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概述了一种成功研制的基于蓝色导电高分子材料聚噻吩及其衍生物的智能变色窗.开发出红色和绿色分子单体及相关器件,设计出基于有机高分子工作电极和无机碳、金属或金属氧化物对电极的器件结构,以及半固体,固体电解质.所开发出的智能变色窗、智能变色眼镜等器件样品涉及民用、工业及军事等多个领域.电致变色窗的当前及未来发展包括大尺寸建筑和汽车用玻璃窗、显示器、变色织物,装饰品及护眼等装置.  相似文献   

智能电网中信息技术的广泛使用为攻击者提供了更多的途径入侵和攻击电力系统,这已成为智能电网安全的最大隐患之一。提出了一种基于异常数据融合的智能电网攻击检测方法,通过入侵检测系统发现信息网络中的异常流量,利用标准化残差方法检测电力系统中的异常量测数据,通过关联信息网络和物理系统的异常报警数据来检测智能电网攻击事件。仿真实验表明该方法可以消除入侵检测与标准化残差检测产生的大量错误报警,显著提高智能电网攻击的检测精度。  相似文献   

导电高分子和无机氧化物为基灵巧窗口的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用电化学合成的方法在氧化铟锡导电玻璃上分别镀上了电致变色的三氧化钨和聚苯胺膜,并将这两种ITO玻璃用高分子电解质粘结形成灵巧窗口。当外加电压在-1.4V-+1.4V之间变化时,灵巧窗口在可见光区具有很显的透光率变化。  相似文献   

一种高效的基于智能卡的离线电子现金系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了一个基于智能卡的高效的离线电子现金系统,该系统大大减少了智能卡端的计算量与存储量,从而解决了取款和支付协议中由于智能卡的计算能力和存储空间极为有限而在智能卡端存在的处理瓶颈问题.在本系统中,可信第三方只在必要时才参与协议,对电子现金或取款人进行跟踪。  相似文献   

To investigate whether the functioning of cognitive control is contingent upon the attentional set in attentional blink (AB), which is a deficit in reporting the second (T2) of two targets when it occurs 200—500 ms after the first (T1) in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream, this study examined the pattern of cuing effects in which two kinds of colored cues match (i.e., in the same attentional set) or mismatch (i.e., in a different attentional set) the color of the upcoming T2. Participants of the study were asked to monitor T1 and T2 in triple RSVP streams while the cue-T2 onset synchrony (CTOA) varied from 90 ms to 270 ms and the cue and T2 might or might not occur in the same RSVP stream as T1. Relative to the uncued condition, both the same-color and the different-color cues produced cuing effects, but the effect was larger and lasted for a longer time for the former than for the latter, whether the cue (and T2) and T1 occurred in the same stream or not. Cues with short CTOA in general enhanced T2 performance more greatly during the AB period than outside of the AB period, suggesting that cues with short CTOA could open the attentional window in advance of T2 and thus facilitate the T2 processing. These findings are consistent with the theory that the salient stimulus captures attention and opens the attentional window irrespective of the attentional set defined for the target; but the attention capture effect of the cue can be quickly overridden by the top-down control when the cue does not match the attention set. Thus both the top-down attentional control setting and the bottom-up attentional capture process function during attentional blink.  相似文献   

To investigate whether the functioning of cognitive control is contingent upon the attentional set in attentional blink (AB), which is a deficit in reporting the second (T2) of two targets when it occurs 200—500 ms after the first (T1) in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream, this study examined the pattern of cuing effects in which two kinds of colored cues match (i.e., in the same attentional set) or mismatch (i.e., in a different attentional set) the color of the upcoming T2. Participants of the study were asked to monitor T1 and T2 in triple RSVP streams while the cue-T2 onset synchrony (CTOA) varied from 90 ms to 270 ms and the cue and T2 might or might not occur in the same RSVP stream as T1. Relative to the uncued condition, both the same-color and the different-color cues produced cuing effects, but the effect was larger and lasted for a longer time for the former than for the latter, whether the cue (and T2) and T1 occurred in the same stream or not. Cues with short CTOA in general enhanced T2 performance more greatly during the AB period than outside of the AB period, suggesting that cues with short CTOA could open the attentional window in advance of T2 and thus facilitate the T2 processing. These findings are consistent with the theory that the salient stimulus captures attention and opens the attentional window irrespective of the attentional set defined for the target; but the attention capture effect of the cue can be quickly overridden by the top-down control when the cue does not match the attention set. Thus both the top-down attentional control setting and the bottom-up attentional capture process function during attentional blink.  相似文献   

提出提高活动网络的资源利用率的任务可分协作计划,并建立了带时间窗口的活动网络协作模型.该模型用时间窗口来表示不确定的时间范围,而且实现了项目任务在时间窗口约束下的拆分和协作.针对该模型具有连续性的特点,设计了基于粒子群算法结合遗传算法选择变异机制的求解算法.最后通过算例验证了该模型和算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展,构建在计算机网络环境上的出卷系统也被越来越多的单位和部门所使用.考试从传统的纸质试卷作业变成计算机作业已经成为不可抗拒的潮流.在智能出卷系统中,有一个重要的参数就是难度系数.难度系数的准确性关系到整个试卷出题难度的准确性.本文提出了一种对试题出卷系统中的难度系数的自适应调节方法.利用统计规律和人工经验相结合的方式对题目的难度系数进行调节,使得出卷系统能够生成不同难度级别的试卷,以满足不同用户的需求.  相似文献   

How to process aggregate queries over data streams efficiently and effectively have been becoming hot re search topics in both academic community and industrial community. Aiming at the issues, a novel Linked-tree algorithm based on sliding window is proposed in this paper. Due to the proposal of concept area, the Linked-tree algorithm reuses many primary results in last window and then avoids lots of unnecessary repeated comparison operations between two successive windows. As a result, execution efficiency of MAX query is improved dramatically. In addition, since the size of memory is relevant to the number of areas but irrelevant to the size of sliding window, memory is economized greatly. The extensive experimental results show that the performance of Linked-tree algorithm has significant improvement gains over the traditional SC (Simple Compared) algorithm and Ranked-tree algorithm.  相似文献   

在非同步采样以及非整数周期截断情况下,快速傅里叶变换会产生频谱泄露和栅栏效应,使计算结果存在较大误差,无法得到准确参数。常用窗函数固定的旁瓣性能制约了已有加窗插值算法的误差修正效果。而凯赛(Kaiser)窗的主旁瓣高度之间的比重可依据需要自由选择,其主旁瓣能量的比例也近乎最大。文中提出基于Kaiser窗的三谱线插值FFT的电力谐波分析方法,推导了基波以及各次谐波的幅值、频率和初相位的插值修正公式。仿真结果表明,所提算法设计灵活且易于实现,在基波频率波动以及白噪声干扰下都有较高的谐波参数估计准确度,验证算法能够有效消除泄露和栅栏效应的影响,提高了谐波分析的准确性。  相似文献   

依据期刊审稿单(电子版)的属性及操作简便易行的要求,选择Word中的“控件工具箱”作为设计工具,以一个实例的形式给出了审稿单(电子版)的设计方法。  相似文献   

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