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LIXiang-mei LIUHua PENGChuan-zhong ZHONGXiang-hao 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(4):745-750
Based on the Tibet Autonomous Region‘s statistic yearbooks and the data from the two household surveys in 2002 and 2004, this paper has comprehensively analyzed the pattern of changes on the farmers and herdsmen‘s income sources in the Tibet Autonomous Region since 1990 with the main findings as follows: ① The change of income from the labor payment is the fastest;② There is no regular pattern of income variation for the household economic activities, the farmers and herdsmen‘s household income generation projects are impacted by the elements like prices and returns, and there is a lack of appro-priate direction; ③ The income structure of labor payment shows that the income from the farmers and herdsmen working outside grows fastest; ④ The income from the farmers and herdsmen‘s labor payment correlate positively to their net income per capita; ⑤ From the perspective of the variation by region, labor payment income has changed fastest in the counties of Rutok, Nyerong and Khangmar compared the data from the household survey in 2002 with that of 2004. 相似文献
LiXiang-mei LiuJian ZhongXiang-hao 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2003,8(3B):926-934
Based on the sampling data this paper analyzes income structure of farmer (herdsman) of the Tibet Autonomous Region, including source, characteristics and cash. Situation of income structures and income sources of the farmers in different areas (agricultural, animal husbandry areas and half agricultural and half animal husbandry areas etc. )was approached. The following features were found through an analysis of surveyed data; ① In Tibetan peasant household goods and products instead of money, disposable income and cash are very little. ② The variety index of income is higher in the outskirt than it in rural, the index has a direct bearing on net income. ③ The income ways are simplistic and outdate in the poor households, they have no ability to resist and guard against any risk, it is very difficult to increase their receipts. ④ The living standard in agricultural areas is better than in pastoral areas, it is the worst in half agriculture and half animal husbandry areas. 相似文献
GU Shixian XU Xia LIU Shuzhen 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2006,11(4):937-944
By constructing evaluation indicator system of sustainable land use of Tibet from three aspects of ecological environment, economic development, resources and social advancement, this article studies the following contents respectively in two dimensions of time and space: the changes of sustainable land use of Tibet in recent 20 years and spatial characteristics of sustainable land use of Tibet in 2002. The following conclusions can be drawn from evaluation results .① With regard to com- prehensive evaluation value of sustainable land use, the trend of Tibet sustainable land use evaluation values from 1983 to 2002 are very close to the comprehensive evaluation values of ecological environment, which is up trend; ② sustainable utilization degree of land use in eastern region of Tibet is much higher than that of western region. ③ the sustainable land use evaluation value of Nyingtri County is the highest, and the counties with relatively higher land sustainable use values include Lhasa, Lhoka, Chamdo. While Nakchu, Ngari, Shigatse counties have the relatively lower evaluation values; ④ By analyzing each evaluation indicator's weight on sustainable land use, it can be concluded that the key limiting factors of sustainable Tibet land resource utilization are land desertification, grassland degradation and low economic level. 相似文献
WANG Xiao-dan LIU Shu-zhen LIU Gang-cai Institute of Mountain Hazards Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Sichuan China 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(4):785-790
0Introduction Changesinsoilstructureoftenaccompanychangesinmanagementpracticesandmayaffecttheeffectivenessofthesepractices.Parametersareneededto quantifythesechanges.Sizedistributionsofsoilparticleandmicroaggregatehavebeenfoundtobeagood indicatorofchanges… 相似文献
XU Zhi-min 《杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版)》2012,34(1)
马克思主义在西藏的传播历程,主要经历了以下四个阶段:西藏和平解放前马克思主义与西藏各族人民的有限接触,和平解放至1959年西藏叛乱时马克思主义在西藏的间接传播,平叛改革至文革前夕马克思主义在西藏的积极传播,以及文革时期马克思主义在西藏的传播高潮.马克思主义在西藏各族人民心中的生根发芽,为改革开放后西藏的各项社会主义建设事业奠定了坚实的思想、组织和社会基础. 相似文献
This text uses the regional geological investigation data and the remote sensing image data of earthsatellite remote sensing to synthetically analyze the structural system of Taiwan region of China. Authors detection-marked and assurance-marked and divided 5 kinds of structural system of the Taiwan region: ( 1 ) the wreath-shaped structural system, (2) the N-N-E oriented structural system, (3) the S-N oriented structural system, (4) the N-E oriented structural system, (5) the are-shaped structural system. Combination of the texture faces and associated method were adopted to recover and reconstruct the structural evolution sequences and the formation periods. In this paper, problems such as the development process in geology etc. are also discussed, contributing new information to research the structural field of the East Asia and its tectonic plate movements and structural actions inside the land plate . 相似文献
ZHUWan-ze LIMai-he ZHANGJun-yan FANJi-hui FANJian-rong 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(4):674-681
The floristic elements and the geographical distribution are analyzed in this paper based on statistics of elements of rare and endangered plants in Tibet. The results have been gained as following:① According to ““““the National Important Wild Conservative Plants List (List 1)““““ and ““““the National Important Wild Conservative Plants List (List 1)““““, there are a total of 54 plant species (48 genera and 33 families); ② The geographical elements are very complicated in Tibet with 12 of 15 distribution patterns of genera classified byacademician Wu; ③ There are obvious temperate genera with 28 genera accounting for 60.40% of the total genera; ④ There are abundant endemic speciesaccounting for 18.52% of total species but poor endemic genera; ⑤ The geographical distribution is uneven and a great of species distribute in the areas be-tween 1 000 m and 3 500 m above sea level; ⑥ To protect the rare and endangered plants efficiently, six conservation measures are proposed, and 35 species are suggested for the conservative plants of the autonomous conservation level. 相似文献
PENGChuan-zhong LIXiang-mei LIUJian ZHONGXiang-hao 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(4):751-758
Focusing on the region of Yarlung Zangbo River and the middle reaches of its two tributaries of Nianchu River and Lhasa River in Tibet (Hereafter referred to as the ““““One River and Two Tributaries““““ region), and based on the data from China 3rd, 4th and 5th population censuses, the article has analyzed change patterns of this region‘s labor force. Major findings from the study are summarized as follows:① Compared with the data from the 3rd census, labor force population in 2000 has increased significantly. ② Children dependency coefficient has dropped, while old people dependency coefficient has changed very slight-ly with an increase of 0. 047% only. ③ Compared 2000 with 1982, illit eracy and semiilliteracy rate of the population above 15 years old have decreased significantly by 30.69 percentage points, but still higher than thena tional average. ④ Women‘s illiteracy rate has dropped faster than men‘s, but up to 2000 it was generally quite high. The upgrading of the entire population‘s overall quality has a long way to go. 相似文献
ZHOU Wei YAN Yan ZENG Yun-ying ZHONG Xiang-hao . Institute of Mountain Hazards Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences Ministry of Water Conservancy Chengdu Sichuan China . Department of Civil Engineering Jiujiang College Jiujiang Jiangxi China . Graduated School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,(4)
0Introduction Thereisaconflictrootedinfarmers’behaviorsintheprocessoflandusepracticesandtheconstitutionofmany sustainablelandusepolicieswhiletheproblemsoflanddegeneration,soilpollution,etc.are moreandmoreseverely.Itisgenerallybelievedthatoriginoftheconfl… 相似文献
Lai Wenhong 《中国工程科学》2006,4(2):56-62
This article briefly makes account of the characters of the tourist resources along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. According to the diversity and distinctiveness of the natural landscape along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, its scientific studying values, aesthetic values and cultural values are summaized in this text. The article analysed the main types of construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway which would cause impacts to the landscapes along the line: roadbed construction, grounds of fetching and abandoning soil, sand and gravel material field, pavement for constructon, construction camp, etc. The impacts caused by construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to the tourist scenery in Tibet are raised and the preventive and restorative measures needed to be taken to reduce and ease up the impacts of the railway project to the landscapes long the line are offered. The various measures raised above are in line with the characters of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and are operational. 相似文献
Lai Wenhong 《中国工程科学》2006,4(2):56-62
Theqinghai TibetPlateauisendowedwithnaturalandgeographicconditions.These conditionsshapeupmanyuniquetouristresources,suchascolorfulgeomorphology,plentifulanduniquewildanimalsandplantsand pureandsimplefolkcustomwithancientculture,etc.Butasthetrafficisnotconvenientandthe trafficcostisveryhigh,toalargeextentthislimitsthedevelomentofthelocaltourism.Thelinesuccessivelypassesthroughtheplacesof culturalinterest,likenaturallyecologicallandscapesandagriculturalareas,semi agriculturalandmemi pastoralar… 相似文献
The age of the plant fossil assemblage in the Liuqu Conglomerate of southern Tibet and its tectonic significance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
FANG Aimin YAN Zhen LIU Xiaohan PAN Yusheng LI Jiliang YU Liangjun HUANG Feixing TAO Junrong 《自然科学进展(英文版)》2006,16(1):55-64
The Liuqu Conglomerate, situated to the south of Yarlung Tsangbo Suture Zone (YTSZ), is a suit of molasse formed in a foreland basin of the Himalayan orogenic belt after the collision between the two plates of the Indian and Eurasion. It is of great significance in constraining the younger limit time of the collision of the two plates and providing stratigraphic evidence to reveal the post?collisional tectonic evolution and uplifting history of the Tibet plateau. However, the age of this molasse suit and its correlation to other synchronous strata distributed in southern Tibet have been in great disputes for a long time. Especially in recent years, argues on its ages are growing violently with the recognition of the great sedimentary tectonic significances of this molasse. During the field work carried out recently on this molasse suit, a lot of plant fossils were found preserved in fairly good conditions in the upper part of this strata, which is of great help in determining its age. By identification, the assemblage of the plant fossils belongs to a tropic to subtropic flora developed in the southern margin of the Northern Hemisphere supercontinent during the Middle to Later Eocene, which can provide good constraint on its formation age. This paper is to give a brief introduction of the plant assemblage and its age, and to discuss their tectonic significances. 相似文献
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a kind of central nervous system disease. The cause of AD is unclear. It is found that the remarkable histopathological characters of AD are senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. β-amyloid plays an important role in the formation of senile plaques and the abnormal phosphorylation of Tau protein is the main reason of neurofibrillary tangles. Apolipoprotein E is correlated to AD' s access, and the third pathological character-AMY plaque perhaps represents a new cause of AD. Presenlin and proteinaceous infectious particles are also related with AD. A summary of molecular mechanism for AD and the development of research is presented. 相似文献
ZHANGJian-guo YANGYong-hong LIUShu-zhen 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(4):635-640
Based on the analysis of existing relevant research result, a theoretical basis for the defining freeze-thawerosion zones of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was been put forward, and a equation for calculating the altitude of the lower bound of the freeze-thaw erosion zones of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was been established in this paper. Moreover, the freeze-thaw erosion zones in Tibet was been identified by using Geographical Information System (GIS) software. Next, based on thecomprehensive analysis of impact factors of freeze-thaw erosion, this paper chooses annul temperature range, slop and vegetation as three indexes, works out the criteria for relative classification of freeze-thaw erosion, and realizes the relative classification of the freeze-thaw erosion in Tibet under the support of GIS software. Then, a synthetic assessment of freeze-thaw erosion in Tibet was been done according to the relative classification result. 相似文献
FAN Jihui WU Caiyan Cheng Genwei 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2006,11(4):806-812
0IntroductionTibet is located at26°50′-36°33′Nand78°25′-99°06′Ein the southwest of China,which isbounded by Sichuan,Yunnan,Qinghai Provincesand Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and coun-tries suchas Nepal,India,Bhutan,Sikki mand My-anmar[1].As main part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Tibet has a special and complex geological condi-tion.Accordingtothe geotectonics,Tibet lies with-in the east of the huge Alps-Hi malayas mountainsystem.Because the Indian Plate continues divinginto no… 相似文献
WANG LiQuan ZHU DiCheng GENG QuanRu LIAO ZhongLi PAN GuiTang 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(12):1669-1679
The Paleocene collision-related granite porphyries are identified for the first time along the western margin of the Lhunzhub Basin, Tibet. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon analysis indicates that the granite porphyries were emplaced at 58.7±1.1 Ma (MSWD = 0.79) during the Indo-Asian continental collision. The granite porphyries are peraluminous and high in K, belonging to the calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline series. They are relatively enriched in LILE, Th and LREE and depletion in Ba, Nb, P and Ti, characterized by LREE-enriched patterns with slightly to moderately negative Eu anomalies. These Paleocene granite porphyries are interpreted as the products generated by partial melting of the pre-existing arc crustal rocks caused by the increase of pressures and temperatures during the crustal shortening at the early stages of the Indo-Asian continental collision since 65 Ma. Despite inherited geochemical features and tectonic settings of the arc protoliths, they are significantly different from the volcanic rocks of the Dianzhong Formation within the Linzizong Group and the Miocene granite por- phyries in the Gangdise belt. 相似文献
In order to find the electroencephalogram (EEG) characteristic parameters typical of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and explore an effective diagnostic method, a new mobile current multipole model was proposed to simulate the AD patient’s cortical dipole source activities. The indicators of goodness of fit (GOF) and DtononD (DD) were calculated from EEG samples to evaluate the performance of this model. Relevant results showed that this multipole model with higher GOF values and larger DD change well fitted the pathological electrical activities of cortical neurons aroused by AD’s extended sulcus and gyrus in the cerebral cortex. Meanwhile, the products of DD mean & standard variance were found in a clear linear correlation with the diagnostic data of mini-mental state examination (MMSE) used in AD clinics. Furthermore, by tracing this multipole model’s indicators in typical patients and contrasting with the functional magnetic resonance image (fMRI) as AD progressed, we suggested that the DD index may be suitable for monitoring the AD developments as a new diagnostic parameter. 相似文献
In order to find the electroencephalogram (EEG) characteristic parameters typical of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and explore an effective diagnostic method, a new mobile current multipole model was proposed to simulate the AD patient’s cortical dipole source activities. The indicators of goodness of fit (GOF) and DtononD (DD) were calculated from EEG samples to evaluate the performance of this model. Relevant results showed that this multipole model with higher GOF values and larger DD change well fitted the pathological electrical activities of cortical neurons aroused by AD’s extended sulcus and gyrus in the cerebral cortex. Meanwhile, the products of DD mean & standard variance were found in a clear linear correlation with the diagnostic data of mini-mental state examination (MMSE) used in AD clinics. Furthermore, by tracing this multipole model’s indicators in typical patients and contrasting with the functional magnetic resonance image (fMRI) as AD progressed, we suggested that the DD index may be suitable for monitoring the AD developments as a new diagnostic parameter. 相似文献
Sedimentary environment of the Dajin conglomerate in Tibet, age of foraminiferan assemblages and their tectonic significance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
YAN Zhen FANG Aimin PAN Yusheng LI Jiliang LIU Xiaohan YU Liangjun ZHANG Binggao 《自然科学进展(英文版)》2005,15(11):1014-1020
The Dajin conglomerate, which is one of the most important sedimentary successions of the Xigaze forearc basin in Tibet, China, consists of deep-shallow marine tuffaceous turbidites and clastic rocks bearing Nummulites, Assilina, Alveolina and Lockhartia. These fossils are very similar to the foraminiferan in the Jialazi and Maila conglomerates, and those in Gangba and Dingri areas. They developed in the Eocene. By analyzing the spatial variation of Eocene sedimentary environments of Tibet Plateau and the foraminiferan in the Dajin conglomerate, we found that Eocene sedimentation should take place on both sides of the Yarlung Tsangpo suture, and the late Eocene tectonic uplifting should make the forearc basin expose out of the sea level and begin to receive nonmarine deposits. 相似文献