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软件系统开发完成后,验证其是否完成了软件设计说明书的所有功能并且与设计算法一致,是软件测试的一项重要工作.通过人工遍历分析源代码来完成实现与设计的一致性验证是复杂费力的,并且需要测试人员具备丰富的编程经验和较强的算法分析能力.论文提出了一种基于函数调用路径的软件实现自动验证方法.从设计文档和源代码两个方面出发,分别分析其函数调用关系,提取函数调用路径,生成功能簇模型.其中文档方面通过人工理解设计文档,确定函数调用关系,然后自动生成标准功能簇模型;源代码方面通过静态分析,自动获取函数调用关系,提取功能点特征,利用这些特征提取功能点的具体实现算法,自动生成软件的实际功能簇模型.对比两个功能簇模型,验证软件实现与设计的一致性.实验结果表明:算法能够准确获得软件系统的功能结构及实现算法特征,对软件实现与设计的一致性做出有效判定,为软件实现与设计的一致性自动化测试提出一种新的思路.  相似文献   

复杂生产过程中产品质量与工艺参数间存在复杂的非线性关系,为提高产品质量预测准确性,本文提出了一种基于模型融合的复杂生产过程产品质量预测方法.首先,分别对复杂生产过程建立基于改进随机森林算法的整体预测模型与分段预测模型,其中,针对整体预测模型特征选择问题,提出了一种相关性分析与去冗余处理相结合的特征选择方法,针对分阶段预测模型存在误差累积问题,提出了一种误差修正机制.其次,利用Stacking集成学习算法实现整体预测模型与分阶段预测模型的融合,综合利用二者的预测优势得到对产品质量的最终预测结果.最后,以烟丝生产过程烘丝机入口烟丝含水率的预测为例,通过对比传统单模型的预测方法,验证了本文所提基于模型融合预测方法的准确性.  相似文献   

本文建立了一种面向高超声速飞行器的集成通用气动预测系统.通过引入CAD/CG建模技术实现了复杂飞行器3D几何模型的快速准确建模,并可以利用网络上的共享模型资源直接计算.引入FEM技术和自由网格生成算法,实现了复杂飞行器模型的快速网格生成.设计并开发了通用面元几何分析程序,建立了外法线快速矫正方法.基于面元气动分析理论开发了面元气动分析求解器,实现了面元气动计算和整机气动参数整合,能计算飞行器的气动力、力矩和气动导数.通过软件集成调用技术,将几何建模、面元划分、面元分析、面元气动计算以及后处理集成在统一的软件系统中,实现了高超声速飞行器气动参数的全自动计算与分析.HTV-2和航天飞机的仿真计算结果表明了该系统的有效性.  相似文献   

针对包含非正交安装陀螺的捷联惯导平台轻量化自主对准问题,建立了非正交陀螺组误差模型,提出一套基于最小二乘法的标定算法和地面试验验证方法,在计算能力受限的情况下完成了高精度在轨标定.地面数学仿真和试验验证结果表明,该方法与扩展卡尔曼滤波法精度相当,计算量却大幅减小.在此基础上,通过对标定算法进行逻辑设计,实现了在轨多组陀螺同步容错和标定.该方法已成功应用于探月工程三期月地高速再入返回飞行器的实际飞行,实现了2套惯性导航平台的高精度初始姿态同步对准.  相似文献   

为处理存在定量与定性不确定性信息的非线性复杂系统故障预报问题,建立了基于证据推理(evidential reasoning,ER)的故障预报模型,提出了ER预测模型的参数优化方法.该模型利用ER算法可以处理精确数据、不完整数据、模糊数据的能力,及其非线性融合的特性,对模型的输入信号,通过信息变换技术转化到信度结构框架下,应用解析ER算法对输入信息融合,根据输出数据的类型,构造相应的预测输出,给出了故障识别方法.针对ER预测模型参数难以精确的主观确定的困难,建立了非线性优化模型,对模型参数进行优化学习,获取最优模型参数.通过实验对ER预测模型的性能进行了分析,结果表明,建立的预测模型和参数优化模型可以有效的处理故障预报问题.  相似文献   

通过建立单个截齿及齿座的定位模型,应用PROE的二次开发工具包Pro/TOOLKIT、VC++和数据库技术,开发出掘进机截割头截齿及齿座的虚拟装配程序。该程序只需输入所有截齿定位模型的参数数据,即可得到整个截割头截齿与齿座的装配体。由此装配体能确定各个齿座的安装平面。进而得到满足设计要求的截割头头体,实现整个截割头的虚拟装配。为质量高、性能好的掘进机截割头的研发提供了一种高效、快捷的途径。  相似文献   

传统CAD建模技术因其自身的局限性,极大地限制了增材制造产品的设计空间.为了最大限度地发挥增材制造的技术优势,需要在产品设计阶段通过综合产品形状、大小、层次结构以及物质组成实现产品性能的最优化及制造成本的节约化.本文根据增材制造的4种特性,从复杂形状建模、复杂材料建模、复杂层次建模以及面向制造的建模等4个方面论述了国内外对于面向增材制造的正向产品建模技术的研究概况.在此基础上,本文对该领域的发展趋势进行了探讨,认为综合一体化建模与轻量化建模将成为未来发展方向.  相似文献   

针对曲线、曲面等复杂限定条件无法直接作为限定Delaunay三角化算法的输入问题,给出了一种新的复杂限定Delaunay三角化算法,提出新的判断复杂限定条件在Delaunay三角化中存在性的方法.针对小角度输入限定条件下算法的收敛性问题,提出了采用设置带权点的方法来保证算法的收敛.通过实例计算表明,该算法能够以统一的方式处理线性和非线性限定条件,并且无须维护限定面片上的三角网格,算法的适用性与可靠性得到提高.  相似文献   

光度立体视觉作为一种精细三维测量技术广泛应用于三维重构、缺陷检测、生物医疗等领域,但传统反射模型对材质真实物理特性的反映能力有限,对于如光亮金属等具有非线性光反射特性的非朗伯表面适应性不佳,极大地限制了该技术的进一步应用.本文提出了一种基于深度学习多尺度卷积架构的光度立体视觉算法,实现了对非透明材质表面在任意光照条件下的高精度法向量恢复.算法在深度网络中设计了多尺度卷积结构,小尺寸卷积核强化了模型在光度物理原理上的表达,使得模型在细节预测上具备优势,大尺寸卷积核鼓励深度网络利用邻域特征,提升模型克服阴影和区分多种材质的能力.为进一步处理任意光照条件的问题,算法设计了对入射光照向量空间的多分辨三维极坐标划分方法,在整合输入图像信息的同时,充分发挥了多尺度卷积的效能.实验结果表明,多尺度卷积深度学习架构有效集成了光度原理和深度学习二者的优势,在保留精细三维形貌恢复能力的同时,极大提高了针对非朗伯表面的适应性,为光度技术的广泛应用提供了有力的技术支持.  相似文献   

蔡懿慈  周强  洪先龙  石蕊  王旸 《中国科学(E辑)》2007,37(12):1607-1619
随着集成电路设计和制造进入超深亚微米(VDSM)阶段,特征尺寸已经接近甚至小于光刻工艺中所使用的光波波长,因此光刻过程中,由于光的衍射和干涉现象,实际硅片上得到的光刻图形与掩膜版图形之间存在一定的变形和偏差,光刻中的这种误差直接影响电路性能和生产成品率.为尽量消除这种误差,一种有效的方法是光学邻近效应矫正(OPC)方法.目前由于OPC矫正处理时间过长,产生的文件大小呈指数级增长,使掩膜版的制造成本成倍地增加.文中首先针对OPC矫正技术进行了深入研究,提出了具有图形分类预处理功能的自适应OPC矫正技术,将芯片图形按其对性能的影响分为关键图形与一般图形,对两类图形采用不同的容差,提高了OPC处理效率.其次,提出并实现了图形分段分类的基于模型的OPC矫正算法,在保证矫正精度的同时提高了矫正的效率.提出了具有通用性、简洁性和全面性的OPC矫正规则,在此基础上实现了规则库的自动建立和规则库的查找与应用,实现了效率高、扩展性强的基于规则的掩膜版矫正算法.算法对规则数据进行有效地描述、存储和处理,提高了光刻矫正技术实际应用效率.第三,设计实现了高效、高精度的光学邻近效应矫正系统MR-OPC,系统综合应用了基于规则的OPC矫正技术和基于模型的OPC矫正技术,很好地解决了矫正精度和矫正效率之间的矛盾,取得了最佳的矫正优化结果.  相似文献   

The design of good notation is a cause that was dear to Charles Babbage’s heart throughout his career. He was convinced of the “immense power of signs” (1864, 364), both to rigorously express complex ideas and to facilitate the discovery of new ones. As a young man, he promoted the Leibnizian notation for the calculus in England, and later he developed a Mechanical Notation for designing his computational engines. In addition, he reflected on the principles that underlie the design of good mathematical notations. In this paper, we discuss these reflections, which can be found somewhat scattered in Babbage’s writings, for the first time in a systematic way. Babbage’s desiderata for mathematical notations are presented as ten guidelines pertinent to notational design and its application to both individual symbols and complex expressions. To illustrate the applicability of these guidelines in non-mathematical domains, some aspects of his Mechanical Notation are also discussed.  相似文献   

超声针灸作为一门新兴的针灸手段,其关键之处则在于声换能器的能量输出能否分布在一个较均匀的范围内,以实现对穴位的有效刺击。为了使得超声换能器的能量输出能够达到超声针灸所需要的能量输出模式,本研究通过分环组合的方法,分别对超声换能器的各个组成单元施加不同的聚焦半径和面积,并利用计算机仿真了多种不同的组合模式,最终使得超声换能器的焦域较长并且能量分布均匀。这种分环组合的方法能够对超声换能器的能量输出实现较有效的调控,通过分环的方法所设计的超声换能器能够很好的满足超声针灸的需要。  相似文献   

Klauck E  Typas A  Hengge R 《Science progress》2007,90(PT 2-3):103-127
The sigmaS (RpoS) subunit of RNA polymerase in Escherichia coli is a key master regulator which allows this bacterial model organism and important pathogen to adapt to and survive environmentally rough times. While hardly present in rapidly growing cells, sigmaS strongly accumulates in response to many different stress conditions, partly replaces the vegetative sigma subunit in RNA polymerase and thereby reprograms this enzyme to transcribe sigmaS-dependent genes (up to 10% of the E. coli genes). In this review, we summarize the extremely complex regulation of sigmaS itself and multiple signal input at the level of this master regulator, we describe the way in which sigmaS specifically recognizes "stress" promoters despite their similarity to vegetative promoters, and, while being far from comprehensive, we give a short overview of the far-reaching physiological impact of sigmaS. With sigmaS being a central and multiple signal integrator and master regulator of hundreds of genes organized in regulatory cascades and sub-networks or regulatory modules, this system also represents a key model system for analyzing complex cellular information processing and a starting point for understanding the complete regulatory network of an entire cell.  相似文献   

The cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

This article discusses methods of inductive inferences that are methods of visualizations designed in such a way that the “eye” can be employed as a reliable tool for judgment. The term “eye” is used as a stand-in for visual cognition and perceptual processing. In this paper “meaningfulness” has a particular meaning, namely accuracy, which is closeness to truth. Accuracy consists of precision and unbiasedness. Precision is dealt with by statistical methods, but for unbiasedness one needs expert judgment. The common view at the beginning of the twentieth century was to make the most efficient use of this kind of judgment by representing the data in shapes and forms in such a way that the “eye” can function as a reliable judge to reduce bias. The need for judgment of the “eye” is even more necessary when the background conditions of the observations are heterogeneous. Statistical procedures require a certain minimal level of homogeneity, but the “eye” does not. The “eye” is an adequate tool for assessing topological similarities when, due to heterogeneity of the data, metric assessment is not possible. In fact, graphical assessments precedes measurement, or to put it more forcefully, the graphic method is a necessary prerequisite for measurement.  相似文献   

Cannabinoids represent one of the most widely used hallucinogenic drugs and induce profound alterations in sensory perception and emotional processing. Similarly, the dopamine (DA) neurotransmitter system is critical for the central processing of emotion and motivation. Functional disturbances in either of these neurotransmitter systems are well-established correlates of the psychopathological symptoms and behavioral manifestations observed in addiction and schizophrenia. Increasing evidence from the anatomical, pharmacological and behavioral neuroscience fields points to complex functional interactions between these receptor systems at the anatomical, pharmacological and neural systems levels. An important question relates to whether these systems act in an orchestrated manner to produce the emotional processing and sensory perception deficits underlying addiction and schizophrenia. This review describes evidence for functional neural interactions between cannabinoid and DA receptor systems and how disturbances in this neural circuitry may underlie the aberrant emotional learning and processing observed in disorders such as addiction and schizophrenia. Received 20 January 2006; received after revision 14 March 2006; accepted 29 March 2006  相似文献   

本文下位机用FPGA芯片代替目前四轮定位仪中普遍采用单片机来采集和处理数据,并用红外线完成与上位机的通信.FPGA模块采用Verilog语言进行设计,在Quartus Ⅱ中进行FPGA模块软件设计和系统仿真.本论文所涉及的方面包括FPGA设计流程、EDA工具、设计语言、硬件算法以及红外通讯.  相似文献   

What’s new in the renin-angiotensin system?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a zinc- and chloride-dependent metallopeptidase that plays a vital role in the metabolism of biologically active peptides. Until recently, much of the inhibitor design and mechanism of action of this ubiquitous enzyme was based on the structures of carboxypeptidase A and thermolysin. When compared to the recently solved structures of the testis isoform of ACE (tACE) and its Drosophila homologue (AnCE), carboxypeptidase A showed little structural homology outside of the active site, while thermolysin revealed significant but less marked overall similarity. The ellipsoid-shaped structure of tACE, which has a preponderance of -helices, is characterised by a core channel that has a constriction approximately 10 Å from its opening where the zinc-binding active site is located. Comparison of the native protein with the inhibitor-bound form (lisinopril-tACE) does not reveal any striking differences in the conformation of the inhibitor binding site, disfavouring an open and closed configuration. However, the inhibitor complex does provide insights into the network of hydrogen-bonding and ionic interactions in the active site as well as the mechanism of ACE substrate hydrolysis. The three-dimensional structure of ACE now paves the way for the rational design of a new generation of domain-selective ACE inhibitors.  相似文献   

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