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The lithospheric mantle is one of the key layers controlling the stability of continents. Even a small amount of water can influence many chemical and physical properties of rocks and minerals. Consequently, it is a pivotal task to study the distribution of water in the continental lithosphere. This paper presents a brief overview of the current state of knowledge about (1) the occurrence of water in the continental lithospheric mantle, (2) the spatial and temporal variations of the water content in the continental lithospheric mantle, and (3) the relationship between water content and continent stability. Additionally, suggestions for future research directions are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Mainprice D  Tommasi A  Couvy H  Cordier P  Frost DJ 《Nature》2005,433(7027):731-733
The mineral olivine dominates the composition of the Earth's upper mantle and hence controls its mechanical behaviour and seismic anisotropy. Experiments at high temperature and moderate pressure, and extensive data on naturally deformed mantle rocks, have led to the conclusion that olivine at upper-mantle conditions deforms essentially by dislocation creep with dominant [100] slip. The resulting crystal preferred orientation has been used extensively to explain the strong seismic anisotropy observed down to 250 km depth. The rapid decrease of anisotropy below this depth has been interpreted as marking the transition from dislocation to diffusion creep in the upper mantle. But new high-pressure experiments suggest that dislocation creep also dominates in the lower part of the upper mantle, but with a different slip direction. Here we show that this high-pressure dislocation creep produces crystal preferred orientations resulting in extremely low seismic anisotropy, consistent with seismological observations below 250 km depth. These results raise new questions about the mechanical state of the lower part of the upper mantle and its coupling with layers both above and below.  相似文献   

Metal saturation in the upper mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The oxygen fugacity f(O2)of the Earth's mantle is one of the fundamental variables in mantle petrology. Through ferric-ferrous iron and carbon-hydrogen-oxygen equilibria, f(O2) influences the pressure-temperature positions of mantle solidi and compositions of small-degree mantle melts. Among other parameters, f(O2) affects the water storage capacity and rheology of the mantle. The uppermost mantle, as represented by samples and partial melts, is sufficiently oxidized to sustain volatiles, such as H2O and CO2, as well as carbonatitic melts, but it is not known whether the shallow mantle is representative of the entire upper mantle. Using high-pressure experiments, we show here that large parts of the asthenosphere are likely to be metal-saturated. We found that pyroxene and garnet synthesized at >7 GPa in equilibrium with metallic Fe can incorporate sufficient ferric iron that the mantle at >250 km depth is so reduced that an (Fe,Ni)-metal phase may be stable. Our results indicate that the oxidized nature of the upper mantle can no longer be regarded as being representative for the Earth's upper mantle as a whole and instead that oxidation is a shallow phenomenon restricted to an upper veneer only about 250 km in thickness.  相似文献   

Debayle E  Kennett B  Priestley K 《Nature》2005,433(7025):509-512
Differences in the thickness of the high-velocity lid underlying continents as imaged by seismic tomography, have fuelled a long debate on the origin of the 'roots' of continents. Some of these differences may be reconciled by observations of radial anisotropy between 250 and 300 km depth, with horizontally polarized shear waves travelling faster than vertically polarized ones. This azimuthally averaged anisotropy could arise from present-day deformation at the base of the plate, as has been found for shallower depths beneath ocean basins. Such deformation would also produce significant azimuthal variation, owing to the preferred alignment of highly anisotropic minerals. Here we report global observations of surface-wave azimuthal anisotropy, which indicate that only the continental portion of the Australian plate displays significant azimuthal anisotropy and strong correlation with present-day plate motion in the depth range 175-300 km. Beneath other continents, azimuthal anisotropy is only weakly correlated with plate motion and its depth location is similar to that found beneath oceans. We infer that the fast-moving Australian plate contains the only continental region with a sufficiently large deformation at its base to be transformed into azimuthal anisotropy. Simple shear leading to anisotropy with a plunging axis of symmetry may explain the smaller azimuthal anisotropy beneath other continents.  相似文献   

Deformation of the lowermost mantle from seismic anisotropy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nowacki A  Wookey J  Kendall JM 《Nature》2010,467(7319):1091-1094
The lowermost part of the Earth's mantle-known as D″-shows significant seismic anisotropy, the variation of seismic wave speed with direction. This is probably due to deformation-induced alignment of MgSiO(3)-post-perovskite (ppv), which is believed to be the main mineral phase present in the region. If this is the case, then previous measurements of D″ anisotropy, which are generally made in one direction only, are insufficient to distinguish candidate mechanisms of slip in ppv because the mineral is orthorhombic. Here we measure anisotropy in D″ beneath North and Central America, where material from subducting oceanic slabs impinges on the core-mantle boundary, using shallow as well as deep earthquakes to increase the azimuthal coverage in D″. We make more than 700 individual measurements of shear wave splitting in D″ in three regions from two different azimuths in each case. We show that the previously assumed case of vertical transverse isotropy (where wave speed shows no azimuthal variation) is not possible, and that more complicated mechanisms must be involved. We test the fit of different MgSiO(3)-ppv deformation mechanisms to our results and find that shear on (001) is most consistent with observations and the expected shear above the core-mantle boundary beneath subduction zones. With new models of mantle flow, or improved experimental determination of the dominant ppv slip systems, this method will allow us to map deformation at the core-mantle boundary and link processes in D″, such as plume initiation, to the rest of the mantle.  相似文献   

The extremely low Ti content (160–245 μg/g) in clinopyroxene in some spinel peridotites from Qilin, South China is indicative of high degree of partial melting, inconsistent with their relatively high clinopyroxene modes (7.4%–12.4%). These clinopyroxenes show fractionated HREE patterns ((Gd/Yb)n<0.2), suggesting the involvement of garnet in the melting regime. These REE patterns can be modeled as residues of 22%–23% fractional melting from a primitive mantle, first in garnet stability field (12%) then continuing in spinel stability field (10%–11%) after breakdown of garnet to pyroxenes and spinel. Such a polybaric melting suggests the lithospheric thinning and rapid mantle upwelling in south China during the Cenozoic. This is consistent with the dominant MORB-OIB isotopic signature and high thermal gradient of the lithospheric mantle in this region, and supports the contention that the formation of South China Sea basin is related to southward migration of continental lithosphere extension, rather than passive back-arc basin.  相似文献   

An inverted continental Moho and serpentinization of the forearc mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bostock MG  Hyndman RD  Rondenay S  Peacock SM 《Nature》2002,417(6888):536-538
Volatiles that are transported by subducting lithospheric plates to depths greater than 100 km are thought to induce partial melting in the overlying mantle wedge, resulting in arc magmatism and the addition of significant quantities of material to the overlying lithosphere. Asthenospheric flow and upwelling within the wedge produce increased lithospheric temperatures in this back-arc region, but the forearc mantle (in the corner of the wedge) is thought to be significantly cooler. Here we explore the structure of the mantle wedge in the southern Cascadia subduction zone using scattered teleseismic waves recorded on a dense portable array of broadband seismometers. We find very low shear-wave velocities in the cold forearc mantle indicated by the exceptional occurrence of an 'inverted' continental Moho, which reverts to normal polarity seaward of the Cascade arc. This observation provides compelling evidence for a highly hydrated and serpentinized forearc region, consistent with thermal and petrological models of the forearc mantle wedge. This serpentinized material is thought to have low strength and may therefore control the down-dip rupture limit of great thrust earthquakes, as well as the nature of large-scale flow in the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of thermal diffusivity in the upper mantle.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Tommasi  B Gibert  U Seipold  D Mainprice 《Nature》2001,411(6839):783-786
Heat transfer in the mantle is a key process controlling the Earth's dynamics. Upper-mantle mineral phases, especially olivine, have been shown to display highly anisotropic thermal diffusivity at ambient conditions, and seismic anisotropy data show that preferred orientations of olivine induced by deformation are coherent at large scales (>50 km) in the upper mantle. Thus heat transport in the upper mantle should be anisotropic. But the thermal anisotropy of mantle minerals at high temperature and its relationship with deformation have not been well constrained. Here we present petrophysical modelling and laboratory measurements of thermal diffusivity in deformed mantle rocks between temperatures of 290 and 1,250 K that demonstrate that deformation may induce a significant anisotropy of thermal diffusivity in the uppermost mantle. We found that heat transport parallel to the flow direction is up to 30 per cent faster than that normal to the flow plane. Such a strain-induced thermal anisotropy implies that the upper-mantle temperature distribution, rheology and, consequently, its dynamics, will depend on deformation history. In oceans, resistive drag flow would result in lower vertical diffusivities in both the lithosphere and asthenosphere and hence in less effective heat transfer from the convective mantle. In continents, olivine orientations frozen in the lithosphere may induce anisotropic heating above mantle plumes, favouring the reactivation of pre-existing structures.  相似文献   

页岩气钻井漏失会极大增加钻井成本,影响页岩气勘探开发的经济效益。如何利用地球物理技术较为准确的预测钻井漏失区,成为页岩气勘探开发中亟待解决的问题。研究认为,当泥页岩地层发育高角度缝时更易发生井漏,并以此为基础提出了一种新的钻井漏失预防思路:以叠前地震数据为基础,基于方位各向异性技术预测高角度缝的分布特征,并将其作为预防井漏的依据。研究中选取川东南某地区龙马溪组的页岩气勘探区作为应用实例,通过钻井漏失点与预测高角度缝的对比分析,证实了新方法的有效性。  相似文献   

通过计算给出了在LHC能区非对心核一核碰撞中由椭圆流v_2表示的高横动量直接光子的方位角不对称性.该高横动量光子是由喷注与热密介质相互作用而辐射出来的.光子椭圆流与强子椭圆流v_2相差π/2的相位,是直接光子椭圆流中负值的来源.同时,计算表明LHC能区直接光子v_2随粒子横动量p_T的变化趋势与RHIC上的实验结果一致,但LHC能区较RHIC能区直接光子流v_2值更小,且v_2值由负到正对应的转换p_T值更高.这表明在LHC能区喷注淬火效应更为明显,表面发射的直接光子对光子椭圆流的贡献份额增强.  相似文献   

Simpson F 《Nature》2001,412(6847):632-635
Seismic anisotropy is thought to result from the strain-induced lattice-preferred orientation of mantle minerals, especially olivine, owing to shear waves propagating faster along the a-axis of olivine crystals than along the other axes. This anisotropy results in birefringence, or 'shear-wave splitting', which has been investigated in numerous studies. Although olivine is also anisotropic with respect to electrical conductivity (with the a-axis being most conductive), few studies of the electrical anisotropy of the upper mantle have been undertaken, and these have been limited to relatively shallow depths in the lithospheric upper mantle. Theoretical models of mantle flow have been used to infer that, for progressive simple shear imparted by the motion of an overriding tectonic plate, the a-axes of olivine crystals should align themselves parallel to the direction of plate motion. Here, however, we show that a significant discrepancy exists between the electromagnetic strike of the mantle below Australia and the direction of present-day absolute plate motion. We infer from this discrepancy that the a-axes of olivine crystals are not aligned with the direction of the present-day plate motion of Australia, indicating resistance to deformation of the mantle by plate motion.  相似文献   

桥墩冲深计算是桥墩设计中的一个重要方面,而其本身受众多因素影响。目前争议较多的是水深因子的作用。根据试验现象和观测数据等对水深因子的作用进行了研究,得出了冲深随水深的变化是一种多值关系,依据该结论可解释过去多种有争议的观点。并且,对丁坝的分析也得出了类似的关系  相似文献   

Isotopic portrayal of the Earth's upper mantle flow field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is now well established that oceanic plates sink into the lower mantle at subduction zones, but the reverse process of replacing lost upper-mantle material is not well constrained. Even whether the return flow is strongly localized as narrow upwellings or more broadly distributed remains uncertain. Here we show that the distribution of long-lived radiogenic isotopes along the world's mid-ocean ridges can be used to map geochemical domains, which reflect contrasting refilling modes of the upper mantle. New hafnium isotopic data along the Southwest Indian Ridge delineate a sharp transition between an Indian province with a strong lower-mantle isotopic flavour and a South Atlantic province contaminated by advection of upper-mantle material beneath the lithospheric roots of the Archaean African craton. The upper mantle of both domains appears to be refilled through the seismically defined anomaly underlying South Africa and the Afar plume. Because of the viscous drag exerted by the continental keels, refilling of the upper mantle in the Atlantic and Indian domains appears to be slow and confined to localized upwellings. By contrast, in the unencumbered Pacific domain, upwellings seem comparatively much wider and more rapid.  相似文献   

Melting in the Earth's deep upper mantle caused by carbon dioxide   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dasgupta R  Hirschmann MM 《Nature》2006,440(7084):659-662
The onset of partial melting beneath mid-ocean ridges governs the cycling of highly incompatible elements from the mantle to the crust, the flux of key volatiles (such as CO2, He and Ar) and the rheological properties of the upper mantle. Geophysical observations indicate that melting beneath ridges begins at depths approaching 300 km, but the cause of this melting has remained unclear. Here we determine the solidus of carbonated peridotite from 3 to 10 GPa and demonstrate that melting beneath ridges may occur at depths up to 330 km, producing 0.03-0.3% carbonatite liquid. We argue that these melts promote recrystallization and realignment of the mineral matrix, which may explain the geophysical observations. Extraction of incipient carbonatite melts from deep within the oceanic mantle produces an abundant source of metasomatic fluids and a vast mantle residue depleted in highly incompatible elements and fractionated in key parent-daughter elements. We infer that carbon, helium, argon and highly incompatible heat-producing elements (such as uranium, thorium and potassium) are efficiently scavenged from depths of approximately 200-330 km in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Alard O  Griffin WL  Lorand JP  Jackson SE  O'Reilly SY 《Nature》2000,407(6806):891-894
The abundances of highly siderophile (iron-loving) elements (HSEs) in the Earth's mantle provide important constraints on models of the Earth's early evolution. It has long been assumed that the relative abundances of HSEs should reflect the composition of chondritic meteorites--which are thought to represent the primordial material from which the Earth was formed. But the non-chondritic abundance ratios recently found in several types of rock derived from the Earth's mantle have been difficult to reconcile with standard models of the Earth's accretion, and have been interpreted as having arisen from the addition to the primitive mantle of either non-chondritic extraterrestrial material or differentiated material from the Earth's core. Here we report in situ laser-ablation analyses of sulphides in mantle-derived rocks which show that these sulphides do not have chondritic HSE patterns, but that different generations of sulphide within single samples show extreme variability in the relative abundances of HSEs. Sulphides enclosed in silicate phases have high osmium and iridium abundances but low Pd/Ir ratios, whereas pentlandite-dominated interstitial sulphides show low osmium and iridium abundances and high Pd/Ir ratios. We interpret the silicate-enclosed sulphides as the residues of melting processes and interstitial sulphides as the crystallization products of sulphide-bearing (metasomatic) fluids. We suggest that non-chondritic HSE patterns directly reflect processes occurring in the upper mantle--that is, melting and sulphide addition via metasomatism--and are not evidence for the addition of core material or of 'exotic' meteoritic components.  相似文献   

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