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Metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes hold great promise in energy-efficient chemical separa-tions.The outstanding challenges of the microstructural design st...  相似文献   

由于强烈的成岩作用,特低渗储层孔隙结构特征复杂,核磁共振实验结果表明,渗透率相近的岩心具有不同的孔隙结构,实验特低渗岩心孔隙结构特征表现为双峰分散型、双峰偏细歪度型及双峰偏粗歪度型;通过核磁共振方法研究了孔隙结构对水驱及后续CO2驱特征的影响,结果表明,不同孔隙结构岩心CO2驱提高采收率机理不同,对于双峰偏细歪度型岩心,CO2驱主要驱替小孔隙中的富集原油,提高了微观波及效率;对于双峰偏粗歪度岩心,CO2驱主要驱替大、中孔隙中的残余油滴和油膜,提高了驱油效率,实验结果为CO2驱提高采收率机理研究及油藏优选提供了参考。  相似文献   

含钴离聚体膜对CO2的促进输送   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进一步研究了CO2、N2和CH4对乙丙三元橡胶(EPDM)磺酸钴(Co(Ⅱ)-S-EPDM)离聚体膜的渗透和分离性能.该离聚体膜显示出良好的CO2渗透性能,在20℃和0.05mPa压差下,CO2渗透系数PCO2和CO2/N2分离系数αCO2/N2分别高达223Barrer和65.70,α CO2/CH4为14.68.PCO2随CO2压差的降低而明显增大,显示出促进输送特征,这一行为即使在膜放置2个月之后并不消失,渗透分离性能变化不大.N2和CH4无此性能,因此在气体压差较低时,PCO2和αCO2/N2、αCO2/CH4可同时提高.由Arrhenius图计算的不同压差下的CO2渗透活化能显示,压差越小,渗透活化能越低,越有利于CO2的渗透。  相似文献   

以陶瓷纤维堆积构成的多孔膜材料,可以克服传统过滤材料过滤阻力大的缺点.在使用浸浆法以TiO2陶瓷纤维为原料制备陶瓷微滤膜的过程中,通过调节制膜液的pH,制备孔径在1.3~2.2 μm之间的系列微滤膜.采用气体泡压、渗透性能、环境扫描电镜、zeta电位分析等手段对膜的微结构及性能进行表征,分析pH对zeta电位的影响.结果表明:含TiO2纤维的制膜液等电点位于pH=4.1附近;随着pH的增加,TiO2纤维之间的相互排斥力越大,排列也越松散,膜层孔径变大;膜的N2与纯水通量与孔径有着良好的对应关系.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes accomplish the critically important function of killing virus-infected and neoplastic cells. They do this by releasing the pore-forming protein perforin and granzyme proteases from cytoplasmic granules into the cleft formed between the abutting killer and target cell membranes. Perforin, a 67-kilodalton multidomain protein, oligomerizes to form pores that deliver the pro-apoptopic granzymes into the cytosol of the target cell. The importance of perforin is highlighted by the fatal consequences of congenital perforin deficiency, with more than 50 different perforin mutations linked to familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (type 2 FHL). Here we elucidate the mechanism of perforin pore formation by determining the X-ray crystal structure of monomeric murine perforin, together with a cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction of the entire perforin pore. Perforin is a thin 'key-shaped' molecule, comprising an amino-terminal membrane attack complex perforin-like (MACPF)/cholesterol dependent cytolysin (CDC) domain followed by an epidermal growth factor (EGF) domain that, together with the extreme carboxy-terminal sequence, forms a central shelf-like structure. A C-terminal C2 domain mediates initial, Ca(2+)-dependent membrane binding. Most unexpectedly, however, electron microscopy reveals that the orientation of the perforin MACPF domain in the pore is inside-out relative to the subunit arrangement in CDCs. These data reveal remarkable flexibility in the mechanism of action of the conserved MACPF/CDC fold and provide new insights into how related immune defence molecules such as complement proteins assemble into pores.  相似文献   

采用聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)中空纤维膜组件吸收CO2,研究了二乙醇胺(DEA)水溶液对疏水微孔膜的润湿作用。实验分别考察不同吸收液浓度、温度、流速以及气体流速对膜润湿的影响,并通过对膜吸收和膜浸润过程的理论分析,建立了考虑孔径分布和浸润时间影响的相对浸润深度表达式。实验结果表明:随着吸收过程的进行,膜孔的平均相对浸润深度η逐渐增加,导致膜相传质系数km随时间逐渐下降,虽然η增加缓慢且幅度很小,但由此引起的km下降却非常明显;随着DEA浓度增加,膜孔的平均相对浸润深度η值变小;升高温度或提高液相流速都会使η增加,但温度对膜浸润的影响更加明显;在气相阻力可以忽略的条件下,改变气相流速对膜浸润的影响不大。  相似文献   

乙醇胺为主体的CO_2吸收剂的复配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以改善乙醇胺(MEA)水溶液吸收负荷、吸收速率、再生程度和防腐蚀等性能为目标,对以MEA为主体的复配吸收剂的性能进行了研究。结果表明,在MEA水溶液中加入哌嗪(PZ)或者2-氨基-2-甲基-1-丙醇(AMP)能提高MEA水溶液吸收CO2的负荷、平均吸收速率和再生性能。在溶液中加入少量氧化膜型缓蚀剂能有效抑制吸收剂溶液对碳钢的腐蚀,吸收剂溶液对碳钢的腐蚀速率从无缓蚀剂条件下的1.96 g/(m2.h)可降低到0.2 g/(m2.h)左右,极大地改善了吸收剂溶液的防腐蚀性能,对碳钢材料起到了较好的保护作用,缓蚀效果为偏钒酸钠铬酸钾重铬酸钾亚硝酸钠硝酸钠磷酸钠亚硫酸钠。  相似文献   

通过对Bent函数代数表达式的研究,给出了5种具有2n个变量的Bent函数的具体表达形式.  相似文献   

本研究采用不同浓度比的碳酸氢钠和碳酸钠模拟吸收富液,用阳离子交换膜组成单膜两室膜电解装置,对吸收液进入阳极室分离钠离子脱碳再生进行了研究.结果表明,膜电解操作须在2.5 V以上进行;吸收液中的碳酸根离子首先向碳酸氢根转变,而后碳酸氢根向碳酸转化进一步释放出二氧化碳;高压操作时,当吸收液pH值变为8.3左右,出口液pH值发生突变.  相似文献   

Ye K  Aghdasi B  Luo HR  Moriarity JL  Wu FY  Hong JJ  Hurt KJ  Bae SS  Suh PG  Snyder SH 《Nature》2002,415(6871):541-544
Phospholipase C gamma 1 (PLC-gamma 1) hydrolyses phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate to the second messengers inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol. PLC-gamma 1 also has mitogenic activity upon growth-factor-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation; however, this activity is not dependent on the phospholipase activity of PLC-gamma 1, but requires an SH3 domain. Here, we demonstrate that PLC-gamma 1 acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for PIKE (phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K) enhancer). PIKE is a nuclear GTPase that activates nuclear PI(3)K activity, and mediates the physiological activation by nerve growth factor (NGF) of nuclear PI(3)K activity. This enzymatic activity accounts for the mitogenic properties of PLC-gamma 1.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯中空纤维膜接触器,分别用去离子水、单乙醇胺(MEA)及N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)水溶液作为吸收剂,对模拟烟气中的CO2分离进行了试验研究.考察了气体流速、入口气体中CO2体积分数、吸收剂流速、吸收剂浓度以及吸收剂种类等因素对CO2脱除率和总传质速率的影响.实验结果显示:3种吸收剂分离CO2的效率由大到小依次为MEA、MDEA、去离子水;CO2的脱除率和传质通量随吸收剂浓度、流速的提高均增加;CO2的脱除率随气体流速和CO2在入口气体中体积分数的增大而减小,而传质速率却随之增加.系统长时间运行后发现存在膜孔润湿现象,进而影响膜的传质性能.因此,吸收剂浓度须在传质和长时间运行性能之间进行权衡.  相似文献   

烟草叶片CO2传导与碳同化参数的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同部位烟草 (N icotiana tabacum L.)叶片光合作用 CO2 传导与碳同化酶的变化。结果表明 ,随着叶位降低 ,光合速率、叶肉导度 (gm)、碳酸酐酶 (CA)活性和核酮糖 -1,5 -二磷酸羧化酶 (Ru BPCase)初始活性快速下降 ,气孔导度(gs)先保持相对稳定后迅速下降 ,胞间 CO2 浓度 (ci)呈现升高、降低、再升高的变化趋势。光合速率与叶肉导度显著正相关 ,非气孔因素是烟叶光合功能衰退的主要原因。  相似文献   

As the sole Ca2+ entry mechanism in a variety of non-excitable cells, store-operated calcium (SOC) influx is important in Ca2+ signalling and many other cellular processes. A calcium-release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel in T lymphocytes is the best-characterized SOC influx channel and is essential to the immune response, sustained activity of CRAC channels being required for gene expression and proliferation. The molecular identity and the gating mechanism of SOC and CRAC channels have remained elusive. Previously we identified Stim and the mammalian homologue STIM1 as essential components of CRAC channel activation in Drosophila S2 cells and human T lymphocytes. Here we show that the expression of EF-hand mutants of Stim or STIM1 activates CRAC channels constitutively without changing Ca2+ store content. By immunofluorescence, EM localization and surface biotinylation we show that STIM1 migrates from endoplasmic-reticulum-like sites to the plasma membrane upon depletion of the Ca2+ store. We propose that STIM1 functions as the missing link between Ca2+ store depletion and SOC influx, serving as a Ca2+ sensor that translocates upon store depletion to the plasma membrane to activate CRAC channels.  相似文献   

采用重量吸附法,研究了空白活性炭A、经有机胺改性的活性炭C和经氢氧化钾与有机胺混合溶液改性得到的活性炭D在绝对温度303,313,323K下分别对单组分气体CO和CO2气体的等温吸附行为。等温吸附模型优选的结果表明:Freundlich方程是描述活性炭吸附CO气体的最佳模型方程;而Langmuir方程、D-R方程可以较好地模拟活性炭样品A在303,313,323 K下对CO2的等温吸附,Freundlich方程则能较好地模拟样品C和D在313 K下的等温吸附。CO和CO2在活性炭A上的等量吸附热均随吸附量的增加而降低。相同吸附压力下,CO2的吸附量高于CO。改性活性炭C和D上CO2的吸附量明显高于空白活性炭A;而活性炭的比表面积和微孔容积与吸附量的变化没有直接相关性。  相似文献   

文中证明了二维Navier-Stokes 方程的吸引子作为拓扑群与一环面同构  相似文献   

本文用不同浓度的CoCl2处理莱茵衣藻,结果表明:当钴离子浓度大于0.05 mmol/L时,莱茵衣藻的生物量和叶绿素含量显著下降.然后用不同浓度的CoCl2处理莱茵衣藻的类囊体膜,分析了Co2+处理前后类囊体膜的室温荧光发射光谱、DCIP光还原活性以及多肽组分的变化.结果显示:Co2+处理(0.5~4 mmol/L)改变了Chla,Chlb以及蛋白质氨基酸残基的微环境,影响了类囊体膜PSⅡ的供体侧和反应中心,导致类囊体膜上PSⅡ的电子传递被阻断.  相似文献   

D Simmons  B Seed 《Nature》1988,333(6173):568-570

Wang F  Podell ER  Zaug AJ  Yang Y  Baciu P  Cech TR  Lei M 《Nature》2007,445(7127):506-510
Telomeres were originally defined as chromosome caps that prevent the natural ends of linear chromosomes from undergoing deleterious degradation and fusion events. POT1 (protection of telomeres) protein binds the single-stranded G-rich DNA overhangs at human chromosome ends and suppresses unwanted DNA repair activities. TPP1 is a previously identified binding partner of POT1 that has been proposed to form part of a six-protein shelterin complex at telomeres. Here, the crystal structure of a domain of human TPP1 reveals an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold that is structurally similar to the beta-subunit of the telomere end-binding protein of a ciliated protozoan, suggesting that TPP1 is the missing beta-subunit of human POT1 protein. Telomeric DNA end-binding proteins have generally been found to inhibit rather than stimulate the action of the chromosome end-replicating enzyme, telomerase. In contrast, we find that TPP1 and POT1 form a complex with telomeric DNA that increases the activity and processivity of the human telomerase core enzyme. We propose that POT1-TPP1 switches from inhibiting telomerase access to the telomere, as a component of shelterin, to serving as a processivity factor for telomerase during telomere extension.  相似文献   

超临界CO2萃取丹参酮ⅡA提取工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超临界CO2萃取法提取了丹参酮ⅡA,讨论了压力、温度、时间、乙醇流量对丹参酮ⅡA提取收率的影响.得出最佳条件为:萃取压力25 MPa,萃取温度40℃,萃取时间2h,乙醇流量1.0 mL/min,并与乙醇提取法进行对比.结果表明,超临界CO2萃取法优于乙醇提取法.而后用液质联机分析得到其结构式.  相似文献   

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