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The caudal limit of Otx2 expression positions the isthmic organizer.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V Broccoli  E Boncinelli  W Wurst 《Nature》1999,401(6749):164-168
The homeobox gene Otx2 is expressed in the anterior neural tube with a sharp limit at the midbrain/hindbrain junction (the isthmic organizer). Otx2 inactivation experiments have shown that this gene is essential for the development of its expression domain. Here we investigate whether the caudal limit of Otx2 expression is instrumental in positioning the isthmic organizer and in specifying midbrain versus hindbrain fate, by ectopically expressing Otx2 in the presumptive anterior hindbrain using a knock-in strategy into the En1 locus. Transgenic offspring display a cerebellar ataxia. Morphological and histological studies of adult transgenic brains reveal that most of the anterior cerebellar vermis is missing, whereas the inferior colliculus is complementarily enlarged. During early neural pattern formation expression of the midbrain markers Wnt1 and Ephrin-A5, the isthmic organizer markers Pax2 and Fgf-8 and the hindbrain marker Gbx2 are shifted caudally in the presumptive hindbrain territory. These findings show that the caudal limit of Otx2 expression is sufficient for positioning the isthmic organizer and encoding caudal midbrain fate within the mid/hindbrain domain.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that Hox genes play an important part in the patterning of limbs, vertebrae and craniofacial structures by providing an ordered molecular system of positional values, termed the Hox code. Little is known about the nature of the signals that govern the establishment and regulation of Hox genes, but retinoic acid can affect the expression of these genes in cell lines and in embryonic tissues. On the basis of experimental and clinical evidence, the hindbrain and branchial region of the head are particularly sensitive to the effects of retinoic acid but the phenotypes are complex and hard to interpret, and how and if they relate to Hox expression has not been clear. Here we follow the changes induced by retinoic acid to hindbrain segmentation and the branchial arches using transgenic mice which contain lacZ reporter genes that reveal the endogenous segment-restricted expression of the Hox-B1 (Hox-2.9), Hox-B2(Hox-2.8) and Krox-20 genes. Our results show that these genes rapidly respond to exposure to retinoic acid at preheadfold stages and undergo a progressive series of changes in segmental expression that are associated with specific phenotypes in hindbrain of first branchial arch. Together the molecular and anatomical alterations indicate that retinoic acid has induced changes in the hindbrain Hox code which result in the homeotic transformation of rhombomeres (r) 2/3 to an r4/5 identity. A main feature of this rhombomeric phenotype is that the trigeminal motor nerve is transformed to a facial identity. Furthermore, in support of this change in rhombomeric identity, neural crest cells derived from r2/3 also express posterior Hox markers suggesting that the retinoic acid-induced transformation extends to multiple components of the first branchial arch.  相似文献   

D G Wilkinson  S Bhatt  M Cook  E Boncinelli  R Krumlauf 《Nature》1989,341(6241):405-409
The vertebrate hindbrain develops in a segmental pattern, with distinctive groups of neurons originating from different segments. We report here that members of the Hox-2 cluster of murine homoeobox genes are expressed in segment-specific patterns in the developing hindbrain, with successive genes having boundaries at two-segment intervals. These data indicate that Hox genes specify segment phenotype, a role analogous to that of their Drosophila homologues.  相似文献   

Essential role for Gab2 in the allergic response.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
H Gu  K Saito  L D Klaman  J Shen  T Fleming  Y Wang  J C Pratt  G Lin  B Lim  J P Kinet  B G Neel 《Nature》2001,412(6843):186-190
Dos/Gab family scaffolding adapters (Dos, Gab1, Gab2) bind several signal relay molecules, including the protein-tyrosine phosphatase Shp-2 and phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K); they are also implicated in growth factor, cytokine and antigen receptor signal transduction. Mice lacking Gab1 die during embryogenesis and show defective responses to several stimuli. Here we report that Gab2-/- mice are viable and generally healthy; however, the response (for example, degranulation and cytokine gene expression) of Gab2-/- mast cells to stimulation of the high affinity immunoglobulin-epsilon (IgE) receptor Fc(epsilon)RI is defective. Accordingly, allergic reactions such as passive cutaneous and systemic anaphylaxis are markedly impaired in Gab2-/- mice. Biochemical analyses reveal that signalling pathways dependent on PI(3)K, a critical component of Fc(epsilon)RI signalling, are defective in Gab2-/- mast cells. Our data identify Gab2 as the principal activator of PI(3)K in response to Fc(epsilon)RI activation, thereby providing genetic evidence that Dos/Gab family scaffolds regulate the PI(3)K pathway in vivo. Gab2 and/or its associated signalling molecules may be new targets for developing drugs to treat allergy.  相似文献   

The organizer of the vertebrate gastrula is an important signalling centre that induces and patterns dorsal axial structures. Although a topic of long-standing interest, the evolutionary origin of the organizer remains unclear. Here we show that the gastrula of the cephalochordate amphioxus expresses dorsal/ventral (D/V) patterning genes (for example, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), Nodal and their antagonists) in patterns reminiscent of those of their vertebrate orthlogues, and that amphioxus embryos, like those of vertebrates, are ventralized by exogenous BMP protein. In addition, Wnt-antagonists (for example, Dkks and sFRP2-like) are expressed anteriorly, whereas Wnt genes themselves are expressed posteriorly, consistent with a role for Wnt signalling in anterior/posterior (A/P) patterning. These results suggest evolutionary conservation of the mechanisms for both D/V and A/P patterning of the early gastrula. In light of recent phylogenetic analyses placing cephalochordates basally in the chordate lineage, we propose that separate signalling centres for patterning the D/V and A/P axes may be an ancestral chordate character.  相似文献   

Phototransduction. A role for calcium in adaptation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
E Pugh  J Altman 《Nature》1988,334(6177):16-17

当前我国群众文化建设面临着新情况、新问题。群众文化作为公益性事业,政府必定是主导者。在新时期群众文化建设中,政府应着重扮演好五个角色:规划师、投资人、建设者、指导员和服务体。  相似文献   

A role for casein kinase 2alpha in the Drosophila circadian clock   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Lin JM  Kilman VL  Keegan K  Paddock B  Emery-Le M  Rosbash M  Allada R 《Nature》2002,420(6917):816-820

Sequential derepression and repression of the tryptophan operon in E. coli   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
J Ito  F Imamoto 《Nature》1968,220(5166):441-444

A role for Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone H2A in DNA repair   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Downs JA  Lowndes NF  Jackson SP 《Nature》2000,408(6815):1001-1004

试验中利用一套定位精度相对较高的GPS设备和一套市场上适用,低功耗、低成本北斗设备,分析GPS和BD2定位差值。所选试验区域包含了南海北部海域和南海东部海域。在这两个区域,当GPS与BD2定位精度较高时,二者定位差值在3m左右。在南海东部海域,BD2出现定位精度不好的情况且时间较长,但定位差值在25m以内。故间接可以说明北斗导航系统能够满足船舶航行以及一些海上仪器设备定位需要。  相似文献   

滇中高原温室设施的采光及保温   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据滇中高原气候特点,温室应用现状,对滇中地区温室的采光及保温性能进行了分析研究,并提出相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

A L Boman  T C Taylor  P Melan?on  K L Wilson 《Nature》1992,358(6386):512-514
Two distinct steps in nuclear envelope assembly can be assayed in vitro: the protein-mediated binding of nuclear-specific vesicles to chromatin, and the subsequent fusion of these vesicles to enclose the chromatin within a double nuclear membrane. Nuclear vesicle fusion, like fusion in the secretory pathway, requires ATP and cytosol and is inhibited by nonhydrolysable GTP analogues. The sensitivity of nuclear vesicle fusion to GTP-gamma S requires a GTP-dependent soluble factor, the properties of which are strikingly similar to a GTP-dependent Golgi binding factor (GGBF) that inhibits Golgi vesicle fusion in the presence of GTP-gamma S and belongs to the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases. In the presence of GTP-gamma S, ARF proteins and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-COP ('coatomer') subunits are associated with Golgi transport vesicles, but the exact roles of ARF proteins in secretion are not yet understood. We report here that purified ARF1 and GGBF have GTP-dependent soluble factor activity in the nuclear vesicle fusion assay. Our results show that the function of ARF is not limited to the Golgi apparatus, and indicate that there may be a link between the formation of nuclear vesicles during mitosis and proteins involved in secretion.  相似文献   

定位算法是无线定位技术研究的核心,其优劣将直接影响整个定位系统的性能。针对蜂窝网无线定位技术的特点,提出了一种基于坐标变换对TOA定位测量数据进行位置解算的方法,该方法通过对测量点的空间坐标变换,避免了位置解算过程中的方程线性化问题,减小了计算复杂度,并能大大提高位置解算的精度。实验结果表明,相对于泰勒级数展开法,有效地提高了系统定位性能。   相似文献   

一种新的蜂窝网无线定位位置解算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
定位算法是无线定位技术研究的核心,其优劣将直接影响整个定位系统的性能。针对蜂窝网无线定位技术的特点,提出了一种基于坐标变换对TOA定位测量数据进行位置解算的方法,该方法通过对测量点的空间坐标变换,避免了位置解算过程中的方程线性化问题,减小了计算复杂度,并能大大提高位置解算的精度。实验结果表明,相对于泰勒级数展开法,有效地提高了系统定位性能。  相似文献   

A role for ghrelin in the central regulation of feeding   总被引:129,自引:0,他引:129  
Ghrelin is an acylated peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary. Ghrelin-producing neurons are located in the hypothalamus, whereas ghrelin receptors are expressed in various regions of the brain, which is indicative of central-and as yet undefined-physiological functions. Here we show that ghrelin is involved in the hypothalamic regulation of energy homeostasis. Intracerebroventricular injections of ghrelin strongly stimulated feeding in rats and increased body weight gain. Ghrelin also increased feeding in rats that are genetically deficient in growth hormone. Anti-ghrelin immunoglobulin G robustly suppressed feeding. After intracerebroventricular ghrelin administration, Fos protein, a marker of neuronal activation, was found in regions of primary importance in the regulation of feeding, including neuropeptide Y6 (NPY) neurons and agouti-related protein (AGRP) neurons. Antibodies and antagonists of NPY and AGRP abolished ghrelin-induced feeding. Ghrelin augmented NPY gene expression and blocked leptin-induced feeding reduction, implying that there is a competitive interaction between ghrelin and leptin in feeding regulation. We conclude that ghrelin is a physiological mediator of feeding, and probably has a function in growth regulation by stimulating feeding and release of growth hormone.  相似文献   

A protective role for protease-activated receptors in the airways   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The protection of cells in the upper intestine against digestion by pancreatic trypsin depends on the prostanoid prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and is mediated by protease-activated receptors in the epithelium. As the airway epithelium is morphologically similar and also expresses one of these receptors, PAR2, and is a major source of PGE2, we reasoned that bronchial epithelial PAR2 might also participate in prostanoid-dependent cytoprotection in the airways. Here we show that activation of PAR2, which co-localizes immunohistochemically with trypsin(ogen) in airway epithelium, causes the relaxation of airway preparations from mouse, rat, guinea-pig and humans by the release of a cyclooxygenase product from the epithelium. This physiological protective response in isolated airways also occurred in anaesthetized rats, where activation of PAR2 caused a marked and prolonged inhibition of bronchoconstriction. After desensitization of PAR2, the response to trypsin recovered rapidly by mechanisms dependent on de novo synthesis and trafficking of proteins. Our results indicate that trypsin released from the epithelium can initiate powerful bronchoprotection in the airways by activation of epithelial PAR2.  相似文献   

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