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福建德化是中国古代重要的瓷业生产区和外销瓷的重要产地之一.为了解德化地区不同窑口青花瓷的原料来源、成分和分类关系,用质子激发Χ射线荧光分析(PIXE)技术,测量了20个后所窑和十排格窑青花瓷样品的胎、釉化学组成,将这些数据进行模糊聚类分析,结果表明:两窑青花瓷的胎、釉原料来源接近,并且都经历了从发展到成熟的过程;两窑不同时期青花瓷透明釉样品的釉料来源或配方曾有过明显的变动.  相似文献   

The proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is used to measure the chemical ingredients of seven main elements of each sample of celadon body from Qingliangsi kiln in Baofeng County and Zhanggongxiang kiln in Ruzhou City. The PIXIE data are then analyzed by fuzzy cluster method, and the trend cluster diagram is obtained to determine their relation of classification and provenance. The result shows that the producing area of raw material of Ru porcelain bodies is concentrated in Qingliangsi kiln, while that of celadon bodies is slightly scattered in Zhanggongxiang kiln. The raw material origin of Ru porcelain bodies from Qingliangsi kiln in Baofeng County is different from that of Zhang-gongxiang kiln in Ruzhou City. The materials of Ru Guan porcelain bodies and Ru Civil porcelain bodies in Qingliangsi kiln are basically the same.  相似文献   

为了解北京张家湾出土龙泉古瓷的来源,用能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)测试了10个张家湾出土龙泉古瓷的化学组成,并和浙江南宋时期龙泉大窑青瓷、寺龙口越窑仿官瓷数据一起进行模糊聚类分析,结果表明多数张家湾出土龙泉古瓷可能来自于南宋龙泉大窑区,少数张家湾出土龙泉古瓷可能来自于浙江龙泉其他窑区.张家湾出土龙泉古瓷的胎、釉料来源和南宋寺龙口越窑仿官瓷有所不同.  相似文献   

邢窑开创了我国烧造白瓷的时代,产品远销海内外.其白瓷、青瓷化学组成的模糊聚类分析表明:邢窑粗白釉和粗青釉瓷胎的原料产地比较集中,细白釉瓷和透明细白釉瓷胎的原料产地比较分散;隋代透明细白瓷釉的原料产地或配方和粗白瓷釉、细白瓷釉都有所不同;北齐、隋代粗青瓷釉的原料产地或配方与粗白瓷釉、细白瓷釉、透明细白瓷釉也都有所不同.  相似文献   

为了解严和店窑汝瓷和钧官瓷的起源关系,用能量色散Χ射线荧光光谱仪(EDXRF)测量了56个严和店窑汝瓷和钧官瓷样品的主量化学组成.一维和二维散布分析显示钧官瓷胎的原料来源比较集中,严和店窑汝瓷胎的原料来源比较分散,钧官瓷和严和店窑汝瓷的胎料来源接近但不相同.钧官瓷的釉料来源比较集中,釉料配方变化较少,严和店窑汝瓷的釉料来源或配方比较分散.用EDXRF测试和化学组分散布分析相结合,可以较好地区分严和店窑汝瓷和钧官瓷样品.  相似文献   

采用能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)技术和热膨胀法对寿州窑瓷器的元素组成和烧成温度进行了测试分析.研究结果表明:寿州窑瓷器的瓷胎具有高铝低硅的特点;瓷釉属于钙釉,寿州窑的青釉和黄釉产品不是由于着色元素的差别引起的,很可能是在不同的烧造氛围中形成的;管咀孜窑口的青釉瓷器烧成温度在1 200℃以上,住院部窑口的黄釉瓷器烧成温度在1 100℃以上,1 200℃左右.  相似文献   

通过对有关古宣州窑的文献记载及古宣州境内已发现的瓷窑遗址的分析,认为宣州窑为五代北宋时期窑址,明代《宁国府志》中记载生产"官瓶"的窑场和芜湖县东门渡的"宣州官窑"都是曾为官府生产粗糙酒器的地方窑场,与文献记载中生产颇为精美瓷器的宣州窑具有不同的性质.而繁昌窑可能就是文献中记载的宣州窑.  相似文献   

用EDXRF研究钧台窑出土不同时期古汝瓷的起源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解钧台窑出土不同时期古汝瓷之间的原料来源和分类关系,用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪(EDXRF)测试了30个不同时期古汝瓷胎和釉中的8种主量化学组成,将这些测量数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到以下分析结果:不同时期古汝瓷胎的原料产地接近,用化学组成不能把它们区分开;多数宋代早期釉样品的原料产地相对比较分散,釉料配方有些变化;多数宋代中、晚期釉样品的原料产地相对比较集中,釉料配方相对比较稳定;古汝瓷胎和釉的原料产地、配方则明显不同.  相似文献   

钧瓷是中国五大名瓷之一,与汝瓷、官瓷、哥瓷一样属青瓷系列,烧制过程中发生的窑变使之成为一种非同寻常的彩瓷,窑变造成的钧瓷釉面上的图案、色彩与纹理令其呈现出独一的风貌。本文在讨论钧瓷起源、制作工艺的基础上,着重探讨窑变现象及窑变效果的自然天成性、独一无二性、不可控制性与不可预测性所造就的钧瓷独具一格的艺术美质与审美品格。  相似文献   

古钧瓷和现代钧瓷的指纹元素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将 30个古钧瓷、现代钧瓷的釉和胎等样品进行中子活化分析 (NAA) ,测定每个样品中 36种元素的含量。从中选取 7种指纹元素 ,用指纹元素分析法分别研究了古钧瓷釉和胎的起源。结果表明 ,这批时间跨越6 0 0年 ,釉色迥异 ,出自众多不同窑口的古钧瓷有着长期、稳定、基本相同的原料来源。初步分析了古钧瓷与古汝瓷相近的起源关系。发现现代钧瓷少数与古钧瓷相似 ,而多数与古钧瓷疏远  相似文献   

钧窑是宋元时期非常重要的一个制瓷传统,同时也是中国古陶瓷研究中疑问较多、争议较大的一个窑口。为此作者主持进行了2001年对禹州神垕镇钧窑遗址的考古发掘。经过严格认真的考古发掘工作和初步的整理,使我们对钧窑的烧造时间、发展阶段和工艺技术等诸多问题有了新的认识,收获颇丰。通过发掘大体可以确认在禹州市神垕镇西南部的古窑场中,钧釉瓷器的生产大体始于北宋末期(12世纪前半叶);经过对刘家门窑址发掘资料的初步整理,可将钧窑的发展历史分为三个时期,即北宋晚期到金代前期,金代后期到元代初年,元代时期;发掘中清理出一批遗迹;在下白峪窑址发现了中晚唐时期的遗存,清理了一座窑炉,出土了大量瓷片和窑具。  相似文献   

对邢窑巩义窑白瓷化学组成的模糊聚类分析表明:邢窑不同时期细白釉瓷的胎料产地和配方有所不同;巩义窑唐代3个细白釉瓷的胎料产地和配方非常接近;邢窑巩义窑细白釉瓷胎的化学组成有些相似,但胎料产地不同.邢窑巩义窑粗白釉瓷胎的原料产地各自都比较集中,配方比较简单,化学组成有些相似,但不同窑口的胎料产地也有所不同.两窑窑工在制作工艺上曾有过交流.  相似文献   

The technique of neutron activation analysis (NAA) has been employed to measure the content of 29 kinds of elements in the sample of Yaozhou porcelain bodies,Then a fuzzy cluster analsis has been conducted to the NAA data and a diagram of the dynamic fuzzy cluster analysis has been achived,The results indicate that the batch of ancient Yaozhou porcelain bodies,which were of different overglaze color and were produced by different kilns during a period of over 800 years from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.) to the Yuan Dyansty(1271-1368 A.D.) ,has shared a stable and concentrated raw material source,Provenances of porcelain bodies from different times ,though having their specific independence ,enjoy a close relationship and are not far from one another,Provenances of porcelain bodies made during the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties (907-960 A.D.)are found to be closer to one another,while those of the Song (960-1279A.D.) and the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234 A.D.)are comparatively concentrated in certain areas and are different from those of the Tang Dynasty .Both the tri-colored glazed pottery made in Yaozhou kilns during the Tang Dynasty and the Yaozhou porcelain bodies of the Tang period are from the same provenance.  相似文献   

选取秦始皇陵兵马俑样品83个,秦始皇陵附近的粘土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品2个,用中子活化分析(NAA)测量样品中32种微量元素的含量,将这些数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态聚类分析图.结果表明,一、二、三号坑的兵马俑样品各有相对的独立性,它们所用粘土不完全相同;兵马俑样品与秦始皇陵附近的垆土关系极为密切,与秦始皇陵附近的黄土关系不太密切,与耀州瓷胎无关.这说明兵马俑的原料可能取自骊山地区的某些垆土层,烧制兵马俑的窑址可能也在秦始皇陵附近.  相似文献   

In order to search for sources of the raw material of the Qin's terracotta warriors and horses, we selected 20 samples of pottery warriors and pottery horses of the Qin's Mausoleum from pit No. 1, 19 samples of pottery warriors and brick from pit No. 2, 20 samples of clays near the Qin's Mausoleum and 2 samples of Yaozhou porcelain bodies. The 32 kinds of element content of each sample were measured by neutron activation analysis (NAA). These data were analyzed by fu zzy cluster analysis, the trend cluster analysis diagram was obtained. The results showed that samples of terracotta warriors and horses from pits No.1 and No. 2 were closely related to the loam layer near Qin's Mausoleum, but their relations with the loess layers were not so close, and they were out of all relation to Yaozhou porcelain bodies. Thus, it could be deduced that the Li Mountain clay may be considered as the original place of the raw materials of the terracotta warriors and horses, the kiln sites might be located nearby the Qin's Mausoleum.  相似文献   

钧窑瓷器是我国宋元时期北方地区的重要瓷器品种,其瓷器生产的工艺创新具有十分重要的意义。宋代钧窑铜红釉与铜红彩的创制、分相釉的大量烧制、厚釉的施用等几项最具代表性的工艺创新,在中国古代陶瓷发展史上都具有开创意义,且对当时社会和后世影响巨大而又深远。  相似文献   

通过对梭式窑窑体进行数值模拟计算,达到经济合理地选用各种材料的目的,即达到最优化设计的目的。实践证明,该方法正确,可广泛应用于类似间歇窑的设计。  相似文献   

选取秦始皇陵1号坑兵马俑样品20个,3号坑兵马俑样品44个,秦陵附近黏土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品2个,进行中子活化分析(NAA),测定每个样品中32种元素的质量含量.将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态聚类图.结果表明,1号坑和3号坑兵马俑原料来源不完全相同,但它们都与秦陵附近垆土关系密切,与秦陵附近黄土关系比较疏远,与耀州瓷胎的关系甚远.由此推断秦陵1号坑和3号坑兵马俑的原料可能取自秦陵附近的某些垆土层,烧制兵马俑的窑址可能也在秦始皇陵附近.  相似文献   

In order to search for sources of the raw material of the Qin’s terracotta warriors and horses, we selected 20 samples of pottery warriors and pottery horses of the Qin’s Mausoleum from pit No. 1, 19 samples of pottery warriors and brick from pit No. 2, 20 samples of clays near the Qin’s Mausoleum and 2 samples of Yaozhou porcelain bodies. The 32 kinds of element content of each sample were measured by neutron activation analysis (NAA). These data were analyzed by fuzzy cluster analysis, the trend cluster analysis diagram was obtained. The results showed that samples of terracotta warriors and horses from pits No.1 and No. 2 were closely related to the loam layer near Qin’s Mausoleum, but their relations with the loess layers were not so close, and they were out of all relation to Yaozhou porcelain bodies. Thus, it could be deduced that the Li Mountain clay may be considered as the original place of the raw materials of the terracotta warriors and horses, the kiln sites might be located nearby the Qin’s Mausoleum.  相似文献   

宋代龙泉青瓷工艺恢复研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在浙江龙泉大窑地区窑址群中出土的质量很高的南宋哥窑和弟窑瓷片胎、釉的化学组成、显微结构和烧制工艺。在此基础上,采用龙泉市内紫金土和瓷土等原料,恢复龙泉哥窑和弟窑青瓷生产,并研究成功龙泉青瓷新产品。  相似文献   

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