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Summary Phosphoroguanidates, a class of compounds which includes the enzymatically-active phosphagens, exhibit exceptionalin vitro stability. This lack of reactivity implies anin vivo mode of activation, as yet undiscerned. A variety of metal ions catalyse the cleavage of the phosphorus-nitrogen bond with consequent phosphoryl-group transfer, but the enhancement of rate seems insufficient to account for the known activities of phosphoro-creatine and phosphoro-arginine. It is suggested that yet another mode of activation, chemical or biochemical, awaits discovery.  相似文献   

Summary Although bacterial polysaccharides are broken down in the serum of various animals, polysaccharides in the plasma of the same animal are largely stable. The importance of this finding is discussed with respect to the biological behaviour of polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Summary The stability orders for severalcis/trans epimeric hydrindanones and 8-methyl-hydrindanones are shown in a qualitative manner. Starting with the geometry of cyclopentane and cyclohexane changes of Bayer and Pitzer strain existing in the two isomeric bicyclo (4:3:0) nonane systems are discussed. The influences of an angular methyl group (estimated by the simple empirical method evaluated byTurner) and of two new conformational effects (alkyl ketone effects) induced by replacing a methylene group by a carbonyl group are taken into account.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a series of constant temperatures on some annual plant species was studied in otherwise constant conditions. There are big differences in the behaviour of the species. But also within a species the properties studied can have different optimal temperatures. These differences are especially characteristic in some cases for the properties of fertility and of the vegetative growth. One species, for instance, can under certain conditions be very high and can even have numerous big flowers, but the plants can be simultaneously entirely sterile.  相似文献   

Summary Based on polarographic viz. spectrophotometric determinations of the stabilities of several Cu++- and Co+++ hydroxyquinolin complexes it has been shown that a correlation exists between the quotient of complex-stabilitiesK Co +++ /K Cu ++ and antitubercular activity (cf. table and graph). This supports the hypothesis that the 8-hydroxyquinolin derivatives and analogues act by competitive antagonism; the Cu++-hydroxy-quinolates are able to replace Co in a prosthetic group of Mycobacterium-enzyme with Cu.

Vorgetragen an der Organisch-Chemischen Konferenz des Vereines ungarischer Chemiker, 27. September 1953.

III. Mitteilung: Acta chim. Hungarica (im Druck).  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical investigations on enzyme activities in the transitional epithelium showed positive reactions with succinic dehydrogenase, esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and amylophosphorylase (incl. branching factor). Negative results were drawn from cholinesterase, 5-nucleotidase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and carbonic anhydrase.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Bacterial polysaccharides, which exhibit an intense specific stimulating effect on the migration of leucocytes, provoke no trypan blue reaction on the intracutaneous vesicle. Certain mucoproteins show both effects, others only provoke the formation of vesicles. Both reactions are thus separable components of the phenomenon of inflammation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of freezing on the peptidase activities of some bacteria and their cell-free enzyme preparations has been studied. Significant differences were found in the activity of peptidase and in their temperature coefficient.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of cells to dissolved molecules is given by the permeation constant ofCollander (cm·h–1), whilst the permeability to water is measured by a filter constant (cm·Atm.–1·h–1). Therefore these constants are not comparable, and it is impossible to calculate quantitative data on the semipermeability of a cell.In this paper the permeation process is considered as a counterdiffusion of dissolved molecules into the cell and water out of the cell. From the two resulting diffusion equations formulae and a graphic method are derived, which permit to calculate the permeation constant of water, when the permeation constant of a given substance entering the cell is known. These constants are comparable and their ratio is a conclusive measure of the semipermeability.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of hexokinase has been determined in the presence of different metal ions. Besides Mg2+, the ions Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ show remarkable activation. The differences are explained by superposition of an activating and an inhibiting function. The specifity problem is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Pied flycatchers (Ficedula h. hypoleuca) possess at least two releasing mechanisms for triggering the mobbing response to predators near the nest, namely for shrikes and for owls. This is demonstrated by the fact that body size, which was varied in dummy experiments, enters into these mechanisms differentially.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary (-)-Emetine, as prepared by total synthesis, has the same antiamebic activity and toxicity as the natural alkaloid. On the contrary its antipode and rac. isoemetine are not active and practically non-toxic. A relationship between configuration and antiamebic activity has thus been demonstrated for various representatives of the emetine series.  相似文献   

Summary Using the phenol method described byGierer andSchramm, preparations of infective ribonucleic acid were prepared from tongue tissues of cattle infected with the virus of foot-and-mouth disease.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on kidney homogenates from rat and pig showed that 50% of the renin-activity was localized in the mitochondrial fraction. The mitochondria and microsomes together contained 10 times as much hypertensinase-activity as the supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

Summary Two possible objections against the diffusion theory of water permeability in protoplasm1 are discussed. One is refuted, while the other is valid. But it causes no change of the formula which has been derived for the calculation of water permeation constants strictly comparable to the constants of permeating osmotica.  相似文献   

Summary There is described an apparatus to produce optically a set of error curves of variable height and breadth. Electrophoresis-diagrams obtained with the arrangements ofLongsworth andPhilpot-Svensson may be evaluated by comparison of the measured curve with the corresponding curve of the set.  相似文献   

Summary Newborn lizard (Anolis lineatopus) individuals differ clearly by their acceptance of 5 different prey items; there are 7 etho-types of differential acceptance which after 5 weeks of feeding have become reduced to only 3.  相似文献   

Summary The inorganic salts of bone tissue are, owing mainly to their contents of tertiary phosphate, strongly basic. A quantitative evaluation of these base equivalents can be performed through simple titration with acid after solution of the bone salts in a chelating agent (e.g. citrate). Referring to an endpoint of pH 7.40, one finds that per mMol Calcium 0.82 mEq base is set free. With regard to acid-base metabolism, the results indicate that bone phosphate, whichin vivo can be mobilised through osteoclastic resorption, forms a remarkably big base reserve in the animal organism.

Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mit der Unterstützung des Schweiz. Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung durchgeführt.  相似文献   

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