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In the limits of the intersubgeneric crossing Chrysocarabus (s. str.) auronitens Fabr. X Chrysocarabus (Chrysotribax) hispanus Fabr., the results change with the subspecies of Cc. auronitens: positive only up to F1, but very little productive with a. festivus Dej. and a. auronitens Fabr., negative with a. subfestivus Oberth. and a. cupreonitens Chevr.  相似文献   

Genomic stability requires error-free chromosome segregation during mitosis. Chromosome congression to the spindle equator precedes chromosome segregation in anaphase and is a hallmark of metazoan mitosis. Here we review the current knowledge and concepts on the processes that underlie chromosome congression, including initial attachment to spindle microtubules, biorientation, and movements, from the perspective of the kinetochore.  相似文献   

Résumé La morphologie du chromosomeX pendant prophase I dans le mâle deSaimiri boliviensis, Macaca mulatta, Galago demidovii etTarsius syrichta suggère l'existence des synapses dans le chromosomeX des mammifères due à la possible existence d'une duplication dans ce chromosome.  相似文献   

The restricted gene expression pattern of a differentiated cell can be reversed by fusion of the somatic cell with a more developmentally potent cell type, such as an embryonic stem (ES) cell. During this reprogramming process, somatic cells obtain most of the characteristics of pluripotent cells. Reactivation of an inactive X chromosome (Xi) is an important epigenetic marker confirming the pluripotent reprogramming of somatic cells. Female somatic cells contain one active X chromosome (Xa) and one Xi, and following the fusion of these cells with male ES cells, the Xi becomes activated, resulting in XaXaXaY fusion hybrid cells. To monitor Xi reactivation, transgenic female neural stem cells (fNSCs) carrying a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene expressed on the Xa (X-GFP), but not on the Xi, were used for reprogramming. XaXiGFP NSCs, whose GFP reporter was silenced, were fused with HM1 ES cells (XY) to induce pluripotent reprogramming. The XiGFP of NSCs were found to be activated on day 4 post-fusion, indicating reactivation of the Xi. Hybrid cells showed pluripotent cell-specific characteristics cells including inactivation of the NSC marker Nestin, DNA demethylation of Oct4, DNA methylation of Nestin, and reactivation of the Xi. Following differentiation of the (GFP-positive) hybrid cells through embryoid body formation, the proportion of GFP-negative cells was found to be approximately 26?%, indicating that there was random inactivation of one of the three Xas. Here, we showed that the Xi of somatic cells is reprogrammed to the Xa state and that cellular differentiation occurs randomly, i.e., regardless of the Xa or Xi state, indicating that the memory of the Xi of somatic cells has been erased and reset to the ground state (i.e., inner cell mass-like state), indicating that random X-chromosome inactivation occurs upon differentiation.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nell'ambito del problema del polimorfismo cromosomico diRattus rattus è stato studiato il cariotipo di varie popolazioni europee (Italia, Svizzera, Francia ed Inghilterra) riferibili alle sottospeciefrugivorus, rattus edalexandrinus. Il numero diploide osservato è sempre stato2n=38 e non è emersa nessuna differenza morfologica tra i cariogrammi delle varie popolazioni.

This research was supported by the Gruppo di Studio per le popolazioni insulari del C.N.R..  相似文献   

The defensive secretions of male and female Oodes americanus display striking qualitative differences. Altogether 13 carboxylic acids were identified in the secretions of the two sexes. Methacrylic, crotonic, and tiglic acids are produced exclusively by the female; the male lacks these unsaturated components, but produces their saturated analogs. 2-Methylbutyric acid is a major component produced by both sexes. Shared components also include hexanoic, (E)-2-hexenoic, benzoic, and (E)-2-octenoic acid, of which the latter two had not previously been reported from carabid beetles.  相似文献   

Summary The defensive secretions of male and femaleOodes americanus display striking qualitative differences. Altogether 13 carboxylic acids were identified in the secretions of the two sexes. Methacrylic, crotonic, and tiglic acids are produced exclusively by the female; the male lacks these unsaturated components, but produces their saturated analogs. 2-Methylbutyric acid is a major component produced by both sexes. Shared components also include hexanoic, (E)-2-hexenoic, benzoic, and (E)-2-octenoic acid, of which the latter two had not previously been reported from carabid beetles.Paper no. 98 in the series Defense Mechanisms of Arthropods; no. 97 is by Smedley et al., J. Lepid. Soc., in press.  相似文献   

Summary This study demonstrates variability in restriction enzyme cleavage sites of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) among four popalations of Colorado potato beetle (CPB). A suite of three enzymes (EcoRI,HpaI,PstI) was sufficient to discriminate among the populations tested. Individuals heteroplasmic for restriction enzyme patterns were found in some populations. Variability in CPB mtDNA should prove useful in efforts to trace the origin and dispersal of the species in North America.  相似文献   

Summary The primary target of thiourea in femaleSarcophaga are the follicles in the ovarioles. The follicle cells as a result become syncytial and their nuclei get pycnotic, inhibiting the transport of nutrient material into the nurse cells and of yolk into the oocytes. The subnormal eggs produced are not viable.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung HomozygoteDrosophila-melanogaster-Weibchen, genetisch markiert mit scarlet (st), Kinked (Ki) und pink peach (Pp) wurden bestrahlt, um Compound-3-Chromosomen herzustellen. Es wurden ausschliesslich st/st- und Pp Ki/Ki(?) Pp-Compoundchromosomen gefunden. Dies zeigt, dass das Zentromer links der Markierung Kinked liegt.

This work was supported by Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

Résumé Oxycarenus hyalinipennis (Costa) possède vraisemblablement des chromosomes sexuels multiples du typeX 1 X 2 Y. Les métaphases diploïdes renferment, soit 17, soit 19 éléments. Les 2 éléments supplémentaires des cinèses à 19, bien que comparables auxm-chromosomes des autres Lygéides, diffèrent de ces derniers en certains points de leur comportement qui évoque celui des «surnuméraires» trouvés chez d'autres insectes. La méiose est du type habituel chez les Hétéroptères.  相似文献   

The primary target of thiourea in female Sarcophaga are the follicles in the ovarioles. The follicle cells as a result become syncytial and their nuclei get pycnotic, inhibiting the transport of nutrient material into the nurse cells and of yolk into the oocytes. The subnormal eggs produced are not viable.  相似文献   

Summary Traps containing a mixture of attractants forIps typographus also caught other species of bark beetles. The numbers ofPityogenes chalcographus, Pityogenes conjunctus, andTrypodendron lineatum were too high to be interpreted as accidental captures. The males of the polygamousP. chalcographus were specifically attracted, indicating that theI. typographus pheromone or one of its components acts as a kairomone and primary attractant for the pioneering males ofP. chalcographus.  相似文献   

Summary Sticky traps containing (+)-lineatin, the pheromone of the ambrosia beetle,Trypodendron lineatum, attracted the predatorThanasimus formicarius to about the same extent as traps baited with ipslure, the pheromone blend used for mass-trappingIps typographus. The results indicate thatT. lineatum is an important prey forT. formicarius early in the season before the main prey becomes active. Addition ofexo-brevicomin to ipslure and ethanol and/or -pinene to (+)-lineatin did not significantly influence the catches of the predator.  相似文献   

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