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刘彩虹  韦红茹 《科技信息》2007,(26):148-149
Shakespeare,the colossus in English literature,writes thirty-seven world-famous plays as well as one hundred and fifty-four universally appreciatedsonnets during English Renaissance period.His sonnets are the crystallization of his deep thought and his perfect art.Sonnets127-154 are addressed to a dark-skinnedwoman.This woman is not a fashionable beauty,but she is very attractive.Also she is dissolute in nature and experienced in loving affairs.The sonnets are focused on the entanglement between the poet and her.His point of view towards the woman is contradictory:he praises his deeply loving girl,and at the same time he blames her disloyalty.  相似文献   

苏曼 《科技信息》2007,(15):157-160
Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in 19th century's America, is most famous for his transcendental ideas and writings. He was deeply influenced by European Romanticism in his thirties and formed an informal Transcendental Club with people of like minds. His thought is often considered the core of Transcendentalism. "Nature" is the fundamental document of his philosophy and an embodiment of his transcendental attitude towards the phenomenal world. He also wrote some other brilliant essays such as "The American Scholar", "Self-Reliance", "The Over-Soul" and "The Poet", etc, all of which established his indisputable position in the history of culture, especially in the American Culture where he is regarded as the one who, in literally terms at least, really put America on map. But considering Emerson's writings without significant emphasis on his verse would be a great loss. Emerson wrote poetry from the time he was a boy to nearly the end of his life. These poems are essential for understanding him and his transcendental theories and are receiving more extensive representation in anthologies while significant critical analyses are emerging though some modern readers and scholars tend to view his poetry as secondary to the "essential" Emerson. In view of the above, this paper supposes to introduce Emerson's views on poets and poems and then analyze some of his famous poems in the order of 'Emerson as a Poet', 'Emerson's Views on Poets and Poems' and 'Emerson's Poems' with the third one as the focus of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to try to make the comprehension on Emerson and his abstract transcendental theories more complete and thorough by emphasizing his contribution in the poetic field.  相似文献   

William Faulkner is regarded as one of the leading American authors of the Twentieth Century and the leading representative of"Southern Literature. "His writings draw the attention of not only the Americans but also the whole world. From many aspects, he is an original writer. His subject matter, his originality of working out the plot, and his unusual artistic style let him stand like a firm and erect reef in the fast changing Western literary currents. It is owing to his outstanding contribution to world litreature that he was awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.  相似文献   

林威 《科技信息》2012,(23):245-245
Hamlet,the first of the great tragedies,is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage,for it has the qualities of a "blood-and-thunder" thriller and a philosophical exploration of life and death.The play opens with Hamlet,Prince of Denmark,appearing in a mood of world-weariness occasioned by his father’s recent death and by his mother’s hasty remarriage with Claudius,his father’s brother.Shakespeare is good at describing the characters,controlling the languages,and he is a master to arrange the scene of drama,as well.He knows how to make use of an earlier scene in the later scene.I will explain it from the the death of Polonius and the scenes of Ophelia.  相似文献   

曲俊静 《科技信息》2011,(34):204-205
F.Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest writers of the 1920s America.Written in 1925,The Great Gatsby is generally considered as his representative novel and one of the greatest literary documents of the period.The success of the novel owes to the depiction of the hero-Gatsby.This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of the hero.Through this point of view,readers may get some new ideas and understandings of this novel’s theme.In the process of depicting that era-the Jazz Age,this paper reveals the greatness of Gatsby in one regard as well as the critical significance towards that specific period in other aspects,so as to prove that Jay Gatsby is really a great man.  相似文献   

Shao Zhufeng 《科技信息》2007,51(24):442-444
Due to the sensitive nature of taboo words,generally the use of them is strictly restricted.In this paper the author discusses many different uses of taboo words in English,and argues that taboo words can be used not only impolitely as is generally assumed,but also neutrally and politely.The criterion of judging the politeness/impoliteness of these linguistic items is the motivation we believed to be behind them.  相似文献   

张婷 《科技信息》2011,(15):255-256
his paper presents two theories in English study-input and output.Then their respective roles in language learning are underscored by citing several examples.It shows the prominent role of input,and stresses the necessity of output as a means for English study.Meanwhile,the notion interaction is introduced for a better relationship between the input and output.It is concluded that the two parts can’t be separated from each other in English study despite their chronological order.The paper suggests that an English learner put in as much as possible and put out whenever there is opportunity.  相似文献   

As a master in language,William Shakespeare is proficient in using verse and prose alternatively in his tragedies and comedies,which is regarded as the key to his success in literature by some critics.In this thesis,I would like to analyze the three criteria for the alternation of verse and prose in Hamlet,in which a discussion of functions of the alternation will be included  相似文献   

吴兵 《科技信息》2007,(2):122-122,124
Culture can be divided into material aspect-the products of a people's art and technology and non-material aspect-a people's customs,beliefs,values and patterns of communication.The communication between cultures is possible because of the similar principles that guide the interaction as well as the different perceptions and symbol system that cause the various thought patterns,cognitive types and pragmatic competence.So is it in Chinese and English,the typical version of Oriental and Western culture.This paper is designed to present the cultural differences in thought patterns and the influences on the English writing.Since Chinglish,the term that the English native describes the embarrassing usage of English is serous and alarming for the second language learning,it is of primary importance to inform the learners in order to avoid the negative transfer.Especially the college learners are undertaking the double task of communication and academy.The risk of pragmatic failure would be reduced as few as possible if they are conscious of such thought patterns and its influence on the writing practice.The analysis is of help for the college learners to be as native as possible in writing.  相似文献   

陈秋骆 《科技信息》2009,(19):188-189
William Wordsworth, the representative of the romantic writers and a great writer of the nature, has made great contribution in poetic theory. Daffodils is one of the many poems written by Wordsworth on the beauty of nature. His great imagination, with the poet's philosophical and somewhat mystical thought, is deeply rooted in the poetical creation. In this paper, his most representative poem is closely examined to appreciate how Wordsworth combines his deep love for nature and his romantic language in his great poem.  相似文献   

福克纳的大多数作品都是以故乡为背景来进行创作的,在作品中他描写了故乡的自然风光、风土人情,表现了对故土的眷恋.可以说,"乡土情结"是他创作的支点,理解了他的"乡土观"就可以更好地解读作家本人及其作品.福克纳的乡土观包括"根"的观念、南方社区观念和和谐乡土的观念等.他的乡土观的形成源于美国南方的文化传统及南北战争南方失败的经历.作家以乡土观为武器来批判了北方资本主义社会的种种罪恶,他对传统的态度对于我们所有的人都具有启发作用.  相似文献   

刘忠诚是近年来中国剧坛较活跃的剧作家与戏剧理论家,是有思想、有方法的文学评论家,是小说本体意识和作家主体意识很强的新锐小说家。他构建了自己的文艺思想体系,他的文艺探索的逻辑起点是人性本体审美论,他的文艺创作的理论基石是生活与心是的“二源泉”论。他的小说强力追求主体感悟的显示,感觉情绪成为小说的中心,讲究叙事的密度与活性,叙事者往往与人物交织重合,显示了主体创造的内在活力,他的小说是小说领域的一道奇观。  相似文献   

四十年代沈从文的创作是一个极富独特意味的文学存在.以善讲"故事"著称的沈从文,在这一时期并未留下多少小说文本,取而代之的是哲思散文.他昆明时期的哲思散文关注的是个人化的情感和生命体验,从时代中发现"我"的存在.个人与时代、生命与生活、抽象与实际的内在冲突反复在文字中流露出来.本文试图透过其哲思散文折射出的内在紧张,追寻沈从文存在的个体意义.  相似文献   

进化论学说是英国著名作家托马斯.哈代的宇宙观和世界观的基础,也是他文艺思想观念形成的基础。在他的创作和艺术构思中,他都自觉不自觉地遵循了进化论的思想,作品中体现了人类社会生存竞争和社会进化的趋向。而《德伯家的苔丝》就是描写威塞克斯人在社会转型期所遭受的悲惨命运,这一点在主人公苔丝坎坷不平的生活历程之中得到了充分的体现。  相似文献   

对于岑参的研究,当前研究者的目光多集中在其边塞诗上,其实岑参创作的边塞诗在其诗集中所占比例不到六分之一,仅是一小部分,相对而言,山水诗却是岑参创作的主体,山水诗创作贯穿其一生,山水诗数量可观且极具个性特征,值得研究,是其诗歌研究中不可忽视的一部分。  相似文献   

范蠡助越灭吴,而后弃官经商,其动因是出于对西施的信义,其行动原则是“因天之时,就地之利”而“依于仁”;这一些都是符合先秦儒家道德规范要求的,也是范蠡被后世目为“儒商”的原因。  相似文献   

哈代和井石分别建构起了独特的文学世界——"威塞克斯"和"河湟谷地",表达了他们对故乡人与自然、人与人强烈的质朴的原始主义情怀,揭示了动物的灵性、大自然的神性与人类的本性之间的神秘互渗意识,表现出崇古慕俗、返璞归真的文化心理。但由于中西方社会背景与文化形态的差异,他们的原始主义文学创作倾向不尽相同。  相似文献   

张九龄的仕宦生涯和为官风格都深深烙上了他那个时代的岭南地域所禀赋于他的喜好、个性的印记。而他之所以罢相并坟归故里亦与他所处的时代和地域所赋予他的个人禀性不无关系。张九龄的个人经历反映了唐代江南特别是岭南士人在唐中央任官处境的艰难,折射出唐初岭南社会有所发展,但程度有限的特点。  相似文献   

以罗丹的纪念性雕塑代表作《加莱义民》、《雨果》、《巴尔扎克》为例,探讨其纪念性雕塑难为当时公众接受的原因———反纪念碑性,从内容和形式两方面论述了纪念性雕塑反纪念碑性的表现,并进一步论述了罗丹反纪念碑的原因。认为罗丹纪念性雕塑的反纪念碑性,主要在于他把纪念性雕塑当作表达个人思想感情的工具,艺术表现占居首位,一反传统的纪念碑外在的要求占居首位的创作模式;他的反纪念碑,根源于纪念性雕塑自身的发展,是一种历史的必然。进而认为它与传统雕塑特别是纪念性雕塑有着根本性的冲突,西方现代雕塑对传统的解构实是受到罗丹的启发。  相似文献   

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