯拓扑实时更新其代价函数及辅助约束,通过求解带有状态、输入及辅助约束的优化问题来计算其控制输入。仿真结果验证了结论的有效性。  相似文献   

To deal with the software architecture problem of designing a large-scale distributed platform for multi-agent simulation, a concerns space model for software design was proposed. Then a binary relationship mapping from design concerns to implemented component was used to formalize the cross-cutting concerns relevant problem. With aspect-oriented modeling techniques, tangling concerns in the simulation platform were separated more explicitly. Finally, architecture and code optimization work was done on the implemented platform with aspect-oriented programming. Results show that the use of aspects allows the construction of target system with a significant improvement in the software architecture. Also, the use of aspects resulted in: fewer lines of code, fewer design and implementation components, and lower coupling between the components.  相似文献   

多智能体系统分布式控制的研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多智能体的运动协调和覆盖协调问题是多智能体系统的协调控制研究中的两个基本问题.综述当前这两个问题研究的主要内容及相应的主要结果,同时给出了仍然需要解决的问题和可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

基于三维体质心的无线传感器网络节点定位算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对无线传感器网络中传感器节点初始位置未知的问题,提出一种基于三维体质心的分布式无线传感器网络节点定位算法.算法假设网络中有一定比例的锚节点(位置已知的节点),利用三维辅助坐标系,建立节点间的通信约束关系和空间几何关系,研究三维空间内包含未知节点的三维体构成方法,确定三维体的多个侧面和曲面来构成曲面三维体;为了减小算法计算量和网络能耗,寻找与曲面三维体对应的由多个侧面组成的平面三维体,通过确定平面三维体的质心来获得曲面三维体质心,从而把曲面三维体的质心作为未知节点的估计位置.该算法是一种完全基于网络连通性的分布式算法,算法设计简单,计算量小,节点间通信开销少.仿真结果显示,该算法适合于各种规模的无线传感器网络的节点定位.  相似文献   

基于最优划分的K-Means初如聚类中心选取算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统K-Means算法聚类过程中,聚类数目k值难以准确预设和随机选取初始聚类中心造成聚类精度及效率降低等问题,提出一种基于最优划分的K-Means初始聚类中心选取算法,该算法利用直方图方法将数据样本空间进行最优划分,依据数据样本自身分布特点确定K-Means算法的初始聚类中心,无需预设k值,减少了算法结果对参数的依赖,提高算法运算效率及准确率.实验结果表明,利用该算法改进的K-Means算法,运算时间明显减少,其聚类结果准确率以及算法效率均得到显著提高.  相似文献   

交互式多智能体进化算法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
黄永青  陆青  梁昌勇  杨善林  郝国生 《系统仿真学报》2006,18(7):2030-2032,2055
将多智能体技术应用于交互式进化计算领域,提出一种新的交互式多智能体进化算法。该方法让固定在网格上的相邻智能体之间展开竞争和熏优智能体本身的自学习,来提高智能体的能量,从而使得算法获得较强的全局收敛能力和局部搜索能力。算法以较快的进化速度收敛,并且用户每次只需要选择2个左右最感兴趣的个体,使得评价具有易操作性和轻松性,从而有效缓解用户的疲劳。服装设计的仿真实验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Zhao  Xiaodan  Liu  Wenhui  Yang  Chunjie 《系统科学与复杂性》2019,32(4):1019-1038
This paper studies the coordination control of nonlinear multi-agent systems under asynchronous switching, including consensus, tracking control, and containment. The asynchronous switching considered here means that the switching of the controller lags behind the mode's switching for each agent. So the matched controller is interrupted by the delayed switching. For the situation, the authors give some new results by applying the conventional distributed control protocol. The authors show that all agents can achieve consensus. Secondly, the authors show that all followers can track the actual leader. Thirdly, the authors show that all followers will converge to the convex hull spanned by the dynamic leaders as time goes on. Numerical simulations are also provided and the results show highly consistent with the theoretical results.  相似文献   

分布式神经网络推理原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了一种复合神经元,简称CINN。它由兴奋性神经元和抑制性神经元组合而成,具有3种状态、4种输入端和两种输出端。利用该神经元可以形成分布式神经推理系统。这种神经推理系统能够实现16种类型关联推理规则,而普通神经推理系统仅能实现3种关联推理规则。  相似文献   

分布式多Agent仿真系统的控制结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究多Agent仿真技术的基础上,提出了一个分布式多Agent仿真系统的控制功能框架(DMASCF)。该框架包括了输入接口控制、输出接口控制、模型结构控制、仿真时钟控制、实验数据控制、仿真实验控制、仿真逻辑控制七个功能元素。分析了各种控制功能的工作原理与机制,并从输入输出连接关系角度分析了多Agent仿真系统层次化与分布式建模的本质。  相似文献   

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