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中尺度涡在影响海洋物质和能量的输送以及生物、化学过程方面都发挥重要作用.利用27年(1993—2019年)的AVISO卫星高度计数据集,基于闭合等值线法对西北太平洋及其邻近边缘海(10°~30°N, 115°~155°E)中尺度涡进行识别追踪,并着重讨论了生命周期大于4周的涡旋特征.涡旋在15°~25°N纬度带产生频率较高,多数涡旋向西传播,并在研究区域西侧与黑潮相互作用后消失于吕宋岛和台湾岛以东海域.随着纬度的增加,涡旋半径急剧减小,振幅则不断增大;而17°~22°N纬度带是涡动能高值区,在吕宋海峡东部最为明显.涡旋参数表现出明显的季节和年际变化特征,涡旋产生数在春、冬季较多,夏、秋季较少;涡动能则在春季较高,冬季较低.涡动能的年际变化明显受厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)调制作用,相位滞后1个月呈显著正相关.不稳定性分析结果表明,副热带逆流和北赤道流垂向剪切的斜压不稳定性是涡旋产生的主要机制,在春季这一效应达最大.  相似文献   

中尺度涡冷暖特征的理论推导   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了从理论上解释中尺度涡旋冷暖性质与涡旋旋转方向的关系,分析了涡旋的几何特征,并依据这些特征做了如下假设:中尺度涡具有对称的几何形态,涡旋中海洋要素沿径向具有线性变化的特征。从原始方程组出发,利用柱坐标系和上述假设条件,略去耗散力,不考虑涡旋切向的变化,并且忽略径向的速度,推导了中尺度涡的冷暖特征,解释了气旋式中尺度涡对应冷涡以及反气旋式中尺度涡对应暖涡等涡旋的运动特点。结果表明,中心对称形式可以作为对中尺度涡的几何特征的一个理想形态近似,在考虑上述假设条件的理想环境下,柱坐标系在研究中尺度涡的几何性质上具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

倾斜涡度发展与β中尺度低涡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用中尺度暴雨模式MRM1,对1998年7月21、22日湖北黄石的β中尺度低涡及特大暴雨进行数值模拟,采用湿位涡守恒原理对模式输出的高时空分辨率物理量场进行分析。结果表明,β中尺度低涡是在低层θ水平梯度加大,θe等值线变得更加倾斜、近似陡立而发生SVD的情况下产生的。Pm1在本次特大暴雨过程中是主要的,大大超过pm2,低层对流稳定度绝对值的迅速减小造成垂直涡度的急剧增大,从而形成β中尺度低涡。因此,θe等值线变得陡立可能是气旋性涡度激烈发展导致对流性特大暴雨形成的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

为探究越南东部海域中尺度涡的表层特征和垂向结构,基于卫星高度计资料,采用涡旋自动识别方法对该区域一个中尺度涡的演变和移动特征进行分析,同时结合走航调查资料对该涡旋的垂直结构进行了分析。结果表明:该涡旋总体向西北方向移动,其速度不具有一阶斜压罗斯贝波的传播特性;涡旋会造成其内部温度和盐度等值线的抬升,并引起涡内温盐异常,在25~75m深度分别存在温度负异常的"冷核"结构和盐度正异常的"高盐核"结构;与气候态相比,涡旋内部温跃层深度变浅,厚度变小,强度变大;涡旋对上混合层的影响很小,没有造成明显的温盐异常;基于实测流场与由温盐诊断的斜压流场的共同数据可知,涡旋内部流场呈明显气旋式环流,涡中心流速接近0,边缘附近流速最大。  相似文献   

对1959~2009年吉安气象观测站逐日、逐月、逐年雷暴的观测资料进行数理统计,分析了吉安雷暴发生的特征.结果 表明:吉安年平均雷暴日为63.0 d,属于强雷区;雷暴日数的年际变化幅度大,最多年份102 d(1983年)与最少年份41 d(2000年和2001年)相差61 d,接近年平均日数;年雷暴日数以5 a左右为一个周期,10年左右出现一个峰值,目前年雷暴日数正处于减少期内;初(终)雷暴日及雷暴持续期年际间振荡的幅度较为剧烈,最早初雷日与最晚初雷日相差90 d,最早终雷日与最晚终雷日相差108 d,最长雷暴持续期310 d与最短雷暴持续期186 d相差124 d; 51年来吉安雷暴日数线性减少趋势明显,减小幅度为4.0 d/10年;雷暴日季节分布以夏季最多,占全年的50.2%,冬季最少,只有全年的4.3%;月分布呈单峰型,雷暴多集中在3~9月份,8月最多,12月最少;日分布呈单峰型,以14~20时频数最大,最低值在7~12时;单个雷暴持续时间最长达7小时23分钟,出现在1962年3月20日;雷暴出现频率最多为SW(西南)方向,占38.4%,为吉安雷暴的主导方向.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟方法,使用流函数和拉格朗日相关结构对由2种生长机制所得涡环的典型物理特征进行分析.结果表明:由2种生长机制所得涡环均属于薄核涡环,其涡核的涡量分布满足高斯分布,并且具有统一的物理模型;但由于2种涡环生长过程中的环境差异而导致其运动学特征存在差异,主要表现在涡环的传输速度和无量纲涡核半径有所不同.  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近海域洪季悬沙分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于近几年大量的实测资料,对长江口及其邻近海域洪季期间悬沙浓度的时空分布特征进行了分析.结果表明,悬沙浓度空间上以杭州湾测点最高,其次是长江口内、长江口外,舟山海域最低;悬沙平面分布总体态势为近岸高而外海低;长江口纵向上自口内经口门向口外悬沙浓度大致呈“低-高-低”分布,沿杭州湾测点则由西向东逐渐降低;横向比较长江口外海滨四个测点发现其悬沙浓度自北向南顺次升高;悬沙浓度一般由表及底逐渐增大,但在不同水域其主要呈现的垂线结构类型则有所不同.时间上由于潮流的大小潮和潮周期变化,悬沙浓度还存在大小潮和涨落潮周期变化.另外,对长江口及其邻近海域悬沙浓度时空分布特征的原因进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

采用大涡模拟方法数值模拟了流向和展向椭圆喷嘴的湍流横向射流, 重点研究了其中旋涡结构的产生、发展等动力学演化过程. 结果表明文献中所报道的横向射流基本涡结构, 如反向旋转涡对、前缘涡、后缘涡、悬涡、肾涡、反肾涡等等是分别对应于新发现的横向射流中的基本涡结构——起始于喷嘴的三维拉伸涡环的局部结构, 因此, 在湍流横向射流中真正占主导作用的是拉伸、扭曲、沿展向摆动和沿流向扭动的三维涡环. 研究还发现: 涡环的脱落频率比流场信号分析得到的脉动频率小得多.  相似文献   

石羊河流域天然径流序列统计特征分析及其随机模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先通过自相关、互相关分析和谱分析,对内陆河水系石羊河流哉八条主要河流天然年、月径流序列进行了统计特征分析.得出了许多有价值的结果.进而,本文对该流域并联多河系统的径流序列的随机模拟作了尝试.在应用三阶自回归模型、多层次模型和一阶自回归模型生成主河天然年径流、逐月径流序列的基础上,通过多站线性回归模型对其它各从河的天然年、月径流序列进行了的机模拟.  相似文献   

主控本海域泥沙运动和海床冲淤演变的水动力是水体中具有强周期性的潮汐运动和弱周期性的长江径流之耦合.潮汐运动主要由源潮波即半日潮波和日潮波叠加而成,因浅海非线性效应而衍生的浅水潮波也有相当贡献,从而形成具有以半日潮周期为主,且伴有日不等现象的水体流动.基本沿陆岸呈南北向传播的潮波,经长江口门在本海域顺势折向,入横沙浅滩南北的北槽和北港水槽,基本转成东西向的流动.本海域滩槽相间,且处在口门和滨坡交接段,复杂地势制约着潮流运动形式:顺河槽和沿横沙浅滩东侧分别为东西和南北主流向的往复流;而其间的海域基本呈南向流强于北向流的旋转流.正由于这种形式的旋转流存在,造成口外滨坡海床的冲刷以及挖入式港池的深水航道段会有较强的横流出现.长江径流顺河槽下泄东流,出口门后浮置于海外盐水之上,随不同季节,或东南或东北向汇入大海,由此往往造成上下水层流向不一致的垂向结构.  相似文献   

涡流空气分级机内湍流涡频谱对其性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据湍流基本概念和涡频谱基本理论 ,讨论了涡流空气分级机内不同频率、不同尺度的湍流涡对物料分散和分级精度的影响 ,提出高频脉动的小尺寸湍涡有利于团聚体解吸、粉料的分散 ,能提高物料分级精度和分级效率。在不改变转笼外边缘和导流叶片内边缘间环形区宽度的情况下 ,通过在转笼外边缘分别沿径向叶片圆周呈90°角对称加四根杆 ,改变环形区湍流涡频谱分布 ,增加高频小湍涡 ,使得分级精度指数分别从 0.71,0.62提高到0.80 ,0.76 ,相对提高 12.7%和 22.6 %。  相似文献   

The generality and some climatological characteristics of the double ridge systems of subtropical high (SH) are investigated statistically by using the daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1958 to 1998. The results show that the SH double-ridge event is a common phenomenon in the Northern Hemisphere, with the distinct seasonal and regional features, that is, the majority of SH double-ridge geneses concentrate over the eastern North India Ocean-western North Pacific as well as the central North Pacific in the period from mid-July to mid-September. Especially over the western North Pacific subtropics, the SH double-ridge events are extremely active. It is found that the life cycle of most double-ridge events of western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) is shorter but some still last longer. The WPSH double-ridge events occur most frequently from July to September, while there is a paucity of occurrences during November-March. Also, it is shown that the WPSH double-ridge events have a strong interannual variation with a certain periodicity which possesses a remarkably abrupt change in the mid-1970s. Additionally, the relationship between the WPSH double ridges and the meridional movement of WPSH is discussed.  相似文献   

The coupling and propagating features of mesoscale sea level variability between the western Pacific (WP) and the South China Sea (SCS) were studied based on time series analyses of satellite altimeter measured, along-track sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) along 21°N and the slope of the northern SCS. The analyses show that mesoscale sea level fluctuations in the WP have rather limited coherent effects on the SCS, and no statistically significant propagation of mesoscale variability through the Luzon Strait was observed except in the 45-day band. Evidence suggests that the 45-day fluctuation is very much likely a character of the Kuroshio originating from its low-latitude beginning. It is also sug- gested that the westward propagating Rossby waves will deform when they encounter the dynamical barrier of the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio will then acts on the SCS in its own way. The SCS is a relatively isolated system in the sense of coupling and propagating of oceanic mesoscale waves.  相似文献   

设计制作了高压电缆中间接头内部4种典型绝缘缺陷物理模型,并构建了相应的局部放电(Partial Discharge,PD)试验研究平台,利用内置宽频带圆环型传感器获取了不同绝缘缺陷模型下的大量PD数据。通过放电统计特征分析表明,4种放电形式在相位分布和偏斜度、峭度、不对称度等统计特性上有显著的区别,可作为反映不同绝缘缺陷的有效特征。此外,沿面滑闪和导电微粒两种放电对电缆接头绝缘性能的破坏较为严重,建议现场运行应给予高度重视。  相似文献   

统计体制和统计制度只有适应经济体制和经济增长方式转变的要求才能具有活力。从实行企业“一张表”制度、推行“在地统计”策略、强化统计调查项目管理等方面对如何建立适应市场经济的统计制度进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一次特大暴雨中尺度系统结构特征和机理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究“04.6”湖南特大暴雨过程的发生发展机理,在天气分析的基础上,利用非静力中尺度模式MM 5-V 3.6对本次过程进行了数值模拟。结果表明:高分辨中尺度模式MM 5可以较好地模拟中尺度低涡切变线的发生和发展。模拟结果显示,中尺度低涡发展过程中,不断有扰动在低涡前部发展,并激发出强烈的中尺度对流系统M CS(m esoscale convective system)。暴雨区上空具有同向双圈垂直环流结构特征,使中尺度对流系统更加组织化。根据湿位涡守恒和倾斜位涡发展理论分析了暴雨和M CS形成和发展的原因。对流不稳定和条件对称不稳定的建立以及对流有效位能的集中释放是此次特大暴雨产生和持续发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed and researched on several significant natural geological sections from the views of stratum-sequence stratigraphy, climate stratigraphy, event stratigraphy and regional stratigraphy by the investigation of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. In combination with the coupling relationship between the life-temperature of regional life zone and the evolution of geological environment, this paper exactly made out the geological sediment records of paleoclimate times in different time scales of 3 kaBP, 1 kaBP and 0.5 kaBP since the past glacier age of Quaternary period, and it is consecutive and authentic for the material medium and time joint. These studies definitely reflected that the sea level of Thailand Gulf area is in tendency of continually dropping in recent years. They also provided important and new information for the global change analysis.  相似文献   

The climatological distribution of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) over China and its vicinity during summer is statistically analyzed, based on the 10-year (1996-2006, 2004 excluded) June-August infrared TBB (Temperature of black body) dataset. Comparing the results obtained in this paper with the distribution of thunderstorms from surface meteorological stations over China and the distribution of lightning from low-orbit satellites over China and its vicinity in the previous studies, we find that the statistic characteristics of TBB less than -52℃ can better represent the spatiotemporal distribution of MCSs over China and its vicinity during summer. The spreading pattern of the MCSs over this region shows three transmeridional bands of active MCSs, with obvious fluctuation of active MCSs in the band near 30^oN. It can be explained by the atmospheric circulation that the three bands of active MCSs are associated with each other by the summer monsoon over East Asia. We focus on the diurnal variations of MCSs over different underlying surfaces, and the result shows that there are two types of MCSs over China and its vicinity during summer. One type of MCSs has only one active period all day long (single-peak MCSs), and the other has multiple active periods (multi-peak MCSs). Single-peak MCSs occur more often over plateaus or mountains, and multi-peak MCSs are more common over plains or basins. Depending on lifetimes and active periods, single-peak MCSs can be classified as Tibetan Plateau MCSs, general mountain MCSs, Ryukyu MCSs, and so on. The diurnal variation of multi-peak MCSs is very similar to that of MCCs (mesoscale convective complexes), and it reveals that multi-peak MCSs has longer life cycle and larger horizontal scale, becomes weaker after sunset, and develops again after midnight. Tibetan Plateau MCSs and general mountain MCSs both usually develop in the afternoon, but Tibetan Plateau MCSs have longer life cycle and more active MαCSs. Ryukyu MCSs generally develop after  相似文献   

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